Monthly Archives: May 2012

1st  Yesterday in the Lords: flightless poultry call for a postponement of Christmas? (5) by Mark Valladares
  ‘Brand Clegg’ continues to out-poll ‘Brand Miliband’: what it means for the Lib Dems (42) by Stephen Tall
  Reform of the Common Agricultural Policy: a Lib Dem success story (22) by George Potter
  The True Cost of Energy: why Ed Davey must act (9) by Reg Platt
  ELDR: a caucus in the Caucusus… (0) by Mark Valladares
  Yesterday in the Lords: Labour prepare the ground for rejection of Lords Reform (14) by Mark Valladares
  Tom Brake MP writes… A landmark achievement in fight for our civil liberties (12) by Tom Brake
  Police arrest BNP candidate for Mayor of Liverpool (0) by Mark Pack
  LDVideo: What are your memories of 15 years ago today, 1st May 1997? (31) by Stephen Tall
2nd  Nick Clegg trashes Liam Fox’s economic policy demands (6) by Mark Pack
  Vote for change in London – Ashdown, Steel and Williams (3) by Paddy Ashdown David Steel and Shirley Williams
  Annette Brooke MP writes: Progresss at last for park home owners? (3) by Annette Brooke MP
  Local elections in Scotland: the key battlegrounds (3) by Caron Lindsay
  Something you can do to win Lib Dem votes today (4) by Mark Pack
  Tales from the Campaign Trail: Danny Alexander to the rescue (8) by Caron Lindsay
  Michael Moore MP’s Westminster Notes (2) by Michael Moore
  LibLink: Stephen Tall – The Coalition’s mid-term blues: a problem shared (is still a problem) (7) by NewsHound
  UKIP burn picture of Brian Paddick in Soho (2) by Caron Lindsay
  Police investigate Labour in Leeds over fake poll card allegations (13) by Mark Pack
3rd  How to vote – and what to do once you’ve voted (2) by Mark Pack
  Two weeks, two major achievements for the Liberal Democrats in government (6) by Mark Pack
  Nick Clegg says big question marks hang over Rupert Murdoch (14) by The Voice
  How to show you’re a party member when you post a comment (1) by Mark Pack
  The local elections results open thread (35) by Mary Reid
4th  Good morning, voters (1) by Mary Reid
  Elections 2012: It’s another bruising night for the Lib Dems (88) by Stephen Tall
  London elections results open thread (21) by Mary Reid
  From today’s Lib Dem News (1) by Mary Reid
  LibLink: David Laws – Borrowing to cure a debt problem is not the answer (32) by NewsHound
  LibLink: Mark Pack – Which Liberal Democrat MPs have the media pulling power? (1) by NewsHound
  The LDV Friday Five: 4 May 2012 (0) by The Voice
  Six thoughts on the results so far (UPDATED) (80) by Mark Pack
5th  First thoughts on the Scottish Local Election results (55) by Caron Lindsay
  Baroness Tyler writes… To improve social mobility, we need to shine a spotlight on early years (8) by Claire Tyler
  How many people are on the electoral register who shouldn’t be? (10) by Mark Pack
  LDV Caption Competition: Boris & Dave “Happily ever after” Edition (18) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: Reflections on the elections (168) by Ben Norman
6th  Opinion: Time for women, grey hairs and drastic action (79) by Bill le Breton
  How you can help Liberal Democrat Voice (4) by The Voice
  SHOCK NEWS: A bill that wasn’t going to be in the Queen’s Speech isn’t going to be in the Queen’s Speech (6) by Mark Pack
  LDVideo: From the archives – ‘The Work of Local Authorities (1943)’ (11) by Stephen Tall
  Norman Lamb writes… Putting two national treasures back on their feet (9) by Norman Lamb MP
  Opinion: Learning lessons from London – two and half quick reflections (27) by Mike Tuffrey
  Top of the Blogs: The Lib Dem Golden Dozen #272 (1) by The Voice
7th  French and Greek election results open thread (15) by Paul Walter
  MORE SHOCK NEWS: Bill that was going to be in Queen’s Speech will be in Queen’s Speech (0) by Mark Pack
  Vince Cable: Free Radical – what the memoirs say about the man (1) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: This graph of income tax rates might surprise you (28) by Adam Corlett
  LibLink: Nick Clegg – This coalition is stable and the centre will hold (49) by NewsHound
  How to get Lib Dem Voice by email (0) by Mark Pack
  NOW PLAYING: A post-election playlist (12) by Daisy Benson
  LDVideo: From the archives – ‘How Members of Parliament Are Elected (1945)’ (11) by Stephen Tall
8th  What do the academics say? How an intention to move effects turnout (4) by Mark Pack
  The Independent View: A Queen’s Speech that liberals can get behind (30) by Tom Frostick
  David Heath MP writes… Freedom of Information and the NHS risk register – we should publish as much as possible (40) by David Heath MP
  Is this the day the Coalition admitted reality and buried its claim to be a radical government? (27) by Stephen Tall
9th  When did the Tories stop supporting Lords reform? (12) by Stephen Tall
  LibLink: David Laws “My second half Coalition agenda” (7) by Caron Lindsay
  Ludovic Kennedy: a man who just missed becoming Liberal leader (7) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: Austerity and defying the Laws of gravity (31) by Bill le Breton
  Europe Day Special: Avoiding the slippery slopes towards euroscepticism (10) by Sir Graham Watson MEP and Andrew Wigley
  Queen’s Speech – what have the Liberal Democrats brought to the table? (5) by Caron Lindsay
  How to get the most out of your Lib Dem Voice comments (4) by The Voice
  Two anniversaries: Norman Baker and Stephen Williams (1) by Mark Pack
  Julian Huppert MP writes: What does the Queen’s Speech mean for civil liberties? (9) by Julian Huppert
  Nick Clegg e-mails party members: Queen’s Speech has a firm Liberal Democrat stamp on it (5) by Caron Lindsay
  Michael Moore MP’s Westminster Notes (0) by Michael Moore
  And I would have succeeded if it hadn’t been for these pesky Lib Dems – Cameron (25) by Caron Lindsay
10th  Opinion: Civil Service strike – the follow up (10) by Ian Wallace
  The technology that will defeat the government’s online monitoring plans (4) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: Lib Dem communications must improve to capitalise on our successes in government (23) by Simon Rix
  A five point plan to reform the media post-Leveson (5) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: A bad election result – what now ? (26) by Paul Reynolds
  Mystery of fake leaflets in North Richmond (21) by Mary Reid
  Opinion: Land Value Tax – an old idea with lots of modern supporters (258) by Joe Bourke
11th  More election fraud claims – and the TV show which set up a fake polling station (4) by Mark Pack
  Enjoy Europe Day? Churchill would have done (5) by Antony Hook
  Opinion: Lessons from the Rochdale sex abuse scandal (13) by Paul Rowen
  From today’s Lib Dem News (1) by Mary Reid
  Opinion: The future of the CAP – general Liberal Democrat aims for reform (1) by George Potter
  The Independent View: Energy Bill – time for Lib Dems to show their true colours (11) by Andy Atkins
  Leveson: it’s a good thing Nick Clegg was there (12) by Mark Pack
12th  The best tonic for those post-election blues (9) by George Kendall
  Opinion: Ideology is not a dirty word (17) by Tim Oliver
  The Weekend Debate: Bank of England independence – an economic success story or a well-intentioned failure? (12) by Nick T
  Liberal Democrats deliver fair pensions for women (18) by Caron Lindsay
  ‘Nick Clegg sets out plans to break private schools’ grip on establishment’ (42) by NewsHound
13th  Police probe launched into anti-Lib Dem electoral fraud in Richmond (3) by NewsHound
  Another Mail headline to savour… Lynne ‘slaps down’ Tory minister for opposing Coalition support for equal marriage (17) by Stephen Tall
  A trio of very welcome election law changes on the way (6) by Mark Pack
  In other news… (In which defectors & rebellions loom large) (8) by Stephen Tall
  Top of the Blogs: The Lib Dem Golden Dozen #273 (0) by The Voice
14th  LibLink: Norman Lamb on the coalition – ‘It’s our national duty’ (32) by NewsHound
  Big Switch – ‘A victory for people power over the big gas and electricity companies” (12) by NewsHound
  Opinion: Could the Lib Dems back a Financial Transaction Tax within the EU? (22) by Daniel Henry
  Police investigate electoral allegations in Hyndburn (0) by Mark Pack
  Which of the five Lib Dem reshuffle options will Nick Clegg pick? (45) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: Corruption – We can do better than this (11) by Simon Beard
  Norman Lamb MP writes… Fairness: from the farm to the shopping trolley (4) by Norman Lamb MP
15th  The Independent View: Clegg’s Pupil Premium could be wasted (15) by Rick Muir
  Opinion: Clutching at straws (34) by Bill le Breton
  Opinion: A message from Paddy over a decade later (5) by Chris Richards
  Opinion: A letter to a constituent regarding equal marriage (32) by Tom Papworth
  In praise of Councillor Neil Hughes – 56 Up (20) by Paul Walter
  John Leech MP writes… It is not just the Leader’s job to sell the Pupil Premium (22) by John Leech
16th  Police urged to investigate campaign against Labour and Lib Dem councillors in Milton Keynes (29) by Mark Pack
  Michael Moore MP’s Westminster Notes (0) by Michael Moore
  Five years in five posts – 2007-2011 (0) by Caron Lindsay
  Liberal Democrat MPs fight for blind people hit by welfare changes (16) by Caron Lindsay
  Lynne Featherstone’s honeycomb surprise (6) by Caron Lindsay
  Liberal Democrats reject Steve Hilton’s £25 billion welfare cuts call (26) by The Voice
  Willie Rennie’s first year as Scottish Liberal Democrat Leader (7) by Caron Lindsay
17th  Individual electoral registration: welcome changes to the details (13) by Mark Pack
  Lib Dem policy goes viral as ‘Reform Section 5’ campaign launched (8) by Nick T
  Lynne Featherstone to reform Equality and Human Rights Commission (16) by Caron Lindsay
  “We are not planning for a Greek exit” – Verhofstadt (20) by Nick T
  LDVideo: Tessa Munt in fit of giggles in Commons as Minister sits on Davey (0) by Nick T
18th  Opinion: The future of the CAP – specific proposals by Liberal Democrats (7) by George Potter
  A postcard from… Brussels (3) by Mark Valladares
  Opinion: Pupil Premium. Extend the concept? (10) by Paul Reynolds
  From today’s Lib Dem News (0) by Mary Reid
  ELDR Council: between a rock and some very hard places indeed… (0) by Mark Valladares
  Tim Farron MP writes… Send in your nominations for Party Awards 2012 (0) by Tim Farron MP
  The LDV Friday Five: 18 May 2012 (0) by The Voice
19th  Aber Uni Lib Dems: Football, Cakes and Glee Club Songbooks (3) by Ollie Dunckley and Sam Bennett
  Where’s Steve Hilton to cut through red tape when you need him? (1) by Mark Pack
  Were you a 2012 election candidate? Then don’t forget to fill in The Election Centre’s questionnaire (1) by Stephen Tall
  LDV Caption Competition: Nick & Dave “Can you feel the love?” Edition (13) by Stephen Tall
  If you’re earning over £60,000 should the state subsidise your rent? (36) by Mark Pack
  Lib Dem Patrick Streeter to stand for City of London election uncontested for 100 years (1) by Stephen Tall
  LDVideo: Leveson, The Musical (1) by Stephen Tall
20th  Lib Dems push Coalition to abandon ‘Moscow criterion’ in latest anti-Trident move (7) by Stephen Tall
  Denbighshire County Council admits votes were counted wrong (6) by Mark Pack
  Paddy: So you want to be a politician? Get a life (first). (38) by Stephen Tall
  In other news… Paddy in Lords bust-up; Manchester elects Lib Dem lord mayor; Defections round-up (9) by Stephen Tall
  Top of the Blogs: The Lib Dem Golden Dozen #274 (0) by The Voice
21st  Is the end in sight for Returning Officer bonuses? (4) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: The government is in real trouble and needs a new chancellor (24) by Lev Eakins
  Is the government’s crackdown on tax avoidance working? (2) by Mark Pack
  Professor John Curtice: ‘Labour cannot afford simply to ignore the Liberal Democrats’ (43) by The Voice
  Taxpayers’ Alliance report on tax – good in parts (15) by Tim Leunig
  Liblink: Vince Cable – Complete nonsense to suggest reducing labour rights to beat the recession (29) by NewsHound
  Federal Committees approve Conference accreditation (118) by Andrew Wiseman Duncan Greenland and Tim Farron
  Vince Cable winning out on employee rights (12) by NewsHound
22nd  This week in Europe: 21-24 May (0) by Mark Valladares
  Draft Energy Bill: keeping the lights on for now, and for decades to come (46) by Ed Davey
  The Independent View: social mobility begins at birth (2) by Anthony McCaul
  Coalition partners: sink or swim together? (22) by Mark Pack
  Coming up in the Lords: 21- 30 May (0) by Mark Valladares
  A postcard from… Yerevan (2) by Baroness Ros Scott
  What does the English Council do? (13) by Andy Strange
  Nick Harvey MP writes… Updating you on Trident (13) by Nick Harvey
  Opinion: a request to our boys in the BIS (10) by Daniel Henry
  Opinion: the undignified spectacle at the G8 (3) by Paul Reynolds
  LDVideo: Clegg – Britain must shake off ‘snobbish’ class attitudes (10) by Stephen Tall
23rd  Sensible decision from European Court on prisoner voting rights (9) by Mark Pack
  We must be doing something right – Mail rails at ‘Commie Clegg’, Telegraph blasts ‘Socialist Vince’ (27) by Stephen Tall
  LDVideo: Davey on energy policies and climate change action (0) by Stephen Tall
  Five of the most common mistakes that Lib Dem campaigners make (8) by Mark Pack
  Michael Moore MP’s Westminster Notes (1) by Michael Moore
  DPMQs: De facto but not de jure Fruit Ninja (0) by Paul Walter
  Glasgow Subway Snap-In – a fun bit of activism to stop proposed photography ban (2) by Caron Lindsay
  Tim Farron talks to the Huffington Post about getting out of the Coalition (10) by The Voice
  What’s on Willie Rennie’s Kindle? (12) by Caron Lindsay
24th  A warm welcome for Andrew Marr’s change of heart on blogging (4) by Stephen Tall
  We’ve heard about Marr on Pack, but what has Pack said about Marr? (0) by Caron Lindsay
  How well do you know the party’s MPs? (3) by Mark Pack
  New Liberal Democrat group to help seekers of sanctuary (4) by Suzanne Fletcher
  Opinion: How a stranger carrying a rucksack came within 10 feet of Nick Clegg (21) by Hywel Morgan
  How referendums are the most effective way to maintain the status quo & what it means for Lords reform (22) by Stephen Tall
  Baroness Parminter writes… Protecting buzzards (12) by Kathryn Parminter
  Opinion: Releasing Megrahi was the right thing to do (6) by Malcolm Wood
  Vince Cable described as “moral centre of the Coalition” (12) by Caron Lindsay
  Nick Clegg: Europe’s future is our future (5) by Caron Lindsay
25th  Clegg calls for Coalition to “shift up a gear” on the economy (14) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: The need for the CAP (1) by George Potter
  LibLink: Sarah Teather – Special needs children deserve more (5) by Mark Pack
  Norman Baker MP writes… Helping people make smarter transport choices (12) by Norman Baker MP
  PMQs: Wouldn’t you also crack under this sort of pressure? (22) by Paul Walter
  Local liberal heroes: Peter Truesdale (3) by Mark Pack
  Do you think News International could be done for stalking? (3) by The Voice
  From today’s Lib Dem News (1) by Mary Reid
  The LDV Friday Five: 25 May 2012 (0) by The Voice
26th  The Weekend Debate: What’s wrong with making membership of the second chamber a lottery? (40) by Stephen Tall
  Beware putting your family in election leaflets (16) by Mark Pack
  Labour’s legacy: £1 million every month on unused fire stations (11) by Caron Lindsay
  LDV Caption Competition: Vince & Dave “Watch your step” Edition (15) by Stephen Tall
  Tim Farron MP writes… Exemptions to accreditation for Transgender colleagues (63) by Tim Farron MP
27th  Clegg’s economic gear shift must be driven by Plan C (13) by Prateek Buch
  No rest for London Liberal Democrats (2) by Chris Butler
  Desperately thin stuff – Observer fails to reveal Lib Dem ties with Murdoch (27) by Stephen Tall
  LDVideo: Nick Clegg – Syrian human rights abusers to be banned from London Olympics (0) by Stephen Tall
  In other news… Mensch sticks up for Clegg, Rennie takes on Salmond, Bristol mayoral election latest & other stories (11) by Stephen Tall
  Top of the Blogs: The Lib Dem Golden Dozen #275 (0) by The Voice
28th  Clegg: Gay marriage vote not a matter of conscience (36) by Paul Walter
  Opinion: Time to move on from the sterile debate based on misinterpretations of Keynes and Smith (11) by Paul Reynolds
  How does UK employee protection compare with other countries? (10) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: You can’t have ‘growth’ without ‘austerity’ (38) by David Thorpe
  Government meets student tuition fee protests with ‘the rule of the truncheon’ (1) by Paul Walter
  VIDEO: Stomping off in the middle of a debate is never a good look… (19) by Paul Walter
  MPs’ glass ceiling shatters – literally (0) by Paul Walter
  New LDV members’ survey now live: your views on the economy, the Coalition, Nick Clegg, personal freedoms & more (0) by Stephen Tall
29th  Opinion: Standing up for the rights of mobile home owners (1) by Peter Black AM
  Shirley Williams on the high point of her political career (4) by Mark Pack
  Andrew Stunell writes: Empty homes – the Lib Dem success story (16) by Andrew Stunell MP
  Clegg’s triple whammy: intervenes on secret trials, slams those who ‘bowed’ to Murdoch, calls for reform of ‘broken establishment’ (3) by Stephen Tall
  The importance of community politics in a homogenous political scene (7) by Kavya Kaushik
  Tom Brake MP writes… Justice and Security Bill – a good result for the Lib Dems and Civil Liberties (3) by Tom Brake
  Opinion: Individual freedom and power should be our distinctive Lib Dem identity (25) by Daisy Cooper MP
30th  Opinion: It’s time for a change in monetary policy (23) by Bill le Breton
  Lib Link: Stephen Gilbert MP applauds Government for seeing sense on the “Pasty Tax” (16) by The Voice
  Opinion: why elected Police Commissioners will be less democratic and accountable (28) by David Hennigan
  Dan Rogerson MP writes… Tackling disadvantage must start before school (5) by Dan Rogerson MP
  Nick Harvey MP writes on Carrier strike capability (8) by Nick Harvey
  Opinion: Three steps to better campaigning in London (3) by Ed Fordham
  Complaint upheld against SNP MSP caught using public funds to promote SNP candidates (0) by Caron Lindsay
  From the Lords: Dick Newby steps out… (0) by Mark Valladares
  The day the Nationalists stole me (4) by Caron Lindsay
  LDVideo: Jo Swinson MP on new body image report (13) by Caron Lindsay
31st  Leveson: Cable talks of ‘veiled threats’ against Lib Dems (6) by The Voice
  Do you want to be a candidate in the UK’s next national elections? (2) by Margaret Joachim and Jonathan Davies
  Opinion: Brent Labour’s shocking tactics over library closures (12) by Councillor Simon Green
  The Independent View: Why the CSJ are wrong on child poverty (10) by Rys Farthing
  Opinion: Youth Careerism – A Problem or an Opportunity? (36) by Callum Morton and James Potter
  Opinion: A response to the Minister on Joint Strike Fighters (20) by Toby Fenwick
  In conversation with Michael Moore MP – on community action, jobs, referendum and F1 (5) by Caron Lindsay

Recent Comments

  • Jonathan Calder
    We should certainly start talking about industrial democracy again and cooperatives too, but there remains an important role for trade unions in defending peopl...
  • David Warren
    @DavidSymonds is right, we need to be championing industrial democracy which was a key part of Liberal Party policy in the past. As for trade unions having s...
  • Paul R
    @Neil H - Yes, people do have officially issued government ID in many of those countries. It is not however mandatory for them to carry it in all such countries...
  • Jennie
    Oooo another member of the Jennie Club...
  • Peter Hirst
    While it is good to have the correct policies it is even better to implement them in a timely and effective manner. We can have debates about what is the right ...