Monthly Archives: May 2011

1st  Would you invite a man who says “let me be a Hitler tenfold” to a special event? (17) by Mark Pack
  The Big Society: the answer’s in the book (2) by Mark Pack
  You shouldn’t support the arts by supporting artists – Labour MP (15) by Mark Pack
  Greens would pick up most Lib Dem 2nd preferences under AV: LDV members survey (14) by Stephen Tall
  New edition of Liberator out (6) by The Liberator Collective
  Top of the Blogs: The Lib Dem Golden Dozen #219 (1) by The Voice
2nd  What Lib Dem members think about immigration (Part I) (5) by Stephen Tall
  Video: The answer is AV. The answer is YES! (3) by The Voice
  Visions of fairness: what the voters say they want (4) by Mark Pack
  Deraa, not Abbottabad, is where the future is being shaped (5) by Mark Pack
  Nick Clegg’s statement on the death of Osama Bin Laden (10) by Helen Duffett
  Opinion: Are we open for business or shutting up shop? (9) by Simon de Deney
  Opinion: The Lib Dems should work with unions (21) by Adam Bell
  “Take AV seriously: it has advantages over PR” (27) by Nick T
  Three-quarters of Lib Dem manifesto becoming government policy – independent research (1) by Mark Pack
  LibLink: Chris Huhne – AV referendum: why progressives must unite to vote yes (67) by Nick T
3rd  What Lib Dem members think about immigration (Part II) (11) by Stephen Tall
  How MPs in safe seats pile up outside earnings (8) by Mark Pack
  The Independent View: What the Chilcott Inquiry has missed – the role of oil in the Iraq war (2) by Greg Muttitt
  Opinion: End unpaid internships with MPs? Sure – just show us the money (8) by Tom King
  #Yes2AV: Dan Snow presents the second referendum broadcast (6) by Helen Duffett
  Pollwatch – State of the Parties: Lib Dems 11%, Labour 40%, Tories 36% (May 2011) (13) by Stephen Tall
  Overwhelming public support to end sexism in Royal succession (5) by Mark Pack
  LibLink: Vince Cable – No wonder the Tories are so scared of AV (26) by Nick T
  Lord McNally: General Election costs “broadly the same” under AV, no plans for counting machines (9) by Helen Duffett
4th  What Lib Dem members think of the Coalition now (1) by Stephen Tall
  Armando Iannucci and Stephen Fry argue for AV (2) by Mark Pack
  Sarah Ludford MEP writes: Passengers should be able to opt out of body scanning (6) by Baroness Sarah Ludford MEP
  LibLink: Mark Pack – The Lessons from Beethoven String Quartets for Modern Public Services (2) by Nick T
  The Independent View: Is it time to rethink postal voting? (14) by Stuart Wilks-Heeg
  Pollwatch – State of the Leaders: Clegg -30%, Cameron -8%, Miliband -11% (May 2011) (7) by Stephen Tall
  What will the impact be of Thursday? (14) by Mark Pack
  LibLink – Chris Rennard: AV myths are behind MPs’ opposition (6) by The Voice
  “Thursday is decision day” – Charles Kennedy’s eve of poll message to members and supporters (0) by Helen Duffett
  Homophobic smears hit Leicester South by-election (43) by Mark Pack
5th  How to vote – and what to do once you’ve voted (4) by Mark Pack
  What Lib Dem members think about the party and its leadership (11) by Stephen Tall
  Interview: Nick Clegg’s year in the eye of the storm (10) by Nick T
  EXCLUSIVE: How party members rate the performances of leading Lib Dems (3) by Stephen Tall
  Don’t use AV to vote in today’s AV referendum (1) by Helen Duffett
  What will happen in today’s elections? Your thoughts, please… (12) by Stephen Tall
  How you can help Liberal Democrat Voice (0) by The Voice
  The LDV election results open thread (29) by The Voice
6th  Ouch! Lib Dems suffer first anti-government backlash in 80 years (80) by Stephen Tall
  Liberal Democrat candidate dies on polling day (3) by Helen Duffett
  The other big policy dispute coming along (6) by Mark Pack
  How to get Lib Dem Voice by email (0) by Mark Pack
  LibLink: Mark Pack – It’s back to 1993 for the Liberal Democrats (48) by NewsHound
  The LDV Friday Five: 6 May 2011 (0) by The Voice
  Black Friday for Lib Dems: it’s worse than we thought (87) by Stephen Tall
  A short film for political anoraks (5) by Mark Pack
  Nick Clegg’s email on the election results (116) by Nick Clegg MP
7th  Victory in Bedford and second place in Leicester South (10) by Mark Pack
  Lessons from two Egyptian revolutions compared (1) by Mark Pack
  Mike Tuffrey the choice of members for Lib Dem London mayoral candidate: LDV survey (6) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: Time for a New Deal (25) by Bill le Breton
  Where does defeat for AV leave the dream of electoral reform? (43) by Lucy Smith
  LibLink: Julian Astle – Chris Huhne’s Third Way (5) by Nick T
  The Independent View: How to implement full Lords reform, now that the referendum is lost (49) by Rupert Read
  Tavish Scott resigns as Scottish Liberal Democrat Leader (17) by Caron Lindsay
8th  What next after Thursday? (11) by Mark Pack
  The Independent View: Iain Dale on Nick Clegg and the Lib Dems (54) by Iain Dale
  Opinion: Sense prevails on public services? (2) by Alex Marsh
  Opinion: Lib Dems promoting human rights abroad (6) by Jonathan Baldie
  LibLink: Evan Harris – The myth of Lib Dem ‘betrayal’ (23) by Nick T
  Clegg, Cable and Hughes on ‘What next?’ for the Lib Dems (19) by Stephen Tall
  Top of the Blogs: The Lib Dem Golden Dozen #220 (0) by The Voice
9th  Learning the lessons from last week #1: The missing policies (19) by Mark Pack
  Meet the Lib Dem bloggers: Andrew Reeves (2) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: Don’t reform the House of Lords; scrap it (33) by Matt Wood
  The Independent View: Good News for Lib Dems in Devon and Cornwall boundary changes? (9) by Jackie South
  Opinion: Lib Dems must prove coalitions work (18) by Sam Cannicott
  LibLink: David Allen Green – What the Liberal Democrats should do next (20) by Nick T
10th  Learning the lessons from last week #2: Lib Dem voters don’t want out of the coalition (55) by Mark Pack
  PCC rules against Daily Telegraph’s sting operation (5) by The Voice
  Opinion: Equidistance is as important now as it ever was in opposition (8) by Martin Shapland
  Opinion: Lib Dems should not shelve House of Lords reform (14) by Andrew Jones
  LibLink: Julian Astle – Is Nick Clegg’s time as Lib Dem leader coming to an end? (36) by Nick T
  Opinion: A Scottish candidate’s view (23) by Keith Legg
  Adrian Sanders writes: Social Animals and Elephants in the Room (15) by Adrian Sanders
  Think tank slams government, but it’s one for the ‘good news’ files (8) by Mark Pack
  David Laws: questions for him, questions for political journalists (34) by Mark Pack
11th  Learning the lessons from last week #3: Grassroots campaigns don’t win national elections (41) by Mark Pack
  Nick Clegg’s speech – “One year on: The Coalition and Liberal Politics” (31) by Helen Duffett
  Opinion: a reboot worked for Star Trek. It can work for the Lib Dems too (13) by Lee Dargue
  Opinion: Hackney debates NHS (0) by Prateek Buch
  In Defence of Politicians: Peter Riddell’s new book (0) by Mark Pack
  The Independent View: What now for any progressive alliance? (20) by Neal Lawson
  PMQs: The bread rolls fly thick and fast (4) by Paul Walter
12th  Learning the lessons from last week #4: The party’s local government base matters (3) by Mark Pack
  Do Lib Dem members think the Coalition will collapse early? And what the public thinks about Nick Clegg… (14) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: surveying the wreckage (25) by David Hennigan
  Independent View: Help residents recognise their councillors (7) by Matt Boyes
  Statement from David Laws (63) by The Voice
  House of Lords waters down fixed-term Parliaments legislation (9) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: It’s all my fault! (46) by David Boyle
  Opinion: Putting the Localism Bill in a Social Liberal context (12) by Kelly-Marie Blundell
  Major restructuring in the Campaigns Department (21) by Mark Pack
13th  Learning the lessons from last week #5: You can’t be distinctive with someone else’s vocabulary (5) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: 5 reasons the AV referendum lost (46) by James King
  Opinion: why the coalition will never bring us votes (27) by Jonathan Hunt
  LibLink: Chris Huhne – No reform now means bigger reform later (14) by Nick T
  Chris Fox writes: Changing the way we support campaigning (18) by Chris Fox
14th  What you think of Lib Dem Voice’s comments policy… your chance to comment! (58) by Stephen Tall
  Learning the lessons from last week #6: Talking to yourself is not enough (3) by Mark Pack
  The Independent View: Lib Dem green credibility in crisis (24) by Andy Atkins
  Opinion: the end of the vision, pt 1 (8) by Mark Wright
  LibLink: Podcast – Mark Pack on the coalition’s first year (0) by Nick T
15th  Learning the lessons: round-up (0) by Mark Pack
  The Sunday papers on Lords, environment and Chris Huhne (39) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: the end of the vision, pt 2 (20) by Mark Wright
  Nick Clegg’s irrelevance to loss of AV vote (22) by Stephen Tall
  Top of the Blogs: The Lib Dem Golden Dozen #221 (1) by The Voice
16th  Brian Coleman tops lists of expense claims, again (10) by Mark Pack
  Forgotten Liberal heroes: Desmond Banks (3) by Mark Pack
  David Rendel on opposing the Coalition’s formation: “I felt very lonely indeed” (1) by Stephen Tall
  Paula Keaveney writes: The Leading of Liverpool (10) by Paula Keaveney
  John Pugh writes: is an apology in order? (60) by John Pugh
  Government takes action over ‘vulture funds’ (6) by Mark Pack
17th  Hundreds of tales of heartbreak and two numbers (6) by Mark Pack
  The progressive minority (22) by Mark Pack
  The Yes2AV campaign: an insider’s perspective (19) by Mark Pack
  Video: Lynne Featherstone on International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia (6) by Helen Duffett
  Dinti Batstone writes… If not now, when? (13) by Dinti Batstone
  Interview: Willie Rennie – The Liberal Democrats are not easily led…. (7) by Caron Lindsay
  David Cameron’s support for an elected House of Lords (2) by Nick T
  Green government, reforming government: the liberal influence (5) by Nick Clegg MP
18th  House of Lords reform: taking a look at the details (15) by Mark Pack
  Tom McNally writes: we must not let the best be the enemy of the good (11) by Lord Tom McNally
  LibLink: Shirley Williams – The line the Lib Dems won’t cross on the NHS (1) by Nick T
  In other Chris Huhne news… good news for the environment (2) by Mark Pack
  The perils of taking one month’s economic figures in isolation (1) by Mark Pack
  Two Lib Dem Welsh Assembly Members step down on technicality (7) by Helen Duffett
  LibLink | Alan Beith: “Road safety is not an optional extra” (1) by Helen Duffett
  Julian Huppert MP writes on Trident: We don’t need to keep fighting the Cold War (19) by Julian Huppert
19th  PMQs: Broadcast the Prime Ministerial Test Card (5) by Paul Walter
  Political Communication in Britain: the latest 2010 election book (0) by Mark Pack
  There is a corner of a foreign field that is forever… ELDR Council (0) by Mark Valladares
  Mike Tuffrey interviewed at The Guardian (0) by Nick T
  Even Boris Johnson is moved to criticise Brian Coleman’s latest expense claims (0) by Mark Pack
  Legal expert says Lib Dem Welsh AMs’ election is void (12) by Helen Duffett
20th  So, why do you like Vince Cable? (13) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: Cease this injustice (4) by Jonathan Baldie
  Opinion: we need an enquiry in the AV referendum (20) by Simon McGrath
21st  We’re back… (7) by The Voice
  Opinion: Clegg’s conundrum (57) by Scott Hill
  Independent View: Time for Lib Dems to ditch STV (52) by Anthony Butcher
  Revealed: The Liberal Democrats’ new HQ (29) by Helen Duffett
  Chris Huhne election expense allegations: nothing to see here, move along (31) by Mark Pack
22nd  NHS reforms will be altered significantly and in a Lib Dem direction – Paul Burstow (17) by Mark Pack
  LibLink: Tyler versus Steel on Lords reform (5) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: However unfair it is, Chris Huhne should step down (105) by Simon McGrath
  Opinion: Clegg should hit the ejector button (69) by Scott Hill
  LibLink: Vince Cable warns that people underestimate our economic problems (3) by Mark Pack
  Top of the Blogs: The Lib Dem Golden Dozen #222 (0) by The Voice
23rd  Fate of John Dixon and Aled Roberts hangs in the balance (6) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: Can we campaign on Lords reform? (13) by Rob Blackie
  Nick Clegg’s speech on the green economy (6) by Helen Duffett
  Stephen Williams MP writes: Backbench committees and the louder Lib Dem voice (5) by Stephen Williams
  Opinion: A child dies every 20 seconds from lack of clean water (0) by Antony Hook
  Was Lib Dem MP John Hemming right to name Ryan Giggs as superinjunction footballer? (66) by Stephen Tall
  And the prize for the daftest comment about Chris Huhne goes to… (12) by Mark Pack
24th  I appear to be in a minority in frowning on blackmail (40) by Mark Pack
  Lord Stoneham defends Goodwin disclosure (2) by The Voice
  John Hemming MP writes: This country has allowed too much secret justice to develop (46) by John Hemming MP
  The Independent View: Where is the promised aid money being spent? (4) by Joanne Crouch
  Tim Farron writes: Enough doom and gloom, we have the greatest opportunity in the history of our party (44) by Tim Farron MP
  Boris Johnson’s funny money (1) by Mike Tuffrey
  LibLink | Sarah Teather: Q&A on special needs provision (0) by Helen Duffett
  Good question from Jo Swinson, good answer from Nick Clegg (15) by Mark Pack
25th  Dealing with the political weather: three lessons to learn (18) by Mark Pack
  The Independent View: The richest 1% will soon have a record share of our national income (30) by Danny Dorling
  Well, this is one way to avoid people leaving your email list (3) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: What is worrying Labour and the Tories? Part 1 (9) by Chris Nicholson
  Liberal Democrats setting the pace on the green agenda – Simon Hughes updates party members (8) by The Voice
  “Chris Huhne has achieved more in a year than most top politicians manage in a lifetime” (12) by The Voice
  DPMQs: Groundhog limbo dancing (2) by Paul Walter
  Chris Huhne’s election expenses: once again, nothing to see here, move along (60) by Mark Pack
26th  Who joins the BNP and who votes BNP? (3) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: The PCC are to blame for the Ryan Giggs fiasco (25) by Joe Taylor
  Opinion: Why do we allow new-born babies to be circumcised? (43) by Richard Clare
  Nick Clegg’s speech on NHS reform (21) by Helen Duffett
  Opinion: What is worrying Labour and the Tories? Part 2 (16) by Chris Nicholson
  Collette Dunkley appointed as Liberal Democrats’ Marketing Director (11) by Helen Duffett
  Shaffaq Mohammed writes: From a boy in Kashmir – to Leader of Sheffield Lib Dems (3) by Shaffaq Mohammed
  Chris White writes: I have just received an email from Simon Hughes (9) by Chris White
  What Guido Fawkes didn’t tell you about the Eastleigh meeting last night (38) by Mark Pack
  Even the Daily Mail has nice things to say about Nick Clegg’s NHS speech (9) by Mark Pack
27th  Conservative peer Lord Hanningfield convicted of expenses fraud (2) by Mark Pack
  Glympse: a glimpse of the next wave of political technology innovation (5) by Mark Pack
  LibLink | Vince Cable: “I can see another financial bomb going off” (9) by The Voice
  Better news for Chris Huhne; more bad news for Guido (15) by Nick T
  Mark Valladares writes: ELDR Council, Dresden 2011: it was the best of times, it was the wurst of times… (1) by Mark Valladares
  Opinion: The Lib Dems should pursue more populist policies (39) by Zadok Day
  The LDV Friday Five: 27 May 2011 (0) by The Voice
  LibLink: Julian Astle – The report every school reformer should read (8) by Nick T
  Electoral Commission rejects expenses complaint against Chris Huhne (1) by Mark Pack
28th  LibLink: Mark Pack – Lib Dems Must Not Ditch Commitment To Political Reform (1) by Nick T
  The Independent View: Alternatives to Trident replacement must include the possibility of no nuclear weapons (13) by Kate Hudson
  Opinion: Taking a battering in the polls was the best thing that could happen to us (42) by Andy Thompson
  Tidy up the loose ends about *that* cycle route meeting (6) by Mark Pack
  Praise for Green Investment Bank plans (0) by Mark Pack
  Lib Dems appoint three senior Campaigns heads (15) by Helen Duffett
29th  Timetable for selecting London Mayor candidate published (3) by Mark Pack
  Chris Rennard: Fill in the blanks of the Big Society (8) by Nick T
  You! Yes, you! Ever thought about being a Liberal Democrat parliamentary candidate? (26) by Mark Valladares
  Opinion: Constitutional reform? Time to look at it another way (41) by Ed Maxfield
  Lord McNally fully backs reforming the Lords (3) by Mark Pack
  Top of the Blogs: The Lib Dem Golden Dozen #223 (0) by The Voice
30th  Where’s the list of the ten worst benefit administration blunders? (10) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: The need for a radical manifesto (50) by George Potter
  LibLink | Lynne Featherstone: “Cross-departmental nagging is my strong point” (0) by Helen Duffett
  The Cameron-Clegg Government: or the perils of publishing a book early in the Parliament (2) by Mark Pack
  Liberal Youth: appealing to Lib Dems everywhere (0) by Thomas Hemsley
  The Independent On Sunday: Chris Huhne is a tenacious fighter for an important cause (11) by Nick T
31st  Lib Dem donation figures in full (Q1, 2011) (10) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: Themes for a radical manifesto (22) by George Potter
  Former Conservative peer Lord Taylor sentenced to 12 months for expenses fraud (5) by The Voice
  One cartoon, years of political experience (6) by Mark Pack
  Nick Harvey profiled in Total Politics (1) by Nick T
  Paul Burstow MP writes: Continuing to support Cancer Networks (7) by Paul Burstow
  Site news: comments in reversal (47) by The Voice
  Liberal Democrat peers: oh dear (21) by Mark Pack

Recent Comments

  • Mark ValladaresMark Valladares
    @ Nigel, Absolutely, enabling greater flexibility for employees (within reason) will instil greater loyalty to employers, aid in recruitment and retention, a...
  • Jonathan Calder
    We should certainly start talking about industrial democracy again and cooperatives too, but there remains an important role for trade unions in defending peopl...
  • David Warren
    @DavidSymonds is right, we need to be championing industrial democracy which was a key part of Liberal Party policy in the past. As for trade unions having s...
  • Paul R
    @Neil H - Yes, people do have officially issued government ID in many of those countries. It is not however mandatory for them to carry it in all such countries...
  • Jennie
    Oooo another member of the Jennie Club...