Monthly Archives: March 2007

1st  Harrogate notes from the conference committee chair (2) by the founding editor
  The Guardian want your questions for Menzies Campbell (0) by the founding editor
  Opinion: Menzies Campbell’s year as leader has been one of consolidation and caution. (16) by the founding editor
2nd  Lib Dems start spring conference with election victory (0) by Mark Pack
  Corruption is a crime (1) by Mark Pack
  Home Office claims to own all the money in the universe (1) by Mark Pack
3rd  Trident: all to play for (0) by the founding editor
  Trident: updates from the hall (0) by the founding editor
  Trident: update 2 (0) by the founding editor
  Trident: result coming (0) by the founding editor
  Trident amendment 2, ‘rebel’ amendment defeated by roughly 40 votes. (10) by the founding editor
  Lib Dem TV at conference (0) by Mark Pack
4th  Reaction to Ming Campbell’s speech (0) by the founding editor
  Simon Hughes and Susan Kramer rule themselves out of mayoral contest (0) by the founding editor
  Opinion: Coalition questions are premature (3) by the founding editor
5th  Opinion: Questions should be asked about how the Trident vote was won (16) by the founding editor
  Selection news: more seats advertised (9) by the founding editor
  Top of the Blogs: the Golden Dozen #2 (1) by Stephen Tall
  >> Guardian has the story the BBC couldn’t broadcast (0) by the founding editor
7th  Welsh Liberal Democrats gearing up for conference (0) by the founding editor
  Norman Baker has a fan (2) by the founding editor
  Opinion: There will be no dancing in the streets of Crystal Palace over Lords reform (21) by the founding editor
8th  Verdict on Brown’s favourite policy: millions wasted (0) by Mark Pack
  Northern Ireland election results (19) by the founding editor
  It’s not a good afternoon to be a Tory MP (5) by Mark Pack
  >> Mark Littlewood, Liberal Democrat head of media, resigns (3) by the founding editor
9th  Scottish Conservatives: “We’ve only got a reverse gear” (0) by the founding editor
10th  Your chance to question Ming Campbell in person (0) by Mark Pack
11th  Opinion: The ‘five tests’ raise deeply worrying questions about strategy (0) by Charles Anglin
  Legal trouble ahead for the Tories? (5) by Mark Pack
  Top of the Blogs: the Golden Dozen #3 (3) by Stephen Tall
13th  Peers call for public to be heard on Lords reform (3) by the founding editor
  Lembit for London (14) by the founding editor
14th  What will the next Lib Dem manifesto say? (0) by Mark Pack
15th  What does the Home Office know? (0) by Mark Pack
16th  Lewisham Lib Dems expel councillor from group (8) by the founding editor
  Nice things about Lembit (0) by the founding editor
  Hugh Warren passes away (4) by Mark Pack
17th  Tough on crime? Err … when we can be bothered to turn up (0) by Mark Pack
18th  Top of the Blogs: the Golden Dozen #4 (0) by Stephen Tall
20th  Post Offices campaign goes to Downing Street (0) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: Tories show their true colours [hint – not green] (14) by Bridget Fox
21st  Facebook group wants Navnit for Mayor of London (0) by the founding editor
  PPC news: Kate Clarkson selected for Penrith and the Border (6) by the founding editor
  Lib Dem Voice seeks a new leader / evil overlord (0) by the founding editor
  Crick replaces Kearney on Newsnight (2) by the founding editor
  Brown ups taxes on the lowest paid (3) by Mark Pack
  How David Laws scored one over the Tories (1) by Mark Pack
  Does Tony Blair know what the rate of tax is in this country? (0) by Mark Pack
22nd  SNP sit on their hands when it comes to equality (0) by the founding editor
  Sutton (Notts) By-election (11) by Alex Foster
23rd  Telegraph gets its own poll wrong? (6) by Mark Pack
25th  Top of the Blogs: the Golden Dozen #5 (0) by Stephen Tall
  Unsubstantiated rumour (6) by the founding editor
  Conservative party loses half its members in Stoke (1) by Mark Pack
26th  Do you want to run the Rally at Autumn Conference 2007? (0) by Duncan Brack
  How would you travel from Sunderland to Newcastle? (0) by Mark Pack
  David Cameron faces ruling on whether he broke fundraising rules (12) by Mark Pack
  New poll – time to ditch the Lib Dem ‘bird of liberty’ logo? (28) by the founding editor
  Wiltshire man calls on Lib Dems to ‘return’ £155,000 (11) by the founding editor
  Welsh Lib Dems launch Assembly campaign (0) by the founding editor
  Tunbridge Wells Tory switches to Liberal Democrats (16) by Mark Pack
27th  Poll result – was the Trident mailshot OK? (0) by the founding editor
  Do Harborough Conservatives know who they are? (2) by Mark Pack
  Liberal Democrats up 3% in latest poll (9) by Mark Pack
28th  Guido Fawkes goes mainstream (4) by the founding editor
  Oldham East & Saddleworth PPC Alison Smith quits (4) by the founding editor
  How you can get political revenge online… (0) by Mark Pack
  Guido dents his reputation on Newsnight (3) by the founding editor
29th  Official: Cameron broke party fundraising rules (0) by Mark Pack
  Kingston resident to be released from Guantánamo Bay (0) by the founding editor
  Miliband says ‘I can’ (0) by Richard Huzzey
  The story Iain Dale won’t tell you (13) by Mark Pack
  Tonight’s council by-elections (0) by Mark Pack
30th  Scottish LD candidate comes a cropper thanks to social network websites (14) by the founding editor
  From Liberal Review: Lib Dems return donation to donor (11) by the founding editor
31st  The story of David Steel and the bombing of Greenland (5) by Mark Pack

Recent Comments

  • Steve Trevethan
    Might the foundation of the previous government’s deliberate neglect of our infrastructures, without which a humane and productive society cannot be developed...
  • Mark ValladaresMark Valladares
    @ Nigel, Absolutely, enabling greater flexibility for employees (within reason) will instil greater loyalty to employers, aid in recruitment and retention, a...
  • Jonathan Calder
    We should certainly start talking about industrial democracy again and cooperatives too, but there remains an important role for trade unions in defending peopl...
  • David Warren
    @DavidSymonds is right, we need to be championing industrial democracy which was a key part of Liberal Party policy in the past. As for trade unions having s...
  • Paul R
    @Neil H - Yes, people do have officially issued government ID in many of those countries. It is not however mandatory for them to carry it in all such countries...