Monthly Archives: December 2011

1st  In defence of Jeremy Clarkson. Yes, really. (73) by Stephen Tall
  PMQs: Jo Swinson on the role of women in Aghanistan (1) by Paul Walter
  Ed Miliband’s wonky PMQs’ maths (33) by Stephen Tall
  How much do the richest 1% in the UK receive? (8) by Mark Pack
  The Coalition’s Political Plan B, Mrs T, and TINA: what does this spell out for the Lib Dems? (15) by Stephen Tall
  Jenny Willott MP writes… Protecting a lifeline – Lib Dem success in battle for DLA Mobility Component (12) by Jenny Willott
  Liberal Democrats Police Policy Review – have your say (2) by James Kempton
  Paul Burstow MP writes… Give carers a break, not a breakdown (11) by Paul Burstow
  LDVideo: David Laws interviewed by Mark Littlewood (2) by Nick T
  First Jewish ambassador to Israel has divided loyalties, says Labour MP (27) by Nick T
2nd  Brightening up our high streets (5) by Mark Pack
  Pack & Tall Debate… What’s the Lib Dem economic narrative now? (30) by The Voice
  Norman Baker responds to tar sands campaigns (16) by Norman Baker MP
  Can’t host the Olympics? Host Liberal Youth Conference instead! (3) by Harry Matthews
  Andrew Stunell MP writes… New Homes Bonus is rewarding communities that go for growth (11) by Andrew Stunell MP
  Dan Rogerson MP writes… Welcoming help with water bills in the South West (1) by Dan Rogerson MP
  The LDV Friday Five: 2 December 2011 (0) by The Voice
  Lib Dem Bloggers’ Christmas stocking fillers… Part V (0) by Stephen Tall
3rd  The weekend debate: Should the Government send a King James Bible to every school? (43) by Carl Quilliam
  Annette Brooke MP writes… Decent start to Decent Homes Programme (4) by Annette Brooke MP
  Opinion: Wednesday’s strikes – A Lib Dem trade unionist’s perspective (19) by Ian Wallace
  Opinion: Oh, what is the point? (59) by Alex Marsh
  Opinion: Our Parliamentarians must fight for our benefits policies (11) by George Potter
  Opinion: We can’t refinance the economy from the meagre incomes of the poorest, only the wealth of the richest (48) by Tim Nichols
4th  No, Stephen Tall, I’m certainly NOT Daily Mail! (14) by Lee Dargue
  When should election counts be held? (7) by Mark Pack
  The Independent View | Peter Tatchell writes… Lib Dems should stick to their principles and urge Lynne not to renege on equality pledge (18) by Peter Tatchell
  ELDR Congress: that’s another fine Mezzogiorno, they’ve gotten us into… (0) by Mark Valladares
  “There is absolutely no chance of us winning there” – Conservative MP’s Feltham & Heston outburst (9) by Mark Pack
  How to get Lib Dem Voice by email (0) by Mark Pack
  Top of the Blogs: The Lib Dem Golden Dozen #250 (1) by The Voice
5th  Conference gets its wish – drug policy review announced (7) by Prateek Buch
  How many failed the conference security checks? (32) by Stuart Bonar
  What are Lib Dem MEPs up to when it comes to money? (2) by Mark Pack
  The Independent View: Selling our NHS data is not putting us in control of our health records (25) by James Baker
  Campaign Corner: Is less really more? (11) by Mark Pack
6th  What part of Yes do you not understand? (21) by James Graham
  New ELDR President Sir Graham Watson: ready for the challenge (3) by Mark Valladares
  Spring Conference 2012: registration now open (4) by Andrew Wiseman
  Opinion: HIV Restrictions on NHS workers are “Out of Step” (1) by Adrian Hyyrylainen-Trett
  Chris Davies MEP writes… Slipping deeper into the tar sands (19) by Chris Davies
  How you can help Liberal Democrat Voice (0) by The Voice
7th  British inequality continues its post-2005 rise (2) by Mark Pack
  Evan Harris writes… Lynne Featherstone delivers on Lib Dem equality pledge – a response to Peter Tatchell (15) by Evan Harris
  Opinion: Government must not force work activities on Cancer patients (24) by George Potter
  Opinion: Lobbying scandals strengthen Lib Dem calls for reform (8) by Caron Lindsay
  Opinion: Two suggestions to shorten the dole queues (21) by Lucy Care
  Baroness Liz Barker writes: Liberal Democrat peers working to secure an NHS fit for the future (11) by Baroness Liz Barker
8th  Two cheers for the English Party: more campaigning allowed in Parliamentary selections (2) by Mark Pack
  The Independent View: MoD suppresses Lib Dem review and spending information on Trident ahead of Parliamentary decision (18) by Kate Hudson
  Opinion: Under Occupation – The Catch 22 of the Welfare Reform Bill (4) by Terry Stacy
  Opinion: Don’t believe everything you read in the papers… (3) by Adrian Hyyrylainen-Trett
  Extra £11million funding for disadvantaged pupils is a “sham”, says Manchester Labour Party (23) by Nick T
9th  New LDV members’ survey now live: your views on economy, pensions, strikes, drugs and life in government (0) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: What Cameron should be doing in Brussels (59) by Jonathan Fryer
  Opinion: Shareholders start to flex their muscle on high pay in banks (6) by Prateek Buch
  PMQs: Penguin in the menage à trois (4) by Paul Walter
  Paul Burstow MP writes… A Future-proof Health Service (7) by Paul Burstow
  Opinion: One year on from Tuition Fees: why I’m still a Liberal Democrat (25) by Harry Matthews
  Opinion: Lynne Featherstone’s defence of evidence-based translational medicine is welcome (1) by Prateek Buch
  The LDV Friday Five: 9 December 2011 (0) by The Voice
  Europe: what Liberal Democrats have been saying today (101) by Mark Pack
10th  The weekend debate: Lobbying (3) by Carl Quilliam
  How does your income compare to everyone else? (9) by Mark Pack
  Fashion industry faces intern crackdown (4) by Mark Pack
  Malcolm Harrington: proposals will be of “considerable benefit” to cancer patients (7) by Mark Pack
11th  Opinion: “The Pope…seceded with all his followers from the Church of England” (22) by Chris White
  It’s the Euro’s fate, not Britain’s fate, which is the key post-summit question (30) by Mark Pack
  Martin Horwood MP writes… Britain needs to stay at the heart of European decision-making (38) by Martin Horwood
  Opinion: Danny Alexander is right (29) by Zadok Day
  Top of the Blogs: The Lib Dem Golden Dozen #251 (0) by The Voice
12th  David Cameron’s a hostage to his party and the right-wing press. Thank goodness for Nick Clegg (42) by Stephen Tall
  Déjà vu: it’s #nickcleggsfault all over again, as right-wing press froths at Lib Dem leader (11) by Stephen Tall
  How can a general election happen? (11) by Mark Pack
  Campaign Corner: Should campaigning stop at Christmas? (8) by Mark Pack
  Tim Clement-Jones writes… We need a decision on the Risk Register (0) by Tim Clement-Jones
  The Independent View: There are now two main government narratives about child poverty (9) by Alison Garnham
  Nick Clegg – Europe: Britain is stronger, better, greater when we lead (22) by Helen Duffett
  Tobin tax: could it work? would it be desirable? (30) by Mark Pack
  Police compensate teenager banned from photographing Armed Forces Day Parade (7) by Mark Pack
  LDVideo: Nick Clegg on the Euro summit, Coalition & why he missed today’s Commons debate (12) by Stephen Tall
13th  “An inept negotiating strategy placed in the hands of an inexperienced prime minister” – behind the scenes of Cameron’s ‘veto’ (38) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: Cameron – a sorry tale born of inexperience (10) by Paul Reynolds
  Julian Huppert MP writes: promoting innovative science and technology, safeguarding NHS data for research (3) by Julian Huppert
  Andrew Stunell MP writes… Tackling empty homes is shaping up to be a Coalition success story (8) by Andrew Stunell MP
  I agree with Tony. (Or why British PMs shouldn’t actually try and do Hugh Grant’s Love Actually PM speech.) (2) by Stephen Tall
  Local liberal heroes: Poddy Clark (1) by Mark Pack
14th  Labour’s rapidly warming official attitude towards the Liberal Democrats (19) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: Individuality on EU is the start of the Liberal Democrat recovery (36) by Callum Morton
  Charles Kennedy MP writes…How you can help save our Sleeper (7) by Charles Kennedy
  Exclusive: 62% of Lib Dem members back Coalition’s deficit policy & 60% back post-2015 cuts to eliminate deficit (21) by Stephen Tall
  PMQs: Miliband 1 Barn Door 1 (10) by Paul Walter
  Scotland’s new Executive, Policy and Conference Committees chosen (1) by Caron Lindsay
  What Lib Dem members think of George Osborne’s autumn statement (and the two measures they oppose) (17) by Stephen Tall
  New Liberal Democrat Electoral Reform Group (16) by Caron Lindsay
  14 Liberal Democrat rebels help defeat housing benefit cuts in the House of Lords (31) by Mark Pack
15th  Europe: good news, but not big news (0) by Mark Pack
  LibLink: Mark Pack – The three stories that really matters – even to Britain (2) by Nick T
  Say hello to OSKAR – Lib Dems’ Online Skills and Resources website (5) by Giorgia Gamba
  Opinion: The coalition will now change; the Lib Dems must ensure it does so for the better (23) by Nick T
  Electoral registration: the group that gets overlooked (8) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: Cameron’s veto – an act of ruthless self-interest (14) by Euro Lib Dem
  Nick Clegg leads business fightback in Europe (2) by Nick T
  Election results thread (24) by The Voice
16th  Opinion: troubling times in the jobs market (3) by Prateek Buch
  Lords Rennard, Carlile, and Lester, with Lynne Featherstone, defend rules on religious civil partnerships (4) by Prateek Buch
  LDVideo: Ending the War on Drugs (2) by Prateek Buch
  Tim Farron MP writes: Sorry Dave, but you’re no Mrs. T… (22) by Tim Farron MP
  Opinion: The Liberal Democrats must lead re-engagement with Europe (8) by Ben Jones
  LibLink: In defence of the Lib Dems (4) by Prateek Buch
  Opinion: What do the Lib Dems and the Big Society have in common? (28) by Joe Jordan
  The LDV Friday Five: 16 December 2011 (0) by The Voice
17th  The weekend debate: Should former MPs get to keep their parliamentary passes? (16) by Carl Quilliam
  Jeremy Browne: absolutely right (26) by Mark Pack
18th  For once, some good news about the European economies (3) by Mark Pack
  Clegg repeats Lib Dem opposition about tax breaks for marriage, with added 1950s jibe (17) by Mark Pack
  Top of the Blogs: The Lib Dem Golden Dozen #252 (0) by The Voice
19th  Clegg: we will use Parliament Act to ensure Lords is reformed (9) by Mark Pack
  Vince Cable – “we’re reforming UK’s banks, and we’re getting on with it” (18) by Prateek Buch
  LibLink: From David Laws to Andrew George – The Lib Dem rebellion league table (9) by NewsHound
  Campaign Corner: How do we get more leaflet deliverers? (5) by Mark Pack
  Community Buying: a welcome move from Ed Davey (0) by Mark Pack
  The Independent View: The banking sector needs radical reform but too many cures will kill the patient (2) by Ben Norman
20th  Welcome to our new volunteer editors! (0) by Stephen Tall
  Farewell alarm clocks and hello John Major: Nick Clegg’s new strategy (26) by Mark Pack
  Life after Kim Jong-Il (3) by Jonathan Fryer
  Norfolk’s Green Group Leader defects… to the Tories (13) by Mark Valladares
  Opinion: MeRRRy Christmas! (7) by Lorna Dupré
  Opinion: The Tory Party has mutated. It is for us to say Europe is our hope for the future (25) by Antony Hook
  Opinion: Council dilemma – to raise or not to raise? (12) by Maureen Rigg
  The Independent View: FIT for purpose (10) by Liz Hutchins
  Opinion: How much does geographical accident influence politics? (6) by Mark Thompson
  Is there a Liberal Democrat stance on HM Revenue & Customs? (9) by Mark Valladares
21st  Times: Lib Dems are right to maintain identity and policies in Government (1) by Caron Lindsay
  Good news from the International Criminal Court (2) by Mark Pack
  The Independent View: Now is not the time to debate niceties about constitutional reform (24) by David Skelton
  Former MP John Barrett talks about his Cancer – and how screening saved his life (1) by Caron Lindsay
  Liberal Democrat members back pension changes but opposing making strikes harder (20) by Mark Pack
  Michael Moore MP writes: I am not your average unionist (15) by Michael Moore
22nd  DPMQs: LibDem MPs enjoy an untroubled post-questions lunch (1) by Paul Walter
  Nick Clegg responds as more Labour councillors deride extra money for poor pupils (11) by Nick T
  Opinion: Lib Dems Must oppose Labour’s ideological cuts in 2012 (22) by David Thorpe
  Welcome to the new bloggers… (1) by Ryan Cullen
  Opinion: Foreign policy lessons for the Lib Dem approach to Iran (20) by Joe Bourke
  Opinion: The Euro chain gang (16) by David Allen
23rd  Huhne: Tory right wants UK to be semi-detached member of EU (5) by Prateek Buch
  Opinion: which twin is the Tory? (29) by Simon Titley
  VIDEO: Paddy Ashdown, Shirley Williams and Julian Glover on the Liberal Democrats, recession and The Guardian (0) by Mark Pack
  Julian Huppert MP writes: Cheering news about credit and debit card surcharges (7) by Julian Huppert
  Tim Farron’s Christmas message (10) by Tim Farron MP
  New edition of Liberator magazine (2) by The Liberator Collective
  Willie Rennie’s Christmas Message (0) by Willie Rennie
25th  Happy Christmas! (1) by The Voice
  Top of the Blogs: The Lib Dem Golden Dozen #253 (0) by The Voice
27th  Get your skates on and submit a motion to Liberal Democrat conference about wealth taxes (35) by Mark Pack
  Graham Watson’s New Year message (0) by Mark Valladares
  Recovery in Clegg’s ratings amongst party members confirmed but not back to 2010 levels (16) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: Why is Nick Clegg being quite so wrong on Lords reform? (44) by Robin McGhee
28th  Some surprising economic data (19) by Mark Pack
  LibLink: Mark Pack – 2011 was a year of treading water (7) by NewsHound
  Nick Clegg’s New Year Message to Party Members (1) by Caron Lindsay
  Which four Liberal Democrat ministers have most improved their standings in 2011? (3) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: We need better housing options for the elderly at Christmas (6) by Ewan Hoyle
  Opinion: The opportunity for Lords Reform must be taken (8) by Joshua Dixon
  Open Thread: Tributes to Liberal Democrats who have passed away this year (3) by Caron Lindsay
29th  Who said this…? (40) by Mark Pack
  Kirtsy Williams writes… Looking back at 2011 and looking forward to 2012 (3) by Kirsty Williams AM
  The BBC reviews the political year for the Lib Dems (12) by Nick T
  EXCLUSIVE: Party members vote Vince Cable Lib Dem minister of the year (7) by Stephen Tall
30th  Local council by-elections: the recovery continues (12) by Mark Pack
  What our readers have been buying this year… (1) by Mark Pack
  Ian Swales MP writes: 12 CUTS Labour don’t talk about (55) by Ian Swales
  Alcohol minimum pricing should be this government’s first bold evidence-based drug policy (61) by Ewan Hoyle
  What Lib Dem members make of drug reforms and regulations on alcohol and tobacco sales (12) by Prateek Buch
  Which Lib Dem minister had the worst year? Find out who tied for first place among party members… (5) by Stephen Tall
31st  And the most-mentioned Lib Dems of 2011 were… (2) by Stephen Tall
  The weekend debate: Should we end the bargain booze bonanza? (17) by Carl Quilliam
  Willie Rennie’s New Year Message (3) by Willie Rennie
  Horwood calls for National Defence Medal awarded by “truly independent” body (20) by The Voice
  LibLink: Tim Farron – Fighting for jobs and health care – and against second-home council tax perks (1) by Mark Pack

Recent Comments

  • Jonathan Calder
    We should certainly start talking about industrial democracy again and cooperatives too, but there remains an important role for trade unions in defending peopl...
  • David Warren
    @DavidSymonds is right, we need to be championing industrial democracy which was a key part of Liberal Party policy in the past. As for trade unions having s...
  • Paul R
    @Neil H - Yes, people do have officially issued government ID in many of those countries. It is not however mandatory for them to carry it in all such countries...
  • Jennie
    Oooo another member of the Jennie Club...
  • Peter Hirst
    While it is good to have the correct policies it is even better to implement them in a timely and effective manner. We can have debates about what is the right ...