Monthly Archives: April 2012

1st  +++ EXCLUSIVE: Government to bring 2013 local elections forward to last Thursday in February (26) by Mark Pack
  LDV Caption Competition: Clegg & Obama “Seoul Brothers” Edition (19) by Stephen Tall
  In other news… Jo on Easter eggs, Brian interviewed, Dr Pack post-budget wallchart, and more… (4) by Stephen Tall
  Top of the Blogs: The Lib Dem Golden Dozen #267 (0) by The Voice
2nd  Steve Gilbert MP writes…Government must wake up to the flood insurance risk (6) by Stephen Gilbert MP
  Opinion: Lessons from Bradford (15) by Sam Phripp
  What would you fix: 500 potholes or a private road for council use only? (5) by Mark Pack
  The web snooping plans: time to get campaigning (31) by Mark Pack
  LibLink: Nick Clegg – Don’t dally, I want big money out of politics fast (42) by NewsHound
  Campaign Corner: How do we recruit more members? (7) by Mark Pack
  Julian Huppert MP writes… Safeguards to control state surveillance (26) by Julian Huppert
  Opinion: Government’s fuel top-up advice has been a serious miscalculation (23) by Ed Wilson
  “Reports about plans to snoop on your emails are complete nonsense” – Lynne Featherstone writes to Lib Dem members (39) by Paul Walter
3rd  Opinion: 1984 and all that (23) by Linda Jack
  Opinion: Gorgeous George steals our place on the Left (52) by Jonathan Hunt
  The Independent View: Why the Lib Dems should put cycling at the heart of their transport policy (21) by Donnachadh McCarthy
  Dan Rogerson MP writes… The crusade to protect the Cornish Pasty (14) by Dan Rogerson MP
  Opinion: Getting radical with the money supply (16) by Joe Bourke
  Choosing the best team for Europe (1) by Margaret Joachim and Jonathan Davies
  Andrew Stunell MP writes… Launching the Liberal Democrats’ local election campaign (8) by Andrew Stunell MP
  The wheels are coming off the online monitoring bandwagon (UPDATED) (19) by Mark Pack
  Good news on civil liberties from the Daily Mail (18) by Mark Pack
4th  Time for Nick Clegg and the Coalition to see sense and stop the ‘Charity Tax’ (11) by Stephen Tall
  SLF conference on intergenerational justice (4) by Geoffrey Payne
  The Independent View: A note to the Liberal Democrats on university access and information (11) by The Voice
  Opinion: Ed Miliband is out of touch (11) by Nicola Prigg
  Party groups unite against increased surveillance (6) by Mary Reid
  How you can help Liberal Democrat Voice (0) by The Voice
5th  Opinion: Time for a deal on surveillance (18) by Stuart Bonar
  Autumn Conference 2013 to be held in Glasgow (20) by Helen Duffett
  Opinion: Does control of search warrants matter to you? Then become a magistrate (2) by Antony Hook
  How to show you’re a party member when you post a comment (11) by Mark Pack
  Another day, another good Daily Mail front page (18) by Mark Pack
6th  Opinion: Support for emerging democracies – we’ll do it our way (1) by Issan Ghazni
  Opinion: Time to take back the initiative (17) by Sam Barnett
  How to get Lib Dem Voice by email (0) by Mark Pack
  An open letter to Lib Dem party president, Tim Farron: Concerns over our liberal identity and mission in government (48) by The Voice
  Listen: Baroness Williams on her moral and religious beliefs (1) by Helen Duffett
  The Independent View: Should G8 leaders be making a new commitment to reduce hunger? (2) by Natasha Adams
  Labour MP Ben Bradshaw: gay people aren’t bothered about marriage (17) by Mark Pack
  The LDV Friday Five: 6 April 2012 (0) by The Voice
  Tim Farron replies to Lib Dem members’ letter: “Britain must be more liberal and free as a result of Liberal Democrats in power, not less” (32) by The Voice
7th  Clegg faces revolt over ‘putting identity of party at risk’ (8) by NewsHound
  The Weekend Debate: Should election candidates have to declare their tax records? (17) by Stephen Tall
  People wearing crosses at work: what is the government doing? (18) by The Voice
  Why RIPA is flawed (4) by Mark Pack
  Reading Labour Party leaflet’s “born and bred” racist innuendo: will Labour now apologise and withdraw it? (74) by Stephen Tall
  LDV Caption Competition: Tim Farron & Prince Charles “I want that hat” Edition (10) by Stephen Tall
8th  Opinion: Why parts of the government want to store your entire internet history (20) by Robbie Simpson
  Clegg: “no objection in principle” to publishing his tax return (3) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: Good borrowing and bad borrowing (25) by Joe Bourke
  Demos: “Religious people are more likely to be politically progressive” (25) by Mary Reid
  Top of the Blogs: The Lib Dem Golden Dozen #268 (0) by Stephen Tall
9th  LDVideo: Remembering the 1992 general election, 20 years ago today (10) by Stephen Tall
  LibLink: Pauline Pearce – After the riots, the Liberal Democrats stood by me (1) by NewsHound
  Mary Ann Sieghart socks it to Quentin Letts for his “witheringly misogynistic” assault on Lynne Featherstone (21) by Stephen Tall
  Campaign Corner: Good luck (0) by Mark Pack
  In other news… Kemp4Liverpool, Duwayne4London, Tod4Winchester, Salmond4Inquiry, and more… (0) by Stephen Tall
10th  Does David Cameron take people’s privacy seriously? Here’s a test (5) by Mark Pack
  Coming up in the Lords: 23-26 April (1) by Mark Valladares
  Opinion: Police Commissioner elections – the Lib Dem candidate won’t spy on you (24) by Antony Hook
  Academisation: Is this the equivalent of the FE sector’s 1993 moment? (9) by Helen Flynn
  Tax news – no, don’t all look away at once… (12) by Mark Valladares
  It’s not as if the presenter on a TV news program needs to do anything other than look pretty and be drooled over, is it? (8) by Mark Pack
11th  Nick Clegg: “Many will save £100 a year thanks to energy deal” (3) by Caron Lindsay
  Why election candidates shouldn’t have to publish their tax returns (9) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: Time for the Party to propose the Citizen’s Income (20) by Joe Bourke
  Opinion: In praise of French democracy (2) by Paul Walter
  Opinion: Let’s talk about Corruption (3) by Tom Smith
  Guardian hails Paddick proposals as “properly liberal”, progressive and bold (8) by Caron Lindsay
  Nick Clegg’s e-mail to party members: The myth: green versus growth (8) by Caron Lindsay
  Labour’s not-so-very-local election broadcast shows how unimportant local decision-making is to Ed Miliband’s party (23) by Stephen Tall
12th  Sutton leader Sean Brennan retiring as leader next month (1) by Mark Pack
  Telegraph smears Clegg. Again. (Y’know, I’ve a sneaky feeling they don’t like him.) (7) by Stephen Tall
  Free schools: what should the party’s policy be in 2015? (59) by Mark Pack
  Andrew George MP writes: Liberal Democrats are champions of green economy (0) by Andrew George
  Liblink: Paddy Ashdown says Snoopers’ Charter breaches the Coalition Deal (4) by Caron Lindsay
  Opinion: Why are we waiting? (65) by David Allen
  Grassroutes to Government – a new Lib Dem activists’ network launches today. (19) by Jock Gallagher
  Brian Paddick’s Mayoral Election Broadcast – If I were Mayor (0) by Caron Lindsay
13th  A question for the Coalition: Would Lib Dems and Tories support the Charity Tax if Labour had proposed it? (23) by Stephen Tall
  Lynne Featherstone writes… Banning, or rather not banning, crosses at work (28) by Lynne Featherstone
  Labour candidate Shefali Begum wants “prosperous thieving” Rochdale (16) by Caron Lindsay
  Liberal Democrats Local Elections Broadcast 2012 (8) by Caron Lindsay
  No need to be a spectator (0) by George Kendall
  Marking the 20th anniversary of the Siege of Sarajevo (1) by Andrew Wigley
  The LDV Friday Five: 13 April 2012 (0) by The Voice
14th  The weekend debate: Should Boris Johnson get his way on London’s tax take? (8) by Carl Quilliam
  Winston Churchill: Tory or Liberal? (15) by Mark Pack
  Andrew Wiseman writes: Seeking your views on Conference accreditation (75) by Andrew Wiseman
  LDV Caption Competition: Osborne, Clegg & Alexander “Three Musketeers” Edition (14) by Stephen Tall
  “Hard to believe she’s just 16!” The headline that sums up the morality of the Daily Mail (16) by Stephen Tall
15th  Labour pulp election leaflets over Welsh language comments (11) by Mark Pack
  Nick Clegg: Nanny state? No. State nannies? Yes (7) by Mark Pack
  Avant le déluge: If you want to follow the French presidential elections… (7) by Stephen Tall
  Miliband moves on party funding: offers £5k cap including union donations (but what about members’ opt-in?) (29) by Stephen Tall
  How would you answer the question about the Lib Dems the Indy asks all with an open mind to consider? (39) by Stephen Tall
  LDVideo: So you want to watch 6mins 23secs of Lembit Öpik in a wrestling ring? You got it… (6) by Stephen Tall
  LibLink: Steven Fielding on Scott Egerton, “gentleman, Liberal MP… and detective” (1) by Stephen Tall
  Top of the Blogs: The Lib Dem Golden Dozen #269 (0) by The Voice
16th  LibLink: Tim Leunig – I’d pay extra to fill my little girl’s paddling pool (33) by NewsHound
  Paddy Ashdown: If everyone dodged taxes there would be no hospitals, no schools, no welfare (8) by The Voice
  Opinion: The need to treat asylum seekers with dignity (2) by Suzanne Fletcher
  Opinion: What do Charity tax and higher rate pension relief have in common? (8) by Joe Bourke
  Opinion: If rich philanthropists don’t like the idea of a tax exemption limit, they know what they can do (18) by Paul Walter
  New edition of Liberator (7) by The Liberator Collective
  Tom Brake MP writes…Complex benefit cases must be brought back within the scope of legal aid (5) by Tom Brake
17th  Can we stop apologising for being in government yet? (71) by Mark Valladares
  Opinion: Keep Free Schools, but make them better (31) by Tom Smith
  Coming up in Brussels: 17-20 April (8) by Mark Valladares
  Opinion: time to shift the public services debate? (16) by David Boyle
  Kirsty Williams launches the 2012 Welsh Liberal Democrat campaign (2) by NewsHound
  Metro finally gets the point of Liberal Democrat tax policy (3) by Caron Lindsay
  Tim Farron calls on supporters of equal marriage to make their voice heard (19) by Mark Valladares
18th  Individual electoral registration: this is how government is meant to work (1) by Mark Pack
  Conference accreditation: my submission (7) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: A Mansion Tax to replace higher rate tax? (16) by Joe Bourke
  Willie Rennie launches Scottish Liberal Democrats’ local election campaign (0) by Caron Lindsay
  Dee Doocey writes: Vigilance over Olympic tickets (1) by Dee Doocey
  Opinion: we can not allow ourselves to be used as scapegoats by the Tories (7) by Issan Ghazni
  Fiona Hall MEP writes: Subsidies for nuclear energy go against Coalition agreement AND economic common sense (17) by Fiona Hall MEP
  Labour put down tax amendment that would have given Tories tax cut they want – which Lib Dems stopped (8) by Caron Lindsay
  The Tories’ and Labour’s collective tax omnishambles (3) by Stephen Tall
  Labour candidate suspended over ‘kill Justin Bieber’ jibe (0) by Mark Pack
19th  Richard Reeves to step down as Clegg’s director of strategy (12) by Nick T
  Local liberal heroes: Duwayne Brooks (0) by Mark Pack
  “We’re doing good things which I believe will last” – Nick Clegg on Today (14) by Nick T
  Lib Dems fight to halt extradition of Richard O’Dwyer (1) by Nick T
  Conference Accreditation Consultation – what Liberal Democrat bloggers are saying (5) by Caron Lindsay
  Labour peer Alan Sugar: don’t vote for Ken Livingstone (13) by Mark Pack
  LDVideo: Boris Johnson – Night Mayor (1) by Nick T
20th  Ed Davey MP writes … There will be no public subsidy for nuclear (22) by Ed Davey
  Dear Conservative MPs, Re House of Lords reform here’s what your manifesto & the Coalition Agreement say (11) by Stephen Tall
  Tom McNally writes: Why I support reform of the European Court of Human Rights (11) by Lord Tom McNally
  Opinion: How do we get home? (22) by Sarah Ismail
  PMQs: It’s déjà vu all over again (2) by Paul Walter
  Postcard from Strasbourg (0) by George Potter
  Opinion: Atlas Wussed (35) by Adam Bell
  European Parliament votes through new agreement on transfer of air passenger data to US authorities (7) by Mark Valladares
  The LDV Friday Five: 20 April 2012 (4) by The Voice
21st  The weekend debate: Formula 1 Grand Prix in Bahrain (8) by Mark Pack
  Tim Farron: LibDems ready to sabotage a key plank of the coalition deal (31) by NewsHound
  LDVideo: David Laws – “I am very happy to be a backbench supporter of Coalition” (12) by Stephen Tall
  LibLink: Mark Pack – Which London Mayor candidates are saying the right things? (0) by NewsHound
  LDV Caption Competition: Nick Clegg & Kirsty Williams “Spooning Here” Edition (12) by Stephen Tall
22nd  Our broken electoral timetable – or why Andrew Neil is too late (13) by Mark Pack
  Cardiff Labour candidate faces police investigation over their home address (4) by Mark Pack
  The past month shows this Government urgently needs a Coalition 2.0 Agreement (30) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: The Presidential elections – a French farce? (8) by Andrew Wigley
  Top of the Blogs: The Lib Dem Golden Dozen #270 (0) by The Voice
23rd  LDVideo: Nick Clegg on House of Lords reform, Budget taxes and Michael Brown (1) by Stephen Tall
  Clegg: Just “get on with” Lords reform (23) by The Voice
  Psst! Whatever you do, don’t tell the Tories democratic reform is in their own best interests (9) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: The pensions crisis (32) by Joe Bourke
  Politicians’ fathers and spouses – fair game? (18) by Paul Walter
  Opinion: Lib Dems should not fear a Lords reform referendum (19) by Mark Thompson
  LibLink: Paul Tyler and Andrew Adonis: Reform the House of Lords now and it can survive (8) by The Voice
24th  ISA tax breaks for savings: cap them at £15,000 (36) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: are we participants in ‘elective dictatorship’ ? (15) by Paul Reynolds
  Running for office? What voters think of your income (5) by Mark Pack
  Lords Reform – if evidence were needed… (5) by NewsHound
  Is it time to consider what the European Union is for? (25) by Mark Valladares
  The Independent View: how London Mayoral candidates shape up on cycling and transport (0) by Eleanor Besley
  I would have sacked Vince Cable for standing up to Murdoch – what Ed Miliband said 16 months ago (47) by Stephen Tall
  In other news… Michael Brown extradited, unpaid party internships, Jo Swinson for cabinet? & other stories (2) by Stephen Tall
  Willie Rennie: Murdoch says “Jump”, Alex Salmond says “How high?” (12) by Caron Lindsay
25th  Michael Moore’s Westminster Notes (0) by Michael Moore
  The Independent View: A blueprint for social media intelligence (1) by Carl Miller
  How Vince avoided Murdoch – an example of appropriate ministerial behaviour (19) by Caron Lindsay
  Lord Tyler and Baroness Scott write… We urgently need to reform our bloated second chamber (18) by Paul Tyler and Ros Scott
  Nick Clegg on the double-dip recession: “our answers are the right ones to repair the damage done” (63) by Stephen Tall
  SNP caught using public funds to promote Council candidates (5) by Caron Lindsay
  Homecoming video in support of Equal Marriage (10) by Caron Lindsay
  LDVideo: Nick Clegg urges banks to lend to businesses (11) by The Voice
  Conservative councillor joins Lib Dems in Portsmouth (0) by Mark Pack
26th  Barry Norman on life as film critic and a liberal (2) by Mark Pack
  The 3 Lib Dem mayoral candidates profiled (1) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: It is time to pick a fight and show we are serious about institutionalised faith based homophobia (54) by Paul Pettinger
  The story of the Cabinet Minister hiding behind a tree (3) by Caron Lindsay
  Opinion: Is it time to rescue education policy from the hands of MPs? (15) by Daniel Henry
  Police called in over electoral fraud allegations in Tower Hamlets (0) by Mark Pack
27th  Simon Hughes calls for independent inquiry into Jeremy Hunt (27) by Stephen Tall
  Catherine Bearder MEP writes… Lib Dem MEPs kill ACTA (3) by Catherine Bearder MEP
  Good news as Charles Taylor found guilty (1) by Mark Pack
  The Interception of Communications Commissioner has failed (2) by Mark Pack
  Lib Dems hold Waterside, North Norfolk (2) by Helen Duffett
  LibLink: Paddy Ashdown – I understand why many voters on the progressive wing of politics are struggling with voting for Ken Livingstone (14) by NewsHound
  PMQs: Miliband hits barn door – twice (31) by Paul Walter
  LibLink: Stephen Gilbert – This half-baked pasty tax is offensive (25) by Mary Reid
  The LDV Friday Five: 27 April 2012 (0) by The Voice
28th  The Weekend Debate: Who’d get your 2nd preference after Brian in the race for London Mayor? (30) by Stephen Tall
  Julian Huppert in five minutes (5) by Mark Pack
  First of the new style Federal Policy Committee reports published (1) by Mark Pack
  Poll shows Labour’s vote up but Livingstone’s vote down (6) by Mark Pack
  LDVideo: Clegg – we don’t need Hunt inquiry. Hughes – we need Hunt inquiry (13) by Stephen Tall
  LDV Caption Competition: David Cameron & Jeremy Hunt “Human shield” Edition (25) by Stephen Tall
29th  Opinion: I don’t think Jeremy Hunt should resign (31) by Richard Morris
  Simon Hughes challenges Harriet Harman over Labour’s record in Sheffield (2) by Mark Pack
  Barbara Janke to step down as Lib Dem leader in Bristol (0) by Mark Pack
  David Shutt steps down as Lib Dem Lords’ Chief Whip (1) by Helen Duffett
  Chris Rennard writes: Dick Newby to be new Liberal Democrat Chief Whip in the House of Lords (3) by Chris Rennard
  Stephen Gilbert MP writes… The Pasty Tax is unfair, unworkable and unenforceable (32) by Stephen Gilbert MP
  In other news… Lib Dems close no libraries, Paddick pledges 360,000 homes, & Newby is new Lords whip (1) by Stephen Tall
  Top of the Blogs: The Lib Dem Golden Dozen #271 (0) by The Voice
30th  How much chocolate can you put on a gingerbread man before he becomes standard-rated for VAT? (30) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: We can’t let councils discriminate against house-sharers (5) by Duncan Stott
  Opinion: Vince for No.11 – for growth and investment (9) by Simon Holbrook
  Lib Dems pointing at things #wherewepointwewin (0) by The Voice
  Sarah Ludford MEP writes… Deal on transfer of passenger data to the US was least worst option (5) by Baroness Sarah Ludford MEP
  Lib Dems see silver lining in Tories’ cloud (7) by NewsHound
  David Cameron’s jibe at Dennis Skinner: forget the ageism, it was just badly done. (25) by Stephen Tall
  ITV: Three ex-News International executives misled Parliament say MPs (0) by The Voice

Recent Comments

  • Jonathan Calder
    We should certainly start talking about industrial democracy again and cooperatives too, but there remains an important role for trade unions in defending peopl...
  • David Warren
    @DavidSymonds is right, we need to be championing industrial democracy which was a key part of Liberal Party policy in the past. As for trade unions having s...
  • Paul R
    @Neil H - Yes, people do have officially issued government ID in many of those countries. It is not however mandatory for them to carry it in all such countries...
  • Jennie
    Oooo another member of the Jennie Club...
  • Peter Hirst
    While it is good to have the correct policies it is even better to implement them in a timely and effective manner. We can have debates about what is the right ...