Monthly Archives: January 2012

1st  Opinion: Ever greater centralisation is not the answer for failing schools (13) by Chris White
  The four things the new party Chief Executive must prioritise (14) by Mark Pack
  NEW POLL: Who is your Liberal Voice of the Year? (25) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: the problem of Welfare Reform (44) by Iain Roberts
  Top of the Blogs: The Lib Dem Golden Dozen #254 (0) by The Voice
2nd  How you can help Liberal Democrat Voice (2) by The Voice
  Campaign Corner: Is it better for a candidate to have a website or a blog? (4) by Mark Pack
  “A political trauma, but a policy success” – the FT’s verdict on tuition fees (32) by Nick T
  LibLink: Mark Pack – Why David Cameron won’t be calling a snap general election (3) by NewsHound
  The Lib Dem Voice Golden Dozen of 2011 (2) by Stephen Tall
3rd  The Liberal Democrat challenges for 2012: The Budget (8) by Mark Pack
  The perils of political canvassing (4) by Mark Pack
  London Lib Dems hit out at Boris’s fare hikes as “shameful” (4) by The Voice
  Opinion: The forgotten family member and what Nick said… (13) by Michael Carchrie Campbell
  How you can help make the workings of party committees more accountable (4) by Mark Pack
  Stephen Lawrence – “Some justice at last” (1) by NewsHound
  Opinion: Liberating the land – prosperity through Rigorous Liberalism (18) by Jock Coats
  Richard Thomas is Welsh Lib Dems’ new Chief Executive (0) by Helen Duffett
  Sir Bob Russell MP: “I have spent my entire adult life fighting the establishment but clearly, I have failed.” (1) by Helen Duffett
  European candidate selections: is that the time already? (1) by Mark Valladares
4th  The Liberal Democrat challenges for 2012: May’s elections (10) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: Minimum alcohol pricing – an attack on the poor (57) by Zadok Day
  Opinion: A bright new year? (9) by Linda Jack
  Coming up in the Lords… 10-20 January (0) by Mark Valladares
  How to get Lib Dem Voice by email (0) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: In the name of the Olympics (4) by Sam Barnett
  Opinion: Parliament needs our help on the NHS Bill (24) by Graham Winyard
  Opinion: Let’s get case for Alan Turing pardon debated in Parliament (19) by William Jones
  Jo Swinson urges action to help young develop positive body image (4) by Caron Lindsay
5th  Lib Dem members’ 394 suggestions for the new party chief executive’s top priorities (0) by Stephen Tall
  The Liberal Democrat challenges for 2012: Treating supporters as active participants (1) by Mark Pack
  Flying Free: Nigel Farage’s take on his own life (9) by Mark Pack
  Chris Davies MEP writes… Assisted dying is a liberal issue (15) by Chris Davies
  Liberal Youth : Reporting Back From Feltham (4) by Tom Wood
  Opinion: Why I’m backing the Occupy Movement as my Liberal Voice of the Year (15) by Daniel Furr
6th  Clegg’s Today Programme interview: a round-up, a clip, and some comments (2) by Stephen Tall
  The Liberal Democrat challenges for 2012: Wealth taxation (9) by Mark Pack
  Nick Clegg’s priorities for 2012 (8) by Prateek Buch
  70% of Lib Dem members back Clegg’s call to means-test some benefits of wealthy pensioners (21) by Stephen Tall
  Lord German writes… A benefits system that works: the Welfare Reform Bill in the House of Lords (36) by Mike German
  Has our police force been ‘completely transformed’ by the Lawrence case? (3) by Sid Cumberland
  Indy splashes on Lib Dem Voice members’ survey findings (3) by Stephen Tall
  What Chris Fox did next (0) by Stephen Tall
7th  The Liberal Democrat challenges for 2012: Communicative ministers (2) by Mark Pack
  LDV Caption Competition | Sir Bob Russell “snookered by Nick Clegg” Edition (18) by Stephen Tall
  How party members rate the performances of leading Lib Dems (5) by Stephen Tall
  Michael Brown arrested in Dominican Republic (23) by Mark Pack
8th  The Liberal Democrat challenges for 2012: A coherent narrative (5) by Mark Pack
  European liberal leaders gather in London (8) by Mark Valladares
  Opinion: Tackling Labour’s Pensions Deficit (6) by Iain Donaldson
  Lib Dem council candidate in trouble over online comments (4) by Prateek Buch
  How you can take part in LibDemVoice’s exclusive party member surveys (0) by Stephen Tall
  Top of the Blogs: The Lib Dem Golden Dozen #255 (0) by The Voice
9th  Opinion: Race issue must not be trivialised (15) by Ashley Day
  Duwayne Brooks interviewed on Today (2) by NewsHound
  Paul Tyler writes… Second chamber must have more members than the government proposes (9) by Paul Tyler
  Why Mohamed Al Bouazizi should be the Liberal Voice of 2011 (3) by Richard Morris
  The Liberal Democrat challenges for 2012: recap (3) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: LibDems should run a big-spending department (7) by Sam Cannicott
  Opinion: Scottish independence – bleak consequences for LibDem and Labour Westminster representation (34) by David Franklin
  Opinion: Welfare reform – LibDems must stand up for the vulnerable (33) by George Potter
  Campaign Corner: How do we get more people to our next campaign session? (0) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: Our party is a choir of many voices – Let’s not single out the sopranos (5) by Lee Dargue
  Jeremy Browne MP writes… The Olympic Games are just 200 days away. (12) by Jeremy Browne MP
10th  Joint Statement: European Liberal Democrat Leaders Meeting (6) by Mark Valladares
  What do the academics say? Using betting markets to predict election outcomes (1) by Mark Pack
  Julian Huppert MP writes… Liberal Democrats have convinced other parties about High Speed Rail (28) by Julian Huppert
  Opinion: Why competition is the key issue (20) by David Boyle
  The Beveridge Group announces its relaunch (15) by NewsHound
  Opinion: is the infant class size limit of thirty too inflexible? (31) by Simon Shaw
  Opinion: a need for equality? Yes, but short lists aren’t the way to achieve this (9) by Roisin Miller
  Introducing ‘A postcard from…’ (1) by Mark Valladares
  A postcard from… Mumbai (1) by Baroness Ros Scott
11th  Opinion: We need better housing for a better Britain (25) by Matthew Green
  How the left/right balance of Liberal Democrat voters has changed (30) by Mark Pack
  Paul Burstow MP writes… Time to Care: patients not paperwork (11) by Paul Burstow
  Opinion: War with Iran? Where’s the scrutiny (9) by Paul Reynolds
  David Laws: Free schools should focus on education, not profit (8) by Nick T
  Stephen Gilbert MP writes… Park home residents must be looked after properly (4) by Stephen Gilbert MP
  Haggis, Neeps and Liberalism special: Dramatic independence referendum duel in London and Edinburgh (17) by Caron Lindsay
  You know what we’re doing wrong? We’ve not introduced tax breaks for wooden arrows (0) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: What price authenticity in our policy making? (4) by Nick Perry
  Lib Dem Peers rebel as Government defeated on Welfare Reform (44) by Caron Lindsay
12th  Nick Clegg’s social mobility drive wins backing from banks and law firms (7) by Mark Pack
  PMQs: Opposition leader asks: “Can I agree with the Prime Minister”? (1) by Paul Walter
  Peace, Reform and Liberation: how does the new party history measure up? (1) by Lord William Wallace
  This 2008 political advert is still hard to beat (5) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: Postcards to Political Prisoners and the disturbing case of Mikael Nabil (3) by Harriet Ainscough
  LibLink: Lord Trevor Smith – looking to the future of the Liberal Democrats (17) by Mark Valladares
13th  The path to 2015 should be one guided by our principles, not by doubt (17) by Callum Morton
  Will Lansley’s NHS reforms make episodes like the PIP implant scandal more common? (27) by Prateek Buch
  Opinion: Liberal Democrats should welcome Michael Gove’s proposals for the ICT curriculum (10) by Charlotte Henry
  Opinion: Call-me-Dave is right – let the real owners decide company policies (11) by Jonathan Hunt
  Labour’s stance on high pay leaves the ball firmly in Vince Cable’s court (7) by Prateek Buch
  The unintended costs and consequences of legal aid cuts (3) by James Sandbach
  Liberal Unionism in 2012 (26) by William Hobhouse
  The LDV Friday Five: 13 January 2012 (1) by The Voice
  Ed Balls: My starting point is we are going to have keep all the cuts (32) by Mark Pack
14th  The weekend debate: Should we do business with people who don’t share our values? (16) by Carl Quilliam
  LabourList readers: scrap personal privacy over your income (25) by Mark Pack
  LibLink: “John Hemming is definitely a cat man” (1) by NewsHound
  LDV Caption Competition | Michael Gove “May the Lego be with you” Edition (26) by Stephen Tall
  * Warning: this story contains feigned outrage (9) by Stephen Tall
  Nick Clegg unites with Lords in battle to alter benefit cuts (13) by Mark Pack
15th  And the winner of our Liberal Voice of the Year award is… Mark Littlewood (67) by Stephen Tall
  Diana Wallis MEP announces her candidacy for President of the European Parliament (4) by Mark Valladares
  Top of the Blogs: The Lib Dem Golden Dozen #256 (0) by The Voice
16th  ‘There but for the grace of…’ A couple of things Lib Dems should consider before joining the attacks on Ed Balls (30) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: Speaking up for Scots – a referendum on independence needs democratic legitimacy (19) by Oranjepan
  Andrew George writes… A veil of initiatives (6) by Andrew George
  Opinion: Before the debate – What’s the evidence? (14) by Chris Nicholson
  Clegg sets out vision of “John Lewis economy” (4) by NewsHound
  LibLink: David Laws – Reasons to be cheerful in 2012 (10) by NewsHound
  The stimulus of applying for low-carbon community funding (1) by Karen Wilkinson
  Competition and Universities: building new Higher Education policy (12) by Mike Bird
  Opinion on Nick Clegg’s speech today: Employee share ownership is classic liberalism (26) by Tom Frostick
  The Lib Dem Candidates Leadership Programme – a participant’s view (44) by Layla Moran MP
  Campaign Corner: How do I deal with information overload? (1) by Mark Pack
  Anti-English or Anti-Scottish? A guide to the independence referendum (48) by Katy Gordon
  LDVideo: Nick Clegg – Public won’t back Queen yacht idea (8) by Stephen Tall
17th  LDVideo: Nick Clegg calls for ‘John Lewis economy’ (4) by Stephen Tall
  Wanted: a new form of capitalism (12) by Mark Pack
  ELDR announces venues for 2012 meetings (7) by NewsHound
  Our time to lead the debate: Employee ownership (10) by Norman Lamb MP
  Opinion: Depleted Uranium Weapons – a new area of Liberal Democrat policy? (15) by Lev Eakins
  A postcard from… Chennai (1) by Baroness Ros Scott
  London Liberal Democrats – helping those with the smallest pockets get to work (10) by Caroline Pidgeon
  Opinion: the dangers of a new Middle East conflagration (8) by Lord Smith of Clifton
  Comeback Clegg – the Times’ reasons to be cheerful about the Lib Dems (25) by Helen Duffett
  Coming up in the Lords… 23 January – 2 February (21) by Mark Valladares
18th  Vested interests on Cameron’s doorstep (0) by Sean Davey
  The best spoof political interview. Ever. (0) by Mark Pack
  Nick Clegg’s mental health initiative provides treatment for half a million people (4) by Caron Lindsay
  Opinion: No is not enough; Scottish Liberal Democrats must embrace independence referendum (23) by Graeme Cowie
  Tim Farron MP writes… Are two Eds better than one? (21) by Tim Farron MP
  Opinion: Stop the extradition of Richard O’Dwyer (10) by Richard Clare
  Opinion: What’s happened to democracy in the Liberal Democrats? (72) by George Potter
  Martin Schulz elected as new President of the European Parliament (2) by Mark Valladares
  Michael Moore MP’s Westminster Notes (4) by Michael Moore
19th  PMQs: Miliband hoist by his Balls’ petard (15) by Paul Walter
  Opinion: The Lib Dems should back Lord Foster’s plans for a new Thames Airport (43) by London Liberal
  Learning lessons from the US elections: four legal differences you need to know (3) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: Political Heroes (10) by George Kendall
  Opinion: Derby, Bombardier and lessons for Government (7) by Steve Coltman
  The trade unions could be doing Ed Miliband – and all of us – a favour (1) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: “Capitalism is a great success story.” Really, Nick? (35) by Nicola Prigg
  Diana Wallis MEP resigns (19) by NewsHound
  LibLink: Chris Rennard – Integrity in ensuring that people can vote (3) by Nick T
  Employee ownership: Some thoughts from a former John Lewis partner (6) by Nick T
  LibDem MEP retains influential European economic role (11) by NewsHound
  How should Diana Wallis be replaced? (54) by Mark Pack
20th  Opinion: If Cameron won’t attend Rio+20 then Clegg should (4) by Adam Corlett
  European Parliament – another day, more elections… (1) by Mark Valladares
  Paul Burstow MP writes… Want to know how we can improve three million lives? (9) by Paul Burstow
  Opinion: The Coalition are winning the economic argument (30) by David Thorpe
  David Heath MP writes… Action at last on a lobbyists’ register (2) by David Heath MP
  What’s the most effective way of ensuring fair wages for low earners? (16) by Prateek Buch
  Opinion: Water – time to see it as a national interest? (7) by Andrew Wigley
  The LDV Friday Five: 20 January 2012 (0) by Helen Duffett
21st  Ken Livingstone attacks Boris Johnson for, er…, agreeing with Ken Livingstone (3) by Mark Pack
  Telegraph apologises for false slurs on Huhne and offensive Cristina Odone article (6) by Stephen Tall
  Julian Huppert MP writes… Boris Island is no more than an election ploy (6) by Julian Huppert
  Opinion: MEP Diana Wallis resigns – but the European Parliament’s great ‘stitch-up’ continues (13) by Paul Haydon
  Should Police Commissioner candidates get election addresses? (4) by Mark Pack
  Nick Clegg on the Andrew Marr Show tomorrow (4) by Helen Duffett
22nd  Opinion: Is a “John Lewis economy” a liberal economy? (8) by Chris Nicholson
  Andrew Marr bids for record-breaking number of different topics in one interview (4) by Mark Pack
  LDVideo: Nick Clegg on the benefits cap – “Work should always pay” (24) by Stephen Tall
  Vince pushes the ‘mansion tax’ – could the Tories yet be persuaded to take tax reform seriously? (18) by Stephen Tall
  The Independent View: The benefits cap policy is based on myths (31) by Alison Garnham
  Top of the Blogs: The Lib Dem Golden Dozen #257 (0) by The Voice
23rd  A tailored response is required to tackle cities’ unemployment challenges (3) by Paul Swinney
  LibLink: Tim Leunig – Housing benefit cap: can you live on 62p a day? (26) by Paul Walter
  Chris Davies MEP writes… Wallis succession: It just doesn’t sound right (11) by Chris Davies
  Opinion: Flaws in Policy Exchange’s report (7) by Reg Platt
  Vince Cable to boost shareholder power over boardroom pay (0) by NewsHound
  Opinion: UK break-up – we’d all be losers (15) by Alastair
  Campaign Corner: What makes for a good action photograph? (0) by Mark Pack
  Video: Perhaps the most dramatic implosion of a front-running Presidential campaign in history (2) by Paul Walter
  Opinion: We need to tackle ‘crony capitalism’ on our watch (5) by Gareth Epps
  Vince Cable announces measures to combat excess executive pay (13) by NewsHound
  Nick Clegg needs cutting down to size – Tebbit (17) by Paul Walter
  Lib Dem peers help inflict Lords defeat over Coalition’s benefit cap plan (61) by Stephen Tall
24th  Yesterday in the Lords (part 1): let the banner of rebellion be unfurled… (5) by Mark Valladares
  Opinion: the Legal Aid Bill is worth a Lib Dem revolt (8) by Eduardo Reyes
  LDVideo: Vince unveils changes on executive pay (9) by Stephen Tall
  Yesterday in the Lords (part 2): you know you’re in trouble when the Bishops vote… (15) by Mark Valladares
  Your LDV guide to rebel Liberal Democrat Peers (11) by Mark Valladares
  Opening up public sector procurement, creating opportunities for local enterprises (10) by Dick Newby
  Dealing with Labour’s mess, Part 93: Lib Dems secure future of post offices (6) by Stephen Tall
25th  Opinion: Crisis in our social care system, a personal memoir (5) by David Warren
  Ashdown, Glover and Williams on the party’s history (2) by Mark Pack
  Lynne Featherstone MP writes… We do not just elect individuals, we elect people to be members of a team (5) by Lynne Featherstone
  Opinion: Clegg should look to Gladstone and Grimond, not John Lewis (5) by Nigel Lindsay
  Opinion: Nick Clegg’s remarks inch the UK towards recognition of Palestine (17) by John McHugo
  The Independent View: Lib Dems crucial in preventing further welfare reform injustice (4) by Gingerbread
  Opinion: How do we answer the West Kensington question? (28) by Paul Edie
  Social Liberal Forum (Scotland) plans busy year (0) by Norman Fraser
  Official rebukes Iain Duncan Smith over immigration figures (mis)use (4) by Mark Pack
  Sir Menzies Campbell asks for Scottish members’ views on Home Rule (13) by Caron Lindsay
26th  Nick Clegg returns to income tax (2) by Mark Pack
  Can polling station location alter how people vote? (17) by Mark Pack
  What happens if someone tries to join the Liberal Democrats? (34) by Mark Pack
  PMQs: The importance of Doncaster, almost to the exclusion of everything else (3) by Paul Walter
  Opinion: The grammar school debate – an opportunity for distinctiveness? (18) by Tom Smith
  LibLink: Mark Pack – Nick Clegg turns media weakness into media strength (2) by Nick T
  Clegg’s call for income tax cuts for the low paid is welcome, but will the Tories back him? (7) by Nick T
  Opinion: Why Liberal Democrat Conference is good for you! (2) by Caron Lindsay
  LDVideo: Danny Alexander on the Coalition’s economic record (3) by Stephen Tall
27th  LDVideo: Clegg – “the Coalition is calling time on our unfair and out-of-whack tax system” (0) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: getting the welfare reforms right (13) by George Potter
  Diana Wallis MEP’s husband will not take over her seat (29) by Helen Duffett
  How do you get people to trust councils? (2) by Mark Pack
  IPPR: making the Third Wave of Globalisation work for us all (4) by Prateek Buch
  Opinion: we must become the fair tax party (7) by Tom King
  Question: Big or small government? Answer: effective (8) by Henry Vann
  Opinion: Memo to Jeremy Browne MP (11) by Paul Reynolds
  The LDV Friday Five: 27 January 2012 (0) by The Voice
28th  The weekend debate: Should Stephen Hester accept his bonus? (28) by Carl Quilliam
  Opinion: Firm Friend and Equal Partner – Alex Salmond’s Lecture at the Scott Trust (10) by Nick Tyrone
  Opinion: We have let neoliberals devastate state education, we must not let them do the same to the NHS (67) by Paul Pettinger
  LDV Caption Competition: Eds Balls and Miliband “The Early Years” Edition (28) by Stephen Tall
  Cam’s Euro U-turn – this is what happens when you fail to negotiate (9) by Stephen Tall
29th  LDVideo: Clegg on RBS Hester’s pay – “these figures seem like they’re from another planet” (10) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: Cross-Party Support for Job-Sharing (8) by Dinti Batstone
  Lib Dem Councillor Amy Kitcher shows the compassionate side of politics (0) by NewsHound
  Shirley Williams’ campaign against NHS reforms wins new concessions from Lansley (10) by The Voice
  A close escape – and now we should change our Euro-selection rules (30) by Mark Pack
  In other news… (0) by Stephen Tall
  LibLink: Mr Clegg Goes to Peterbrook (3) by NewsHound
  Top of the Blogs: The Lib Dem Golden Dozen #258 (0) by The Voice
30th  Opinion: Is the Post Office safe in your hands, Mr Davey? (16) by The Voice
  Dan Rogerson MP writes… Welcoming more transparent school performance data (1) by Dan Rogerson MP
  Local liberal heroes: Alexi Sugden (0) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: What happens if Salmond loses the independence referendum? (18) by Chris White
  Opinion: A healthy chamber in a healthy democracy? (1) by Nick Hollinghurst
  University figures: Highest year ever for teenager applications – except for last year’s spike (17) by The Voice
  Campaign Corner: Getting the most out of a delivery session (0) by Mark Pack
  Julian Huppert MP writes… A new Lib Dem science and research policy (11) by Julian Huppert
  LibLink: Lynne Featherstone – Success so far of the body image campaign (2) by Paul Walter
  Opinion: Never mind ‘disrespect’, “Iron Lady” is just not a very good film (10) by Paul Walter
  LDVideo: Danny Alexander – ‘No-one wants bonus culture’ (12) by Stephen Tall
31st  Lib Dem MPs win concessions ahead of benefits cap vote (7) by The Voice
  Understanding the university application figures (6) by Mark Pack
  LibLink: Simon Hughes MP – Students are not being put off university by tuition fees (2) by Helen Duffett
  Council Tax – why not a premium for second homes? (24) by Annette Brooke MP
  Gender Equality and MPs – is our performance as bad as it looks? (32) by Mark Thompson
  Coming up in the Lords… 6-16 February (2) by Mark Valladares
  Paul Burstow MP writes… Let’s talk about poo (6) by Paul Burstow
  Have your say on our Rural Policy paper (16) by Tessa Munt MP
  The other issue Lib Dem peers can win on tomorrow (5) by Mark Pack
  New LDV members’ survey now live: your views on benefits cap, tax, Europe, Scottish independence and life in government (0) by Stephen Tall

Recent Comments

  • Jonathan Calder
    We should certainly start talking about industrial democracy again and cooperatives too, but there remains an important role for trade unions in defending peopl...
  • David Warren
    @DavidSymonds is right, we need to be championing industrial democracy which was a key part of Liberal Party policy in the past. As for trade unions having s...
  • Paul R
    @Neil H - Yes, people do have officially issued government ID in many of those countries. It is not however mandatory for them to carry it in all such countries...
  • Jennie
    Oooo another member of the Jennie Club...
  • Peter Hirst
    While it is good to have the correct policies it is even better to implement them in a timely and effective manner. We can have debates about what is the right ...