Monthly Archives: August 2012

1st  Michael Moore MP’s Westminster Notes (0) by Michael Moore
  LibLink: Stephen Tall: Liberal Hero of the Week: Danny Boyle (3) by Caron Lindsay
  Three intriguing opinion poll results that made me go, “Hmm, really?” (8) by Stephen Tall
  Rennie questions Salmond’s £400k on “London embassy” for the Olympics (2) by Caron Lindsay
  Lord Rennard: “There’s no substitute for democracy” (2) by Caron Lindsay
2nd  Opinion: Lib Dems should say “No, Minister” to Tory plans to politicise the Civil Service (13) by Robin McGhee
  Menzies Campbell in celebration of Olympians in Parliament (0) by Paul Walter
  LibLink: Norman Lamb – How can we bring consumer law into the digital age? (4) by Nick T
  Vince v Osborne – the battle for RBS’s future (18) by Caron Lindsay
  Hanging around (5) by Mary Reid
  Some positive news on the Work Capability Assessment (20) by Caron Lindsay
3rd  Reframe: How to solve the world’s trickiest problems? (3) by Mark Pack
  New LDV members’ survey now live: your views on Lords reform, the economy, Nick Clegg, the reshuffle & the Coalition’s performance (4) by Stephen Tall
  Would you be happy with a payout to put up with aircraft noise? (11) by Caron Lindsay
  From today’s Lib Dem News (0) by The Voice
  Paul Varnsverry selected as Liberal Democrat candidate for Northamptonshire Police Commissioner (0) by Caron Lindsay
  Jon Rogers selected as Liberal Democrat candidate for Bristol Mayor (1) by Caron Lindsay
  ++ Clegg to announce Lords reform sunk; Tory rebels defeat Cameron; first breach of Coalition Agreement. (55) by Stephen Tall
4th  LibLink: Chris Rennard – Failure to deliver Lords reform will not threaten the coalition (3) by NewsHound
  Lords reform: what next? (13) by Mark Pack
  LibLink: Tom Papworth – why Norman Baker is my Liberal Hero (44) by NewsHound
  Boundary reforms must now be dropped, but Lib Dems should avoid petulance over Lords retreat (31) by Nick T
  LDV Caption Competition: Lynne Featherstone “Reach for the Stars” Edition (19) by The Voice
5th  The Coalition Agreement does not commit Lib Dems to supporting boundary changes (37) by Stephen Tall
  A messy situation for Lib Dems over Devon and Cornwall police commissioner contest (9) by Stephen Tall
  Are politicians really getting younger? (2) by Stephen Tall
  Top of the Blogs: The Lib Dem Golden Dozen #285 (0) by The Voice
6th  The Lib Dem membership slump: how it compares and how we can respond (34) by Stephen Tall
  Danny Alexander: UK’s triple-A credit rating “not be-all and end-all” (1) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: Why we need to tackle homophobic bullying now (11) by Sarah Rose
  Quick, let’s bury the good news about teenagers (3) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: Liberal Democrats should abandon support for the single currency (31) by David Thorpe
  Chris Rennard writes… Restoring balance to the Coalition (82) by Chris Rennard
  Opinion: We are Liberal cherries in a very Conservative cake (29) by Kevin McNamara
  The House of Lords just got even more dangerous for Cameron (17) by Mark Pack
7th  Lords reform: what the failure means for the Coalition, David Cameron and Nick Clegg (10) by Mark Pack
  62% of Lib Dem members agree with Clegg decision to vote down boundary changes over Tories’ Lords reform retreat (24) by Stephen Tall
  Twitter, trolling and the law (4) by Mark Pack
  The Independent View: FairCopUK – a new campaign for police honesty (0) by John Cross
  Opinion: With all constituencies declared, Labour has an overall majority (46) by Charles Beaumont
  Opinion: What the Tory backbench rebellion means for parliament (18) by Tim Leunig
  Eight ways to help Team LD win gold in 2015 (0) by George Kendall
  Chris Davies writes: A view from the North (1/3) (3) by Chris Davies
  Paul Tyler writes… Conservative crisis, Labour leaderless (42) by Paul Tyler
8th  Opinion: Unelected Lords are against the spirit of the European Convention on Human Rights (33) by Antony Hook
  How you can help Liberal Democrat Voice (1) by The Voice
  Opinion: Why scrapping Lords Reform is ultimately a disaster for Cameron (15) by Nick Tyrone
  Book review: William Gladstone – New Studies & Perspectives (2) by Tony Little
  More voters think the Tories have broken their Coalition Agreement promises than think the Lib Dems have (23) by Stephen Tall
9th  What factors Lib Dem members think are MOST to blame for UK economy remaining in recession (18) by Stephen Tall
  Tom Brake MP writes… Politics is a profession of unrelenting pace (4) by Tom Brake
  How Parliament walked eyes wide open into the Bob Ashford mess (11) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: Can Corby smelt a new Coalition? (64) by Toby Fenwick
  How to get the most out of your Lib Dem Voice comments (2) by The Voice
10th  LDV poll: 54% of Lib Dem members back ‘new approach’ to boost economic growth (18) by Stephen Tall
  Michael Moore MP’s Westminster Notes (1) by Michael Moore
  How to get Lib Dem Voice by email (0) by Mark Pack
  Lords Reform – reflection​s from Alaska in the rain (12) by Mark Valladares
  Second Labour Police Commissioner candidate falls foul of “exceptionally tough condition of eligibility” (1) by Mark Pack
  Lords reform, Boris Johnson and Louise Mensch: Guardian podcast (0) by Mark Pack
  Autumn 2012 Conference agenda: online now (3) by Helen Duffett
  Chris Rennard writes: How can we make sure that people can vote? (11) by Chris Rennard
  The LDV Friday Five: 10 August 2012 (0) by The Voice
11th  69% of Lib Dem members say London right to bid to host the 2012 Olympics and Paralympics (0) by Stephen Tall
  The Independent View: Could Europe be an unlikely area of consensus for the revamped Coalition 2.0? (21) by Pawel Swidlicki
  The Conservative candidate dilemma (1) by Mark Pack
  Danny Alexander set to up the ante on anti-Tory rhetoric and housing (3) by Mark Pack
  Clegg set to open the way for churches to hold gay marriages (6) by Mark Pack
  LDV Caption Competition: Nick Clegg & Tinchy Stryder “Cool Guy” Edition (13) by The Voice
12th  Opinion: Is this the start of Plan A+? (4) by Adam Corlett
  Nick Clegg invites ‘Golden Dozen community Team GB’ to Olympics closing ceremony (2) by Stephen Tall
  In other news… on Jess Ennis, Judy Steel & other stories (1) by Stephen Tall
  Top of the Blogs: The Lib Dem Golden Dozen #286 (0) by The Voice
13th  By 48% to 19%, Lib Dem members prefer post-2015 alliance with Labour to continuing pact with Tories (20) by Stephen Tall
  LibLink: Tavish Scott – Clegg’s stance gives Lib Dems new hope (13) by NewsHound
  Opinion: Creating a legacy for UK sport from London 2012 – lessons from Jamaica (3) by Chris Richards
  Labour Police Commissioner candidate set to defy ban on magistrates (6) by Mark Pack
  The sensible campaigner is the campaigner with backups (4) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: Spectators are as important as athletes to develop a sporting nation (2) by Laura Willoughby
  Nick Clegg should say no to any link between state funding and boundary changes (19) by Stephen Tall
14th  Who Lib Dem members think are the most effective non-MPs at promoting the party (6) by Stephen Tall
  There’s zero chance of Clegg cutting any boundary deal with Tories over party funding (13) by Stephen Tall
  Chris Davies MEP writes: A view from the North (2/3) (12) by Chris Davies
  Opinion: National Citizen Service – value for money? (7) by Paul Rowen
  Opinion: Understanding the housing policy buzz (79) by Paul Reynolds
15th  Lib Dem members’ support for Coalition still high… but the trend is down (16) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: Deregulate Sunday trading to go for growth (55) by Theo Clifford
  LibLink: Mark Pack – Voters get to choose how they think (5) by NewsHound
  Opinion: Liberal Democrats must stay true to our traditions post 2015 (65) by David Thorpe
16th  What Lib Dem members say about the party’s direction and Nick Clegg’s leadership (21) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: Are we being taken for a First(Group)-class ride? (19) by Prateek Buch
  LibLink: Mark Pack – Give people power over the sharing of their data (0) by NewsHound
  Lib Dems publish plan for 300,000 homes to be built a year (47) by Mark Pack
  The Conference agenda – media roundup (17) by Mary Reid
17th  Revealed: What Lib Dem members think of Ed Miliband and David Cameron (43) by Stephen Tall
  20’s Plenty: Road Safety Set For Debate At Conference (56) by Antony Hook and Sarah Osborne
  Jeremy Browne – working for abolition of the death penalty abroad (3) by Jeremy Browne MP
  Have I gone mad? (50) by Mark Pack
  Independent View: Danny Alexander’s green line (12) by Liz Hutchins
  The LDV Friday Five: 17 August 2012 (0) by The Voice
18th  Adrian Sanders writes… What progress has been made towards achieving full primary education for all children? (11) by Adrian Sanders
  On Twitter, Leveson, media standards… and Labour MP Ian Austin labelling Russell Brand “a disgusting, sleezy [sic], horrible creep” (4) by Stephen Tall
  Scrapped Greater Manchester Police Authority holds party at 5-star hotel (5) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: Liberal Youth take on a Dictator… with teddy bears (3) by Harriet Ainscough and Sam Fisk
19th  Who’s up, who’s down? How party members rate the performances of leading Lib Dems (5) by Stephen Tall
  Review: 101 Ways To Win An Election by Mark Pack & Edward Maxfield (2) by Stephen Tall
  Top of the Blogs: The Lib Dem Golden Dozen #287 (0) by The Voice
20th  Who Lib Dem members want to see stay/axed in the next Cabinet reshuffle (16) by Stephen Tall
  What do we Lib Dems want from a reshuffle? (39) by Stephen Tall
  BBC: ‘Political parties’ donations fall by almost £1m’ (4) by Stephen Tall
  What the public thinks of… Cameron & Clegg for ditching Lords reform & boundary changes & of the Lib Dems in Coalition (6) by Stephen Tall
21st  When should the Coalition end? Here’s what our survey said… (5) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: It’s time for Assange to stop using WikiLeaks as a smokescreen (102) by Nick Sutton
  LibLink: John Pugh MP – With hindsight, Cable’s deficit reduction plan looks better than Osborne’s (23) by NewsHound
  OECD tax data: updated, still surprising (3) by Mark Pack
  John Prescott should ignore this post. It asks you to think. (26) by Stephen Tall
22nd  Lib Dem members split 47%-46% on whether Nick Clegg should fight 2015 election as party leader (62) by Stephen Tall
  Independent’s spin on Nick Clegg and The Thick of It (1) by Caron Lindsay
  Opinion: Time for Liberal Democrats to stop saying “No”. (12) by Chris Richards
  Paddy Ashdown: Why the World will never be the same again (12) by Caron Lindsay
  Opinion: Why schools should be allowed to sell their playing fields (5) by Matt Hemsley
  Lynne Featherstone MP writes… George Galloway’s comments on rape are totally unacceptable, and they have an effect (49) by Lynne Featherstone
23rd  Jo Swinson, Julian Huppert & David Laws top Lib Dem members’ reshuffle promotion wish-list (7) by Stephen Tall
  LibLink: Christine Jardine – Balance of Scottish power (2) by Caron Lindsay
  Julian Huppert MP writes… Britain deserves an affordable railway (14) by Julian Huppert
  Paddy Ashdown talks about his new book “A brilliant little operation” (1) by Caron Lindsay
  Opinion: It’s not such a bad thing if we’re a nation of idlers (17) by Robin McGhee
  That poll on Nick’s leadership – what the papers say (5) by Caron Lindsay
  Inspiration Day for Scottish Liberal Democrat women (0) by Caron Lindsay
24th  Opinion: Britain has become a corporate state, not a free society (51) by Daniel Furr
  Opinion: Moderates vs Radicals: the battle for the Liberal Democrat soul (57) by Sean Davey
  From today’s Lib Dem News (4) by The Voice
  The English Baccalaureate is a Mickey Mouse qualification (24) by Sara Bedford
  The LDV Friday Five: 24 August 2012 (0) by The Voice
25th  When will the Coalition end? Here’s what Lib Dem members say… (3) by Stephen Tall
  Three interesting reads for the weekend: on the Lib Dem mission, campaigning and Coalition (7) by Stephen Tall
  LibLink: Anthony Wells ‘On that poll of Lib Dem members’ (4) by Stephen Tall
  LDV Caption Competition: Jeremy Browne “Wiff Waff’s Coming Home” Edition (8) by The Voice
26th  Measuring what Lib Dem members think the party is achieving in Coalition (3) by Stephen Tall
  RIP Donald Gorrie (7) by The Voice
  Tim Leunig writes… Housing priority Number 1: reversing the rise in the age of first-time buyers (39) by Tim Leunig
27th  How you can take part in LibDemVoice’s exclusive party member surveys (0) by Stephen Tall
  Reshuffle round-up: it looks like good news for Swinson & Laws (61) by Stephen Tall
  QE “benefits the better off” say Bank of England – so why are we still doing it? (16) by David Thorpe
28th  A fresh look at the Diaoyu Islands (3) by Andy Yau
  Opinion: Dealing with critics on our own terms – graduate contributions (33) by Nik Alatortsev
  Opinion: Rock Salmon and Chips anyone? (18) by Joe Bourke
  How a deliverer can recruit two deliverers (1) by George Kendall
  In other news… Teather on pupil premium, State of play for Welsh Lib Dems & other stories (2) by Stephen Tall
29th  Nick Clegg calls for emergency taxes on wealthy (53) by Caron Lindsay
  Opinion: Who’s phoning who? (with apologies to Aretha Franklin) (4) by Marisha Ray
  Julian Huppert MP writes… Liberal Democrats need a clear policy on the future of aviation (24) by Julian Huppert
  Fiona Hall MEP writes: Behind the scenes – negotiating the EU Energy Efficiency Directive (3) by Fiona Hall MEP
  Charles Kennedy MP writes: UK’s Air Passenger Duty is damaging our economy (26) by Charles Kennedy
  Nick Clegg in Scotland: another opportunity for Scots to get to know him wasted (15) by Caron Lindsay
  Opinion: Prohibition 3 or how I learned to stop worrying and love failure (11) by Mark Wright
  Lib Dem Blog of the Year Awards 2012 – nominations now open (1) by Helen Duffett
  Jeremy Browne MP writes: Paralympics legacy must advance rights of people with disabilities (7) by Jeremy Browne MP
30th  Clegg starts Public Negotiation: Phase 2 (22) by Nick T
  A response to Peter Kellner: yes the Lib Dems need a narrative, but they should reject the tired left/right division (34) by Nick T
  Opinion: Grade inflation must stop, but not artificially (30) by William Mosseri-Marlio
  Pendle investigates claims of postal vote fraud (3) by Mark Pack
31st  LibLink: Paddy Ashdown “Liberal Democrats must back Nick Clegg and let him finish the job” (38) by Mark Valladares
  Tim Farron responds to justified criticism? (28) by Mark Valladares
  From today’s Lib Dem News (7) by The Voice
  Why is the UK government encouraging companies to use tax havens? (8) by Adrian Sanders
  The LDV Friday Five: 31 August 2012 (1) by The Voice
  The party with the British instincts (13) by Mark Pack

Recent Comments

  • Jonathan Calder
    We should certainly start talking about industrial democracy again and cooperatives too, but there remains an important role for trade unions in defending peopl...
  • David Warren
    @DavidSymonds is right, we need to be championing industrial democracy which was a key part of Liberal Party policy in the past. As for trade unions having s...
  • Paul R
    @Neil H - Yes, people do have officially issued government ID in many of those countries. It is not however mandatory for them to carry it in all such countries...
  • Jennie
    Oooo another member of the Jennie Club...
  • Peter Hirst
    While it is good to have the correct policies it is even better to implement them in a timely and effective manner. We can have debates about what is the right ...