Monthly Archives: May 2010

1st  Pollwatch Day 25 #GE2010 – Lib Dems at 28/32% in today’s polls. And are we headed for 120 MPs? (5) by Stephen Tall
  Another endorsement for the Lib Dems – this time from Liberal Conspiracy (16) by Stephen Tall
  Just imagine if you’d got over one million new poster sites (8) by Stephen Tall
  Want a leaflet to deliver in your area? (12) by Mark Pack
  Lib Dems aggressively expand targeting strategy against Conservatives and Labour (15) by Mark Pack
  Electoral administration isn’t going quite as well as it should… (6) by Mark Pack
  LibLink: Want to know who Nick Clegg’s hero is? (2) by NewsHound
  Clegg wins the ‘Mumsnet vote’ (1) by The Voice
  Lib Dem Flashmobs nationwide (21) by Alex Foster
  What does Vince Cable do on Hounslow High Street? (0) by Mark Pack
  Why I am voting Lib Dem after 52 years supporting Labour (10) by The Voice
  Over £6,000 raised online for Evan Harris (2) by Mark Pack
  Happy birthday Iain (2) by The Voice
  Opinion: Yes we can! (14) by Terry Gilbert
  LDV doesn’t do statporn, but if we did (April ‘10) (0) by Stephen Tall
  Clegg in the (Lib Dem-supporting) Guardian: “We have taken Labour’s place in UK politics” (10) by Stephen Tall
  Pollwatch Day 26 #GE2010 – Lib Dems at 25-29% in today’s polls (15) by Stephen Tall
2nd  Daily View: the human poster special (1) by Mark Pack
  The Observer endorses the Liberal Democrats (5) by Mark Pack
  Scotland on Sunday is third paper to endorse Lib Dems (4) by Mark Pack
  “When the public booed Liam Fox for raising hung parliament concerns” – FT (7) by Mark Pack
  “Let’s take on the tabloids” (8) by Mark Pack
  Don’t wake up on May 7th and say ‘I wish I’d done more’ (4) by Mark Pack
  LibLink: HIV – heterosexuals get it too (4) by NewsHound
  “A once in a generation chance for real change” (2) by The Voice
  Tory tax priorities: spend £6 billion on the wealthiest 0.8% in the UK (5) by Stephen Tall
  Philippa Stroud: the disappearing Conservative candidate (195) by Mark Pack
  Express omits to report who is second in its own opinion poll (9) by Mark Pack
  The YouGov poll which shows Nick Clegg won the third TV debate (11) by Stephen Tall
  Top of the Blogs: The Golden Dozen #167 (1) by Stephen Tall
  Second police investigation into publication of postal vote information (18) by Mark Pack
  Pollwatch Day 27 #GE2010 – Lib Dems at 28/29% in today’s polls, as Tory support slips (8) by Stephen Tall
3rd  Blackburn Conservative leaflet stirs up controversy (6) by Mark Pack
  Clegg makes bold pitch for northern working class (6) by Mark Pack
  3 to see: Lib Dem #GE2010 campaign coverage (3/5/10) (0) by Stephen Tall
  When up is down and down is up (4) by Mark Pack
  Liberal Democrats unveil high-profile supporters (43) by Mark Pack
  Postal ballots are not the same as postal vote application forms (2) by Mark Pack
  LDVideo: Right Said Fred’s Lib Dem Party anthem 2010 (3) by Stephen Tall
  When is a late surge not a late surge? (aka how Reuters gets the news wrong) (11) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: The Lib Dems are now the only party of science (9) by Christopher Lomax
  Weirdest comment by a mainstream politician so far (4) by Mark Pack
  “Labour candidate in court on careless driving charge” (1) by Mark Pack
  Today’s Lib Dem Flashmobs – a planned, spontaneous, orderly uprising. All very liberal. (7) by Stephen Tall
  LDVideo: “A liberal believes quite simply in fairness” (2) by The Voice
  The LDV Bank Holiday Monday caption competition – the “Nick Clegg meets Tardis” edition (16) by Stephen Tall
  Pollwatch Day 28 #GE2010 – Lib Dems at 26-28% in today’s polls (24) by Stephen Tall
4th  Would Ed Balls vote for the Lib Dems’ Norman Lamb? (9) by Stephen Tall
  LibLink: Andrew Duff – Europe gripped by UK election (3) by NewsHound
  Opinion: Go for STV! (20) by Anthony Tuffin
  Labour: give us 21 years to get a majority elected House of Lords (0) by Mark Pack
  What the public thinks should happen in a hung Parliament (5) by Mark Pack
  Socks review (2) by Mark Pack
  Paddy & Nick slam retired defence chiefs’ Lib Dem slurs (12) by The Voice
  LibLink: Vince Cable – The Gaffe: it’s a spectre that haunts us all (2) by NewsHound
  When is an arrest not an arrest? The curious case of Kathryn Smith (1) by Mark Pack
  Andy Coulson under fire over fresh phone-hacking allegations (5) by Mark Pack
  Second Bournemouth Conservative councillor switches (1) by Mark Pack
  Nick launches “My personal guarantee” (1) by The Voice
  Stephen Fry urges a vote for Lib Dem MP Evan Harris (4) by Stephen Tall
  Xbox owners back Lib Dems over Conservatives and Labour (1) by Mark Pack
  Police asked to investigate Young Britons’ Foundation (10) by Mark Pack
  Lib Dem donation figures in full (Q1, 2010). Make today the day you donate. (1) by Stephen Tall
  Former Blair speechwriter says “Vote Lib Dem” (0) by Mark Pack
  Pollwatch Day 29 #GE2010 – Lib Dems at 24-28% in today’s polls (22) by Stephen Tall
5th  Thursday’s extra bonus: the local elections (6) by Mark Pack
  Nick Clegg’s personal message to Lib Dems: “We are rewriting the election script” (3) by The Voice
  Labour split on tactical voting advice to supporters (4) by Stephen Tall
  Nick Clegg writes … It may be just a small cross on the ballot paper but it is a big opportunity (7) by Nick Clegg MP
  LibLink: Vince Cable on one liners, air rifles, and Alesha Dixon (1) by NewsHound
  Make history tomorrow (3) by Mark Pack
  Labour in legal hot water over poll cards (9) by Mark Pack
  LibLink: Jonathan Freedland – Trust me, I’m Nick Clegg: How the also-ran stole the show (0) by NewsHound
  Opinion: Thinking Too Hard About Plaid (20) by Huw Dawson
  Where’s the British Jon Stewart? (17) by Stephen Tall
  The 2010 Election: politicians and voters united in deferring the reality of savage cuts (4) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: Michael Gove is a banana (10) by Charlie Garnett
  Place your guesses now – the LDV General Election prediction competition (46) by Stephen Tall
  Ways to get in touch with Lib Dem Voice on polling day (1) by Stephen Tall
  In case you need an incentive to keep working til the last possible minute … (5) by Stephen Tall
  Pollwatch Day 30 #GE2010 – Lib Dems at 26-29%, neck-and-neck with Labour, in final polls (UPDATED) (15) by Stephen Tall
6th  It’s The Sun what made us snort with laughter (21) by Stephen Tall
  How to vote (4) by Mark Pack
  Wrong ballot papers supplied on polling day in Brent (2) by Mark Pack
  Nick: “Today’s the day we can deliver fairness for Britain.” (1) by The Voice
  Boost for Tim Farron as former Labour candidate backs Lib Dems (1) by Stephen Tall
  Not yet sure yet whether to vote Lib Dem? Read this first (10) by NewsHound
  The New York Times lauds Nick Clegg’s “central role” in election race (2) by Stephen Tall
  Final poll of the campaign: Lib Dems at 27% (4) by Stephen Tall
  Why the Lib Dem surge was at just the right time (11) by Stephen Tall
  Three very different endorsements for the Lib Dems (0) by Stephen Tall
  LibLink: Mark Pack – Liberal Democrats: the seats to watch (2) by Stephen Tall
  So why didn’t this teller just say, “Yes, I’m a Conservative”? (13) by Mark Pack
  Just 3 hours left to make your predictions in LDV’s general election competition (0) by Stephen Tall
  LDVideo: Paddy Ashdown – You can’t get a new future, unless you cast your vote (6) by Stephen Tall
  One last polling prediction (and it shows Lib Dems with over 100 MPs) (0) by Stephen Tall
  The significance of May 27th (10) by Mark Pack
  The Lib Dem 2010 general election campaign: punching above our weight (6) by Stephen Tall
  The LDV Election Night Live-Blog: 9.30 – 10.30 pm (23) by Stephen Tall
  The LDV Election Night Live-Blog: 10.30 pm – 12 midnight (23) by Stephen Tall
7th  The LDV Election Night Live-Blog: 12 midnight – 1.30 pm (56) by Stephen Tall
  The LDV Election Night Live-Blog: 1.30 – 3.00 pm (105) by Stephen Tall
  The LDV Election Night Live-Blog: 3.00 – 4.30 pm (119) by Stephen Tall
  The LDV Election Night Live-Blog: 4.30 – 6.00 pm (45) by Stephen Tall
  The LDV Election Morning Live-Blog & Open Thread (6-8am) (27) by Stephen Tall
  The LDV Election Morning Live-Blog & Open Thread … 8am Edition (36) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: Let’s challenge Cameron’s hype – this is NOT the Tories’ “best result for 80 years”! (27) by Terry Gilbert
  Full list of Lib Dem MPs (26) by Stephen Tall
  +++ Nick Clegg speaks – up to Tories to seek to form government (48) by Stephen Tall
  BBC reports Sarah Teather has won Brent Central (10) by Stephen Tall
  Seat we just missed / just won (11) by Mark Pack
  The morning after the night before: 10 questions we need to answer (but maybe not today) (101) by Stephen Tall
  The final results trickle in … (8) by Stephen Tall
  What do you make of David Cameron’s “offer”? (45) by Stephen Tall
  Cameron offers … er, not very much really (74) by Mark Pack
  LibLink: James Graham – A cruel result for the Lib Dems (6) by NewsHound
  What should the party do next? Have your say by 2pm on Saturday (396) by Mark Pack
  Proportion matters – the diagram that shows the election result is balls (4) by Stephen Tall
  David Steel on the last time there was a hung parliament (4) by NewsHound
8th  Grown-up politics means sometimes working with your enemies (45) by Iain Roberts
  Opinion: The frame we need: freedom (7) by Antony Hook
  Did Trident, Europe and immigration make the difference? (41) by Iain Roberts
  Opinion: They’re bidding for Lib Dem support! (36) by Anthony Tuffin
  Deal or no deal? Here’s what I think (300) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: Is there grand gesture to reform which would make coalition with the Tories acceptable? (48) by Terry Gilbert
  1,000+ protesters gather outside Lib Dem meeting to demand PR (21) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: A Letter to Nick Clegg (76) by Ben Stephenson
  Opinion: Did you see it coming? (30) by Chris White
  Welcome to the new bloggers… (3) by Mark Pack
  The party’s formal statement on talks (31) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: Post-election blues (52) by Tony Greaves
  A selection of blogger responses (28) by Mark Pack
9th  Nadine Dorries: expense claims questioned in Sunday Times (3) by Mark Pack
  Beer drinking no less than a religion (2) by Iain Roberts
  Party President Ros Scott’s message to Lib Dem members (24) by The Voice
  Communicate with your members (9) by Alex Foster
  Did Labour lose the battle and win the war? (33) by Stephen Tall
  Hung Parliament talks: what will be proposed to Monday’s meetings? (38) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: The imperative for any agreement to include electoral reform (21) by Simon Dodd
  Opinion: Fair votes are in our blood (49) by Nigel Roberts
  Vote for a Change – a Labour front? (23) by Ryan Cullen
  It’s administrative blunders, not fraud, which should worry us most (10) by Mark Pack
  Top of the Blogs: The Golden Dozen #168 (3) by Stephen Tall
10th  Balanced Parliament discussions: new LDV members’ survey now live (23) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: Proportional voting (38) by Simon Read
  Lib Dems in 1st or 2nd place in almost 300 seats across UK (7) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: The linked vote shares of UKIP and the BNP (15) by Antony Hook
  Looks like Lord Ashcroft flopped again (3) by Mark Pack
  How not to woo the Liberal Democrats, lesson no.94 (39) by Mark Pack
  What Lib Dem members think about talking to the Tories: LDV poll results (91) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: The British electorate did not speak with one voice – but we must (12) by Ed Randall
  Gordon Brown to resign, Lib Dems to open formal talks with Labour (57) by The Voice
  A day to be proud of our party (78) by Mark Pack
  Nick Clegg makes statement: “We need a government that lasts” (91) by The Voice
  Opinion: Lib Dems can make government work (49) by Eoin O'Malley
  Nick Clegg’s message to party members (161) by The Voice
11th  Daily View 4×4: 11 May 2010 (16) by Sara Bedford
  Coalition politics: why the public is the winner (47) by Stephen Tall
  Welcome to the new bloggers… (2) by Mark Pack
  As Labour MPs line up to reject ‘progressive alliance’, is a deal with the Tories back on? (63) by The Voice
  Will it have been a case of “Vote Labour, get Cameron”? (20) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: Beware Mandelson bearing gifts (32) by George Kendall
  So almost no-one agreed with Nick – and he doesn’t understand why? (12) by Sara Bedford
  LibLink: Mark Pack – We Lib Dems are pragmatic about how our policies get delivered (13) by NewsHound
  Deal between Lib Dems and Conservatives imminent (113) by Stephen Tall
  Labour weren’t serious about keeping the Conservatives out of office (177) by Mark Pack
  Coalition ahoy (98) by Alex Foster
12th  The deal is done (59) by Mark Pack
  Statement from the Deputy Prime Minister, Nick Clegg MP (93) by The Voice
  Welcome to the new politics – risks and all (62) by Iain Roberts
  Opinion: A moment of transformation? (55) by Ed Maxfield
  I disagreed with Nick. And I was wrong. Maybe. (67) by Stephen Tall
  The five Lib Dems who will sit in the Lib-Con cabinet (31) by Stephen Tall
  Liberal Democrat Special Conference called for Sunday 16 May (14) by Helen Duffett
  Why didn’t the Liberal Democrat election result match the polls? (11) by Mark Pack
  Text of the Conservative / Lib Dem agreement (38) by Mark Pack
  LibLink: James Graham – Refusal to enter Lib Dem coalition was Labour’s final failure (28) by NewsHound
  Liberal Democrat policies in Government (8) by Alex Foster
  Where’s the coalition of the sexes? (11) by Helen Duffett
  The upsides and downsides for Labour of the Lib-Con deal (45) by Stephen Tall
  So, what do you make of this journalism? (47) by Mark Pack
  Further details of special conference published (32) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: I’ve joined the Liberal Democrats (149) by Chris Jones
  Re-elect Danny Alexander to bring real change (15) by Iain Roberts
13th  Daily View 2×2: 13 May 2010 (9) by Alex Foster
  The party’s diversity dilemma (30) by Mark Pack
  Caroline Pidgeon is new Leader of the Liberal Democrat London Assembly Group (5) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: Inheriting Tory Tax Plans (8) by Malcolm Wood
  Special conference now open to all members (12) by Helen Duffett
  Good news for pensioners (4) by Mark Pack
  Confusion reigns over 55% – the reality is rather different (244) by Iain Roberts
  “The very civil Lib Dems” (10) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: Securing civil liberties (13) by James Elsdon-Baker
  LibLink: Hughes – Liberal Democrat party stronger than ever (20) by NewsHound
  Opinion: The death of partisan politics? (66) by Richard Davis
  Dee Doocey elected chair of London Assembly (2) by Helen Duffett
  Pink News comment: David Cameron and Nick Clegg’s shotgun civil partnership is best option for gay community (8) by Mark Pack
  LibLink: Ashdown – The coalition between David Cameron and Nick Clegg will be difficult, but it is the best start (25) by NewsHound
14th  Lib Dems should get used to constant attacks and scrutiny (45) by Iain Roberts
  Justice for Equitable Life policyholders (2) by Mark Pack
  Election result may be challenged over administrative errors (5) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: We do not belong to Labour! (46) by Steve Cooke
  The Lib Dem / Conservative coalition government agreement: new LDV members’ survey now live (9) by Stephen Tall
  Daily View 2×2: 14 May 2010. “Do or do not. There is no try.” (1) by Helen Duffett
  Opinion: Justifying the unthinkable (24) by Kelvin Macdonald Fraser
  Opinion: Stand firm on tuition fees (28) by Mark Whiley
  Dee Doocey: London Mayor should not take over the Metropolitan Police Authority’s role (3) by Helen Duffett
  Opinion: Speaking up for coalition (34) by Colin Green
  The LDV Friday Five: 14 May 2010 (0) by Helen Duffett
  Poll gives Lib Dem/Con coalition 60% approval (40) by The Voice
  LibLink: Shirley Williams – The new politics is pragmatic (5) by NewsHound
15th  Tweetup / Liberal Drinks at Special Conference (2) by Alex Foster
  LibLink: Nick Clegg – Don’t take offence at our coalition. Its aims are liberal (20) by NewsHound
  More Liberal Democrat ministerial appointments (18) by Mark Pack
  Opinon: Equality and the new Coalition (26) by Alan Pomroy
  Local election roundup from ALDC (2) by Helen Duffett
  Opinion: Social media enhances our campaigns (1) by Mark Clark
  Welcome to our many new readers (0) by Mark Pack
  Tweetup / Liberal Drinks at special conference (0) by Alex Foster
  What Lib Dem members think about the coalition government: LDV poll results (19) by Stephen Tall
  Is it a progressive majority or a progressive minority? (6) by Mark Pack
  Welcome to the new bloggers… (0) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: Cold comfort for the Lib Dems in the dawn of the new politics (21) by Tom Papworth
  Opinion: Silly me! How I was nearly suckered by the promise of Lords Reform (34) by Terry Gilbert
  Opinion: Identity and narrative – ignored at our peril (9) by Jem Thomas
  Tweetup / Liberal Drinks at special conference (0) by Alex Foster
  Updated list of Liberal Democrat ministers (7) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: The counterfactuals seal the deal for a Lib-Con coalition (64) by Prateek Buch
  The 11 Lib Dem shadow cabinet members who didn’t make it (yet) (8) by Stephen Tall
  Nine amendments to be debated at Birmingham special conference (9) by Mark Pack
  +++ 91% of Lib Dem members back Lib-Con coalition agreement, says LDV poll (37) by Stephen Tall
16th  Labour’s first PM gained power after a no confidence vote with no dissolution of parliament (64) by Iain Roberts
  Opinion: For those about to defect – we don’t salute you (126) by James Staff
  Liberal Drinks meeting at Special Conference today (0) by Alex Foster
  The Lib Dem vote was soft, it can be hardened (11) by Iain Roberts
  Eastbourne Lib Dem campaigner smeared by Telegraph cleared by police (4) by Stephen Tall
  LibLink: David Steel – Why we must make this coalition work (12) by NewsHound
  PollWatch: first post-election polls show Lib Dems at 21% (12) by Stephen Tall
  Special #ldconf live tweet coverage (1) by Ryan Cullen
  +++ Lib Dem special conference overwhelmingly approves Lib Dem / Conservative coalition agreement (51) by Stephen Tall
  They thought it was all over – it isn’t now! (13) by Howard Keal
  LibLink: Charles Kennedy – Why I couldn’t support Clegg’s deal with the Tories (24) by Stephen Tall
17th  Daily View 2×2: 17 May 2010 (with bonus ‘Prophet Steel’ video) (7) by Stephen Tall
  LibLink: Chris Huhne – This is a crisis. A coalition is the only way (6) by NewsHound
  How general election vote shares have changed over the years (25) by Mark Pack
  Arise, Lord Paddick? 95 new Lib Dem peers set to be created (91) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion poll reporting: who did it best this year? (4) by Mark Pack
  Labour’s Liam Byrne confesses all to David Laws: “I am afraid to tell you there is no money left” (43) by Stephen Tall
  LibLink: Mark Pack – Lib Dems revel in a share of power (7) by Helen Duffett
  Opinion: Why the Electoral Reform Society are shooting themselves in the foot (41) by Marianne Ibbotson
  David Laws: “Whilst the decisions ahead will be tough I will always put social justice at their heart” (22) by The Voice
  Top of the Blogs: The Golden Dozen #169 (8) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: So that’s all settled, then. Now what about the policies? (13) by David Lawson
  LibLink: Daisy Cross – For better or worse, they’re getting used to the limelight (1) by NewsHound
  Who’d be a Lib Dem press officer? (19) by Stephen Tall
18th  Larger constituencies present a big problem for the Lib Dems (42) by Iain Roberts
  Daily View 2×2: 18 May 2010 (0) by Sara Bedford
  Top twenty tables from the election results: part 1 (12) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: Vote one thing, get another (42) by Martin Gill
  So. Farewell Then (8) by Stephen Tall
  Lib Dems and Conservatives enter joint administration in Oldham (13) by Iain Roberts
  Fake “Miliband for Leader” website slams Gordon Brown (16) by Helen Duffett
  Opinion: The Liberal Democrat legacy is unwritten; Labour’s unchanged. (37) by Charlie Garnett
  Labour’s failure – and dilemma – in a sentence (14) by Mark Pack
19th  Daily View 2×2: 19 May 2010 (2) by Iain Roberts
  Clegg’s big shake-up gets the media excited (38) by Iain Roberts
  Lib Dem Special Conference: the statistics (5) by Helen Duffett
  Top twenty tables from the election results: part 2 (8) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: New Game + New Rules = Success; New Game + Old Rules = Failure (12) by David Wright
  How general election vote shares have changed over the years, part 2 (13) by Mark Pack
  Double the number, half the age (16) by Mark Pack
  A power revolution: Nick Clegg’s “New Politics” speech in full (25) by Helen Duffett
  Diversity and representation – instead of whinging, why don’t we do something about it? (22) by Mark Valladares
  Opinion: Culture, media & sport – what’s missing from the coalition agreement (12) by Chris White
  Nick Clegg to continue with Town Hall meetings (6) by Helen Duffett
20th  The differing approaches of the Lib Dem and Tory leaderships (2) by Stephen Tall
  The full coalition agreement (34) by Mark Pack
  Top twenty tables from the election results: part 3 (6) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: And now for the next steps (11) by Simon Dodd
  Opinion: Countdown to 2012 has already started (1) by Caroline Pidgeon
  What do I do with all these new members? (14) by Mark Pack
  Labour – Lib Dem coalition talks: where James Macintyre gets it wrong (23) by Mark Pack
  Poor planning and restrictive laws prevented 1,200 from voting on 6 May (5) by Helen Duffett
  Repealing “daft” laws won’t be so easy (23) by Iain Roberts
  The Liberal Democrat special advisers (16) by Mark Pack
  What I’d do in Labour’s shoes (61) by Stephen Tall
21st  Inquiry into allegations of complicity with torture (16) by Mark Pack
  Top twenty tables from the election results: part 4 (3) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: A useful analogy? (5) by Tom King
  Opinion: Big Society + political activism = community politics (10) by Kelvin Macdonald Fraser
  Bright spots of the 2010 election result: growth in number of winnable seats (28) by Mark Pack
  The elections and referendums for the next five years (19) by Iain Roberts
  Opinion: Representation and politics (2) by Jane Manning
  PollWatch: views of the coalition government and party leaders (4) by Stephen Tall
  The LDV Friday Five: 21 May 2010 (1) by Helen Duffett
22nd  What standards should Counting Officers have to meet? (2) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: Let’s switch the P-word (39) by Kev O'Connor
  Now would be a really good time for the Lib Dems to get some decent IT policy (3) by Iain Roberts
  Details of Cabinet Committees published (2) by Mark Pack
  Daily Mail slowly catching up with realities of coalition government (11) by Stephen Tall
  The Internet election? (6) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: From out of nowhere – rape anonymity extension (26) by Karen Kruzycka
  The LDV Saturday caption competition – the rather belated “Clegg & Cameron love-in” edition (24) by Stephen Tall
23rd  Opinion: The Tories are coming towards us (34) by Chris Jones
  Good luck to John Denham (2) by Mark Pack
  So you’re a Lib Dem and you want to change the law (0) by Iain Roberts
  How did uniform national swing do in 2010? (8) by Mark Pack
  Understanding the election result requires understanding the previous five years (9) by Mark Pack
  Top of the Blogs: The Golden Dozen #170 (0) by Stephen Tall
24th  Daily View 2×2: 24 May 2010 (6) by Stephen Tall
  The coalition agreement: banking and business (4) by Mark Pack
  Welcome to the new bloggers… (0) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: Enter the storm with our eyes wide open (56) by George Kendall
  The coalition cuts begin: £6.2bn savings identified (38) by Stephen Tall
  The coalition agreement: civil liberties (13) by Mark Pack
  Cuts: Labour need to decide why they oppose them (38) by Iain Roberts
  Frugal times ahead for local authorities (10) by Iain Roberts
25th  Daily View 2×2: 25 May 2010 (0) by Sara Bedford
  The coalition agreement: communities and local government (8) by Mark Pack
  All our parties have more in common than we’d like to admit (7) by Iain Roberts
  The 23 Lib Dem policies included in this year’s Queen’s Speech (15) by The Voice
  Opinion: Should liberals fear a review of Human Rights legislation? (19) by John Pugh
  The coalition agreement: consumers and crime (9) by Mark Pack
  Nick Clegg to get his own Deputy Prime Minister’s Question Time (3) by Helen Duffett
  The General Election campaign in Mid-Ulster (26) by Ian Butler
  New LDV members’ survey now live: coalition, Labour leadership, & Lib Dem election assessment (3) by Stephen Tall
  Norman Lamb: “A Queen’s Speech of which Liberal Democrats can be proud” (36) by Norman Lamb MP
26th  Last push: Thursday 27th May Thirsk and Malton residents go to the Polls (20) by Michael Beckett
  Lib Dem peer to table libel reform bill (3) by Mark Pack
  1,831 Thank Yous to all LDV readers who supported our election appeal (0) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: Liberal Youth and the thorny question of higher education funding policy (31) by Richard Heinrich and Phil Jarvest
  The coalition agreement: culture, Olympics, media and sport (4) by Mark Pack
  Nick Clegg on the Queen’s Speech: “Giving power back to the people” (20) by The Voice
  Why Liberal? Time to give the public a proper answer after 80 years (18) by Stephen Tall
  The coalition agreement: defence and deficit reduction (2) by Mark Pack
  Vince Cable stands down as Deputy Leader of the Liberal Democrats (55) by Helen Duffett
  As you were…three new unitaries cancelled (10) by Iain Roberts
  Lib Dems hold Haverstock ward, Camden (4) by Helen Duffett
27th  Daily View 2×2: 27 May 2010 (1) by Alex Foster
  More details of Lord Lester’s libel reform bill released (3) by Mark Pack
  RIP Patrick Short (2) by The Voice
  NEW POLL: Who do you want to see as the next Lib Dem deputy leader? (49) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: Liberal Youth needs to remain the party’s conscience (14) by Matt Folker
  The coalition agreement: energy and climate change (8) by Mark Pack
  Tim Farron runs for deputy leader; Campbell and Munt back him (33) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: A cap on immigration: illiberal and unworkable? (29) by Tim Starkey
  One post-coalition election won in London, another on its way (5) by Mark Pack
  Deputy Leadership: runners, riders, rules (13) by Mark Pack
  The coalition agreement: environment, food and rural affairs (6) by Mark Pack
28th  Thirsk and Malton delayed election: Lib Dem Howard Keal takes second place (44) by Helen Duffett
  Daily View 2×2: 28 May 2010 (3) by Helen Duffett
  Opinion: Why I am standing to be Deputy Leader of the Liberal Democrats (17) by Tim Farron MP
  The coalition agreement: equalities and Europe (5) by Mark Pack
  Simon Hughes stands for Deputy Leader as “the life and soul of our party” (33) by Helen Duffett
  Opinion: the challenges facing Liberal Youth are not of policy, but of delivery (15) by Martin Shapland
  The Independent View: Will Lib Dem proposals to tackle tax avoidance help save the world? (9) by Martin Hearson
  Liberal Democrat Elwyn Watkins issues a legal challenge over Oldham election result (22) by Helen Duffett
  Lib Dem landslide in Kendal Town Council elections (8) by Helen Duffett
  The LDV Friday Five: 28 May 2010 (0) by Helen Duffett
  The new Liberal Democrat peers (10) by Iain Roberts
  Nine new Lib Dem peers appointed (17) by Stephen Tall
  LDVideo: David Laws special edition (11) by Stephen Tall
  Deputy Leadership contest: how the MPs stack up (10) by Mark Pack
  Another Labour councillor resigns – this time in Barking (0) by Mark Pack
  David Laws issues statement on his expenses and sexuality (221) by Stephen Tall
29th  Opinion: Why do we need Liberal Youth? (27) by Martin Crosby
  David Laws: what should happen next? (80) by Stephen Tall
  Gordon Birtwistle MP’s maiden speech (6) by Gordon Birtwistle MP
  Dr Julian Huppert MP’s maiden speech (2) by Julian Huppert
  Opinion: We must not blame Party Leaders for acquiescing to the demands of Governance (3) by Damien Shannon
  LDV members’ survey (1): 67% say Lib Dem general election result “disappointing” (4) by Stephen Tall
  Innocent or guilty, there is no case for Laws to resign (68) by Iain Roberts
  +++ David Laws resigns, Danny Alexander takes over as Chief Secretary (69) by Stephen Tall
  David Laws’ resignation letter to the Prime Minister – and David Cameron’s response (37) by Helen Duffett
  David Laws: the view of party members – 59% say he should have stayed put (61) by Stephen Tall
30th  Opinion: Let’s not ask why we need Liberal Youth, let’s ask why we don’t have Liberal “Youth” in the first place (7) by Richard Wilson
  Opinion: we have our own red lines for schools (9) by Chris White
  Opinion: What about justice for women? (31) by The Voice
  Is the Mail on Sunday in a different time zone? Or how it got a string of facts wrong (19) by Mark Pack
  LDV members’ survey (2): Labour leadership – Ed Miliband wins your vote (but Ed Balls would be best for Lib Dems) (11) by Stephen Tall
  A message from Thirsk and Malton Liberal Democrats (2) by Michael Beckett
  The coalition agreement: families & children and foreign affairs (5) by Mark Pack
  Trying to find a bright spot among the depression of David Laws’ downfall (75) by Stephen Tall
  Top of the Blogs: The Golden Dozen #171 (1) by Stephen Tall
31st  Danny Alexander issues a statement on his Capital Gains Tax affairs (97) by Helen Duffett
  STV and gender balance: if it’s good enough for MPs… (3) by Mark Pack
  The coalition agreement: government transparency and immigration (2) by Mark Pack
  Danny Alexander & the Telegraph: not paying something that’s not due is not a story (116) by Mark Pack
  Cameron freeing public sector data (5) by Iain Roberts
  Capital Gains Tax: an outrageous list of advice (7) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: The real issue in the Liberal Youth elections (11) by Alan Belmore
  Your LDV guide to the new Parliamentary selection rules (6) by Mark Valladares
  The coalition agreement: international development (1) by Mark Pack
  Media attacks are in full flow – what do we do now? (41) by Iain Roberts
  The LDV Bank Holiday caption competition: Lib Dem deputy leadership “Simon Hughes mucks in” edition (48) by Stephen Tall
  Conservative candidate arrested and then cleared in election fraud investigation (UPDATED) (2) by Mark Pack
  LDV Members’ Survey (3): Your 338 highlights of the general election campaign (2) by Stephen Tall

Recent Comments

  • Mark ValladaresMark Valladares
    @ Nigel, Absolutely, enabling greater flexibility for employees (within reason) will instil greater loyalty to employers, aid in recruitment and retention, a...
  • Jonathan Calder
    We should certainly start talking about industrial democracy again and cooperatives too, but there remains an important role for trade unions in defending peopl...
  • David Warren
    @DavidSymonds is right, we need to be championing industrial democracy which was a key part of Liberal Party policy in the past. As for trade unions having s...
  • Paul R
    @Neil H - Yes, people do have officially issued government ID in many of those countries. It is not however mandatory for them to carry it in all such countries...
  • Jennie
    Oooo another member of the Jennie Club...