Monthly Archives: March 2012

1st  Why Conservatives should back Lords reform (8) by Nick T
  Fiona Hall MEP writes… Join the Lib Dems’ campaign to boost small businesses across Europe (0) by Fiona Hall MEP
  ToryBoy: John Walsh portrays life on the campaign trail as it really is (4) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: Lib Dems should support the NHS reforms to secure its long-term future (126) by Andrew Tennant
  Norman Lamont is an excellent example of why the Lords should be reformed (10) by Mark Pack
  PMQs: Beccles, Bungay, swivel-eyes and the hysterically happy DUP (0) by Paul Walter
  The Local Government Slot: Fighting for a Better Deal for Park Home Owners (3) by Annette Brooke MP
  Opinion: Job Guarantees – an economic stimulus worth considering? (26) by Joe Bourke
2nd  The really important issue at Gateshead is a Constitutional Amendment (21) by Simon McGrath
  LDVideo: Nick Clegg – Workfare critics have a “messed up set of priorities” (17) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: Opening up the benefits of renewable energy means considering much more than just the size of subsidies (5) by Simon Beard
  Opinion: Liberal Left have short memories (67) by Michael Taylor
  Baroness Barker writes… Liberal Democrats protecting the integrity of the NHS (31) by Baroness Liz Barker
  Care – dilemmas for us all (9) by Ruth Bright
  Why the rise in Air Passenger Duty matters to BME communities up and down the UK (12) by James Jennings
  The LDV Friday Five: 2 March 2012 (1) by The Voice
  This week’s council by-election results: 1 March 2012 (9) by Helen Duffett
  Paddick: some Met detectives adopt a “she wants it really” attitude to women alleging rape (1) by Stephen Tall
3rd  LibLink: Paddick – we are putting forward an innovative, radical Liberal Democrat agenda for Londoners (0) by Stephen Tall
  Nick Clegg’s speech to Scottish Liberal Democrat Conference (0) by Helen Duffett
  Tonge: Clegg acted “very hastily and ill-advisedly” in issuing apologise-or-resign ultimatum (17) by The Voice
  The Labour Party. Remember them? (35) by Stephen Tall
  The weekend debate: Who are the five most influential women of all time? (30) by Mark Pack
  LDV Caption Competition: David Cameron & Alex Salmond “Who’ll take the Highland?” Edition (21) by Stephen Tall
4th  Can you guess the policy? (19) by Mark Pack
  LibLink: Ed Davey: ‘The night I pulled a woman from the tracks as a train hurtled towards us’ (5) by Helen Duffett
  In other news… Richard Kemp for Liverpool, Kennedy on the UK, defection in Cambridge, Hughes at Leveson (1) by Stephen Tall
  Edinburgh sees first new council homes built in a generation (0) by Mark Pack
  Top of the Blogs: The Lib Dem Golden Dozen #263 (2) by The Voice
  New LDV members’ survey now live: your views on the NHS reform bill (2) by Stephen Tall
5th  You break it, you fix it – Brian Paddick’s new campaign poster (17) by Mark Pack
  Happy Saint Piran’s Day! (1) by Paul Walter
  Clegg hint on child benefit changes (6) by NewsHound
  Duncan Hames writes… We must think more deeply about how to rebalance the economy (40) by Duncan Hames MP
  Opinion: An attempt to bring a calm and rational solution to the workfare issue (15) by Daniel Henry
  Boris Johnston breaks promise on free Olympics tickets for school children in London (5) by Mary Reid
  LDVideo: Jo Swinson’s Political Slot: The Liberal Democrats are in government on your side (6) by The Voice
  James Graham leaves the Liberal Democrats (40) by The Voice
  Lynne Featherstone criticises marriage tax breaks (13) by The Voice
  Nasty negative ad as political race turns sour (5) by Mark Pack
  Campaign Corner: How can I best use Facebook? (4) by Mark Pack
6th  Only limited success for data-matching trials to improve electoral register (0) by Mark Pack
  Please can we stop raising tax out of people’s pensions? (18) by Richard Flowers
  Baroness Sal Brinton writes: Stalking law reform is needed now (0) by Sal Brinton
  The Independent View: If I were in your shoes…views from the other side of the Coalition (44) by Tim Montgomerie
  Cutting council tax – the view from a Lib Dem council (4) by Matthew Bedford
  Erlend Watson replaces James Graham on the Lib Dems’ Federal Executive (6) by Helen Duffett
  The Independent View: Budget corporate tax changes could cost developing countries billions (9) by Martin Hearson
  Opinion: Handling Israel/Palestine issues can be difficult, but… (32) by Ed Fordham
  Opinion: Keith O’Brien’s real problem with gay marriage (8) by Julian Ferguson
  The Independent View: Do us all a favour and drop the NHS Bill (40) by Suresh Chauhan
7th  Opinion: A broad church of the religious and the secular (11) by George Kendall
  Public sector pensions: what you find if you ask the obvious question (27) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: Save the NHS Bill (28) by David Boyle
  Local council by-elections: the recovery continues, again (27) by Mark Pack
  The Independent View: how Liberal Democrats can provide Clegg’s “gear shift” in infrastructure spending (3) by Richard Carr
  Baroness Dee Doocey writes: Legal Aid and Welfare Reform, spot the problem (6) by Dee Doocey
  Opinion: Lost a guru? Try democracy instead (5) by Maria Pretzler
  The Independent View: You should be worried about the NHS changes (29) by Dr Thomas Jones
  From Indian Dance, to Speed Mentoring to barnstorming speeches: Caron’s Top Ten Highlights of Scottish Conference (4) by Caron Lindsay
  Lynne Featherstone MP writes: How the Liberal Democrats are delivering for women (8) by Lynne Featherstone
  Opinion: We need to talk about the NHS (34) by Felix Greaves
  Opinion: Brown and Carmichael debate Coalition at lively Social Liberal Forum fringe (2) by Norman Fraser
  Jeanette Sunderland selected to fight Bradford West for the Liberal Democrats (21) by Helen Duffett
8th  The Independent View: The Last Chance Saloon for Access to Justice? (0) by Des Hudson
  I don’t want you to read 160 tips for local councillors and campaigners (4) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: It’s time to scrap Trident (20) by Toby Fenwick
  Lord Clement-Jones writes… Limiting competition in the NHS (11) by Tim Clement-Jones
  Shirley Williams sets the record straight on NHS reform (30) by Mark Valladares
  How to get Lib Dem Voice by email (0) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: What can Sweden teach us about liberalism? (21) by Mark Goodrich
  Opinion: Why the Leader’s letter hardened our Health Bill motion (48) by Charles West
  What Lib Dem members think about the NHS Bill: 57% opposed, but majority might back it if significantly amended (18) by Stephen Tall
9th  Opinion: Reasons to be Cheerful (5) by Sean Davey
  A letter from Andy Burnham to Liberal Democrat members (62) by Andy Burnham
  John Pugh MP writes … TINA and NHS Choices (1) by John Pugh
  PMQs: Lest we forget (1) by Paul Walter
  Baroness Shirley Williams writes… I am fed up with lies about Lib Dems and the Health Bill (50) by Shirley Williams
  Andrew Wiseman writes… How FCC and voting reps select emergency motions to conference (0) by Andrew Wiseman
  Lib Dem spring conference: a quick guide to the highlights (1) by Mark Pack
  Stephen Williams MP writes… What would you do with £60 extra every month? (22) by Stephen Williams
  Liberal Insight: new think tank launched (11) by Tom Smith
  The Independent View: Dropping the bomb (5) by Kate Hudson
  The LDV Friday Five: 9 March 2012 (0) by The Voice
  Breaking News: Federal Conference Committee announce details of the emergency motions ballot (17) by Andrew Wiseman
  The Independent View: why proposals for secret trials should be opposed (0) by Clare Algar
10th  Major investment in Post Offices announced (0) by Mark Pack
  Two useful steps forward in party business at conference (2) by Mark Pack
  The Independent: Lib Dems should “make peace and move on” from the Health Bill (7) by Nick T
  Brian Paddick: It is vital that we maximise our vote for the London Assembly (5) by Mark Pack
  Do Lib Dem members’ views differ from conference representatives’ views? Here’s what our survey says… (0) by Stephen Tall
  The 50p tax rate is not for dropping – the leadership’s line (2) by Mark Pack
  LibLink: Nick Thornsby – The coalition was the best option in May 2010, and it’s the best option now (2) by NewsHound
  Vince Cable speaks to the adoring masses… and Liberal Democrat Conference… (6) by Mark Valladares
  Gossip from Gateshead #1 (2) by Caron Lindsay
  LDVideo: Nick Clegg – ‘It is only fair millionaires pay their share’ (3) by Stephen Tall
  LDVideo: Nick Clegg – “If I thought this Bill was about privatising the NHS, it would never have seen the light of day” (6) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: Let’s unite behind the Protecting the NHS motion (26) by Caron Lindsay
11th  LDVideo Conference Special: the views of Nick Clegg, party members & Simon Hughes (0) by Stephen Tall
  Health Bill debate at conference: live blog (22) by Mark Pack
  Text of Nick Clegg’s speech to the Lib Dems’ 2012 spring conference (4) by The Voice
  Round-up of initial reactions to the Lib Dem conference NHS Bill vote (51) by Stephen Tall
  Gateshead Gossip #2 (2) by Caron Lindsay
  In other news… Vince, Telegraph inaccuracy, Lembit, Eastleigh, Boundary Commission, site news (0) by Stephen Tall
  Top of the Blogs: The Lib Dem Golden Dozen #264 (0) by The Voice
  LDVideo at Conference: Lib Dem activists speak out against NHS Bill (0) by Stephen Tall
12th  EXCLUSIVE: What Lib Dem members say about the party’s direction and Nick Clegg’s leadership (42) by Stephen Tall
  Steve Gilbert MP writes… Church opposition to gay marriage is “intolerant, out of touch, and wrong” (22) by Stephen Gilbert MP
  Extending the LibDem youth contract to self-employment (7) by Joe Bourke
  A new start: Liberal Democrats for Electoral Reform (11) by Maria Pretzler
  Opinion: Lynne is our Champion for equality and everyone should know it! (4) by Adrian Hyyrylainen-Trett
  How you can help Liberal Democrat Voice (2) by The Voice
  Campaign Corner: How do we get more people phoning? (0) by Mark Pack
  LibLink: Simon Hughes – The rich must be made to pay their share (4) by Paul Walter
  LibLink: Lynne Featherstone – ‘Church stuck in dark ages’ (9) by Paul Walter
13th  Revealed: What Lib Dem members think of Ed Miliband and David Cameron (15) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: the way forward – with Clegg at the helm (26) by Scott Hill
  Plan C: The Social Liberal Forum’s economic prognosis (7) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: even football supporters have civil liberties… don’t they? (14) by Gary Shearer
  Coming up in the Lords: 19-28 March (0) by Mark Valladares
  Opinion: #KillTheBill – but not for a reason you may be aware of… (21) by Lee Dargue
  Opinion: bashing bankers the economically liberal way – risk and responsibility (11) by Mike Bird
  Coalition defeats rebel Lib Dem backbench MPs’ attempt to stop the NHS Bill (21) by Stephen Tall
  What Lib Dem bloggers have been saying about the NHS Bill after Lib Dem conference (31) by Stephen Tall
14th  What Lib Dem members think of the Coalition & its record (6) by Stephen Tall
  Martin Horwood MP writes… Why Nick Clegg’s response to Jenny Tonge was right (16) by Martin Horwood
  Liberal Youth storm Spring Conference (0) by Sean Davey
  Michael Moore MP’s Westminster Notes – Scotland better off in Union (2) by Michael Moore
  Nick Clegg does PMQs – my tweets (1) by Caron Lindsay
  Chris Rennard writes… Who will win the debate between Shirley Williams and Polly Toynbee? (23) by Chris Rennard
  Lib Link: Nick Clegg – my mission to make the ultra rich pay (8) by Caron Lindsay
  A story, a story, my kingdom for a story (2) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: the ongoing disaster of British land-use planning (24) by Tom Papworth
  Conference heroes and heroines (13) by Ruth Bright
  PMQs: Your boys took a hell of a beating (19) by Paul Walter
15th  What Lib Dem members think of the impact of the Coalition (5) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: Let’s raise tax threshold to £10,000 for all taxpayers (22) by Joe Bourke
  Q: What links the AV referendum, boundary changes & Lords reform? A: The Coalition Agreement (6) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: We shouldn’t be afraid to raise parking charges (18) by Matt Hemsley
  The Independent View: How should Liberal Democrats respond to the views of their voters on Europe (15) by Pawel Swidlicki
  Tim Farron MP writes… Equal Marriage consultation: take part and spread the word (7) by Tim Farron MP
  Opinion: Conference votes again on access to justice, Parliamentarians should follow (4) by James Sandbach
  Opinon: Planning for a brighter future (13) by Tom Papworth
  Paddy Ashdown: A Fortunate Life (0) by Mark Pack
  European Parliament’s 2050 low-carbon roadmap backs an interconnected European supergrid (2) by Mark Valladares
  Edward McMillan-Scott  MEP “I’ve been helping Syrian rebels” (3) by Caron Lindsay
  Chris Rennard writes… 50 years after the Orpington by-election (4) by Chris Rennard
16th  Who’s up, who’s down? How party members rate the performances of leading Lib Dems (5) by Stephen Tall
  The Independent View: Why the women-in-the-boardroom brand of feminism is limited (5) by Tess Lanning
  Pauline Pearce – the ‘Hackney Heroine’ – standing as Lib Dem candidate in May’s elections (8) by Stephen Tall
  How many Liberal MPs can you get in a taxi? * (7) by Mary Reid
  Musings on campaign direction (38) by Scott Hill
  LibLink: Mark Pack – Public Budget disagreements are far better than the secretive norm (6) by NewsHound
  LibLink: Cllr Alex Folkes takes on the tobacco industry (1) by NewsHound
  Liblink: Michael Moore MP – “Rich must pay more to help poorest in budget (3) by Caron Lindsay
  The LDV Friday Five: 16 March 2012 (0) by The Voice
  Opinion: What message would scrapping the 50p rate send? (45) by Joe Jordan
17th  LDVideo | Poor old Ed, it’s the Miliband ‘Gaffes Tape’ Special (6) by Stephen Tall
  Conservatives drop controversial Halifax candidate (0) by Mark Pack
  LibLink: David Laws and Tim Farron – Budget 2012: Osborne must help the squeezed middle and tax the top (1) by Stephen Tall
  The LibDemVoice comments policy: why we moderate & how to avoid us moderating you (36) by Stephen Tall
  Thatcher papers show 25 Tory MPs considered joining early SDP (10) by Alex Foster
  The weekend debate: Should we support dropping the 50p tax rate? (38) by Carl Quilliam
18th  ‘How can Lib Dems avoid oblivion?’ asks PoliticsHome (38) by Stephen Tall
  LibLink: Ed Davey – Out of the Shadows (1) by Stephen Tall
  Time for the Lib Dems to blow the final whistle on national wage settlements (97) by Stephen Tall
  LDV Caption Competition: The Obama & Cameron ‘Special Relationship’ Edition (13) by Stephen Tall
  Top of the Blogs: The Lib Dem Golden Dozen #265 (0) by The Voice
  Labour picks an unusual poster location in Bradford (7) by Mark Pack
19th  Road sell-off plan unveiled (9) by Paul Walter
  Boost for Brian as Lib Dem London fundraising hits £400k (6) by Stephen Tall
  ‘Osborne to reduce Top rate of tax to 45p’ (19) by NewsHound
  Opinion: LibDem campaigning must be kept local (14) by Robin McGhee
  Opinion: Lib Dems must replace Labour as the party of the Left (106) by Jonathan Hunt
  Opinion: EU needs to resolve the crisis over Hungary’s slide to autocracy and human rights violations (11) by Issan Ghazni
  Baroness Claire Tyler writes… Shining a spotlight on health inequalities (12) by Claire Tyler
  Campaign Corner: How can we run our committee meetings better? (3) by Mark Pack
  LibLink: Mark Pack – I was wrong about the Budget (3) by NewsHound
  ‘Quad’ finalises Budget details (15) by NewsHound
  House of Lords approves Health and Social Care Bill – Lord Owen is the last redoubt (26) by NewsHound
20th  Baroness Judith Jolly writes: Why Lib Dem peers have supported an amended Health and Social Care Bill (66) by Judith Jolly
  Opinion: Why the UK should keep its promises on international aid (3) by David Hall-Matthews
  Opinion: Brand values (19) by Bill le Breton
  What are Britain’s millionaires actually like? Or why we should get them umbrellas (4) by Mark Pack
  Electoral Commission warns government over refusal to provide election freepost to Police Commissioner candidates (8) by Mark Pack
  Brendan Jameson, Lib Dem leader of South Lakeland District Council, passes away (0) by Helen Duffett
  Ken Livingstone definitely needs an accountant if he can’t count to five (5) by Caron Lindsay
  The Independent View: Taxing decisions – the debate between tax credits and tax allowances (16) by Tom Brooks
21st  Willie Rennie showcases Scottish Liberal Democrat Councillors’ work on housing, jobs and schools (0) by Caron Lindsay
  Liblink: Duncan Brack on how to get green policies implemented in Government (0) by Caron Lindsay
  Michael Moore MP’s Westminster Notes (0) by Michael Moore
  Opinion: All Liberal Democrats must campaign for a Federal UK (12) by Ross Finnie
  Danny Alexander MP writes… Liberal Democrat budget victory for “further faster” tax campaign (53) by Danny Alexander MP
  Nick Clegg tells Lib Dem Members: This is a Budget for the many, not the few (21) by Caron Lindsay
  Opinion: Jobs and the economy must feature in Brian Paddick’s mayoral campaign (2) by Joe Bourke
  The Independent View: Budget lifts a million people out of Income Tax (21) by Ben Norman
  What Lib Dem bloggers are saying about the Budget (6) by Caron Lindsay
22nd  “Budget 2012: new tycoon tax in victory for Nick Clegg” (10) by Mark Pack
  Tax controversy and flash cars – that’s life in the modern Labour Party (2) by NewsHound
  My Bob and the Granny Tax (40) by Caron Lindsay
  DPMQs: Trading attacks, squalidity and the long grass commission (4) by Paul Walter
  Changing the way Liberal Democrats develop policy – some thoughts from the country (28) by Mark Valladares
  Budget 2012: A strategic and substantive victory for the Lib Dems (7) by Nick T
  Labour’s hypocrisy on the ‘Granny Tax’ (31) by Sara Bedford
  Budget 2012 verdict: my pick of the top 9 stand-out issues (28) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: Cameron’s road plan is a terrible idea (17) by Andreas Christodoulou
  What Liberal Democrat Bloggers are saying about the Budget – Part 2 (10) by Caron Lindsay
23rd  Stephen Lloyd MP writes… £140 a week for every pensioner – sound familiar? (20) by Stephen Lloyd
  IFS: Pensioners have been sheltered from the brunt of the deficit changes (15) by Paul Walter
  LibLink: David Laws on the Budget in the Telegraph (34) by Mary Reid
  Opinion: A serious blow to Gove’s Red Guard – How will the Lib Dems respond? (44) by Rebecca Hanson
  IFS: Reasonable to say rich will pay the Treasury more as a result of the Budget (14) by Paul Walter
  How do you keep a secret? Or why Chris Leslie shouldn’t become an undercover detective (7) by Mark Pack
  LibLink: Tim Leunig – ‘Granny tax’ does not go far enough (34) by Paul Walter
  LibLink: Redressing the balance between the generations (1) by Mary Reid
  The LDV Friday Five: 23 March 2012 (1) by The Voice
  Keeping Party policy fresh, relevant… and ours (5) by Mark Valladares
  Opinion: Re-stating our environmental credentials in a language that makes economic sense (7) by Ben Wood
24th  Liblink: Andrew Duff MEP “Why do MEPs fear electoral reform?” (6) by Caron Lindsay
  Independent View: IGEM makes a splash at the Liberal Democrats Spring conference (1) by Donna Richardson
  The weekend debate: Should Lib Dems support the pasty tax? (26) by Carl Quilliam
  Opinion: A note to my successor (Part1) (30) by Chris Nicholson
25th  LibLink: Chris Rennard – how the Lords reminds him of Lesotho (2) by Mark Pack
  Another big money political scandal: can Lib Dems force Tories & Labour to take it seriously this time? (20) by Stephen Tall
  Labour leaning think-tank IPPR backs Osborne on ‘granny tax’ (22) by George Kendall
  LDVideo: The sage of Twickenham returns (3) by Nick T
  Opinion: A note to my successor (Part 2) (5) by Chris Nicholson
  Electoral Commission points finger at media on people’s concerns over electoral fraud (4) by Mark Pack
  LDV Caption Competition: Cameron & Miliband “We’re in this together” Funding Scandal Special Edition (28) by Stephen Tall
  Top of the Blogs: The Lib Dem Golden Dozen #266 (1) by The Voice
26th  Chris Nicholson resigns as CentreForum chief executive, appointed Ed Davey’s new special advisor (0) by Stephen Tall
  6 essential steps to help clean up the reputation of British politics (31) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: Lib Dems must grasp the nettle of party funding reform (5) by Andy May
  Opinion: We need Homes for London (10) by Bridget Fox
  Opinion: Let’s Have John Lewis Public Services (8) by Tom Smith
  Opinion: Localism is the answer (12) by Louise Shaw
  Opinion: How democratic are doctor politicians? (62) by Sid Cumberland
  Campaign Corner: How can we talk more policy? (2) by Mark Pack
27th  Has Tim Farron got a prayer against the Advertising Standards Authority? (45) by Mark Valladares
  Opinion: we shouldn’t make the poor pay for the irresponsible: on why Theresa May is wrong (again!) (20) by Matt McLaren
  Federal Policy Committee welcomes careful thinkers (6) by NewsHound
  Opinion: how will the Liberal Democrats once again become the party of my generation? (12) by Gary Shearer
  In defence of Tim Farron: 3 liberal reasons to stick up for him (85) by Stephen Tall
  Equal civil marriage consultation: have you responded yet? (9) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: sometimes Liberal Democrats just can’t win, but we won’t stop trying (27) by Lisa Harding
  Opinion: the Government’s new integration strategy – when are we going to learn? (6) by Issan Ghazni
  Baroness Shirley Williams writes… Making sense of the Health Bill amendments (19) by Shirley Williams
  Opinion: subtexts rule! (or, why the subtexts of the budget and new roadbuilding plans are more important than the headlines) (3) by Paul Reynolds
  All Aboard! One hour bus campaign moves up a gear (2) by Caroline Pidgeon
28th  Home Office decides against national spending limits for Police and Crime Commissioner elections (5) by Mark Pack
  Brian Paddick to be questioned live on Guardian website TODAY 1-2 pm (1) by The Voice
  Some thought-provoking reminders of our liberal history (17) by Mark Pack
  Liberal Democrats block David Cameron’s plans to erode workers’ rights (8) by Caron Lindsay
  Opinion: The French battle for London (8) by Yannick Naud
  Opinion: It wasn’t in anybody’s manifesto, was it? (23) by Sid Cumberland
  Peter Black AM writes: Welsh Liberal Democrats say no to regional pay (30) by Peter Black AM
  Opinion: Building an economic recovery (33) by Joe Bourke
  Opinion: 3 Liberal Criticisms of Stephen Tall’s defence of Tim Farron (19) by David Parkes
  Tim Farron MP writes… The ASA and me – a response (51) by Tim Farron MP
  Opinion: Abortion reform – handing power back to women (22) by Sophie Bridger
29th  The curious case of Ian Liddell-Grainger and the personal data (15) by Mark Pack
  A lack of democracy at Unlock Democracy (7) by Mark Pack
  Why I can’t defend Tim Farron, the ASA, Healing on the Streets… or the terms of this debate (21) by Tom King
  Christian group pledge support for gay couples marrying (12) by Mark Pack
  LDVideo: David Laws on the future of the coalition (12) by Nick T
  Annette Brooke MP writes… A much improved national planning policy Framework (4) by Annette Brooke MP
  Lorely Burt MP writes… Freelancers: championing and protecting the little guy (5) by Lorely Burt
30th  +++ Labour crashes to sensational Bradford West by-election defeat to George Galloway (36) by Stephen Tall
  The problem with the pasty tax? It’s not had enough media coverage (8) by Mark Pack
  Bradford West by-election: 5 initial thoughts on an astonishing result (53) by Stephen Tall
  David Walter (29) by Mary Reid
  LibLink: The Lib Dems’ policy shortage (9) by NewsHound
  LDVideo: Jenny Willott joins Platform 51’s Glad Rags campaign (2) by Mary Reid
  Nick Clegg and Ming Campbell add their tributes to David Walter (0) by Mary Reid
  Gurkha: The true story of a campaign for justice by Peter Carroll (0) by Mark Pack
  The LDV Friday Five: 30 March 2012 (0) by The Voice
31st  Did Ken Livingstone break tax rules over Labour donation? (4) by Mark Pack
  Politics in pictures: How Cameron, Clegg & Miliband led from the front this week (6) by Stephen Tall
  LibLink: Norman Lamb – Business can be a powerful force for good (6) by NewsHound

Recent Comments

  • Jonathan Calder
    We should certainly start talking about industrial democracy again and cooperatives too, but there remains an important role for trade unions in defending peopl...
  • David Warren
    @DavidSymonds is right, we need to be championing industrial democracy which was a key part of Liberal Party policy in the past. As for trade unions having s...
  • Paul R
    @Neil H - Yes, people do have officially issued government ID in many of those countries. It is not however mandatory for them to carry it in all such countries...
  • Jennie
    Oooo another member of the Jennie Club...
  • Peter Hirst
    While it is good to have the correct policies it is even better to implement them in a timely and effective manner. We can have debates about what is the right ...