Monthly Archives: July 2007

1st  Conservative activist says: we must lie in Ealing Southall (11) by Mark Pack
  Conservatives lose majority on Mendip Council (2) by Mark Pack
2nd  Liberal Democrats select Nigel Bakhai for Ealing Southall (2) by the founding editor
  Top of the Blogs: The Golden Dozen #19 (0) by Stephen Tall
  What Lib Dem MPs will be reading this summer (0) by Stephen Tall
  David Cameron to reshuffle Tory Shadow Cabinet today… (8) by the founding editor
  Help shape party policy online (0) by Jeremy Hargreaves
3rd  Are there two people called Sayeeda Warsi in the Tory party? (12) by Mark Pack
  Tories hit by defection in by-election seat of Ealing Southall (copy of a party Press Release) (18) by The Voice
  Campbell unveils new shadow cabinet (copy of a party Press Release) (17) by The Voice
  Ealing Southall: the betting verdict so far (6) by Mark Pack
  Police investigation continues into Labour smear claims (2) by Mark Pack
4th  Ealing Southall: now Labour have trouble with their candidate (2) by Mark Pack
  Sedgefield Liberal Democrats select Greg Stone (9) by Will Howells
  Salmond breaks election promise and keeps the money (0) by Mark Pack
  Ealing Southall: yet more Labour selection woes (3) by Mark Pack
5th  Sayeeda Warsi: at last, some Conservatives speak up (8) by Mark Pack
  Ealing Southall: Labour select Virendra Sharma (3) by Mark Pack
  Ealing Southall: local paper accuses Labour candidate of dirty tricks (3) by Mark Pack
6th  Ealing Labour: we don’t want you to know who our candidate is (20) by Mark Pack
7th  Poster campaign dirty tricks allegations – evidence at last (0) by Mark Pack
  David Cameron and the Labour hoodie (6) by Mark Pack
8th  Stinging attack on Labour’s Sedgefield campaign by local newspaper (0) by The Voice
  Forum back up (0) by Ryan Cullen
  Isn’t this perfectly reasonable? (6) by Geoffrey Payne
  The Battle of Trimdon Green (or “Labour yobs attack lawful Lib Dem campaigners”) (10) by The Voice
  Conservative splits in Ealing Southall (2) by Mark Pack
  Who is “useless, opportunist, communalist and weak” in Ealing Southall? (1) by Mark Pack
  Top of the Blogs: The Golden Dozen #20 (0) by Richard Huzzey
9th  Five Labour councillors switch to the Tories in Ealing (56) by The Voice
  The perils of Facebook (0) by Mark Pack
10th  EXCLUSIVE: Grant Shapps says “realistically we’re not going to win” in Ealing (40) by Mark Pack
  Good wishes to Paul Keetch (2) by Stephen Tall
  Colchester blues (7) by Stephen Tall
  Lembit not marrying (at least not yet) (3) by Stephen Tall
11th  Is Conservative Councillor Tim Crowley faking online comments? (21) by Mark Pack
  Campaign on the ropes – top staff out (3) by Mark Pack
  Three interesting links (1) by Alex Foster
  Lib Dem councillor denies tactical vote slur (9) by Stephen Tall
  OFFICIAL: Gordon Brown names Ming Campbell Leader of the Opposition at PMQs (1) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: Is diversity worth paying for? (22) by James Graham
12th  Paddy on the ’97 Lib-Lab ‘Project’ (0) by Stephen Tall
  Lib Dems propose lowest rate of income tax since last Liberal government (22) by Stephen Tall
13th  Liberal Democrats win Haverstock by-election (11) by Mark Pack
  Conservative MP says: we’re not going to win in Ealing (18) by Mark Pack
  Lib Dems closing on Labour in Sedgefield – Mirror (0) by Mark Pack
  How rich are you? (7) by Mark Pack
  To robe or not to robe? (8) by Stephen Tall
  Who will take on Ken & Boris? (38) by Stephen Tall
14th  Anti-Crime candidate has run-in with the police (5) by Mark Pack
  A Betting Tip? (2) by Richard Huzzey
  How to raise your poll rating by 6% in one hour (2) by Mark Pack
  Sky exclusive: Tony Lit, Tony Blair and the £50,000 cheque (17) by The Voice
  Has CCHQ made a fool of Iain Dale again? (32) by Mark Pack
15th  And another example of how CCHQ made a fool of Iain Dale (5) by Mark Pack
  Sorry Iain, but it just gets worse and worse for you (15) by Mark Pack
  Tom Watson gets it wrong (4) by Mark Pack
  Good evening Iain! (11) by Mark Pack
  Top of the Blogs: The Golden Dozen #21 (0) by Stephen Tall
16th  Clegg condemns police calls for indefinite detention of terror suspects (0) by Stephen Tall
  How far will Brown go to protect BAE from corruption charges? (3) by Stephen Tall
  Prediction competition: place your free bets here (16) by Stephen Tall
  Razzall and Littlewood on Ming’s future (6) by Stephen Tall
  Boris: I’ll spend more time in Oxfordshire now I’m London mayoral candidate (2) by Stephen Tall
17th  Conservative candidate switches parties (8) by Mark Pack
  Chris Rennard: a re-count in Ealing Southall, challengers to Labour in Sedgefield (2) by Stephen Tall
  Lib Dems leading the way on Facebook (5) by Mark Pack
  Conservative poster campaign in Ealing (8) by Mark Pack
18th  Is Nick Clegg right – are traffic cams a ‘Trojan Horse’? (7) by Stephen Tall
  When will the Lib Dems have a London mayoral candidate? (14) by Stephen Tall
  Conservative councillor switches to Lib Dems (1) by Mark Pack
  How many times did Tony phone Rupert before declaring war on Iraq? (2) by Stephen Tall
19th  Police investigation into Ealing Southall postal votes ‘leak’ (6) by Stephen Tall
  Anti-social behaviour anyone? (0) by Mark Pack
  Grant Shapps in irony-is-dead shocker (6) by Stephen Tall
  Ashdown on Afghanistan (1) by Stephen Tall
  Polls are closed – only a few hours of waiting left… (12) by Stephen Tall
  BBC: No charges on ‘cash for honours’ (1) by Stephen Tall
20th  12.15 pm Ealing and Sedgefield update: Lib Dems second, Tories trail in third (51) by Stephen Tall
  Sedgefield result: 11% swing from Labour to Lib Dem (16) by Stephen Tall
  Ealing Southall result: 6% swing from Labour to Lib Dem (50) by Stephen Tall
  The morning after the night before (7) by Stephen Tall
  A quick political history lesson for Grant Shapps (7) by Mark Pack
  Chris Rennard’s verdict (13) by Stephen Tall
  Is this the silliest piece of by-election spin ever? (7) by Mark Pack
  New Liberal Democrat House of Lords team announced (6) by Stephen Tall
21st  Two more views on the by-election results (2) by Mark Pack
  What the media says (19) by Will Howells
23rd  Opinion: What do we think about ‘comrade Digby’? (11) by Geoffrey Payne
  Beware the curse of Rees-Mogg? (4) by Stephen Tall
  The Lib Dems on the floods (2) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: “Workin’ 9 til 5” (27) by Anthony Fairclough
  Ealing fallout: Grant Shapps axed (4) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: Three cheers for ‘bomb proof’ Lib Dems (52) by Paul Walter
  Top of the Blogs: The Golden Dozen #22 (2) by Stephen Tall
24th  Huhne: Labour has failed on flood protection (0) by Stephen Tall
  ‘Cash for honours’: the inquiries continue (24) by Stephen Tall
25th  Clegg on immigration: Labour has failed (2) by Stephen Tall
  New poll: Should Lib Dem Voice cover opinion polls? (12) by Stephen Tall
  Brighton rocks your boat (2) by Stephen Tall
  Lloyd George on YouTube (1) by Mark Pack
  Another Lib Dem councillor defects in Oxford (21) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: The agony, then the ecstasy (5) by Dominic Hannigan
  Toast to Lib Dem MPs (3) by Alex Foster
26th  £1.7 million: the price of TB’s farewell (1) by Stephen Tall
  Ming lays odds on date of next general election (6) by Stephen Tall
  Scottish Lib Dems face fine for late accounts (0) by Stephen Tall
  Who was the greatest British Liberal? (41) by Stephen Tall
  Daily Mail: ‘The woman who is a stripogram, kissogram and a Lib Dem councillor’ (41) by Stephen Tall
27th  Lib Dems pledge to lift 5 million out of poverty (0) by Stephen Tall
  Scottish independence White Paper a “waste of time and money” (8) by Stephen Tall
  Lib Dems becoming more liberal, says Adam Smith Institute (14) by Stephen Tall
  Andy Coulson, Grant Shapps and George Bridges (5) by Mark Pack
28th  Lib Dems attack Tories on gay rights record (3) by Alex Foster
  Opinion: The myth of classical liberalism (45) by John Dixon
29th  The Sunday papers on the Conservatives (11) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: A Decade On (3) by Duncan Borrowman
30th  Just two cheeky (7) by The Voice
  Preston’s dead end? (2) by Stephen Tall
  Help choose Iain Dale’s top political blogs (17) by Stephen Tall
  Top of the Blogs: The Golden Dozen #23 (0) by Stephen Tall
31st  It’s official: Tory spokesman admits you can’t trust what their candidates say (2) by Mark Pack
  Looking for Ali Miraj? (4) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: Serious politics RIP? (6) by Stephen Tall
  Book for conference now and save yourself £28 (0) by Stephen Tall
  Ali Miraj sacked from Tory candidate list (2) by Mark Pack
  What does Alan Duncan MP think of Conservative candidate Mark Bowen? (17) by Mark Pack

Recent Comments

  • Steve Trevethan
    Might the foundation of the previous government’s deliberate neglect of our infrastructures, without which a humane and productive society cannot be developed...
  • Mark ValladaresMark Valladares
    @ Nigel, Absolutely, enabling greater flexibility for employees (within reason) will instil greater loyalty to employers, aid in recruitment and retention, a...
  • Jonathan Calder
    We should certainly start talking about industrial democracy again and cooperatives too, but there remains an important role for trade unions in defending peopl...
  • David Warren
    @DavidSymonds is right, we need to be championing industrial democracy which was a key part of Liberal Party policy in the past. As for trade unions having s...
  • Paul R
    @Neil H - Yes, people do have officially issued government ID in many of those countries. It is not however mandatory for them to carry it in all such countries...