Monthly Archives: June 2012

1st  Opinion: Liberal Democrats should make the case for an elected head of state (94) by William Summers
  LibLink: Paddy Ashdown – Syria shows the lessons of Libya still unlearnt (10) by Mary Reid
  From today’s Lib Dem News (14) by Mary Reid
  The LDV Friday Five: 1 June 2012 (0) by The Voice
2nd  Opinion: Transport infrastructure – our way to avoid depression (26) by Mark Wright
  Labour MP attacks rural broadband as “faster internet shopping for millionaires” (11) by Mark Pack
  LDVideo: Oakeshott on Osborne, Oaten on BSkyB, George on fishermen (2) by The Voice
  LDV Caption Competition: “Hands on with Clinton” Edition (17) by Stephen Tall
  Hunt out to dry? Clegg refuses to back Tory culture secretary as Lib Dem MPs push inquiry (12) by Stephen Tall
  Talking to Labour: the only news is that Labour still aren’t serious (29) by Mark Pack
3rd  LDV Poll Result: Majority of Lib Dem members reject conference accreditation (14) by Stephen Tall
  Changes to your local party boundaries are coming (18) by Andy Strange
  In other news… Huhne in court, Clegg dines Tories, Ming protests immigration rules & other stories (8) by Stephen Tall
  How to get the most out of your Lib Dem Voice comments (2) by The Voice
  Top of the Blogs: The Lib Dem Golden Dozen #276 (0) by The Voice
4th  Tony Greaves: From angry young man to simmering old guru (4) by Mark Pack
5th  How you can help Liberal Democrat Voice (0) by The Voice
  Chief Executive pay: is it tied to performance? (9) by Mark Pack
6th  LDV poll: 34% of Lib Dem members say Nick Clegg should stand down before 2015 (76) by Stephen Tall
  Nick Clegg’s praises Queen’s dignity, calm and wisdom (0) by The Voice
  Michael Moore MP’s Westminster notes (0) by Michael Moore
  Unlock Democracy: the elections are worse than I feared (10) by Mark Pack
  Only a week to respond to Lynne Featherstone’s consultation on equal civil marriage (6) by Caron Lindsay
  Opinion: Why I won’t be watching Euro 2012 (10) by Steve Walsh
  Opinion: Why I am a royalist (24) by George Kendall
  Lib-Lab cooperation: there’s one easy way to find out if Labour are serious (28) by Stephen Tall
  Our political writers can pretend they know what makes us tick: a response to Matthew d’Ancona (5) by Stephen Tall
7th  Government’s search for an alternative to PFI takes another twist with growth bonds (7) by Mark Pack
  LDV poll: Vince or Tim are Lib Dem members’ top choices for leader in event of vacancy (14) by Stephen Tall
  How to get Lib Dem Voice by email (0) by Mark Pack
  The low earner Liberal Democrats revisited (8) by Mark Pack
  “I’d love to write a novel” – Clegg (10) by Nick T
  The Independent View: A compromise on Lords reform to unite the parties? (8) by Tim Hicks
  Opinion: Iran v. West – breaking the deadlock (6) by Peter Lesniak
8th  Four councillors, four people who should be voted out (8) by Mark Pack
  LDV poll: 80% of Lib Dem members continue to back current Coalition & 63% open to another Coalition after 2015 (28) by Stephen Tall
  Equal marriage: imminent deadline for consultation (0) by Mary Reid
  From today’s Lib Dem News (26) by Mary Reid
  LibLink: Simon Hughes – Polly’s advice to the Lib Dems is double-edged (52) by Mary Reid
  Opinion: The Government should act decisively on unpaid internships (6) by Tom Wood
  The LDV Friday Five: 8 June 2012 (0) by The Voice
9th  Jeremy Browne turns down Argentina invite during 30th anniversary Falklands tour (7) by The Voice
  The weekend debate: should benefits for pensioners be restricted? (44) by Mark Pack
  LDV poll: 80% of Lib Dems back wealthier households in social housing paying full market rent (10) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: Why Grant Shapps must be evicted as Housing Minister (25) by London Liberal
  LDV Caption Competition: Cameron & Miliband “Cooee!” Edition (23) by Stephen Tall
10th  LDV survey: Lib Dem members’ favourite Tory ministers revealed! (8) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: Lib Dems must avoid “all growth is good” fallacy (34) by David Thorpe
  Local pay for the public sector: a row the Lib Dems and the Coalition will want to dodge? (30) by Stephen Tall
  New edition of Liberator magazine (1) by The Liberator Collective
  Opinion: It’s your country, we’re giving it back (78) by Charles Beaumont
  Lib Dem donation figures in full (Quarter 1, 2012) (7) by Stephen Tall
  Top of the Blogs: The Lib Dem Golden Dozen #277 (0) by The Voice
11th  LDV poll: 83% of Lib Dems say break-up of Eurozone will be bad for Britain’s economy (2) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: Theresa May enters a reading contest with the judges (4) by Paul Walter
  Opinion: What would Labour do? (32) by Iain Roberts
  How leaflets used to look: the 1929 Liberal economic plan (5) by Mark Pack
  LDV poll mention in Express (0) by Paul Walter
  Oakeshott: Jeremy Hunt should have resigned (6) by NewsHound
  Opinion: ‘Economic growth you can believe in’ – towards The British Growth Model. (9) by Paul Reynolds
  Wanted: the next generation of Community Champions (1) by Sean Davey
  Ed Davey unveils £1.3bn green deal (2) by The Voice
  Video: Lords Ashdown and Phillips clash over second chamber reform (0) by Paul Walter
12th  Welcoming the report of the Child Poverty Action Group (8) by Annette Brooke MP
  Opinion: what’s wrong with Personal Independence Payments? (10) by Yusuf Osman
  How to survive a campaign and not sell your soul (5) by Mark Pack
  Does mislaying your child really make you a bad parent? (26) by Sara Bedford
  The Eurozone crisis explained. OR: How not to get distracted by smurfs doing star-jumps (1) by Stephen Tall
  A letter to the Archbishop of Canterbury: have we read the same history books? (23) by Mark Pack
  LDV poll: More than half Lib Dem members back ‘new approach’ to boost economic growth (5) by Stephen Tall
  Lib Dems will not support Hunt (49) by NewsHound
  Why Gordon Brown should be voting for Jeremy Hunt tomorrow (5) by Mark Pack
13th  Whether you regard Jeremy Hunt as guilty or innocent, an investigation is a must (33) by Mark Valladares
  EXCLUSIVE: What Lib Dem members say about the party’s direction and Nick Clegg’s leadership (7) by Stephen Tall
  Jo Swinson: there are questions to be answered over Jeremy Hunt (11) by The Voice
  How leaflets used to look: a 1920s Liberal attack leaflet (0) by Mark Pack
  New Liberal Democrat Forum for Africa (1) by Ed Fordham
  Adrian Sanders MP writes: Hunt vote – we need to save our energy for the battles that really matter (49) by Adrian Sanders
  Nick Clegg at Leveson – the highlights (2) by Caron Lindsay
  Danny Alexander addresses the GMB – emerging liberal and successful (2) by Mark Pack
  Alex Salmond holds court at Leveson with added fun and games (8) by Caron Lindsay
14th  Two things to remember today (2) by Mark Pack
  Eric Lubbock: From Orpington Man to Buddhist Monk? (1) by Mark Pack
  PMQs: Coalition comrades and Kettering cabinets (6) by Paul Walter
  Julian Huppert MP writes… Communications data: we have to get this right (26) by Julian Huppert
  LibLink: David Laws – The Orange Book eight years on (62) by Nick T
  Andrew George joins Stephen Fry in support of returning the Parthenon Marbles (9) by Nick T
  Opinion: The lottery winner who would be King or Queen (15) by Adam Corlett
15th  Politicians are not mere pawns in the hands of journalists (6) by Mark Pack
  Lynne Featherstone writes… In the summertime (2) by Lynne Featherstone
  The Independent View: The end of the Equal Marriage Consultation (10) by Conor Marron
  Council bans 9 year old’s school dinner photo blog (15) by Caron Lindsay
  Nick Clegg MP writes… Rio+20 should set the green agenda for the next 20 years (4) by Nick Clegg MP
  From today’s Lib Dem News (0) by The Voice
  Thirty years of American politics satirised in three minutes (0) by Mark Pack
  Argyll and Bute Council backs down on school dinners blog ban (3) by Caron Lindsay
  Michael Moore MP’s Westminster Notes (3) by Michael Moore
16th  LibLink: Stephen Tall names Matthew Parris ‘Liberal of the Week’ for calling for end to private schools’ charitable status (13) by NewsHound
  An 8th reason why the Interception of Communications Commissioner should go (1) by Mark Pack
  57% Lib Dem members say ‘Yes’ to London 2012 (0) by Stephen Tall
  LDV Caption Competition: Clegg at Leveson “Through the glasses darkly” Edition (11) by Stephen Tall
  Mandatory work: if we believe in evidence-based policy it’s probably best to pay attention to the evidence (16) by Stephen Tall
17th  Opinion: Latest Bank of England liquidity policies not an effective substitute for government action (4) by David Thorpe
  A longer read for the weekend: how Obama orders the death of terrorists (6) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: A Progress-ive Moment? (28) by Zadok Day
  Good news on electoral registration data geekery (4) by Mark Pack
  Top of the Blogs: The Lib Dem Golden Dozen #278 (0) by The Voice
18th  The 5 myths about the UK economy which it suits everyone to perpetuate (59) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: Trident coalition split or positive move to safeguard British expertise? (20) by Lucy Care
  Greece – a victory for all Europe? (20) by Jonathan Fryer
  Opinion: Nick Clegg – the Great Communicator (37) by Chris White
  The New Depression: Richard Duncan’s prognosis of our economic ills and the answer to them (17) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: Criminal laws are freezing out freedom of speech (13) by Ben Boult
  Labour councillor apologises for using hose pipe during ban (16) by The Voice
19th  Opinion: We can kick start the economy… and might just save the planet too (15) by Joel Kenrick
  Vince Cable on “one of the great acts of economic vandalism in modern times” (11) by Mark Pack
  Lord Jim Wallace writes… We want to enhance scrutiny of the security services, not evade it (2) by Jim Wallace
  The seven EU members who are less creditworthy than myself (5) by Mark Pack
  A wet flannel, a flip-flop and a rump of a party (10) by NewsHound
  Peter Kellner’s advice to the Lib Dems: ditch boundary changes, and get a new leader before 2015 (34) by Stephen Tall
20th  English Party warms to Lib Dem candidates in Police & Crime Commissioner elections (18) by Mark Pack
  Michael Moore MP’s Westminster Notes (0) by Michael Moore
  Opinion: Nothing to fear but fear itself (7) by Mike Tuffrey
  Opinion: Changing demand without changing supply puts prostitutes at risk (9) by Ewan Hoyle
  Liblink: Nick Clegg – Rio’s reprise must set hard deadlines for development (0) by Caron Lindsay
  Is a high home ownership rate a sign of a successful country? (16) by Mark Pack
  Nick Clegg explains why he’s Out4Marriage (15) by The Voice
  Liblink: Danny Alexander to tax dodgers – we are coming to get you! (19) by NewsHound
  Willie Rennie says Salmond should meet Dalai Lama (10) by Caron Lindsay
  The tale of Julian Huppert and the BBC doughnuts (1) by Caron Lindsay
21st  What sort of mid-term review should the government hold? (2) by Mark Pack
  Can you tell the heroes from the villains in the sub-prime mortgage disaster? (8) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: 3 reasons why the Earth Summit matters for Liberal Democrats (2) by Ben Wood
  Opinion: Should we be selling state assets to reduce debt and create jobs? (6) by Paul Reynolds
  Shareholders to get binding votes on executive pay under Cable reforms (3) by Nick T
  Opinion: Finally lost it…. (62) by Helen Flynn
  LibLink: Paddy Ashdown – Rio+20 is a chance to secure our children’s future (0) by Nick T
22nd  Coming up in the Lords: 25-29 June (0) by Mark Valladares
  LDVideo: Jeremy Browne “reserves his position” on the Government’s Euro 2012 boycott (3) by Stephen Tall
  The rise of the private renters (12) by Mark Pack
  Julian Huppert MP writes… Libel reform is an admirable prize for Liberal Democrats (2) by Julian Huppert
  From today’s Lib Dem News (1) by The Voice
  Three more myths about the UK economy (27) by David Freeborn
  Stuff that you might find useful… (3) by Mark Valladares
  The LDV Friday Five: 22 June 2012 (0) by The Voice
23rd  The weekend debate: Is mandatory arbitration the answer to public transport strikes? (9) by Mark Pack
  This doesn’t look like a rebalancing housing market to me (6) by Mark Pack
  Danny Alexander: pay tax as I say not as I do? (32) by Stephen Tall
  LDV Caption Competition: Nick Harvey “Pleased to see me?” Edition (22) by Stephen Tall
  Welcome to the new bloggers… (2) by Ryan Cullen
24th  David Walter memorial service: Wednesday 27 June (0) by Mark Pack
  A longer read for the weekend: Baroness Kramer on how to kick-start economic growth (12) by Nick T
  Revealed: The document that explains how Unite intends to take over the Labour party (10) by Mark Pack
  Clegg to embark on summer ‘bring on the hatred’ tour (20) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: European countries need to work together on asylum (4) by Paul Haydon
  David Laws: let’s cut taxes and spending. For once, I’m unconvinced. Here’s why… (46) by Stephen Tall
  The Independent View: The Trident review risks being a damp squib (4) by Kate Hudson
  Top of the Blogs: The Lib Dem Golden Dozen #279 (1) by The Voice
25th  Nick Clegg needs to condemn Cameron’s welfare plans in the strongest language imaginable (47) by Caron Lindsay
  David Boyle’s appointment is excellent news (6) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: There is much for the Lib Dems to support in Gove’s embryonic exam proposals (14) by Alisdair Calder McGregor
  Opinion: More QE is not the solution to Britain’s economic challenges (15) by David Thorpe
  Nick Harvey MP: Vital need to keep open the seas of the Middle East (1) by Nick Harvey
  Opinion: Dear Progress, come in and have a nose around (14) by James Percival
  Opinion: The Lib Dems should be the party of manufacturing (9) by William Hobhouse
  Opinion: The need for positive engagement on the school exam system (13) by Steve Bolter
26th  The Liberal Democrats need a core votes strategy (32) by Mark Pack
  Nick Clegg MP writes… Rio+20: We made progress (7) by Nick Clegg MP
  An historic address (1) by Merlene Emerson
  Lord German writes… Welfare – don’t panic! – it’s Cameron being a Tory! (16) by Mike German
  Jo Grimond: Towards the sound of gunfire (8) by Mark Pack
  Tom Brake MP writes… Labour has a lot to apologise for on immigration – it should start with child detention (8) by Tom Brake
  Norman Lamb: an extraordinary encounter with Fred Michel (1) by Mary Reid
  LibLink: Paddy Ashdown – Silver Linings to the Storm Clouds of Rio (5) by Mary Reid
  Lords reform: did we really expect any better of either the Tories or Labour? (25) by Stephen Tall
27th  LDVideo: Chloe Smith’s car-crash fuel duty Newsnight interview (26) by The Voice
  Housing: the IPPR’s answer (2) by Mark Pack
  LibLink: Tim Leunig – David Cameron should know better than this Housing Benefit gimmick (13) by Caron Lindsay
  How leaflets used to look: Sutton, 1972 – no bar chart but a darn good skull (2) by Mark Pack
  Better Together, the pro UK campaign launches in Edinburgh (8) by Caron Lindsay
  Norman Baker MP writes… A virtuous circle for cycling (6) by Norman Baker MP
  Michael Moore’s Westminster Notes (1) by Michael Moore
  Baroness Parminter writes… Food for thought (12) by Kathryn Parminter
  Jo Swinson MP says “Let’s Fix Parliament” (13) by Caron Lindsay
  Social liberal values and the tyranny of spin doctors – the Social Liberal Forum (Scotland) Conference (12) by Norman Fraser
28th  Is 75% of the Coalition Agreement drawn from the Lib Dem manifesto? Alas, no… (29) by Stephen Tall
  Lords reform, Labour and the three key tests (14) by Mark Pack
  LDVideo: Clegg takes to his soapbox on Lords reform (4) by Nick T
  Opinion: Ritual slaughter – One law for all (27) by Adam Corlett
  Reporting back from the English Council (2) by Andy Strange
  Stephen Gilbert MP writes… Welcome news for park home residents (1) by Stephen Gilbert MP
  Three ideological things to do with your members and helpers this summer (2) by Mark Pack
  LibLink: Jeremy Browne and Edward McMillan-Scott – The EU can amplify our human rights pledge (1) by Nick T
29th  RIP Nikki Thomson (14) by Sara Bedford
  Opinion: Scrap the tax on e-books (18) by Antony Hook
  Vince ahead of the game – again (3) by NewsHound
  From today’s Lib Dem News (0) by The Voice
  Double wins for Lib Dems in Chelmsford (7) by Sara Bedford
  Coming up in the Lords: 2 – 5 July (2) by Mark Valladares
  The LDV Friday Five: 29 June 2012 (0) by The Voice
30th  Cable: The City is a massive cesspit (13) by NewsHound
  Guardian investigation finds sexual predators in police abusing powers (0) by Mark Pack
  Tuition fees: new IFS publication says new system “substantially more progressive” (44) by Mark Pack
  LibLink: Nick Clegg – Beware the risks and rewards of a banking union (4) by NewsHound
  Revealed: What Lib Dem members think of Ed Miliband and David Cameron (11) by Stephen Tall

Recent Comments

  • Jonathan Calder
    We should certainly start talking about industrial democracy again and cooperatives too, but there remains an important role for trade unions in defending peopl...
  • David Warren
    @DavidSymonds is right, we need to be championing industrial democracy which was a key part of Liberal Party policy in the past. As for trade unions having s...
  • Paul R
    @Neil H - Yes, people do have officially issued government ID in many of those countries. It is not however mandatory for them to carry it in all such countries...
  • Jennie
    Oooo another member of the Jennie Club...
  • Peter Hirst
    While it is good to have the correct policies it is even better to implement them in a timely and effective manner. We can have debates about what is the right ...