Monthly Archives: February 2007

1st  Why a Labour MP is ashamed of his party (1) by Mark Pack
  Iraq war: cost set to hit £5 billion (1) by Mark Pack
  Running for a good cause (1) by Mark Pack
2nd  Another day, another BAe corruption debate (0) by Mark Pack
  Selection news: London seats (2) by the founding editor
3rd  **Manifesto consultation launched (5) by the founding editor
  Selection news: Islington South & Finsbury (21) by the founding editor
  Boothroyd predicts outcome of May elections (14) by the founding editor
4th  Funeral wreaths ordered for Labour’s (very much alive) Rochdale candidate (2) by the founding editor
  Candidate news: Wiltshire North, Devizes, Wirral South (2) by the founding editor
5th  Ming Campbell visits the Thames Flood Barrier (3) by Mark Pack
  Dear Inspector Knacker… (8) by the founding editor
6th  Menzies Campbell “too old” to be Lib Dem leader… (14) by the founding editor
8th  Two things to do in the Snow (1) by Alex Foster
  Anyone got a parachute? (1) by Mark Pack
  EMAS and the Lib Dems (0) by Alex Foster
  Selection news: Heywood & Middleton, and Stratford on Avon (1) by the founding editor
  Count postponed in East Barnet by-election (31) by the founding editor
9th  Tories almost debt-free after sale of Smith Square (4) by the founding editor
  Ian Richardson dies (0) by the founding editor
10th  Find and advertise printers, folding machines and other equipment (0) by Mark Pack
  Peter Billenness and David Rebak pass away (5) by Mark Pack
  Andrew Spence: Top fuel protestor backs BNP (4) by Mark Pack
  The danger of a return to heavy drinking in Westminster (0) by the founding editor
  ** Tories tried to poach David Laws with offer of shadow cabinet job (0) by the founding editor
  What I did in my Holidays (0) by Alex Foster
  Channel 4 political awards serve as a warning to our parliamentary party (5) by the founding editor
11th  Lib Dem MPs flock to Facebook (3) by Mark Pack
  Trident debate on Liberal Democrat Voice (0) by the founding editor
  How’s your writing? (10) by Mark Pack
12th  How not to get impaled on Trident (13) by John Thomson
  Sudden death of Julian Cummins (3) by Mark Pack
  How can Lib Dem Voice do better? (3) by the founding editor
13th  What price an English voter? Roughly 60p (4) by the founding editor
  Merry-go-round in Malvern Hills (2) by Mark Pack
  Lib Dems in widescreen (0) by Mark Pack
  NEW SERVICE: Catch Liberal Democrat MPs in the media (3) by Mark Pack
  Patrick Cormack MP fails to be re-adopted (4) by the founding editor
  Third Lib Dem quits ruling Oxford council group (0) by the founding editor
  Travel claims revealed (6) by the founding editor
14th  Selection news: Holborn & St Pancras (5) by the founding editor
  Trident motions (2) by the founding editor
15th  Opinion: Conference delegates should vote for ‘No new Trident’ (16) by Colin Ross
16th  Nicol Stephen “sounds death knell” for Independence referendum (46) by the founding editor
  Liberal Democrats beat the BNP in Brunshaw and outpoll Labour in Burnley by-elections (7) by the founding editor
17th  Stephen promises free nursery places for all two-year-olds (5) by the founding editor
19th  Selection news: Sutton seats (5) by the founding editor
  Selection news: Bristol South (0) by the founding editor
20th  Opinion: The Guardian poll – should we be worried? (4) by the founding editor
  Hilarious video! (0) by the founding editor
  Might 18 Doughty Street end up poisoning the well of British Politics? (13) by the founding editor
21st  Selection news: Maidenhead (0) by the founding editor
  What were you doing this morning, Prime Minister? (0) by the founding editor
22nd  Julian Cummins (0) by Mark Pack
  Are you reading your email too often? (0) by Mark Pack
23rd  Harvey calls cluster bombs “totally immoral” (3) by Mark Pack
  Best of Brit Blog Awards: nominations open (3) by Mark Pack
25th  Candidate news: PPC ads (0) by the founding editor
  Oldham East and Saddleworth looking for a constituency organiser (0) by the founding editor
  Introducing ‘Top of the Blogs: the Golden Dozen’ (3) by Stephen Tall
  More on Trident coming (0) by the founding editor
26th  Opinion: Nick Harvey MP makes the case for an unamended Trident motion (11) by Nick Harvey
27th  Daily Mail website ‘editing users’ comments’ (2) by the founding editor
28th  LDEG Trident amendment (0) by the founding editor
  More on Trident (0) by the founding editor
  John Stevens comments on the amendments submitted by the Liberal Democrat Peace and Security Group to the main motion on Trident at the Spring Conference (0) by John Stevens
  UKIP ‘rejects disabled candidate’ (2) by the founding editor
  Oaten in print (12) by the founding editor

Recent Comments

  • Steve Trevethan
    Might the foundation of the previous government’s deliberate neglect of our infrastructures, without which a humane and productive society cannot be developed...
  • Mark ValladaresMark Valladares
    @ Nigel, Absolutely, enabling greater flexibility for employees (within reason) will instil greater loyalty to employers, aid in recruitment and retention, a...
  • Jonathan Calder
    We should certainly start talking about industrial democracy again and cooperatives too, but there remains an important role for trade unions in defending peopl...
  • David Warren
    @DavidSymonds is right, we need to be championing industrial democracy which was a key part of Liberal Party policy in the past. As for trade unions having s...
  • Paul R
    @Neil H - Yes, people do have officially issued government ID in many of those countries. It is not however mandatory for them to carry it in all such countries...