Monthly Archives: July 2011

1st  Labour holds Inverclyde with reduced majority (27) by Helen Duffett
  See you in September (0) by Mark Pack
  Lord Tyler writes: Don’t listen to the doomsayers (8) by Paul Tyler
  Lord Speaker election: Two Liberal Democrat peers standing (0) by Helen Duffett
  John Leech MP writes: New £1bn nuclear windfall must be taxed (8) by John Leech
  Tim Farron MP writes: Out of the Westminster bubble (7) by Tim Farron MP
  LDVideo: That Ed Miliband TV interview car crash in full (8) by Stephen Tall
  The LDV Friday Five: 1 July 2011 (0) by The Voice
  What does the Inverclyde result mean for the Scottish Liberal Democrats? (25) by Caron Lindsay
2nd  LDV doesn’t do statporn, but if we did (June 2011) (2) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: Unfair and unbalanced – the scandal of print media referendum coverage (14) by Andy May
  Paul Burstow MP writes: Social care’s little secret – it’s never been free (10) by Paul Burstow
  Lib Dem MPs set to rebel over ‘back-door’ nuclear power subsidy (26) by Stephen Tall
3rd  The Independent View: Social care and the Dilnot Commission (1) by Ruthe Isden
  Opinion: Muscular liberalism works, but only if you exercise the muscles (24) by Lee Dargue
  Top of the Blogs: The Lib Dem Golden Dozen #228 (0) by The Voice
4th  Liz Rorison passes away (8) by Laura Willoughby
  Opinion: Distinctive positions on housing (41) by Alex Marsh
  Chris Davies MEP writes: Conservatives and climate change – Tuesday’s revealing vote in Strasbourg (21) by Chris Davies
  John Hemming MP: Why I’m calling for a review of the smoking ban (76) by John Hemming MP
5th  Lib Dem Welsh AMs await their fate as report delayed (0) by Helen Duffett
  Julian Huppert MP writes: 20mph – A local say on local safety (13) by Julian Huppert
  Chris White writes: Policies or personalities? (0) by Chris White
  LibLink: Lord Tyler – Restore teeth to the Lords (0) by Nick T
  Lib Dem John Dixon will not return to the Welsh Assembly (3) by Helen Duffett
  DPMQs: “Grotesque” and “beneath contempt” – Clegg on the Milly Dowler phone hacking allegations (29) by Paul Walter
6th  Green Party called it wrong on phone hacking (7) by The Voice
  Opinion: Nick Clegg should call for an independent inquiry into phone hacking (8) by Richard Flowers
  A sideways look at a Liberal Democrat institution (8) by Mark Pack
  Revealed at last? Labour’s low carbon policy thinking (2) by The Voice
  PMQs: Cameron says government will hold inquiries into the phone hacking scandal (9) by Paul Walter
  Opinion: The Government’s new Prevent strategy – a missed opportunity (9) by Issan Ghazni
  Opinion: Public services and tax policy (33) by Michael Hall
  Nick Clegg emails Lib Dem members about phone hacking (23) by Helen Duffett
  Lib Dem Aled Roberts reinstated to Welsh Assembly (2) by Helen Duffett
7th  Adrian Sanders MP compares the PCC to a “fishnet condom” (3) by Helen Duffett
  Mike Tuffrey writes… Housing: time to think big on the supply-side (42) by Mike Tuffrey
  Opinion: Why Wrexham Labour Party should be ashamed: The curious case of Aled Roberts (21) by David Hennigan
  The Independent View: Nuclear subsidies – no thanks! (23) by Martyn Williams
  Opinion: It should be about more than Murdoch (14) by Nick Tyrone
  News of the World to close on Sunday (16) by Helen Duffett
  LibLink: Mark Pack – The secret concessions behind the 1911 Parliament Act (0) by Nick T
  Opinion: ‘Activate’ – Liberal Youth’s annual renewal (5) by Tom Wood
8th  Opinion: Nick Clegg didn’t suck up to Murdoch – that’s why his minions tried to destroy him (28) by James Percival
  Stephen Gilbert MP writes: UK housing policy in crisis (22) by Stephen Gilbert MP
  Brian Paddick writes: The Lib Dem Guide to phone hacking (10) by Brian Paddick
  Opinion: Cameron should be as ruthless as Murdoch‏ (19) by Tim Leunig
  Council by-election results: 7 July 2011 (19) by Helen Duffett
  Opinion: Claiming the centre ground (41) by Helen Flynn
  The LDV Friday Five: 8 July 2011 (0) by The Voice
  Video: Clegg says PCC is “a busted flush” and “needs to be replaced” (23) by The Voice
  Opinion: Our party must keep its Equitable pledge (4) by Paul Braithwaite
9th  Consider the impact of cuts on women, warns Lynne Featherstone (8) by Helen Duffett
  Opinion: Driving better performance across public services (11) by Chris Nicholson
  In Praise of Nick Davies, the British Bernstein & Woodward to Murdoch’s Nixon (10) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: Trade unions, pensions and Labour (56) by David Warren
  LDVideo: Vince and Shirley’s war on Murdoch, while Nick savages PCC as “busted flush” (15) by Stephen Tall
  The News of the World and giving readers what they want (8) by Helen Duffett
10th  Ed’s learning: he’s done a Dave over Murdoch (13) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: Paper victory? (18) by Jonathan Hunt
  ‘Yates of the Yard’ should have listened to Huhne on ‘Hackgate’ (1) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: Private sector tenants are disenfranchised (13) by Duncan Stott
  The Lib Dems on ‘Hackgate’ and Murdoch: Ashdown, Huhne, Hughes, Farron, Oakeshott all join the fray (8) by Stephen Tall
  In (partial) defence of Labour’s so-called ‘Lay Off Murdoch’ instruction to party’s MPs (13) by Stephen Tall
  Top of the Blogs: The Lib Dem Golden Dozen #229 (0) by The Voice
11th  “The pillars of the British establishment are tumbling” – Clegg (12) by The Voice
  Opinion: The struggle for democracy persists in Europe, not just the Middle East (2) by Harriet Ainscough and Sam Fisk
  Clegg urges Murdoch to reconsider BSkyB bid (16) by The Voice
  LibLink: Tim Farron – The phone-hacking stench will linger (10) by Nick T
  Vince: Liberal Democrats will approach BSkyB takeover deal “without fear or favour” (7) by Helen Duffett
12th  Opinion: Time to publish the magical ratio (18) by David Boyle
  London Mayoral candidate shortlist and revised timetable published (10) by Helen Duffett
  Opinion: Liberal Democrats didn’t just avoid Murdoch, we tried to cut him down to size (38) by James Percival
  Opinion: Liberal Bureaucracy – Killing Your Party With Its Song?… (15) by Mark Valladares
  LibLink Nick Clegg: Regulating media, empowering citizens (7) by Helen Duffett
  “Yates must go” – Dee Doocey exposes News International and Met Police’s cosy relationship (2) by The Voice
13th  Hughes, Farron and Foster write to Rupert Murdoch – full text of letter (3) by Helen Duffett
  The cheque bounces back (6) by Helen Duffett
  Opinion: Schools should suit working parents (46) by Rachel Coleman Finch
  Mike Tuffrey writes… My kinda campaign … working towards success in 2014 (4) by Mike Tuffrey
  PMQs: The tectonic plates shift (12) by Paul Walter
  LibLink | Reforming public services puts power with the people – Alexander and Letwin (10) by Helen Duffett
  Mark Littlewood writes: Sharper axes, lower taxes (59) by Mark Littlewood
14th  Paul Burstow MP writes: Keeping competition in its box (25) by Paul Burstow
  Brian Paddick writes: Housing is the most important issue facing London (22) by Brian Paddick
  “Liberal Way Forward for the Press: Free, Accountable, Plural” – Nick Clegg’s speech in full (12) by The Voice
15th  Police and Crime Commissioners: Lib Dem candidates start here (19) by Helen Duffett
  So, Rebekah Brooks has finally resigned (18) by Richard Morris
  How to get Lib Dem Voice by email (0) by Helen Duffett
  House of Lords Reform: the Joint Select Committee calls for evidence (0) by Mark Valladares
  Kirsty Williams AM writes: Getting down to business in Wales (1) by Kirsty Williams AM
  Is John Healey as dumb as a bag of spanners? (7) by Alex Foster
  Council by-election result: 14 July 2011 (5) by Helen Duffett
  The LDV Friday Five: 15 July 2011 (0) by The Voice
  Nick Clegg’s reply to party members’ emails on phone hacking (6) by Helen Duffett
16th  Chris White writes: Approving Police Commissioner candidates (14) by Chris White
  End of term report for Lib Dem MPs’ Class of 2010 (2) by Helen Duffett
  Linda Jack writes: Public services – open for whom? (39) by Linda Jack
  The Independent View: The bigger picture on privacy (1) by James Baker
  What made the Mail, the Express and the Telegraph keen to see Nick Clegg doing more of his job? (8) by The Voice
  LibLink | Vince Cable: I declared war on Murdoch… now everyone agrees with me (26) by Helen Duffett
17th  Opinion: Cameron’s ten big mistakes – more please! (21) by Paul Walter
  Linda Jack writes: My solutions for improving public services (20) by Linda Jack
  Opinion: Traditional media is not all we should be looking at (5) by Martin Gill
  Read Lib Dem Voice on your Amazon Kindle (0) by Alex Foster
  Top of the Blogs: The Lib Dem Golden Dozen #230 (0) by The Voice
  Opinion: Stephenson resignation – the bar just got lowered (22) by Richard Morris
18th  Does a political party really need a manifesto or… what is policy for? (14) by Mark Valladares
  Peer told to “cease and desist” claiming he’s a member of the House of Lords (3) by Helen Duffett
  LibLink | Andrew Stunell: Social housing to get first boost in 30 years (12) by Helen Duffett
  Tom Brake MP writes: Sir Paul Stephenson’s resignation (2) by Tom Brake
  Opinion: The phone hacking scandal is an attack on civil liberties (13) by Geoffrey Payne
19th  Brian Paddick writes: What’s good for the Metropolitan Police is not good for politicians (5) by Brian Paddick
  Opinion: David Laws takes another step on the road to redemption (27) by Mark Valladares
  Andrew Stunell MP writes: Re-localisation of business rates will give councils real financial freedom (13) by Andrew Stunell MP
  LibLink: Mark Pack – What you see isn’t what you get with online politics (0) by Nick T
  Opinion: A good/bad day for Parliament (16) by Paul Walter
  Today’s by-election: Excepted hereditary peers (5) by Helen Duffett
20th  Chris Huhne MP writes: Electricity market reform: keeping the lights on in the cheapest, cleanest way (13) by Chris Huhne MP
  Stephen Williams: Labour spent £38m taxpayer cash on News International advertising (10) by The Voice
21st  Jo Swinson MP writes: Making inroads into our looks-obsessed culture (13) by Jo Swinson MP
  Opinion: Hackgate – Who do you trust? (7) by Paul Walter
  Who is Ed Miliband? (16) by Mark Pack
  Stephen Gilbert MP writes: How do we deal with the high prevalence of suicides in the LGBT community? (3) by Stephen Gilbert MP
  Opinion: Verdict from the first Mayoral Hustings – it’s a two horse race (40) by Simon McGrath
  LibLink | Paddy Ashdown: Somalia’s ‘children’s famine’ has been ignored (1) by Helen Duffett
22nd  LDVideo: Clegg and Huppert on phone-hacking (4) by Nick T
  PODCAST: A forgotten liberal hero (0) by Alex Foster
  Chris White writes: Is it possible to change Coalition policy? (2) by Chris White
  Opinion: Academies overspend revealed! (18) by Peter Downes
  The LDV Friday Five: 22 July 2011 (0) by The Voice
  Council by-election results: 21 July 2011 (1) by Helen Duffett
23rd  80 dead in Norway shootings (1) by Alex Foster
  Brian Haley writes: It’s not about me, it’s about our party (6) by Brian Haley
  Opinion: Why David Cameron will not be Prime Minister in a year’s time (21) by Paul Walter
  Opinion: Why cutting later would increase the chances of a double-dip recession (41) by David Thorpe
  News International’s William Lewis, BBC’s Robert Peston, and the alleged act of theft which aimed to bring down Vince Cable (13) by Stephen Tall
  Update on the latest twists and turns in the contest to become the Lib Dem candidate for Mayor of London (5) by Stephen Tall
24th  LibLink | Vince Cable: My brush with the Murdochs – and the lessons I learned (0) by Helen Duffett
  News International tried to bully the Lib Dems, says Observer. It didn’t work. (12) by Stephen Tall
  Huhne ‘orders inquiry into fossil fuel lobby influence over Tory MEPs’ (7) by The Voice
  ‘The Hughes Report’: Lib Dem MP’s 33 recommendations to improve access to higher education (22) by Stephen Tall
  Top of the Blogs: The Lib Dem Golden Dozen #231 (0) by The Voice
25th  Electoral register database scrapped, at last (4) by Mark Pack
  Mike Tuffrey writes… The Big Switch: turning London’s buses and taxis electric (12) by Mike Tuffrey
  The Independent View: NHS should routinely offer chicken pox vaccine to children (11) by David Carter
  New edition of Liberator (0) by The Liberator Collective
  Opinion: Nick Clegg in the Guardian Media 100 (8) by Richard Flowers
26th  The ever-shrinking timetable for by-elections set to be expanded (5) by Mark Pack
  How do we build the Lib Dems’ core vote? (74) by Iain Roberts
27th  Advertising watchdog upholds Jo Swinson MP’s complaints about overly airbrushed ads (9) by Helen Duffett
  Opinion: Must do better – Why benefit reforms are in need of reform (73) by Sophie Bridger
  Brian Paddick writes: Reaching out to every community in London (10) by Brian Paddick
  Opinion: What we should do if the USA defaults (32) by David Boyle
28th  Opinion: Political reasons for people to back the ESA motion‏ (27) by George Potter
  Chris White writes: Police Commissioners – the descent into low farce (16) by Chris White
  LibLink | Stephen Tall: Would you hire someone without interviewing them? (13) by NewsHound
  Chris Huhne cleared over election expense claims (8) by The Voice
29th  Tony Benn: A Biography (11) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: Nick Clegg and the next parliamentary term (34) by Charlotte Henry
  Councillor Warren Swaine reinstated after Twitter race row (29) by The Voice
  Council by-election results: 28 July 2011 (10) by Helen Duffett
  The LDV Friday Five: 29 July 2011 (0) by The Voice
  Opinion: Why we should praise Louise Mensch (37) by Lee Chalmers
30th  Petitions to Parliament – waste of time or golden opportunity? (25) by Mary Reid
  Telegraph: “The nation’s babies have begun to abandon the Prime Minister” (5) by Paul Walter
  Opinion: Do we really want to risk another media mogul running the country? (27) by John Roffey
  Opinion: Mayoral Hustings – Twists and turns and four good horses (12) by Richard Clare
31st  Who are the Lib Dems ‘unconventional men (or women) whose mad ideas make us think’? (34) by Stephen Tall
  LDVideo: The West Wing explains the US debt ceiling in under 60 seconds (3) by Stephen Tall
  Top 10 tweeting MPs: congratulations to Lib Dem @julianhuppert in at No. 6! (0) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: London Mayoral hustings, Round 2 (11) by Simon McGrath
  Top of the Blogs: The Lib Dem Golden Dozen #232 (0) by The Voice

Recent Comments

  • Mark ValladaresMark Valladares
    @ Nigel, Absolutely, enabling greater flexibility for employees (within reason) will instil greater loyalty to employers, aid in recruitment and retention, a...
  • Jonathan Calder
    We should certainly start talking about industrial democracy again and cooperatives too, but there remains an important role for trade unions in defending peopl...
  • David Warren
    @DavidSymonds is right, we need to be championing industrial democracy which was a key part of Liberal Party policy in the past. As for trade unions having s...
  • Paul R
    @Neil H - Yes, people do have officially issued government ID in many of those countries. It is not however mandatory for them to carry it in all such countries...
  • Jennie
    Oooo another member of the Jennie Club...