Monthly Archives: January 2011

1st  The Saturday debate: Should we have more directly-elected Mayors? (14) by Mark Pack
  Our starters for 2010 – how did we do? (Part II) (4) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: Coalition must resist the easy option of raising interest rates (22) by David Thorpe
  The Independent View: Child detention – mind the gap between rhetoric and reality (18) by Clare Sambrook
  The 12 Op-Eds of Xmas (Day 8) (0) by The Voice
  Lib Dem Voice: 2010 in stats (0) by Helen Duffett
  NEW POLL: Who is your Liberal Voice of the Year? (34) by Stephen Tall
  New Year messages from Welsh and Scottish Lib Dem leaders (12) by Helen Duffett
2nd  Is 100,000 a big number? (15) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: Brown was deceived by his “friends” – let’s hope the Coalition is more careful! (14) by Nick Hollinghurst
  How you can help Liberal Democrat Voice (0) by The Voice
  10 key Lib Dem questions for 2011 (14) by Stephen Tall
  LDV Sunday caption competition: “At last, it’s the the Nick & Tim show” edition (23) by Stephen Tall
  LDV doesn’t do statporn, but if we did (December ’10) (6) by Stephen Tall
  Top of the Blogs: The Lib Dem Golden Dozen #202 (0) by The Voice
  The 12 Op-Eds of Xmas (Day 9) (8) by The Voice
3rd  Inside the Danger Zones: Paul Moorcraft on thirty years of war reporting (1) by Mark Pack
  Rachel Smith RIP (10) by Sara Bedford
  “Who agrees with Nick?” – BBC Radio Sheffield’s Nick Clegg documentary (14) by Helen Duffett
  Stephen Lloyd MP writes… This government is working (32) by Stephen Lloyd
  Why Cameron’s a credible candidate for 2010’s Liberal Voice award (62) by Stephen Tall
  The 12 Op-Eds of Xmas (Day 10) (0) by The Voice
  New LDV members survey now live: your views on political reform, tuition fees, and the Coalition (6) by Stephen Tall
4th  What does the Zac Goldsmith case mean for election expense controls in future? (3) by Mark Pack
  Why I support the Coalition: in praise of compromise (58) by Iain Roberts
  Chris White writes: New Year challenges for localists (6) by Chris White
  The VAT rise: a refresher course for Labour (89) by Stephen Tall
  The Independent View: The UK voting system is broken (7) by Nick Pearce
  The 12 Op-Eds of Xmas (Day 11) (6) by The Voice
  More steps in the localism shuffle (11) by Mark Pack
5th  Bank levy introduced (9) by Mark Pack
  Getting ready for May: seven steps to building up your website traffic (1) by Mark Pack
  The Independent. It isn’t. (46) by Stephen Tall
  Welsh Lib Dem councillor defects to Labour (37) by The Voice
  For the Lib Dems, Paddy Power means something entirely different (16) by Stephen Tall
  The 12 Op-Eds of Xmas (Day 12) (0) by The Voice
  No2AV campaign left red-faced by list gaffes (31) by Stephen Tall
6th  The two electoral tests the Coalition should run (7) by Mark Pack
  LibLink: Simon Hughes – The hard reality of power (4) by NewsHound
  The Independent View: Rhetoric is not enough on tax dodging (29) by David Babbs
  Everything you ever wanted to know about the internal workings of the Liberal Democrats but were afraid to ask… (17) by Mark Valladares
  Opinion: time to close the book on Booktrust (24) by Stuart Bonar
  Opinion: Green Paper on Crime – “Breaking the Cycle” (6) by Dan Roper
  The Times’ advice to voters in Oldham: “They should vote Lib Dem.” (43) by Stephen Tall
  Lib Dems push forward on freedom of speech, freedom of information (4) by Mark Pack
7th  Labour members attack party’s “Daily Mail view of the world” (22) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: It ain’t what you do… (46) by James Lloyd
  Nick Clegg: “A liberal approach to freedom, a British approach to freedom” (33) by The Voice
  The Yes! to Fairer Votes campaign asks: Where does your MP stand on the Alternative Vote? (10) by Stephen Tall
  Former MP jailed for expenses fraud (29) by Sara Bedford
  The LDV Friday Five: 7 January 2011 (0) by The Voice
  Fact Check factchecks the Fact Check quoters (11) by Mark Pack
8th  The Saturday debate: Drugs (36) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: Control orders – not the only problem with restrictions on liberty (1) by John Howson
  The Independent View: How do you know what to say about Europe? (11) by Antonia Mochan
  Lord Oakeshott attacks bank bonus secrecy (9) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: Neal Lawson and the Good Society (5) by Paul Walter
  LibLink: Simon Hughes – ‘We’re not trying to escape’ (7) by NewsHound
  By-election polls: Labour 17% ahead – or 1% (72) by Mark Pack
9th  Simon Hughes writes… Why I’ve taken up a government post (16) by Simon Hughes MP
  The Independent calls for a ‘Yes’ vote in voting reform referendum (13) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: One good reason to vote Lib Dem (49) by Richard Clare
  Those Oldham East and Saddleworth polls: what do they mean? (94) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: Liberal Democrats in government are protecting free speech and other cherished civil liberties (12) by Prateek Buch
  Top of the Blogs: The Lib Dem Golden Dozen #203 (0) by The Voice
  Wigan Council falls for the snow myth (12) by Mark Pack
10th  What Lib Dem members think about an elected House of Lords and directly-elected mayors (11) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: The next big idea – humanity (12) by David Boyle
  LDV readers vote Aung San Suu Kyi your Liberal Voice of the Year (11) by Stephen Tall
  Control orders, tax exiles and extraordinary rendition: political vocabulary as messaging (4) by Mark Pack
  LDV survey: 86% of Lib Dem members oppose any electoral pact with Tories (33) by Stephen Tall
  Another No2AV Labour MP turns out to be voting yes to fairer votes (4) by Mark Pack
  Brian Coleman: the secret shrinking violet (3) by Mark Pack
  Clegg points to “clear liberal direction” of government, as Lib Dems highlight Labour’s economic woes (21) by The Voice
11th  Tuition fees: what Lib Dem members think now (1 of 3) (2) by Stephen Tall
  Andrew Stunell reveals details of government plans to get empty homes put to use (24) by Mark Pack
  Which Way’s Up? The long-term future of the coalition (13) by Mark Pack
  Eric Illsley MP pleads guilty to expenses fraud charges (35) by Helen Duffett
  Tuition fees: what Lib Dem members think now (2 of 3) (21) by Stephen Tall
  Tuition fees: what Lib Dem members think now (3 of 3) (20) by Stephen Tall
  Control orders: BBC reports likely outcome of government review (12) by Mark Pack
12th  Party reviewing internal election rules: you have until 21 January to send in your views (4) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: Alarm Clock Britain – identifying the vote is right, but reforming capabilities is key (26) by Johnny LeVan-Gilroy
  Forgotten Liberal heroes: Margaret Wintringham (6) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: campaign spending – did the Lib Dems get it right? (5) by Ed Maxfield
  The Royal Family, freedom of information and the rest of the story (14) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: Liberal Democrats should stop using the word ‘progressive’ (31) by Tom Paul
  Eric Illsley to resign as MP before being sentenced (8) by Helen Duffett
  Vincent McKee suspended from the Liberal Democrats (42) by The Voice
  LDV survey: The new Lib Dem MPs who’ve impressed party members the most (7) by Stephen Tall
  Hmmm, Guido – forgotten to declare your interest? (25) by Stephen Tall
  PMQs: Who’d be a Prime Minister? (29) by Paul Walter
13th  The email the party could have sent to members and supporters (9) by Mark Pack
  ‘Cowley Street’ may not be ‘Cowley Street’ for long (28) by Helen Duffett
  Opinion: fix our school system and stop uni-bashing (34) by Ed Long
  Clegg agrees to let more coalition differences show in public (58) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: Should we be concerned about the Government’s attempted quangocide? (7) by Alex Marsh
  Meanwhile, in other news… (0) by Mark Pack
  Farron triggers PCC probe into Telegraph’s Lib Dem MPs undercover sting (3) by Stephen Tall
  Sorene appointed Nick Clegg’s new head of communications (3) by Stephen Tall
  Has Nick detected the emergence of ‘shy Cleggites’? (7) by Stephen Tall
  Oldham East and Saddleworth results thread (79) by The Voice
14th  “By-election was a hard-fought contest” – Clegg (61) by Helen Duffett
  The LDV Friday Five: 14 January 2011 (0) by The Voice
  The Lib Dems need to complete their economic story (69) by Iain Roberts
  Want a copy of Parliament’s rules? That’ll be £268.40 (21) by Mark Pack
  Tim Farron writes… Oldham proves rumours of the Lib Dems’ death have been greatly exaggerated (72) by Tim Farron MP
15th  The Saturday debate: Do we pay too much attention to news from the US? (20) by Mark Pack
  Of committees, camels and bibles (8) by Iain Roberts
  Electoral reform news: peers don’t like democracy, but Labour candidate who lost on vote transfers backs AV (10) by Mark Pack
  After Oldham: what does the result mean for the party’s targeting strategy? (86) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: Standing your ground against legal threats (11) by John Brace
16th  Local government news: Lib Dems attack Pickles, Tory councillor quits (11) by Mark Pack
  73% of Lib Dem members say gap between poorest and richest now unacceptably large (12) by Stephen Tall
  Tax reform news: pick your own post (3) by Mark Pack
  What Lib Dem members think of the Coalition and Nick Clegg now (Part 1 of 2) (11) by Stephen Tall
  Susan Kramer for Mayor of London – the 2000 party political broadcast (2) by Mark Pack
  What Lib Dem members think of the Coalition and Nick Clegg now (Part 2 of 2) (26) by Stephen Tall
  Top of the Blogs: The Lib Dem Golden Dozen #204 (0) by The Voice
17th  Meet the Lib Dem bloggers: Caron Lindsay (2) by Mark Pack
  LDV survey: Lib Dem members’ favourite Tory ministers revealed! (32) by Stephen Tall
  The Independent View: Confusing, exciting and terrifying times for those on the liberal left (98) by Neal Lawson
  Opinion: On Liberal Democrat e-campaigning (7) by Jason Mehmet
  Opinion:We’re in government – get used to it (59) by Paul Walter
  Why does Alan Johnson want the government to have a plan for something Ed Miliband says isn’t going to happen? (23) by Mark Pack
  Parliamentary pillow fight as peers face all-night sittings (30) by Helen Duffett
18th  Opinion: Sharing maternity leave – our most popular policy since the coalition was formed? (38) by Rob Blackie
  Capitalism as if the world matters: Jonathan Porritt’s prescription for sustaintability (7) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: the capabilities of ‘Alarm Clock Britain’ (21) by Prateek Buch
  It’s almost as if Tim Farron reads this site… (32) by Mark Pack
  Labour bullies journalists to follow party spin (46) by Sara Bedford
  Votes for (some) prisoners to get a vote in Parliament (9) by Mark Pack
  Helen Duffett appointed Internal Communications Manager for Lib Dems (18) by Stephen Tall
19th  “Gay couple win bed and breakfast snub case” (24) by Mark Pack
  Internet and politics: how it worked back in 2003 (5) by Mark Pack
  Welsh local government boundaries to remain the same until after 2012 elections (1) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: social media priorities (1) by Jason Mehmet
  Opinion: Early years intervention is a smart move (15) by Alex Feakes
  Chris Wiggin not seeking Lib Dem nomination for Barnsley Central by-election (21) by Helen Duffett
  LibLink: David Laws on the government’s economic policies (19) by NewsHound
20th  Michael Gove encourages people to vote Liberal Democrat (29) by Mark Pack
  I hope this isn’t what Labour means by sensible debate over Parliamentary boundaries (25) by Mark Pack
  Paul Burstow writes… A few facts about the NHS (127) by Paul Burstow
  Crime down again…and still we’re unclear why (7) by Iain Roberts
  New Lib Dem councillor representatives elected for party committees (0) by Mark Pack
  Everything you ever wanted to know about… Policy and the Parliamentary Party (part 1) – at the beginning was the word (7) by Mark Valladares
  DPMQs: Nick Clegg looks forward to Mañana (12) by Paul Walter
  LibLink: Labour Government ‘lost control of spending’ (15) by NewsHound
  Labour reshuffle: Ed Miliband unveils Continuity Gordon Brown Party (36) by Stephen Tall
  PMQs: Pot-shot Miliband, a hand grenade, and some calming poetry (10) by Paul Walter
  Detention without charge to be cut from 28-days to 14-days (17) by Mark Pack
21st  Wanted: one party locksmith (10) by Mark Pack
  Labour’s plan to scrap the EMA (71) by Iain Roberts
  ID cards to be scrapped at midnight tonight (8) by Helen Duffett
  Tunisian Liberals excluded from country’s new political process (4) by Liberal International British Group
  Opinion: Tunisia – forgotten backwater of French and US power now a basket case (1) by Ron Aitken
  A small example of how Labour lost control of public expenditure (4) by Mark Pack
  Lord John Sharkey’s maiden speech (4) by John Sharkey
  Lib Dems GAIN Marl, Conwy (and other by-election results from Jan 20) (29) by Helen Duffett
  The LDV Friday Five: 21 January 2011 (0) by The Voice
  Lib Dem Peer Lord Goodhart calls for filibuster ban (8) by Helen Duffett
22nd  The Saturday debate: Does Britain need nuclear weapons? (47) by Mark Pack
  Andy Coulson finally goes (18) by Mark Pack
  Becky Harvey passes away (5) by Mark Pack
  Baroness Susan Kramer’s maiden speech (0) by Susan Kramer
  Controversy over pay in the university sector (29) by Mark Pack
23rd  Book review: Hung Together – The 2010 Election and the Coalition Government (3) by Mark Pack
  ‘No’ campaign vetoes public funding for Welsh referendum campaign (7) by Mark Pack
  Baroness Dee Doocey’s maiden speech (0) by Dee Doocey
  Chris Huhne profiled by the Independent on Sunday (7) by Mark Pack
  Federal Executive elects people to key party posts (8) by Mark Pack
  Top of the Blogs: The Lib Dem Golden Dozen #205 (0) by The Voice
  Chris Huhne speaks out over phone hacking (9) by Mark Pack
24th  Ed Balls and his praise for light-touch regulation in the City (30) by Mark Pack
  Jo Shaw writes: Counter Terrorism and Security Review latest (1) by Jo Shaw
  Sal Esposito: the mythical story of the cat and the jury summons (16) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: Health & Social Care Bill – a local government perspective (19) by David Rogers
  Lord Raj Loomba’s maiden speech (0) by Raj Loomba
25th  Compromise and conflict in the air in Lords stand-off over filibustering (21) by Mark Pack
  Graduate jobs up nine percent (16) by Iain Roberts
  Tony Greaves writes: Coalition, Government and the Lords (46) by Tony Greaves
  E-voting: why it was abandoned in the UK (10) by Mark Pack
  Economy shrinks by 0.5% (67) by Iain Roberts
  Today’s the anniversary of the Limehouse Declaration (53) by Mark Pack
  Anti-terrorism review: 6 questions to judge the government by (38) by Mark Pack
26th  The political thought of the Liberals and Liberal Democrats since 1945: book review (1) by Mark Pack
  PMQs: Miliband goes all Ballsy (6) by Paul Walter
  Crossbenchers increasingly hostile to Labour as government makes boundary changes (13) by Mark Pack
27th  Liberal Democrat responses to anti-terrorism legislation review (10) by Mark Pack
  Clegg signals Coalition to emphasise growth over cuts in coming years (49) by The Voice
  Who runs the internet? Wikileaks, piracy and censorship (1) by Mark Pack
  The Independent View: Holocaust Memorial Day (2) by Carly Whyborn
  England’s woodland sell-off plan gets a partial rethink (28) by Mark Pack
  LibLink: Tim Farron – Easing of control orders makes this a proud day for civil liberties (36) by NewsHound
  Lib Dems HOLD Oliver’s Battery and Badger Farm, Winchester (29) by Helen Duffett
28th  Ah, now I see why I’m paid by neither the Daily Telegraph nor the Spectator (14) by Mark Pack
  Government presses ahead with devolving more powers to Scotland (5) by Mark Pack
  Lord Ben Stoneham’s maiden speech (2) by Ben Stoneham
  It’s not only in the House of Lords where filibustering is an issue (3) by Mark Pack
  The LDV Friday Five: 28 January 2011 (0) by The Voice
29th  The weekend debate: Was Beveridge right to oppose the creation of a welfare state? (71) by Mark Pack
  Blair criticised by top civil servant for keeping Iraq legal advice from Cabinet (3) by Mark Pack
  Chris Rennard writes: The row over the AV referendum will bring forward major changes in the House of Lords (56) by Chris Rennard
30th  Opinion: Where are the girls? (27) by Ruth Irwin
  Baroness Judith Jolly’s maiden speech (1) by Judith Jolly
  The Heart of the Party: what the LibDems stand for, 1995 version (5) by Mark Pack
  New Torygraph smears against Nick, as Hennessy hits a hat-trick (39) by Stephen Tall
  Local by-elections, the national picture: Lib Dems at 12% (18) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: A hurting Lib Dem and the stagnant economy (126) by Jonathan Featonby
  Top of the Blogs: The Lib Dem Golden Dozen #206 (2) by The Voice
31st  Meet the Lib Dem bloggers: David Boyle (1) by Mark Pack
  EXCLUSIVE: How party members rate the performances of leading Lib Dems (11) by Stephen Tall
  Chris White writes: LGA all in a Pickles (14) by Chris White
  “Lost” emails found in News International phone-hacking case (2) by The Voice
  Rich to lose most, more to pay higher tax – IFS (61) by Mark Pack

Recent Comments

  • Mark ValladaresMark Valladares
    @ Nigel, Absolutely, enabling greater flexibility for employees (within reason) will instil greater loyalty to employers, aid in recruitment and retention, a...
  • Jonathan Calder
    We should certainly start talking about industrial democracy again and cooperatives too, but there remains an important role for trade unions in defending peopl...
  • David Warren
    @DavidSymonds is right, we need to be championing industrial democracy which was a key part of Liberal Party policy in the past. As for trade unions having s...
  • Paul R
    @Neil H - Yes, people do have officially issued government ID in many of those countries. It is not however mandatory for them to carry it in all such countries...
  • Jennie
    Oooo another member of the Jennie Club...