Monthly Archives: November 2011

1st  Housing: six things that could be done (14) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: “The first £10,000 you earn tax-free”? Not unless we act on National Insurance (24) by Adam Corlett
  10 Lib Dems call for emergency recovery programme (53) by The Voice
  Opinion: The future of Indeterminate Sentences – and why liberals should support them (7) by Dan Roper
  Opinion: Criminalising squatting (4) by Alex Marsh
2nd  Ming to head up Scottish Lib Dems’ Home Rule Commission (3) by The Voice
  Electoral Commission calls for local Council Tax referendums to be postponed (3) by Mark Pack
  Should councils be able to cap the number of second and holiday homes in their area? (7) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: The modern Conservative party – how very Reckless (10) by Jasper Gerard
  Local liberal heroes: Roger Hayes (6) by Mark Pack
  Paul Burstow MP writes: Let’s end this silent scandal (5) by Paul Burstow
  Opinion: What next for elected Police Commissioners? (17) by Chris White
  Individual electoral registration, credit and social mobility (3) by Mark Pack
  LibLink: Paddy Ashdown – Europe’s free ride on the back of Nato is over (11) by Nick T
3rd  Willie Rennie apologises for ‘unintentional offence’ of Lib Dems’ Alex Salmond cartoon (16) by Stephen Tall
  Chris Rennard writes… How to keep people with diabetes out of hospital (12) by Chris Rennard
  The Independent View: Labour is a puppet of the unions – Lib Dems must stand up for non-unionised workers (95) by Henry Gruijters
  The Independent View: Slashing early years spending contradicts the desire to improve social mobility (4) by Chris Paterson
  Moving to CONNECT (1) by Mark Pack
4th  Dishonourable Insults by Greg Knight (0) by Mark Pack
  Poking Big Brother in the eye. (Or ‘How I turned the tables on an illegally parked council CCTV spy van.’) (14) by Stuart Bonar
  How you can help Liberal Democrat Voice (0) by The Voice
  The LDV Friday Five: 4 November 2011 (0) by The Voice
  PMQs: Tim Farron asks “Question of the week” – Ed Balls signals four runs (3) by Paul Walter
5th  The weekend debate: Is it time to end the ban on political TV advertising? (8) by Carl Quilliam
  LDV Caption Competition | John Hemming “you’ll have had your tea” Edition (6) by Stephen Tall
  How to get Lib Dem Voice by email (0) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: Saving the Pub – an opportunity for Liberal Democrats in Government (7) by Gareth Epps
6th  Mike Tuffrey AM writes… The question I asked top London Tory: “Is there anything you would not privatise?” (6) by Mike Tuffrey
  Laws advises Clegg: oppose Tories’ “arbitrary and vindictive” benefits cuts (7) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: Shedding Light on Community Outreach (2) by Merlene Emerson
  Opinion: Nick Clegg’s sixth language is Tory (10) by Nick Perry
  Isle of Wight Lib Dems withdraw support from council candidate over masonic bank account allegations (4) by The Voice
  Top of the Blogs: The Lib Dem Golden Dozen #246 (0) by The Voice
7th  “We need to up our game.” As a Liberal Democrat, I endorse this message. (25) by Stephen Tall
  The Independent View: Educational disadvantage is one of the most unjust and pervasive problems (7) by Brett Wigdortz
  Opinion: Feed-in tariffs and the Lib Dem fight to ensure the Coalition really is ‘the greenest government ever’ (14) by Lucy Care
  Paul Burstow MP writes: Getting better at waiting (2) by Paul Burstow
  Campaign Corner: How to make Focus leaflets look better (23) by Mark Pack
  Liz Lynne MEP to stand down (4) by Helen Duffett
8th  Pugh: we must we must be able to guarantee safety before we start fracking (3) by The Voice
  Opinion: Will Hutton and his killer fact – the questions that need an answer (30) by Ed Maxfield
  Southwark Lib Dems face questions over Ministry of Sound donations: 3 important points to consider (11) by Stephen Tall
  David Steel, bombing Greenland and regulating cats (5) by Mark Pack
9th  Opinion: Four ways we can tackle the housing crisis (24) by Emily Davey
  That’s the way to do it! How Liberal Democrats made the running on the Localism Bill (13) by The Voice
  PMQs: Miliband misses a golden opportunity (7) by Paul Walter
10th  Liberal Democrat setting for Prime Ministerial grilling (1) by Paul Walter
  David Boyle writes… The missing explanation of public service failure (12) by David Boyle
  Private company seals deal on NHS Hospital (46) by Paul Walter
11th  Opinion: Saving School Transport (4) by Sarah Osborne & Antony Hook
  The Independent View: The Coalition needs to get serious about protecting citizens’ privacy (1) by Nick Pickles
  Calling all Lib Dem bloggers… Orwell Prize 2012 open to entries (0) by The Voice
12th  The weekend debate: Are Lib Dems too pro-European? (59) by Carl Quilliam
  And in other news… (0) by Stephen Tall
  Clegg and Teather announce free childcare places set to rise (0) by The Voice
  New edition of Liberator out now (1) by The Liberator Collective
13th  Opinion: Why do Liberals (and Greens, and Conservatives) fund the Labour Party? (32) by Kiron Reid
  Greg Mulholland writes… Here is Lib Dem ministers’ chance to save the pub (14) by Greg Mulholland MP
  Opinion: The United Kingdom of Benefits and Welfare Dependence (67) by Peter Lesniak
  LibLink | Starved by the Japanese: the Clegg family’s war (3) by Helen Duffett
  Top of the Blogs: The Lib Dem Golden Dozen #247 (0) by The Voice
14th  Rennie challenges SNP to set fair access test for Scottish universities (0) by The Voice
  Opinion: A deficit is a deficit is a deficit… Or is it? (19) by George Kendall
  Lynne Featherstone to propose stalking – in person or online – to be made an offence (8) by The Voice
  Opinion: Lib Dems should embrace the ‘Occupy’ spirit (39) by Sam Barnett
  Campaign Corner: How do I make my ward emails more effective? (5) by Mark Pack
15th  How best to boost growth? Coalition debate sees Tories argue for supply-side reforms, Lib Dems pushing for new ‘pension infrastructure fund’ (5) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: Forcing payment for internships could actually reduce opportunities (13) by Glyn Ley
  Opinion: A New Approach to our Union (26) by Nicola Prigg
  Opinion: The Lib Dem leadership’s attitude to the Police Commissioner elections is baffling! (30) by David Hennigan
  Stephen Williams MP writes: How to damage tobacco brands (54) by Stephen Williams
16th  Book review: Peace, Reform and Liberation – “the first port of call for anyone wishing to learn more about Liberal and Liberal Democrat history” (16) by Iain Sharpe
  Malcolm Bruce MP writes: How UK Aid is being spent in the developing world (2) by Malcolm Bruce
  Jake Holland writes: Connect is here to help you win (6) by Jake Holland
  Opinion: Nick Clegg lays into Labour links to unions (20) by Paul Walter
17th  LDVideo: King trumped by Baroness (2) by Stephen Tall
  Clegg: the Coalition’s priorities must be “jobs and growth, jobs and growth” (18) by Stephen Tall
  Graham Watson runs for the Presidency of the European Liberal Democrats (2) by Mark Valladares
  DPMQs: Clegg shows his passion on a range of issues (26) by Paul Walter
  Norman Lamb MP writes: Why we need to keep an open mind on Hinchingbrooke (13) by Norman Lamb MP
18th  In praise of Duwayne Brooks (3) by Stephen Tall
  The Independent View: And then there was one… (Unmasked! The only backbench Lib Dem MP 100% loyal to the Coalition) (13) by Philip Cowley and Mark Stuart
  Opinion: Will fixing the planning system improve the housing supply? (14) by Alex Marsh
19th  The weekend debate: What if Gordon Brown Were Still Prime Minister? (29) by Carl Quilliam
  Farron: There’s a steady awareness we’re an incredibly effective bar to “swivel-eyed” Tories (49) by Paul Walter
  Don Foster MP writes… It’s time we talked about toilets! (7) by Don Foster MP
  LDVideo: Nick Clegg – “It is time we knew whether the Labour party can think for itself.” (10) by Stephen Tall
  Clegg orders fresh review of extradition laws headed by Ming (4) by Stephen Tall
  And in other Lib Dem news… (3) by Stephen Tall
20th  LibLink | In praise of… Shirley Williams (6) by NewsHound
  LibLink | Steve Webb fears poor rap for pensions (0) by NewsHound
  Opinion: Do Banks Rule the World? (9) by Mark Hofman
  How well do you know the British Prime Ministers? (15) by Mark Pack
  LDV Caption Competition | Jeremy Browne “it’s not always this black-and-white” Edition (30) by Stephen Tall
  Top of the Blogs: The Lib Dem Golden Dozen #248 (0) by The Voice
21st  Spain turns to the right – but are the voters rejecting ‘the left’ or incumbents? (9) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: Why Conservatives should consider defecting to the Liberal Democrats (30) by George Kendall
  Three hours on Sunday morning – and three examples of LibDems thwarting Tory extremism (11) by Paul Walter
  Southwark Lib Dems, Ministry of Sound, Oakmayne, and the BBC: the story continues… (4) by Stephen Tall
  Andrew Stunell MP writes… Today’s Housing Strategy will deliver the homes and growth we need (25) by Andrew Stunell MP
  Campaign Corner: How to write effective fundraising letters (2) by Mark Pack
  Lib Dem Bloggers’ Christmas stocking fillers… Part I (3) by Stephen Tall
22nd  Opinion: The importance of social liberalism (38) by Samuel Barratt
23rd  Clegg and Farron on party funding: yes to action now, no to more taxpayer contributions (14) by Stephen Tall
  Lib Dems back High Pay Commission’s proposals to curb excessive executive salaries (9) by Stephen Tall
  Was there a Clegg coup? Review of The Clegg Coup – Britain’s First Coalition Government Since Lloyd George by Jasper Gerard (25) by Mark Pack
  Paul Burstow MP writes: The hidden potential of early diagnosis (3) by Paul Burstow
  Opinion: Lib Dems should welcome and put into practice most of the High Pay Commission’s recommendations (9) by Prateek Buch
  Vince Cable sets out employment law consultation to establish ‘culture of dialogue – not confrontation’ (43) by Paul Walter
  ELDR Congress – let’s hope it isn’t a lemon… (0) by Mark Valladares
  Lib Dem Bloggers’ Christmas stocking fillers… Part II (3) by Stephen Tall
24th  LDVideo: Jeremy Browne’s pledge to Sam Fox: I’ll raise issue of tiger farms with Chinese government (1) by Stephen Tall
  The Independent View: 1 in 7 people go hungry every day. But you can help. Here’s how… (0) by Manmeet Kaur
  The party’s back to front: why our political messaging is wrong (27) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: What right do politicians have to decide rules on their own jobs? (2) by Phil Ling
  Jenny Willott MP writes: Harrington – better assessments, better outcomes (13) by Jenny Willott
25th  Missing: the people the Leveson Inquiry won’t be talking to (4) by Mark Pack
  PMQs: Ding-dong over youth unemployment (2) by Paul Walter
  Nick Clegg MP writes: We won’t let a generation fall behind (11) by Nick Clegg MP
  Three cheers for inflation? (8) by Mark Pack
  The Independent View: Next Tuesday, the Chancellor’s greatest currency is consistency (9) by Will Tanner
  How many people are prosecuted for failing to fill in electoral registration forms? (2) by Mark Pack
  The Independent View: 10 ways to promote growth (5) by Tony Dolphin
  Opinion: Why Liberal Youth is worth funding (16) by Tom Wood
  Pupil Premium comes to Wales (3) by Mark Pack
26th  How big business got the 50p tax rate wrong (34) by Mark Pack
  The weekend debate: Who would you send to Mars? (13) by Carl Quilliam
  Opinion: Egypt – time now for the power of votes in ballot boxes (3) by Rob Murphy
  Opinion: Tackling the elephant in the room – youth unemployment (10) by Harry Matthews
  LibLink: Mark Pack – The Graph May Be Boring; The Political Message Isn’t (5) by Nick T
  Lib Dem Bloggers’ Christmas stocking fillers… Part III (0) by Stephen Tall
27th  Opinion: Party funding plans to be kicked into the long grass – but what’s the alternative? (16) by Dave Smithson
  Top of the Blogs: The Lib Dem Golden Dozen #249 (0) by The Voice
28th  Ed Davey writes… Glass half full – or half empty? (36) by Ed Davey
  A welcome shift in international interventions (1) by Mark Pack
  Kirsty Williams writes… The Welsh Pupil Premium (2) by Kirsty Williams AM
  Tim Gordon appointed new Liberal Democrat Chief Executive (11) by The Voice
  Opinion: Nick Clegg and Scarman (9) by Lester Holloway
  Campaign Corner: Is there such a thing as too many leaflets? (26) by Mark Pack
  Thinking long-term: the government’s alternative to PFI (5) by Mark Pack
29th  LibLink: David Laws – George Osborne must stick to austerity Plan A (7) by Nick T
  Ed Davey: someone getting the messaging right (11) by Mark Pack
  Danny Alexander on the Autumn Statement (15) by The Voice
  Opinion: How much smaller would Labour’s cuts have been? (43) by Nick T
  What does the public think about income inequality? (2) by Mark Pack
  Sarah Teather MP writes… More two-year olds to get free early education, thanks to Lib Dems in Government (9) by Sarah Teather
  The Independent View: Autumn Statement makes the best of a bad situation (30) by Ben Norman
30th  Feltham and Heston by-election – come and help Lib Dems’ Roger Crouch make an impact today! (3) by Munira Wilson
  Opinion: Green light for Light Rail (5) by Paul Rowen
  Opinion: European Liberal Democrat Parties vote against war with Iran (4) by Paul Reynolds
  Lib Dem donation figures in full (Q3, 2011) (8) by Stephen Tall
  Jo Swinson MP questions BBC on all male Sports Personality shortlist (15) by Caron Lindsay
  Humiliation for MI5 as former boss rules its claims are unfounded (23) by Mark Pack
  Brown at 10: the authoritative account – which lays into Ed Balls (3) by Mark Pack
  Lib Dem Bloggers’ Christmas stocking fillers… Part IV (0) by Stephen Tall

Recent Comments

  • Mark ValladaresMark Valladares
    @ Nigel, Absolutely, enabling greater flexibility for employees (within reason) will instil greater loyalty to employers, aid in recruitment and retention, a...
  • Jonathan Calder
    We should certainly start talking about industrial democracy again and cooperatives too, but there remains an important role for trade unions in defending peopl...
  • David Warren
    @DavidSymonds is right, we need to be championing industrial democracy which was a key part of Liberal Party policy in the past. As for trade unions having s...
  • Paul R
    @Neil H - Yes, people do have officially issued government ID in many of those countries. It is not however mandatory for them to carry it in all such countries...
  • Jennie
    Oooo another member of the Jennie Club...