Monthly Archives: October 2012

1st  Opinion: Debate on Page 3 is missing the real issue (18) by Iain Roberts
  Opinion: For the Lib Dems to challenge in 2015, the party must be forcefully centrist (66) by William Mosseri-Marlio
  Conference Skype* speeches – a must have (15) by Paul Walter
  Ban on wheel clamping on private land coming into force in England and Wales today (7) by Caroline Pidgeon
  Romney campaign: Writing the “How not to” manual (2) by Paul Walter
  Opinion: Strong communities are the key to reducing anti-social behaviour (12) by Sean Davey
  Opinion: Conference crèche keeps parent activists (5) by Rachel Coleman Finch
  Opinion: Pensions for property scheme is profoundly flawed and illiberal (20) by David Thorpe
2nd  New poll gives a boost to Lib Dems – but will it last? (11) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: The Conflicts of Economic Policy (53) by Geoff Crocker
  Opinion: Reflections from Brighton 2012 (4) by Tim Purkiss
  Devon and Cornwall select Brian Blake for Police and Crime Commissioner election (12) by Glyn Ley
  Tom Brake writes … Lib Dem Conference is so much more than just political war-gaming (0) by Tom Brake
  A graph, a dip, a policy: why the nursery premium is so important (4) by Mark Pack
  Jeremy Browne writes … My liberalism has a simple objective: to promote the freedom and ambitions of every individual. (4) by Jeremy Browne MP
  Opinion: Why Richard Reeves is wrong about the ‘Nanny State’ (10) by Geoffrey Payne
  Opinion: The Ryder Cup is symbolic – Europe is stronger together – and it’s more entertaining (8) by Antony Hook
  LibLink: Jonathan Portes on wealth taxes & ensuring the ‘rich’ pay their fair share (6) by Stephen Tall
3rd  What Lib Dem members think about EBacc, academies and free schools (9) by Stephen Tall
  The top campaigning lesson from Ed Miliband’s speech: repetition is what you need (27) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: Making our party more democratic and participative (28) by Simon McGrath
  You don’t have to go to conference to be a conference rep (6) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: Conference showed Liberal Democrat heart, soul and backbone (17) by Karen Wilkinson
  How progressive is the new tuition fees system? (38) by Mark Pack
  Spotted outside Labour Conference – a reminder of how Lib Dems cut taxes for poorest (17) by NewsHound
  Kirsty Williams AM writes: Welsh Liberal Democrats will fight for more for disadvantaged children (3) by Kirsty Williams AM
  Opinion: Immigration service must do more to protect human dignity (5) by James Harper
  Nick Clegg: “Turkish entry into the EU is a strategic necessity” (20) by The Voice
  Opinion: The Arab Spring – a liberal paradox? (20) by Charles Beaumont
  Another idea Ed Miliband is supporting that Liberal Democrats have heard – and done – before (13) by Caron Lindsay
4th  What Lib Dem members think about means-testing pensioner benefits & a freeze on benefits payments (13) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: Four suggestions on the future of Lib Dem tax policy (28) by Daniel Henry
  Manchester Labour’s “crazy” decision to spend £425k on pop concert (9) by Nick T
  Michael Gove declares war on curves (square corners are OK though) (17) by Mark Pack
  “14 out of 15 trades unions fail the transparency test” (8) by Nick T
  LibLink: Richard Reeves on One Nationism (13) by Nick T
5th  Next week in the Lords: 8-11 October (0) by Mark Valladares
  Opinion: A four runway hub airport? (80) by Tim Leunig
  Opinion: “The Lib Dems will be crushed at the next election” – Busting the biggest lie in British politics (82) by Lev Eakins
  Conference: Calm and determined in the face of headwinds (5) by Dinti Batstone
  Opinion: is the golden age of government largesse over? (32) by Mark Valladares
  LDVideo: Citizens UK thank Liberal Democrats for ending child detention for immigration purposes (7) by Caron Lindsay
  Tim Farron writes: Being our party’s President is a wonderful honour for me (8) by Tim Farron MP
  How to get Lib Dem Voice by email (0) by Mark Pack
  A flagship borough: 25 years of a Liberal Democrat Sutton Council (3) by Mark Pack
6th  Your Saturday morning reader – 8 must-read articles (0) by Stephen Tall
  Jeremy Hunt: I disagree with him, but why shouldn’t he give his view? (75) by Stephen Tall
  Lib Dem members’ favourite political blogs ranked (9) by Stephen Tall
  Paddy, Olly and Max on the art of speech-making (0) by The Voice
7th  News snippets from the Conservative conference: tax, Europe, migration and more (13) by Mark Pack
  What do the academics say? The benefits of uninformative photos (7) by Mark Pack
  After the ending of child detention – what next? (7) by Suzanne Fletcher
  Lib Dems’ internal elections: your guide to where we’re at (UPDATED) (4) by Stephen Tall
  How not to do an interview: Grant Shapps demonstrates (5) by Mark Pack
8th  Top of the Blogs: The Lib Dem Golden Dozen #294 (8) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: How contracting fiascos, such as West Coast, threaten localisation dreams (19) by Jon Hunt
  David Cameron: the pro-Europeans’ secret weapon (11) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: Questions for Jeremy Hunt on abortion (54) by Ruth Bright
  Opinion: The making of a manifesto – why this time it’s about gut instinct, not policies (32) by Mike Tuffrey
  Osborne: Employees, exchange your rights for shares (90) by NewsHound
9th  Results of the English Party Elections 2012 (15) by Andy Strange
  Opinion: The Tories: tough on Europe, soft on crime (10) by Giles Goodall
  There are no easy choices when it comes to reducing the deficit (30) by Nick T
  Norman Baker writes … Rail fares (11) by Norman Baker MP
  Eric Pickles: are you a cigar-chomping Commie? (7) by Andy Boddington
  ‘The devil gets all the best tunes’ – South West sentiment to the EU (7) by Andrew Wigley
  LibLink: Vince Cable on community finance for small businesses (5) by Mary Reid
  How you can help Liberal Democrat Voice (0) by The Voice
  The politics of sluggish growth: good for the Tories, bad for Labour, and as for the Lib Dems we’ll see (33) by Stephen Tall
10th  LDVideo: Australian PM Gillard in political put-down of the decade (15) by Caron Lindsay
  Opinion: A Submarine for all seasons (18) by Gareth Jones
  Opinion: we must act to make sure all girls have access to education (6) by Sophie Bridger
  Opinion: Cameron’s lurch to the right is Clegg’s opportunity (70) by Rob Murphy
  Paul Tyler writes: Progress postponed (3) by Paul Tyler
  Tory Loughton slams Liberal Democrats for blocking Tory marriage tax break (3) by Caron Lindsay
  How to keep up to date with the Liberal Democrat Lords (3) by Matt Withers
  LibLink: Alistair Carmichael: “The difference between justice and revenge can’t be ignored” (5) by Caron Lindsay
  Willie Rennie writes: Salmond must tell us what Ryder Cup trip cost (7) by Willie Rennie
11th  Revealed: What Lib Dem members think of Ed Miliband and David Cameron (11) by Stephen Tall
  LibLink: Guy Verhofstadt MEP – Crisis shows why EU must renew its vows (3) by Nick T
  Lib Dems vote against 6.8% increase of EU 2013 budget (6) by Mark Valladares
  How to get the most out of your Lib Dem Voice comments (6) by The Voice
  Justice and Security Bill: some recommended reading (1) by Nick T
  When will the Coalition end? Here’s what Lib Dem members say… (11) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: Britain should join the Euro (163) by Geoff Crocker
  Are Lib Dems missing the moral high ground? (20) by Stephen Tall
12th  Next week in the Lords: 15-18 October (1) by Mark Valladares
  Opinion: Shares for Rights? An open letter to Nick Clegg (32) by Nigel Quinton
  From today’s Lib Dem News (4) by The Voice
  Are you a member of Unlock Democracy? Please help improve it (2) by Mark Pack
  Thoughts on this World Arthritis Day (4) by Jamie Hewitt
  The LDV Friday Five: 12 October 2012 (0) by The Voice
13th  Your essential weekend reader — 8 must-read articles you may have missed (1) by Stephen Tall
  At this rate, I’m going to be launching the Save Andrew Mitchell Fan Club (39) by Mark Pack
  Hello again Sandy, farewell Ed and David – Parliamentary selection news (1) by Mark Pack
  Nick Clegg is The Sun’s Hero of the Week… again (30) by Stephen Tall
  LDV Caption Competition: Clegg meets Bono “Not U2” Edition (16) by The Voice
  Conservatives campaign plans: lots of leaflets, limited number of Lib Dem seats (6) by Mark Pack
  Should Nick Clegg have appointed more female government ministers? (11) by Stephen Tall
14th  Nick Clegg blocks Tory bid to opt out of European policing measures (4) by Mark Pack
  Who’s up, who’s down? How party members rate the performances of leading Lib Dems (5) by Stephen Tall
  The European Union deserves the Nobel Peace Prize (39) by Mark Pack
  What do The Independent, Channel 4 and BBC Radio all have in common? (4) by Stephen Tall
  Top of the Blogs: The Lib Dem Golden Dozen #295 (0) by The Voice
15th  The Sun’s “Hero of the week” is a straw man (29) by Paul Walter
  Opinion: The challenge ahead for Nick Clegg (19) by William Jones
  Opinion: Three-in-one leader’s speech (12) by Ruth Bright
  Opinion: Apps – a new weapon in the campaigning arsenal (7) by Richard Davis
  Vince Cable MP writes… My view on George Osborne’s employee ownership scheme (76) by Vince Cable
  Final Call – Applications For Campaign for Gender Balance’s “Future Women MPs” Weekend (0) by Dinti Batstone
  Opinion: Calling All Bloggers – Don’t make me a tax avoidance accomplice (17) by Kirsten de Keyser
  Opinion: Regional planning – it mattered not one jot (11) by Andy Boddington
  How you can take part in LibDemVoice’s exclusive party member surveys (2) by Stephen Tall
16th  Opinion: Sex education must be reformed to combat sexual abuse (25) by Anne Smith
  Employee share ownership – open letter to Vince Cable and Nick Clegg (80) by Tracy Connell
  The unsung hero of the Edinburgh Agreement (12) by Caron Lindsay
  Opinion: Clegg’s cock-up over Page 3 – he should sign the “No More Page Three” petition now (67) by Daisy Cooper MP
  Opinion: We shouldn’t take peace in Europe for granted (18) by Paul Haydon
  Opinion: Abu Hamza isn’t Gary McKinnon but we should still be concerned about his extradition (7) by Simon McGrath
  Clegg on McKinnon: “A day for celebrating” (5) by The Voice
  Information Commissioner sounds warning over Draft Communications Data Bill (3) by Mark Pack
17th  Opinion: public contracts should not go to companies linked to human rights abuses (13) by Antony Hook
  Opinion: Open standards: a liberal approach to technology (17) by Dave Page
  Scottish Liberal Democrats launch vision of federal UK, home rule and local empowerment (15) by Caron Lindsay
  Is liberalism wrong – and how would we know? (22) by Iain Roberts
  Norman Lamb writes: Time to change (6) by Norman Lamb MP
  New party magazine to replace Liberal Democrat News (11) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: Liberal Youth Scotland calls for Votes@16 (1) by Hannah Bettsworth
  Opinion: Who’s the odd one out? (23) by Charles Beaumont
  Nick Clegg gets sassy at DPMQs (4) by Caron Lindsay
  Tim Gordon writes… Gearing up for the next General Election (40) by Tim Gordon
  The Independent View: Fill your 4 x 4 with biofuel, or feed an African child for 200 days? (11) by Jenny Ricks
  Michael Moore’s Westminster Notes (12) by Michael Moore
  LibLink: Nick Clegg writes for Netmums on Post Natal Depression (4) by Caron Lindsay
  Marisha Ray selected for Lib Dems in Croydon North (10) by Helen Duffett
18th  Opinion: Clegg tourettes – the three party conferences (9) by Nick Tyrone
  Tim Farron MP writes… This week could have been very different (23) by Tim Farron MP
  PMQs: The Chief Whip’s brain is missing* (14) by Paul Walter
  MPs and expenses: return to an unwelcome past (22) by Mark Pack
  Lynne Featherstone MP wins Attitude magazine’s Politician of the Year Award (18) by Helen Duffett
  Opinion: Lord Matthew Taylor must recognise that planning is for everyone (4) by Andy Boddington
19th  The pointlessness of political opinion polls (12) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: time to march for the Civil Service (26) by John Carlisle
  Opinion: paying the Living Wage makes business sense, so what are you waiting for? (13) by Bharat Mehta
  Next week in the Lords: 22-25 October (0) by Mark Valladares
  From today’s Lib Dem News (2) by The Voice
  Lynne Featherstone writes… Local services matter! (1) by Lynne Featherstone
  Opinion: Clegg was right to refuse to sign Page 3 protest (33) by David Thorpe
  The LDV Friday Five: 19 October 2012 (0) by The Voice
  +++ Andrew Mitchell quits as Chief Whip over ‘Plebgate’ (6) by Stephen Tall
20th  Your essential weekend reader — 8 must-read articles you may have missed (1) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: Two ways to help fix the global crisis (10) by Phil Ling
  Opinion: Where now on Electoral Reform? (France!) (70) by Mark Wright
  An ironic gift to Miliband from some of his opponents (9) by Mark Pack
21st  Kiron Reid resigns from Lib Dems to run as independent police commissioner in Merseyside (11) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: Mind the gap – a sceptical view of the need for cuts (25) by Bill le Breton
  Opinion: A Really Popular Lib Dem Policy Proposal – Free Anti-Viral Software! (62) by Geoff Crocker
  LibLink: Ed Davey – Our £1,000 giveaways will help with rising bills (5) by NewsHound
  LDV Caption Competition: “Knowing Me” Nick Clegg, “Knowing You” Steve Coogan Edition (11) by The Voice
  Opinion: We should be making the positive case for immigration (33) by Tom Richards
  In other news… (0) by The Voice
  Top of the Blogs: The Lib Dem Golden Dozen #296 (0) by The Voice
22nd  Lynne Featherstone MP writes… First ever Lib Dem DFID Minister, first trip to Africa (2) by Lynne Featherstone
  Why the Lib Dems are standing for barely half the elected police commissioner posts (19) by Stephen Tall
  Lib Dems raised concerns about withholding Prince Charles’ letters (13) by NewsHound
  Campaign Corner: The four groups in good local party membership strategy (2) by Mark Pack
  Unravelling the US election – or not, as the case may be… (3) by Paul Walter
  LibLink: Nick Clegg remembering the Holocaust is the greatest antidote to extremism (25) by Paul Walter
  Government suffers defeat in Lords over ‘new poll tax’ changes to council tax benefits (8) by Stephen Tall
  A confession: I’m a Lib Dem and I support elected police commissioners (57) by Stephen Tall
23rd  Thoughts turn to the 2015 general election TV debates (13) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: Preaching to the choir – regional Liberal Democrat conferences (16) by Sean Davey
  Mothers of Liberty: Women who built British Liberalism (3) by Mark Pack
  There should be far more rebellions like the one yesterday (13) by Mark Pack
  A new magazine for Lib Dems – tell us what you want (17) by Helen Duffett
  Opinion: Mr Quelch muscles in on localism (3) by Andy Boddington
  Julian Huppert MP writes… Community sentencing and restorative justice (16) by Julian Huppert
24th  Baroness Tyler writes… A balanced working life consultation (5) by Claire Tyler
  Michael Moore’s Westminster Notes (5) by Michael Moore
  Fiona Hall MEP writes: Energy Bill must have clear decarbonisation targets (11) by Fiona Hall MEP
  David Cameron’s ‘a little and often’ leadership doesn’t suit him and isn’t Prime Ministerial (1) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: Liberal Youth Scotland campaigns for honest lets (2) by Callum Leslie
  Liberal Reform and Social Liberal Forum unite on Secret Courts (8) by Caron Lindsay
  Rennie: SNP’s assertions blown apart by fact (11) by Caron Lindsay
  Opinion: Badger cull delay is good news for Liberal Democrats (18) by Andrew Wigley
  Nick Clegg tells business leaders: Liberal Democrats are a party of business and enterprise (1) by Caron Lindsay
25th  Police Commissioner candidate’s team quits after allegations over funding (7) by The Voice
  Julian Huppert MP writes… Protecting basic rights for every single child (6) by Julian Huppert
  If Obama wins, this Republican ought, perhaps, to be top of his list of people to thank (2) by Paul Walter
  Opinion: Secret Courts – one month on (9) by Jo Shaw
  Labour MP caught on microphone urging heckling of Tory minister (3) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: What kind of PCC do you want, and why does it matter? (5) by Linda Jack
  Opinion: Hard-headed realism should guide our dealings with the Conservatives (107) by Andrew Tennant
  “We’re not in recession”. Last July’s headline comes true (belatedly). (25) by Stephen Tall
26th  Trans-fats, your health and politics (21) by Kay Barnard
  Taking stock – 20 years of the Single Market (34) by Phil Bennion
  Baroness Parminter writes… Food labelling: a cautious welcome but much more to do (8) by Kathryn Parminter
  From today’s Lib Dem News (0) by The Voice
  Ed Balls denies that he denied there was a structural deficit (44) by Mark Pack
  Julian Huppert MP writes… Liberal solutions for policing and justice (2) by Julian Huppert
  Next week in the Lords: 29 October – 1 November (3) by Mark Valladares
  Chief Steward needed for Liberal Democrat conferences (4) by The Voice
  Opinion: Give us an energy policy (13) by Geoff Crocker
  The LDV Friday Five: 26 October 2012 (2) by The Voice
27th  Your essential weekend reader — 8 must-read articles you may have missed (1) by Stephen Tall
  Appalling failings at Haringey Mortuary (1) by Mark Pack
  Jimmy Savile: can we have the police crisis now, please? (13) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: Four point plan for a liberal, democratic Europe (47) by James King
28th  New LDV members’ survey now live: your views on the economy, crime and security and the Coalition (4) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: Hug a Hoodie or Mug a Hoodie? What would Borgen do? (20) by Kirsten de Keyser
  Green councillor’s verdict on his party as he resigns: “They attract the gullible and the authoritarian” (14) by The Voice
  Date for your diary – 17th December: LibDemVoice Xmas drinks, followed by Steve Richards’ Rock ‘n Roll Politics (0) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: Awesome? (7) by David Allen
  In other news… Nick talks Dutch, Farron’s footie boycott, Hemming’s whistleblower charter & more (3) by Stephen Tall
  Top of the Blogs: The Lib Dem Golden Dozen #297 (1) by The Voice
29th  Introducing Libby Local, Episode 1: “I wasn’t going to be a Lib Dem” (45) by Libby Local
  ‘Tories snub Lib Dems over Trident future’ (12) by NewsHound
  How leaflets used to look: Labour’s Citizen leaflet from 1929 (3) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: A storm in a jam jar – my top 5 Euromyths (30) by Giles Goodall
  Opinion: Secret courts are the final path towards the police state (4) by Daniel Furr
  Lib Dem campaign buttons for your website available once again (9) by Mark Pack
  George Selmer selected for Lib Dems in Middlesbrough (2) by Helen Duffett
  Opinion: The Mansion Tax is unfair and illiberal (61) by David Thorpe
  Nick Clegg on Tories’ Trident announcement: “Some people are jumping the gun” (6) by The Voice
  Clegg to hand 20 cities more economic powers (3) by Paul Walter
  Giving power to local communities – much too important to be left to Nick Clegg or Parliament (5) by Stephen Tall
30th  A headline I didn’t expect ever to write: Tory right-wing calls for affirmative action in public sector (1) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: The doping scandal that wasn’t (3) by Ewan Hoyle
  Opinion: Let’s unite against George Osborne’s employee rights grab (16) by Tracy Connell
  Opinion: Farewell to Lib Dem News (6) by Philip Young
  Oh dear. Interception of Communications Commissioner does it again (1) by Mark Pack
  Trident: it’s déjà vu all over again (21) by Stephen Tall
  “Liberalism shouldn’t be about the safe option, it should always be a risky thing to take on.” Alistair Carmichael on life in the Coalition as Lib Dem chief whip (4) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: The Savile row – why paedophile scandals continue to haunt society (5) by Oranjepan
  LibLink: Nick Clegg and Barbara Nalumu – We are proud of having ended child detention (12) by Caron Lindsay
  Edward Davey: New nuclear plants will have no taxpayer subsidy (23) by Caron Lindsay
  Chris Rennard backs move to kill off, not just delay, boundary changes (12) by Mark Pack
31st  Opinion: A mansion tax that is fair and seen to be fair (10) by Ben Tyler
  LDVideo: Why we are better together (1) by Caron Lindsay
  Opinion: The importance of party unity over the economy (127) by Paul Reynolds
  Norman Lamb writes… Lessons from Winterbourne View (0) by Norman Lamb MP
  Willie Rennie “coolly impressive” as SNP reject independence debate openness (16) by Caron Lindsay
  Opinion: Debate around mental health must be in the political mainstream (6) by Tim Purkiss
  Opinion: Will you do your bit for Super Thursday? (9) by George Kendall
  Michael Moore’s Westminster Notes (0) by Michael Moore
  A snapshot of Scottish Liberal Democrat Conference (0) by Caron Lindsay

Recent Comments

  • Jonathan Calder
    We should certainly start talking about industrial democracy again and cooperatives too, but there remains an important role for trade unions in defending peopl...
  • David Warren
    @DavidSymonds is right, we need to be championing industrial democracy which was a key part of Liberal Party policy in the past. As for trade unions having s...
  • Paul R
    @Neil H - Yes, people do have officially issued government ID in many of those countries. It is not however mandatory for them to carry it in all such countries...
  • Jennie
    Oooo another member of the Jennie Club...
  • Peter Hirst
    While it is good to have the correct policies it is even better to implement them in a timely and effective manner. We can have debates about what is the right ...