Monthly Archives: November 2007

1st  Nick Clegg writes: Yes to multilateral, global disarmament (14) by Nick Clegg MP
  Chris Huhne writes: No to Trident (21) by Chris Huhne MP
2nd  Did Labour bribe Birmingham drug addicts to steal votes? (2) by Mark Pack
  Lib Dem Spring Conference (Liverpool), 7-9 March, 2008 – Motions Deadline Alert (0) by Duncan Brack
  What the papers are saying (0) by Stephen Tall
  Councillor ‘cheated his way back into seat’ (0) by Mark Pack
  Preview of Huhne’s interview with GMTV (15) by Stephen Tall
  Five more MPs endorse Clegg (27) by Stephen Tall
  And now for something completely different (5) by Stephen Tall
  Have you got the Lib Dem Facebook application? (8) by Mark Pack
3rd  Leadership contest: first online hustings (0) by Mark Pack
  What difference might a Green leader make to the Lib Dems? (9) by Stephen Tall
  Just thought we’d mention it (1) by The Voice
  Claire Kelley selected to follow Phil (0) by Stephen Tall
4th  Conservative abandons Cameron’s pledge on immigration (39) by Mark Pack
  Online hustings with Chris Huhne: read the transcript (7) by The Voice
  LDVUSA live-blog trial [please ignore] (0) by Stephen Tall
5th  Vince: Gordon is the “Old Mother Hubbard of Downing Street” (0) by Stephen Tall
  Iannucci on the Lib Dem leadership race (6) by Stephen Tall
  Laws exposes ‘sharp fall’ in language GCSEs (0) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: Food Chains (11) by Paul Walter
  Getting cash for using Google (4) by Mark Pack
  Top of the Blogs: The Golden Dozen #37 (0) by Stephen Tall
6th  David Laws spots the Gordon Brown speech that wasn’t (7) by Mark Pack
  Queen’s Speech shows up Centre-Right Conspiracy (13) by Stephen Tall
  German confirmed as Welsh leader (for next six months) (2) by Stephen Tall
  Vince responds to the Queen’s Speech (2) by Stephen Tall
7th  Opinion: The leadership contest – how’s it looking so far? (42) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: Ignored and Dead (7) by Darren Reynolds
8th  Help set the Lib Dem agenda (4) by Jeremy Hargreaves
  Pay discrimination costs women £330,000 (4) by Mark Pack
  Labour’s verdict: it’s ok for our candidates to lie during an election (69) by Mark Pack
  Liberal Conspiracy: a shortage of liberalism? (32) by Mark Pack
  Bob Russell: Sleepless in Westminster (6) by Stephen Tall
  BBC Question Time – open thread (35) by The Voice
9th  Huhne and Clegg set out their views on coalition politics (9) by The Voice
  Useful information for Liberal Democrat bloggers (2) by Mark Pack
  Peter Riddell on the Lib Dems (5) by Stephen Tall
  Boris Johnson, Lord Ashcroft and David Lee: Conservatives in trouble (7) by Mark Pack
  Online hustings with Nick Clegg: read the transcript (0) by Stephen Tall
  Cable welcomes court victory for Al Yamamah campaigners (0) by Mark Pack
  Preview of Clegg’s interview with GMTV (36) by Stephen Tall
  Exclusive Vince Cable news (22) by The Voice
10th  Success for Webb’s campaign on women pensions (UPDATED) (2) by Mark Pack
  Catch Liberal Democrat MPs in the media (2) by Mark Pack
  European Parliament selection results published (32) by Mark Pack
11th  Vince Cable: we will force a referendum vote in Parliament (32) by Vince Cable
  The Leadership Contest comes to Lib Dem Voice (6) by Richard Huzzey
  Leadership Platform 1: Nick Clegg – ‘Clegg so far’ (7) by Nick Clegg Campaign Team
  Leadership Platform 1: Chris Huhne – I will lead a Liberal Revolution (0) by Chris Huhne MP
  Top of the Blogs: The Golden Dozen #38 (0) by Stephen Tall
  European Parliament selections: turnout figures (7) by Mark Pack
12th  An unfortunate turn of phrase from Iain Dale (10) by Mark Pack
  What will the next Lib Dem shadow cabinet look like? (17) by Stephen Tall
  Miranda Grell and the case of the mysterious court transcript (33) by Mark Pack
  YouTube leadership hustings (1) by Mark Pack
  Anyone know what the Tory party’s policy on Europe is today? (4) by Stephen Tall
  Can’t attend a leadership hustings in person? (0) by Stephen Tall
13th  Brian Paddick selected to be London Mayor candidate (24) by The Voice
  Leadership Platform 2: Nick Clegg writes… (18) by Nick Clegg MP
  Online hustings take-off (2) by Mark Pack
14th  Brian calls on Blair to quit (4) by Stephen Tall
  PMQs: Vince tackles Gordon on Northern Rock (5) by Stephen Tall
  Lib Dems on telly (2) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: Let’s talk about strengths (21) by Stephen Tall
15th  ‘Rocket Man’ Brian attracts Elton’s backing (0) by Stephen Tall
  Video: Ed Davey on the train (0) by Stephen Tall
  Join the CK for constitutional affairs Facebook group (1) by Dominic Hannigan
  Opinion: Why the death of Dr David Kelly simply will not go away (2) by Norman Baker MP
  BBC Question Time: Lib Dem leadership election special – open thread (121) by Stephen Tall
16th  How important is Liberal Democrat Voice in the leadership election? (5) by The Voice
  Nick Clegg: the five books that have most influenced my politicial views (4) by Nick Clegg MP
  Chris Huhne: the five books that have most influenced my politicial views (7) by Chris Huhne MP
  Opinion: The post-match QT analysis (20) by Stephen Tall
17th  Have you asked a YouTube question yet? (1) by Stephen Tall
  Brian Paddick interviewed in The Telegraph (3) by Mark Pack
  Leadership platform 3: Chris Huhne on Defence (13) by Chris Huhne MP
  Leadership Platform 3: Nick Clegg – Richard Allan writes… (18) by Nick Clegg Campaign Team
18th  BBC Politics Show: Lib Dem leadership election special – open thread (142) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: Why I’m supporting Chris Huhne (13) by Steve Goddard
  Opinion: Why I’m supporting Nick Clegg (20) by The Voice
  Opinion: Not pretty, but does it matter? (19) by Stephen Tall
19th  The morning after the lunch-time before (35) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: Calamity, Conspiracy & Clegg (16) by John Pugh
  Opinion: Let’s stop talking about policy! (29) by Martin Land
  Top of the Blogs: The Golden Dozen #39 (7) by Stephen Tall
  Clegg, Huhne and Paxman all together in one TV studio (18) by Mark Pack
20th  Who are your favourite (and least favourite) non-Lib Dem bloggers (24) by Stephen Tall
  Labour slashes £1bn from overseas aid budget (2) by Stephen Tall
  Government loses 25m records – would you trust them with ID cards? (18) by Stephen Tall
  Vince demands Labour comes clean on Northern Rock (1) by Stephen Tall
  Leadership Platform 4: Nick Clegg writes… (16) by Nick Clegg MP
  Leadership Platform 4: Chris Huhne speaks… (6) by Chris Huhne MP
21st  Newsnight leadership hustings: open thread (89) by Stephen Tall
  Conservative candidate calls Lib Dem’s death “useful” (17) by Mark Pack
  PMQs: Vince tackles Gordon on Treasury disasters (5) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: It’s in our DNA (118) by Laurence Boyce
  Daily Telegraph publishes second leadership Q+A session (0) by The Voice
  Today’s leadership links (2) by Stephen Tall
22nd  Ex-Labour councillor wins discrimination case (1) by Mark Pack
  Tory PPC praises apartheid (59) by The Voice
  How the MPs are lining up (UPDATED) (4) by Stephen Tall
  In the eye of the beholder (0) by Stephen Tall
  Oaten: I might quit early (15) by Stephen Tall
  Are you on your way to the Forum? (1) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: Genetic advantage (17) by Laurence Boyce
  BBC Question Time: open thread (13) by Stephen Tall
23rd  Opinion: Will you take the ‘Bunker Pledge’? (18) by Simon Titley
  How close is the Lib Dem leadership race? (3) by Stephen Tall
  ‘A majority now opposes the introduction of ID cards’ (3) by Mark Pack
  More flack over Tory Richard Willis’s pro-Ian Smith comments (UPDATED 2) (6) by Mark Pack
  Iain Dale: the finest and most impartial political commentator in the world (6) by Mark Pack
  A good week of council by-elections (6) by Mark Pack
  Crikey, these special advisors are rather cheap (1) by Mark Pack
24th  One thing both Labour and Liberal Democrat supporters are likely to be smiling at today (11) by Mark Pack
  Hustings webcast: Clegg and Huhne answer members’ questions (3) by Mark Pack
25th  Opinion: ID Cards? It’s all about the database! (3) by Iain Roberts
  Leadership Platform 5: Chris Huhne – Let’s make the Economy OUR Issue (10) by Chris Huhne MP
  Leadership Platform 5: Nick Clegg writes… (5) by Nick Clegg MP
  Peter Riddell: “the contest is tightening” (9) by Stephen Tall
  Lib Dem membership: who will reverse the decline? (37) by Stephen Tall
  Labour’s secret donor: what the law says (8) by Mark Pack
26th  Sarah Teather re-selected (1) by Stephen Tall
  How close did Brian Paddick come to being the Conservative London Mayor candidate? (2) by Mark Pack
  Sajjad Karim defects to Tories (120) by Stephen Tall
  Old Heroes for a New Leader: Nick Clegg (10) by Duncan Brack
  Old Heroes for a New Leader: Chris Huhne (18) by Duncan Brack
  Labour General Secretary quits over dodgy donation (7) by The Voice
  EXCLUSIVE: Email from Electoral Commission to Peter Watt (6) by Mark Pack
27th  Opinion: Uninspired? Don’t blame Nick or Chris. It’s our fault (12) by Stephen Tall
  The perils of blogging: it’s rather hard to delete what you wrote (3) by Mark Pack
  Strictly Come Voting (4) by Simon Titley
  Top of the Blogs: The Golden Dozen #40 (4) by Stephen Tall
  Will two other Labour General Secretaries be in trouble? (1) by Mark Pack
  All hail, the amazing Baroness Jay (5) by Mark Pack
28th  Vince Cable shines at PMQs, again (12) by The Voice
  London hustings – views from the blogs (4) by Stephen Tall
  Six senior Labour figures should have known about David Abrahams in 2003 (0) by Mark Pack
  Nailing the Michael Brown smear (16) by Stephen Tall
  PMQs: Vince labels Gordon ‘Mr Bean’ (45) by Stephen Tall
  Mr Brown’s Holiday (2) by The Voice
29th  Opinion: Freedom is not a 10 pound note (34) by John Dixon
  BBC Q&A with the leadership contenders (1) by Stephen Tall
  ‘Gordon Brown’s chief fundraiser advocated the use of unlawful third parties for donations’ – Evening Standard (6) by Mark Pack
  The Economist: Lib Dems “are lucky in their candidates” (14) by Stephen Tall
  BBC Question Time: open thread (34) by Stephen Tall
  Five Labour donation puzzles (3) by Mark Pack
30th  A look back at the polls: November (1) by Stephen Tall
  The Labour councillor, the indecent images and the 253 fake letters (9) by Mark Pack
  Second Labour resignation over dodgy donations (1) by Mark Pack
  Best thing since sliced bread (11) by Alex Foster
  Lib Dems on air over the weekend (2) by Stephen Tall
  A new MORI poll, same trend as before (4) by Mark Pack
  Results of YouGov poll on Liberal Democrat leadership election (1) by Mark Pack
  Miranda Grell loses her appeal (35) by Mark Pack

Recent Comments

  • Steve Trevethan
    Might the foundation of the previous government’s deliberate neglect of our infrastructures, without which a humane and productive society cannot be developed...
  • Mark ValladaresMark Valladares
    @ Nigel, Absolutely, enabling greater flexibility for employees (within reason) will instil greater loyalty to employers, aid in recruitment and retention, a...
  • Jonathan Calder
    We should certainly start talking about industrial democracy again and cooperatives too, but there remains an important role for trade unions in defending peopl...
  • David Warren
    @DavidSymonds is right, we need to be championing industrial democracy which was a key part of Liberal Party policy in the past. As for trade unions having s...
  • Paul R
    @Neil H - Yes, people do have officially issued government ID in many of those countries. It is not however mandatory for them to carry it in all such countries...