Monthly Archives: August 2010

1st  “When two ride astride, one must ride behind” (10) by Stephen Tall
  Can you predict what people are thinking based on analysis of online debate? (28) by Stephen Tall
  LDV readers say: Tax Capital Gains and Income at the same level (11) by The Voice
  Opinion: Tax – the next big political battle in the US (5) by Paul Walter
2nd  Huhne on Lib Dem poll ratings: “Frankly, it doesn’t worry me” (80) by Stephen Tall
  “Private sector will build nuclear plants,” says Huhne (19) by The Voice
  LibLink: John Kampfner – Yes, I feel queasy. But I don’t regret backing the Lib Dems (22) by NewsHound
  Tim Farron MP writes … Labour’s staggering hypocrisy on the Alternative Vote (66) by Tim Farron MP
  Opinion: A liberal approach to the Jon Venables case and rehabilitation (9) by Dan Roper
  Top of the Blogs: The Lib Dem Golden Dozen #180 (0) by Stephen Tall
3rd  David Miliband adopts Lib Dem mansion tax policy (9) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: Who is really responsible for the lack of BAME Councillors and MPs? (27) by Duwayne Brooks
  Wallace: “We were the responsible party” (13) by NewsHound
  Clegg and Cameron’s joint letter to Cabinet (21) by Helen Duffett
  Julian Huppert says all MPs should brush up on their science (21) by Helen Duffett
  Sarah Teather pays tribute to Lib Dem volunteer killed in lorry accident (0) by The Voice
4th  Social housing: a home for life? (32) by Sara Bedford
  Top of the Early Day Motions (2) by Iain Roberts
  Labour party ‘gerrymandering’: recalling the only occasion in a century when a party has interfered with electoral boundaries (55) by Simon McGrath
  Hughes on Cameron’s council tenancies plans: “It is not a Liberal Democrat policy, it is not a coalition policy.” (46) by Stephen Tall
  Swinson: We need to make girls feel confident about their own body (19) by Stephen Tall
  Housing: of course there are more questions than answers (35) by Alex Foster
5th  Opinion: Time for the Liberal Democrats to stand up and be counted on foreign aid (22) by Timothy Cox
  Biggest. Lib Dem conference. Ever. (19) by Helen Duffett
  Opinion: The Labour Party hold the key to electoral reform (46) by Nick Lane
  LDVUSA: California’s Proposition 8 overturned (3) by Alex Foster
  Edinburgh Northern and Leith: Scottish Parliament candidate selection (1) by Helen Duffett
  Parliament to scrutinise government’s planning reforms (2) by Sara Bedford
  Cameron admits foreign policy gaffe, mis-speaks that “Iran has got a nuclear weapon.” (28) by Stephen Tall
  LDV doesn’t do statporn, but if we did (July ’10) (3) by Stephen Tall
6th  The LDV Friday Five: 6 August 2010 (0) by Helen Duffett
  Should prayers be a part of council meetings? (24) by Sara Bedford
  The predictable ranting over welfare reforms may be misplaced (28) by Iain Roberts
  3..2..1…and ContactPoint is gone (53) by Iain Roberts
  Opinion: Social housing – an unlikely new battleground? (16) by Alex Marsh
  By-election news: Conservatives hold Sitwell, Rotherham (41) by Helen Duffett
  Waltham Forest recount: judge to report to election court (0) by Helen Duffett
  Lib Dem MP Stephen Lloyd to be sued by defeated Tory rival (15) by Stephen Tall
  What Lembit did next (14) by The Voice
7th  No official Hague invite to Lib Dem conference (21) by Sara Bedford
  The Saturday Debate: Should Turkey be admitted to the EU? (33) by Stephen Tall
  LDVideo: Conservative Party conferences down the years … the funny bits (5) by Stephen Tall
  Wlliams: RBS must use profits to help struggling businesses (0) by The Voice
  My favourite Early Day Motions (2) by Iain Roberts
  LDV Saturday caption competition: “Paddy swings to the left” edition (14) by Stephen Tall
  Does Tony Blair support the Coalition (and would it matter to Lib Dems if he does)? (14) by Stephen Tall
8th  Vince: Cameron is “100% behind” my graduate tax proposals (4) by Stephen Tall
  Lib Dem conference to be asked to approve gay marriage proposal (34) by Stephen Tall
  Telegraph’s dodgy “‘invisible’ Lib Dem ministers” survey: nothing to see here, folks (13) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: Getting rid of ContactPoint – a great day for liberalism (16) by Sarah Harding
  Worth a second outing: Six ways to get more people watching your YouTube videos (0) by Mark Pack
  Top of the Blogs: The Lib Dem Golden Dozen #181 (0) by Stephen Tall
9th  Half Lib Dem MPs have opposed Cameron’s plan to end lifetime tenancies (24) by Stephen Tall
  Huppert v Tredinnick: the EDM homeopathy smackdown (7) by Iain Roberts
  Book review: The Spirit Level – Why equality is better for everyone by Richard Wilkinson & Kate Pickett (13) by Mark Pack
  Whither the professional journalist when we all write for free? (3) by Iain Roberts
  NEW POLL: Should nuclear power be part of the UK’s energy mix? (70) by Stephen Tall
  Daily Mail takes a tip from the BNP (11) by Iain Roberts
  Vince’s verdict on the Tories: “I’ve been pleasantly surprised that they’re not as I’d envisaged them” (57) by The Voice
  Southampton bans photographs; newspaper employs cartoonist (2) by Mark Pack
  Charles Kennedy and wife Sarah to separate (7) by The Voice
10th  Cable: It’s more fun being in opposition (13) by Sara Bedford
  Do the polls matter? (23) by Mark Pack
  Who is popular with party members? (1) by Mark Pack
  Autumn conference agenda and papers now online (2) by Helen Duffett
  Opinion: The automaton body-politic (25) by Kerry Hutchinson
  Opinion: social housing rent should be means tested (39) by Ed Butcher
  Is annoying people the way to persuade them to change their mind? (14) by Mark Pack
  Lessons from the disappearing phone boxes for the internet and politics (0) by Mark Pack
  Daft speed camera story of the day (22) by Iain Roberts
  AV campaigns able to spend more than £11 million (9) by Stephen Tall
  LibLink: Vernon Bogdanor – Change the voting system, change the UK (11) by NewsHound
11th  Shropshire Council stands by controversial website rules (7) by Mark Pack
  Twitter’s fun, but let’s not pretend it’s revolutionising democracy (5) by Iain Roberts
  How the central finances of parties have been panning out (8) by Mark Pack
  Huhne goes on the attack: “Labour’s next leaders in denial about deficit” (65) by Stephen Tall
  Should religious worship be part of school assembly? (33) by Paul Pettinger
  Is the Coalition failing the radical test? (27) by Stuart Bonar
  Opinion: 4.5 million people are waiting for homes – let’s not leave them behind (17) by Patrick Murray
  Edinburgh to London 30 minutes by train – is China leading the way on public transport? (18) by Iain Roberts
12th  No, 1980s hairstyles haven’t made a comeback at Southampton Football Club (0) by Mark Pack
  How to get Lib Dem Voice by email (0) by Mark Pack
  Book review: Blog Theory by Jodi Dean (2) by Mark Pack
  LibLink: THE shock of election night (29) by NewsHound
  Opinion: there’s no pleasure in saying ‘I told you so’ – but does it need saying? (58) by Alex Marsh
  Information Commissioner upholds complaint over Tony Blair’s activities (1) by Mark Pack
  Smaller Commons ‘would hit Lib Dems’ (33) by Sara Bedford
  Philip Lardner gets official warning but keeps job (5) by Mark Pack
13th  Two Scottish Labour councillors charged by the police (14) by Mark Pack
  Worth a second outing: Great Liberal Speeches: sacrificing the constitution on the altar of public security (0) by Mark Pack
  Pricier booze for Greater Manchester – a good idea? (20) by Iain Roberts
  Lessons from Australia: poster design (16) by Mark Pack
  The political impact of Parliamentary boundary changes (7) by Mark Pack
  Review of Bristol elections calls for widespread changes (0) by Mark Pack
14th  Rejoice! 11 months (and 1 new government) on and the Home Office responds (2) by Mark Pack
  The Independent View: Arms deals with India – why Lib Dems should say no (8) by Kaye Stearman
  Peddling myths over London’s bike hire scheme (10) by Caroline Pidgeon
  How does the party’s policy-making work during coalition? (15) by Mark Pack
  LibLink… Shirley Williams on the coalition: Not one bed – two beds (8) by Helen Duffett
  By-election news: Conservative gain in Medway (2) by The Voice
15th  By slimmest of margins Supreme Court overturns UKIP donations ruling (0) by Mark Pack
  Tory MP in Commons sex party “scandal” (14) by The Voice
  Opinion: unnatural constituency boundaries – the hidden menace (50) by David Allen
  Is the problem that people don’t want to pay for news or don’t want to pay for newspapers? (14) by Mark Pack
16th  Nick’s minding the shop – what are the papers saying? (38) by Iain Roberts
  Social mobility and the Lib Dems: will Alan Milburn’s appointment help? (16) by Stephen Tall
  Monday will be the day of high drama (or anti-climax) at party conference (4) by Mark Pack
  13 Norwich by-elections on one day – can you help? (7) by Simon Wright MP
  Office of the Public Guardian finally starts to get some serious public scrutiny (5) by Mark Pack
  Council website spending put under scrutiny (4) by Mark Pack
  Reform of Press Complaints Commission to be debated at conference (4) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: why we should wish Labour well (102) by George Kendall
  Conservative MP goes to court over election expense limit breach (0) by Mark Pack
17th  UKIP leader Lord Pearson stands down (7) by Mark Pack
  Why hearing the shipping forecast makes me optimistic (5) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: four party government – Wales and coalitions (part 1) (0) by Peter Black AM
  Helicopters and Trident face cuts as financial squeeze hits the MOD (23) by Mark Pack
  Goodbye to rogue wheel clampers – another Lib Dem policy to become law (35) by Iain Roberts
  The Independent View: PCC responds to party motion on its future (10) by Jonathan Collett
  Opinion: who’ll watch the watchmen when the auditors are away (16) by Chris White
  Sky News leads with ‘exclusive’ voodoo poll as broadcaster’s credibility slumps (14) by Stephen Tall
  Welcome to the new bloggers… (1) by Ryan Cullen
  LibLink: Nick Clegg – My vision for a new political map and voting system (34) by NewsHound
18th  In praise of… Tony Blair (14) by Stephen Tall
  Book review: Campaign 2010, The Making of the Prime Minister by Nicholas Jones (2) by Mark Pack
  100 days of the Coalition: how the news media has turned out to be the biggest, sorest loser of them all (19) by Stephen Tall
  Opinon: fighting for funding – Wales and coalitions (part 2) (2) by Peter Black AM
  Political reform: the Dragons Den (2) by Jo Shaw
  Still the best political advert I’ve seen all year (6) by Mark Pack
  100 Days: the Coalition is still enjoying a honeymoon (13) by Stephen Tall
  Clegg on social mobility: “making opportunity a right of the many, rather than a privilege of the few” (13) by Stephen Tall
  If you don’t like a system that can produce coalitions, how would you change it? (18) by Iain Roberts
  What Lib Dem MPs are reading this summer (3) by Stephen Tall
  LibLink: Nick Clegg – Judge us on five years, not 100 days (16) by NewsHound
  Who is who behind the scenes in the coalition? (5) by Mark Pack
  The Miliband campaigning house parties (5) by Mark Pack
19th  The Lib Dem fantasy football league: will you be the 70th player? (0) by Chris Wilson
  Opinion: it’s about more than A-levels (18) by Alan Belmore
  Alternative Vote or Venetian Vote? (5) by Mark Pack
  Opinon: two referendums and an election – Wales and coalitions (part 3) (0) by Peter Black AM
  James Graham on the dangers of Labour’s oppositionalism (20) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: Community politics has had its day – time to move on (27) by Ed Maxfield
  Cleverly disrepects Hughes – where will it end? (23) by Iain Roberts
  MP banned for driving whilst using her mobile (10) by Iain Roberts
  Top of the Blogs: The Lib Dem Golden Dozen #182 (1) by Stephen Tall
  Conservatives forfeit £101,500 in donations (0) by Mark Pack
  The developing dynamics of the Lib Dem Parliamentary Party (10) by Mark Pack
  Simon Hughes states the bleedin’ obvious, sparks news media frenzy (12) by Stephen Tall
20th  Lib Dem wins council seat whilst on his honeymoon! (2) by Sara Bedford
  Opinion: heartless talk costs votes (5) by Chris White
  Have you nominated your Lib Dem Blog of the Year? (0) by Helen Duffett
  Clegg on independence and opinion polls (16) by Iain Roberts
  Party finances in the news (5) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: the left should back the right on welfare (51) by George Kendall
  Worth a second outing: Lessons from Gordon Brown’s use of YouTube (0) by Mark Pack
  “The Liberal Democrats aren’t a sort of glorified form of the Electoral Reform Society” (36) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: prove you’re in the library or face a bill, students told (18) by Anthony Durham
  The LDV Friday Five: 20 August 2010 (0) by Stephen Tall
21st  Those Kennedy defection rumours (38) by Iain Roberts at Conference (6) by Alex Foster
  Clegg backs graduate tax in Telegraph interview (3) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: Coalition’s inaction on ‘profiteering’ betrays liberal principles (10) by David Thorpe
  Book review: Peter Mandelson’s The Third Man – Life at the heart of New Labour (2) by Mark Pack
  LDV Saturday caption competition: “Kennedy points the way to Clegg” edition (21) by Stephen Tall
  Pollwatch – State of the parties (summer 2010): Reasons to keep calm and carry on (18) by Stephen Tall
22nd  Charles Kennedy: I’ll go to my grave with my Lib Dem membership card in my pocket (22) by Iain Roberts
  The best comment on those Charles Kennedy stories (4) by Mark Pack
  Tessa Munt on being a newbie MP: “It’s a very serious job, but I’m having a ball.” (0) by Stephen Tall
  87% back Lib Dem Lynne’s rogue wheel clamping clamp-down (9) by Stephen Tall
  Kennedy defection rumours – another reason journalists are losing the public’s trust (54) by Stephen Tall
  “The voting system is broken, back the Alternative”: ads to help win May’s voting referendum (27) by Stephen Tall
  Music revenue figures show industry outperforming economy despite online piracy (1) by Mark Pack
  Top of the Blogs: The Lib Dem Golden Dozen #183 (1) by Stephen Tall
23rd  Iain Dale’s voting system confusion (27) by Iain Roberts
  What prospect for Lib Dem / Labour cooperation in the next Parliament? (32) by Stephen Tall
  Facing the future – the Lib Dem policy approach (17) by Norman Lamb MP
  LibLink: Mark Pack – We are now facing sobering reality of sharing power (10) by Stephen Tall
  Opinon: when will the Press Complaints Commission wake up? (5) by Joe Taylor
  Lembit for London campaign watch (25) by Mark Pack
  Lab ex-MP plans to write to LDs asking them to defect. Yes, that really is the story. (52) by Iain Roberts
  BBC: Nick Clegg hails England’s ‘unbeatable’ World Cup bid (11) by The Voice
  LibLink: every key Westminster model country is hung (8) by Iain Roberts
  Lib Dem donation figures in full (Q2, 2010) (9) by Stephen Tall
24th  Fewer people, venue moved in-house yet costs go up: bravo, Boris (1) by Mark Pack
  Knowsley Council pays Labour over £250,000 for conference appearances (11) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: what happened to the Lib Dem use of Social Media? (30) by Simon McGrath
  New LDV members survey now live: what you think of key Lib Dem issues and the Coalition Government (12) by Stephen Tall
  LibLink: James Graham – Lib Dems must agree to publicly disagree (46) by NewsHound
  Lib Dem Conference returns to Brighton for 2012 (13) by Helen Duffett
  How do you plan cuts? With an overnight trip to a luxury hotel of course (15) by Mark Pack
25th  The mysterious 66 votes in Wolverhampton South West (10) by Mark Pack
  Coalition puts up strong defence on IFS report (85) by Iain Roberts
  The MP conference fringe league table (8) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: how to restore the incentive to work (27) by Stephen Marshall
  Opinion: liberals should cut the deficit and support a strong state (28) by John Pugh
  Councillor for 13 days: Medway Tory resigns (5) by Helen Duffett
  Tory donor, tax affairs, Oakeshott on the case: some things haven’t changed (3) by Mark Pack
26th  Did you think Taxpayers’ Alliance folks favour AV? (35) by Mark Pack
  Liblink: Nick Clegg on fairness, the Budget and the IFS report (40) by NewsHound
  How election leaflets used to look (18) by Mark Pack
  The Independent View: are the Lib Dems being Con-ned over electoral reform? (44) by J Lee
  Katie Ghose appointed new Chief Executive of the Electoral Reform Society (3) by Mark Pack
  Lib Dem GAIN from Tories in Aldbury and Wigginton, Dacorum BC (1) by Helen Duffett
27th  Sheffield slaughter? Not this week (32) by Iain Roberts
  LibLink: Evan Harris – The relevance of a doctor’s religion (2) by NewsHound
  The (4th birthday edition) LDV Friday Five: 27 August 2010 (3) by Helen Duffett
  Worth a second outing: How well does a think tank think? (3) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: that Liberal Democrats for Drug Policy Reform poll (19) by Ewan Hoyle
  Opinion: a worse government (34) by Henry Vann
28th  LDV survey: 68% of Lib Dem members back nuclear as party of UK’s energy mix (16) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: railing against the direction of policy (13) by Alex Marsh
  LDV Saturday caption competition: “It’s Sarah Teather by a head” edition (14) by Stephen Tall
  Dave reckons Mili-D’s the biggest threat: for the record, so do I (18) by Stephen Tall
  NEW POLL: Is the Coalition right to scrap NHS Direct? (46) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: Why Lib Dems should support free schools (79) by Niklas Smith
29th  LDV survey: what party members think of the media reporting of Kennedy and the Coalition (10) by Stephen Tall
  Calling Kindle owners (and would-be owners) (5) by Alex Foster
  Pollwatch – State of the Leaders: how Clegg and Cameron are rated by the public (Summer 2010) (9) by Stephen Tall
  History doesn’t repeat itself: why the Lib Dems won’t split (86) by Stephen Tall
  Tax cuts vs Public spending: Danny Alexander’s comments flag up the Coalition arguments to come (21) by Stephen Tall
  Top of the Blogs: The Lib Dem Golden Dozen #184 (0) by Stephen Tall
30th  LDV survey: 84% reject idea of any electoral arrangement with the Conservatives (43) by Stephen Tall
  How much does it cost to police major protests? (8) by Mark Pack
  Lembit for London campaign watch (5) by Mark Pack
  Bowling over Europe (6) by Mark Pack
  Burstow: “New 111 service will be better than NHS Direct” (14) by Stephen Tall
31st  LDV survey: 96% of Lib Dem members back AV – but majority with “no real enthusiasm” (15) by Stephen Tall
  LDV survey: How Lib Dem members rate the performances of Nick Clegg and the party (9) by Stephen Tall
  EXCLUSIVE: 84% of Lib Dem members back Lib-Con Coalition – but 46% say it will be bad for party’s electoral fortunes (8) by Stephen Tall
  Labour aren’t being hypocritical on NHS Direct (19) by Iain Roberts
  LibLink: Education, not indoctrination – Evan Harris’ 10 commandments for RE teaching (24) by Helen Duffett
  LibLink: Stephen Tall on how to cure Lib Dem masochism (6) by Helen Duffett
  Flip-flops, u-turns and how not to welcome converts (6) by Mark Pack

Recent Comments

  • Mark ValladaresMark Valladares
    @ Nigel, Absolutely, enabling greater flexibility for employees (within reason) will instil greater loyalty to employers, aid in recruitment and retention, a...
  • Jonathan Calder
    We should certainly start talking about industrial democracy again and cooperatives too, but there remains an important role for trade unions in defending peopl...
  • David Warren
    @DavidSymonds is right, we need to be championing industrial democracy which was a key part of Liberal Party policy in the past. As for trade unions having s...
  • Paul R
    @Neil H - Yes, people do have officially issued government ID in many of those countries. It is not however mandatory for them to carry it in all such countries...
  • Jennie
    Oooo another member of the Jennie Club...