Monthly Archives: September 2012

1st  Police and Crime Commissioner elections: where the Lib Dems are standing (17) by Mark Pack
  Just the sort of thing local campaigners should be trying out (2) by Mark Pack
  So, evil government to deny women pain relief during labour, right? (17) by Caron Lindsay
2nd  If you’re going to suggest that Nick Clegg isn’t the answer, you need a plan B ready… (50) by Mark Valladares
  Nick Clegg’s leadership: 3 thoughts from me (71) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: keeping up the Mo-mentum (1) by William Jones
  How you can help Liberal Democrat Voice (0) by The Voice
3rd  Opinion: Monetary policy is political, so where’s the democracy? (25) by Duncan Stott
  Opinion: Could there still be a bright future for Lords reform? (6) by Andrew Haldane
  How to write, with the help of Mark Twain, Ernest Hemingway and Tim Leunig (4) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: Don’t complain – walk out! (11) by Chris White
  Opinion: Is Tutu right on Tony Blair? (41) by Toby Fenwick
  Mid Term Review: not much to show for it in the end (7) by Mark Pack
  Why BUILD an Indian organisation in the Liberal Democrats? (12) by Anuja Prashar
  Nick Clegg: in politics you’ve got to get your hands dirty (6) by Caron Lindsay
  ComRes poll: Vince leadership would boost Lib Dem fortunes (12) by Stephen Tall
4th  LDVideo: George Osborne booed at Paralympics (3) by Stephen Tall
  SNP MP’s Twitter tirade against Moore and Swinson (14) by Caron Lindsay
  Government Reshuffle live blog (63) by Caron Lindsay
  Reports to party conference: two good things (2) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: Reshuffle to the Right (90) by Sean Davey
  How to get Lib Dem Voice by email (0) by Mark Pack
  Maria Miller’s appointment: have you forgotten what was said when Theresa May got the role? (15) by Mark Pack
  The reshuffle – who’s in and who’s out (15) by Nick T
  What the three departing Lib Dem ministers have said as they leave government (5) by Stephen Tall
  Reshuffle thoughts: how does it score against my four criteria? (18) by Mark Pack
5th  Opinion: Danish economy shows now is not the time for Plan B (48) by David Thorpe
  Some random reshuffle observations (11) by Caron Lindsay
  Kill the cull – it’s bad for badgers, science and the Government (34) by Andrew Wigley
  The Independent View: only 24 hours left to have your say on adult filtering (13) by Jim Killock
  LibLink: Stephen Tall – Will the reshuffle actually matter? (7) by Caron Lindsay
  Transfer deadline day: Laws, Brake, Foster & Swinson in, Burstow, Teather, Harvey & Stunell out, Clarke loan finishes (3) by James Percival
  A postcard from… Australia (5) by Paul Walter
  Sarah Ludford praises European Arrest Warrant’s latest use in London (9) by Mark Pack
  The Independent View: Why we must talk about the EU now (42) by Petros Fassoulas
  Lib Dems should have had no part in ‘Knights of the Long Knives’ reshuffle honours (21) by Stephen Tall
6th  The Independent View: How David Laws can help children and the economy at the same time (16) by Alison Garnham
  Little known reshuffle fact: there are now MORE Lib Dem ministers (15) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: Chocks away for a green flight to the estuary (39) by Jonathan Hunt
  In conversation with Tim Leunig… Sunday opening (18) by Mark Pack
  Michael Moore MP’s Westminster Notes (2) by Michael Moore
  The Independent View: Cameron changes his choir, but the song remains the same (4) by Daniel Wright
  Tim Farron MP writes… My thoughts on the Cabinet reshuffle (30) by Tim Farron MP
7th  Rehsuffles, reasonable Liberal Democrats and Jo Swinson’s rising star: Guardian podcast (0) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: Should we regulate all private landlords – over to you, conference (32) by Emily Davey
  LDV debate: The Lib Dem leadership (154) by The Voice
  Opinion: Good news on affordable housing, but spare me the house builders’ crocodile tears – their share prices have doubled (13) by Mike Tuffrey
  From today’s Lib Dem News (1) by The Voice
  The Independent View: Be more bothered about the way the pupil premium is spent (12) by Rhian Beynon
  Opinion: After the reshuffle: how can we still claim internationalism? (20) by Harriet Ainscough
  You are invited to Simon Wright’s birthday party – Saturday 15th September (4) by George Kendall
  The LDV Friday Five: 7 September 2012 (0) by The Voice
8th  Ryan Coetzee: an excellent appointment (14) by Mark Pack
  The Independent View: Whose sex life is it anyway? (23) by Simon Walsh
9th  Top of the Blogs: The Lib Dem Golden Dozen #290 (2) by Caron Lindsay
10th  How much should we tax? How much should we spend? The great unanswered questions in British politics (21) by Stephen Tall
  Riddle, mystery, enigma – Grant Shapps and the internet (8) by NewsHound
  Catherine Bearder MEP writes…The simple Lib Dem approach to aviation (58) by Catherine Bearder MEP
  In depth: Was the 2003 invasion of Iraq illegal? (45) by Toby Fenwick
  Cable and Balls cosy sofa body language – while Cable is (reportedly) at loggerheads with his Tory minister (4) by The Voice
  Opinion: Scottish reshuffle and the independence referendum (30) by Keith Legg
11th  Lynne Featherstone MP writes… The Equality Games (3) by Lynne Featherstone
  What does the Federal Executive do? (4) by Alison Goldsworthy
  How to manage volunteers? Look at the Games Makers (20) by Mary Reid
  Aled Roberts AM writes … Assessing the outcomes of a pupil premium in Wales (3) by Aled Roberts
  10 ways to make your local party AGM better (0) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: Why austerity is the wrong answer to debt (32) by Geoff Crocker
  Jo Swinson appointed new Equalities Minister (19) by Nick T
12th  Gordon Birtwistle MP writes: Liberal Democrat Campaign for Manufacturing launches (8) by Gordon Birtwistle MP
  Nick Clegg tells Pink News: Equalities won’t fall off the radar on my watch (19) by Caron Lindsay
  6 things Lib Dem campaigners can learn from Boris Johnson and George Galloway (22) by Mark Pack
  Norman Lamb MP writes: One suicide is one too many (26) by Norman Lamb MP
  Baroness Meral Hussein-Ece writes: Towards racial equality (34) by Meral Ece
  George Lyon MEP writes: Scots need guarantees on EU membership before independence referendum (22) by George Lyon MEP
13th  Eluned Parrott AM writes… Lib Dems should say no to regional pay (40) by Eluned Parrott
  LDVideo: Chris Davies MEP – MEPs’ kindness will kill the fishing industry (9) by Nick T
  Opinion: Europe’s moving ahead. Are we part of it or not? (45) by Giles Goodall
  Tom Brake MP writes… Romney’s bought the latest gadget, but he’s forgotten to read the manual (1) by Tom Brake
  Nick Clegg in Cambridge: Liberal Democrats have a good story to tell (18) by Caron Lindsay
  One of David Heath’s first decisions should be to ban live farm animal exports (5) by Nick T
  Less than 21 hours to get your BOTY nominations in….. (2) by The Voice
14th  Opinion: Inflation the biggest threat to economic growth (25) by David Thorpe
  This week in Europe… 11-14 September (14) by Mark Valladares
  Michael Moore MP’s Westminster Notes (0) by Michael Moore
  From today’s Lib Dem News (46) by The Voice
  What do the academics say? Ashcroft’s campaigning worked (5) by Mark Pack
  A life in the day of an ELDR Council Member… (1) by Mark Valladares
  Tales from the webinar: Julian Huppert on civil liberties and communications data (3) by Caron Lindsay
  The LDV Friday Five: 14 September 2012 (0) by The Voice
15th  What the Liberal Democrats have done: new party booklet (30) by Mark Pack
  Election law snippets (10) by Mark Pack
16th  Opinion: New World Economics (15) by Bill le Breton
  Conservatives climb down over boundary changes (7) by Mark Pack
  Success for Caroline Pidgeon’s cycling safety campaign as new lights to be tested (1) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: The Sun has clearly boobed on this issue of free speech (25) by Andreas Christodoulou
  The SNP’s guide to appropriate behaviour (14) by Caron Lindsay
  Top of the Blogs: The Lib Dem Golden Dozen #291 (0) by Caron Lindsay
17th  What on earth is the Mail up to? (26) by Paul Walter
  Clegg and Gove show united front on plan to overhaul GCSEs (43) by Stephen Tall
  Order! Order! A Parliamentary Miscellany (0) by Mark Pack
  Calling them granny taxes doesn’t mean they’re unfair (20) by Adam Corlett
  The Independent View: Landlord licensing will not stop the criminals (13) by Richard Lambert
  Opinion: It’s tricky isn’t it, this coalition business? (16) by Richard Morris
  Opinion: GCSEs? O-levels? Open your minds! (24) by Ed Wilson
  David Laws: “An exam for all abilities” (44) by The Voice
18th  Timetable for selecting Euro candidates (England) (0) by Mark Pack
  And so the ‘Romneyshambles’ rolls on… (8) by Stephen Tall
  Jenny Willott MP writes…Get behind Bablin Molik, Cardiff South and Penarth by-election candidate (6) by Jenny Willott
  MP conference fringe league table 2012: Norman Baker is the new Simon Hughes, but he’s no Vince Cable (3) by Mark Pack
  Conference edition of Liberator (1) by The Liberator Collective
  LibLink: Michael Gove and Nick Clegg – A new exam will get the best out of all our children (13) by Mary Reid
  Opinion: Beyond the Ebacc (13) by Jon Hunt
  Polls and predictions: The Chris Rennard Interview (4) by The Voice
  The Independent View: Fair access to the professions – where the legal profession leads, others must follow (2) by Nick Fluck
  Opinion: How GCSEs made me envy my son (48) by Helen Flynn
  Why stand for Federal Policy Committee? (4) by Dinti Batstone
  Opinion: How do Gove’s plans match up to Lib Dem policy? (62) by Alisdair Calder McGregor
19th  Dan Rogerson MP writes…How we reformed GCSEs (11) by Dan Rogerson MP
  Interview: What future for youth services in an age of austerity (2) by Linda Jack
  Liberal Democrat conference: the daily themes (2) by Mark Pack
  FFAC chair Greenland acknowledges LDV accreditation article was “unhelpful” (7) by NewsHound
  Your one-stop online guide to Lib Dem conference events – we’ve got an app for that (4) by Stephen Tall
  Julian Huppert MP writes… Developing a future: Policies for science and research (16) by Julian Huppert
  Lib Dems’ former HQ on the market for £11 million (8) by Helen Duffett
  Nick Clegg warns against arming the Police after Manchester shootings (2) by Caron Lindsay
  Michael Moore MP’s Westminster Notes (0) by Michael Moore
  Featherstone and Crockart slam Page 3 (43) by Caron Lindsay
  What do the academics say? More attractive candidates pick up more votes (5) by Mark Pack
  New LDV members’ survey now live: your views on education reforms, Heathrow, the reshuffle & the Coalition’s performance (6) by Stephen Tall
  Nick Clegg: “We made a pledge. We didn’t stick to it – and for that I’m sorry” (127) by Helen Duffett
  Tales from the Webinar: Lynne Featherstone on equalities and international development (4) by Caron Lindsay
20th  The pupil premium isn’t a quick-fix solution, it’s a long-haul policy (7) by Stephen Tall
  LibLink: Mark Pack – The Home Office has got it wrong about online snooping ‘safeguards’ (0) by NewsHound
  Conference preview: Saturday and Sunday (18) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: Economics will rightly dominate conference (3) by Prateek Buch
  Shouldn’t we all play by the same rules on tax? (13) by Mark Pack
  The Independent View: Low borrowing rates signal economic weakness, not strength (25) by Jonathan Portes
  Opinion: Creating a fairer tax system (13) by Jeremy Hargreaves
  Martin Horwood MP to chair Lib Dems’ 2013 local election campaign (8) by Helen Duffett
  Caron’s guide to the craziness of Conference (7) by Caron Lindsay
21st  Vince Cable: No to Tory plans for further spending cuts (16) by NewsHound
  Conference preview: Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday (2) by Mark Pack
  Jenny Willott MP writes… Young people and policing: the opportunity of Crime Commissioner elections (0) by Jenny Willott
  Opinion: Planning rules (13) by Chris White
  Time now to prepare for a progressive centre-left coalition in 2015 (43) by Paul Walter
  From today’s Lib Dem News (0) by Mary Reid
  Independent View: What now for housing policy? (3) by Graeme Cooke
  The Independent View: An opportunity to direct the debate on Trident replacement (8) by Kate Hudson
  The Independent View: Employee ownership makes economic sense (6) by Luke Hildyard
  The LDV Friday Five: 21 September 2012 (0) by The Voice
  Blog of the Year Awards 2012: Vote for Best non-Lib Dem politics blog (1) by Helen Duffett
  Nick Clegg’s debut single goes live on iTunes (7) by Paul Walter
22nd  Liberal Democrats to veto plan for benefits freeze (7) by Mark Pack
  UK electoral law is fragmented, convoluted and causing errors (1) by Mark Pack
  ConHome pushes case for Vince Cable as Lib Dem leader. It’s enough to make you wonder why… (11) by Stephen Tall
  The Independent View: Liberal Democrats – nature needs you! (1) by Tom Fewins
  LibLink: Paul Burstow – Why is the Coalition failing to tackle our broken care system? (0) by NewsHound
  EXCLUSIVE: Lib Dem conference surveillance of members’ most intimate moments (6) by Paul Walter
  LibLink: David Laws – No more “nothing for nothing” politics (0) by NewsHound
  David Laws’ speech to conference: no soaring rhetoric but a clear determination to deliver (2) by Nick T
  Opinion: Don’t mistake the bodyguard state for a nanny (23) by Ewan Hoyle
  Is this how we get the most out of our schools? (3) by Mary Reid
  Blog of the Year Awards 2012: The Shortlists (3) by Helen Duffett
  Tim Gordon writes… Feedback from the members’ survey (10) by Tim Gordon
  Blog of the Year Awards 2012: The Winners #LDBOTY (0) by Helen Duffett
23rd  Featherstone: 0.7% aid target will stick (2) by NewsHound
  What Lib Dem members say about the party’s direction and Nick Clegg’s leadership (3) by Stephen Tall
  What should the Liberal Democrats focus on in the next year? (Mark Pack) (2) by Mark Pack
  What Lib Dem members think about the third Heathrow runway and increased aviation capacity (0) by Stephen Tall
  Cable: no to regional pay; Clegg: yes to taxes on wealth; Alexander: tougher tax rules (3) by Mark Pack
  The Independent View: Why Lib Dems should vote against the Secret Courts Bill on Tuesday (4) by Clare Algar
  Opinion: Is it possible to be liberal and popular on immigration? (7) by Alasdair Murray
  Nick Clegg Q+A at Brighton Conference, 2012 (26) by Mark Pack
24th  Hurricane Miriam is in the Pacific (0) by Paul Walter
  Sometimes it is good not to be trusted (1) by Mark Pack
  What should the Liberal Democrats focus on in the next year? (Stephen Tall) (12) by Stephen Tall
  Random conference observations from a (new) old grouch (0) by Paul Walter
  Opinion: Make a clean break – You shouldn’t flirt behind your partner’s back (20) by Ruth Edmonds
  Conference news snippets: economy, mansion tax, Dilnot reforms, business bank and Green Deal (1) by Mark Pack
  Conference now and then (2) by Paul Walter
  Vince Cable’s speech to conference (8) by Mark Pack
  Andrew Mitchell’s failed apology: what he should have said (11) by Stephen Tall
  Liberal Democrats thanked for ending child detention for immigration purposes (17) by Caron Lindsay
  LibLink: Ming Campbell – Afghanistan: We have to see it through till 2014 (3) by NewsHound
  Telegraph’s annual list of 50 most influential Liberal Democrats is out… (1) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: Regional Pay – bad economics, appalling politics (6) by Stephen Knight
  LDVideo: Nick Clegg Entschuldigt Sich (6) by Stephen Tall
  Conference gossip: “May I stroke you sir?” (1) by Paul Walter
25th  Lord Jim Wallace writes… Secret courts: only where absolutely necessary (3) by Jim Wallace
  Media coverage of Nick Clegg Says I’m Sorry (the Autotune Remix) (1) by Paul Walter
  Paddy on the Coalition, joining the party & that Sun headline (2) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: Why Nick Clegg was wrong to apologise for tuition fees (101) by David Thorpe
  A public service announcement from the Committee for Political Consistency (1) by Mark Pack
  Clegg apology – the view from the man on the Brisbane omnibus (3) by Paul Walter
  That leaked campaign document which isn’t really a leaked campaign document (0) by Mark Pack
  Danny Alexander: fairer taxes, with everyone playing by the same rules (13) by Mark Pack
  Work places are communities too (4) by Mary Reid
  Baroness Brinton writes… Standing for Federal Conference Committee (0) by Sal Brinton
  The Independent View: Grassroots 2.0 (1) by Carl Miller
  Lib Dem voters’ views on green energy (0) by Mary Reid
  Top of the Blogs: The Lib Dem Golden Dozen #292 (0) by The Voice
  Conference calls for our parliamentarians to reject Secret Courts (5) by Mary Reid
26th  LibLink: Stephen Tall – The Lib Dem Conference That Didn’t Bark (17) by NewsHound
  Why I loathe leaders’ speeches. PS: It’s nothing personal, Nick (16) by Stephen Tall
  Two priceless conference comedy moments (for about five people on the surface of Planet Earth) (4) by Paul Walter
  Another day at conference, another education policy launched (0) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: Why I will withhold my standing ovation from Nick Clegg today (16) by Paul Walter
  +++ Paddy Ashdown to chair 2015 general election campaign (14) by Mark Pack
  Nick Clegg’s speech to conference: “A fair, free and open society” (76) by Mark Pack
27th  Lib Dem conference closes: What the papers say… (12) by Stephen Tall
  David Laws and Vicky Pryce on the crisis in Europe (19) by Nick T
  Alistair Carmichael becomes Deputy Leader of the Scottish Liberal Democrats (0) by Caron Lindsay
  David Heath: I’m doing all I can on live exports (4) by Nick T
  The Justice and Security Bill: an important point that’s been missed (7) by Nick T
  Tim Farron MP writes… Paddy Ashdown new Liberal Democrat 2015 General Election campaign Chair (5) by Tim Farron MP
28th  Miliband: Labour took my mobile phone away (7) by Mark Pack
  Nick Clegg: re-elect Tim Farron as Party President (6) by Mark Pack
  Lib Dem MEPs honoured in 2012 Parliament Magazine Awards (3) by Mark Valladares
  Nick Clegg’s speech: analysis from Matthew Parris, Lance Price and myself (4) by Mark Pack
  From today’s Lib Dem News (5) by The Voice
  Jo Shaw’s speech to Lib Dem conference opposing secret courts (2) by The Voice
  Another Liberal Democrat PCC candidate is announced (3) by Mark Valladares
  Will Israel attack Iran, and will this break the Coalition? (29) by Geoffrey Payne
  The LDV Friday Five: 28 September 2012 (0) by The Voice
  Haringey Council on the brink as auditors refuse to sign off accounts (3) by Cllr Richard Wilson
29th  A longer watch for the weekend: Martin Lewis on tuition fees (78) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: What’s wrong with immigration control? (4) by Ditch Townsend
  Opinion: We must make the Care and Support Bill a reality (2) by Simon Allen
  Opinion: Concern over Northern Ireland Equal Marriage Petition of Concern (0) by Stephen Glenn
  Lib Dem members’ support for Coalition still high… but approval of Government hits new low (9) by Stephen Tall
  Clegg: “Communities need to front up to abuse in their midst” (1) by Caron Lindsay
  Labour health policy descends into mess on first day of conference (20) by Mark Pack
30th  LibLink: Stephen Tall – Lib Dem conference is this week’s liberal hero (0) by The Voice
  Opinion: An open letter to Ryan Coetzee, Nick Clegg’s new head of strategy (38) by Bill le Breton
  Jo Swinson becomes Platform 51’s Woman of the Week (1) by Caron Lindsay
  Are you a Liberal Democrat conference rep who went to Brighton? (23) by Mark Pack
  Conference: the good, the bad and the ugly (28) by Caron Lindsay
  Liberal Democrat Party Awards 2012: The winners (1) by Helen Duffett
  Nick Clegg’s autotuned apology viewed 1.8 million times (0) by Helen Duffett
  Top of the Blogs: The Lib Dem Golden Dozen #293 (0) by Caron Lindsay
  It’s not Vince you should be texting Ed (14) by Mark Pack

Recent Comments

  • Jonathan Calder
    We should certainly start talking about industrial democracy again and cooperatives too, but there remains an important role for trade unions in defending peopl...
  • David Warren
    @DavidSymonds is right, we need to be championing industrial democracy which was a key part of Liberal Party policy in the past. As for trade unions having s...
  • Paul R
    @Neil H - Yes, people do have officially issued government ID in many of those countries. It is not however mandatory for them to carry it in all such countries...
  • Jennie
    Oooo another member of the Jennie Club...
  • Peter Hirst
    While it is good to have the correct policies it is even better to implement them in a timely and effective manner. We can have debates about what is the right ...