Monthly Archives: August 2007

1st  Swinson: Tories’ anti-gay actions speak louder than words (4) by Stephen Tall
  Why isn’t Alan Duncan MP calling for Michael Howard to be expelled? (4) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: What Brown should be saying to Bush (4) by Geoffrey Payne
  Q&A with Ed Davey (4) by Stephen Tall
  Why not write for Lib Dem Voice? (1) by Stephen Tall
  Paging Mr Duncan, paging Mr Duncan: another expulsion demand is required (4) by Mark Pack
  Good news for Mr Duncan! (2) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: How the Lib Dems should win the next election (12) by Andy Crick
  BBC’s The World at One focuses on Ming’s future (86) by Stephen Tall
2nd  LDV readers say yes to opinion polls (1) by Stephen Tall
  New poll: who do you want to be the Lib Dems’ London mayoral candidate? (26) by Stephen Tall
  Aw, shucks (4) by Stephen Tall
  Will your area be losing an MEP? (9) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: Save the Local Post Office – Why? (17) by Andy Mayer
  Grant Shapps: another history lesson (10) by Mark Pack
3rd  Lynne backs Brian for Mayoralty (7) by Richard Huzzey
  Is this the worst page on a UK political party website? (7) by Mark Pack
  £200k taxpayers’ tab to crown Brown (0) by Stephen Tall
  Huhne’s the daddy (4) by Stephen Tall
  Conservatives think Cameron will lose (3) by Mark Pack
  What Americans made of Gordon Brown’s visit (2) by Mark Pack
  Daily Mail: Paddick wants to be Lib Dems’ London Mayor candidate (18) by The Voice
4th  Four more years for Nicol (0) by Stephen Tall
  Did Grant Shapps lie to Iain Dale? (7) by Mark Pack
  Martha Kearney on ‘Jackgate’ (2) by Stephen Tall
  Lib Dem peer: let the Royals marry Catholics (29) by Stephen Tall
  How do you solve a problem like PMQs? (4) by Stephen Tall
  Should you dodge a hypothetical question? (2) by Mark Pack
5th  Liberal Democrats Account system now covers Flock Together (0) by Mark Pack
  Top of the Blogs: The Golden Baker’s Dozen #24 (0) by Stephen Tall
  Hillary and Dave: separated at re-birth? (3) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: How the Republicans are trying to win the 2008 presidential election (17) by John Dixon
6th  Leaked Labour memo explains why they lost in Scotland (1) by Mark Pack
  Planes, trains and automobiles (2) by Mark Pack
  Is this what Ming meant by being more spikey? (4) by The Voice
  Brown isn’t the new green (1) by Mark Pack
7th  Top Tory donor abandons “arrogant” Cameron (0) by Mark Pack
  Are you using the Liberal Democrat extranet? (0) by Mark Pack
  Stockport Council declares war on jargon (11) by Mark Pack
  “Overlord” Ashdown of Kabul-sub-Hamdon? (0) by Richard Huzzey
8th  Paddy Power (0) by Richard Huzzey
  Ming China (5) by Richard Huzzey
  Leaked email reveals how Gordon Brown really wants to handle terrorism (6) by Mark Pack
  Do you have any views on PFI? (0) by Mark Pack
  Another boring Iain Dale post (14) by Mark Pack
  Ming weighs in on Iraqi interpreter issue (0) by Alex Foster
9th  Top Tory’s property firm is focus of planning probe (0) by The Voice
  Are you ready for a snap general election? (0) by Mark Pack
  Labour looks to appoint general election ad agency (0) by Mark Pack
  Book review: how to make people remember what you say (5) by Rob Blackie
  Opinion: A Brighter Euro-Vision? (13) by Kev O'Connor
  Brian Paddick tops our online poll (5) by The Voice
  New poll: when do you think the general election will be? (8) by Mark Pack
  Liberal Democrat MPs lead the way on Facebook (13) by Steve Webb MP
  Two new Facebook groups (6) by Alex Foster
  EXCLUSIVE: Have Conservative Party staff been lying to the BBC? (16) by Mark Pack
10th  Feed The Voice (1) by Richard Huzzey
  Questions raised over Labour’s election financing in Manchester (9) by Mark Pack
  The perils of Facebook (2) by Mark Pack
11th  Can you spot the problem with this Conservative leaflet? (3) by Mark Pack
  Who are the most popular Liberal Democrat MPs on Facebook? (12) by Steve Webb MP
12th  An interesting new site or a Conservative front? (8) by Mark Pack
  Lib Dem email service breaks the four million barrier (0) by Mark Pack
13th  Who has been impersonating Norman Lamb MP online? (30) by Mark Pack
  London Mayor candidate selection process starts (1) by Jonathan Davies
  European and London Mayor selections (9) by The Voice
  Tim Garden (12) by The Voice
  Top of the Blogs: The Golden Dozen #25 (1) by Richard Huzzey
  What to make of John Redwood’s proposals? (13) by Mark Pack
14th  Watch out for a flurry of internal online campaigning (13) by Mark Pack
  OPINION: An Elephant’s Voice (5) by Millennium Elephant
  Google News to start taking comments (0) by Mark Pack
  Philip Webster story in The Times suffers major printing error (4) by Mark Pack
15th  Scottish Lib Dems attitude to SNP’s independence initiative (11) by Mark Pack
  New figures show top-up fees causing student debt problems (17) by Mark Pack
  OPINION: Corruption is Corruption is Corruption (0) by Lynne Featherstone
  Norman Lamb’s fake Facebook profile: update (4) by Mark Pack
16th  What would you do if you were in a seven hour meeting about the Olympics? (4) by Mark Pack
  The funniest US political ad? (7) by Mark Pack
17th  New Statesman Talks Up Ming Assassins (12) by Richard Huzzey
  British Ambassador adds to pressure on Iraqi asylum issue (4) by Mark Pack
  Four votes in it: not close enough for a recount says Scottish Returning Officer (5) by Mark Pack
  Liberal Democrat blog of the year: it’s back (1) by The Voice
18th  OPINION: Fib Dems? A compliment! (30) by David Hennigan
  Party Looks To New Community Canvass Week (4) by Richard Huzzey
  Will your health records be safe? (4) by Mark Pack
19th  Everybody say “Aww…” (5) by Richard Huzzey
  Tories tell different things to different people on bypass plans (17) by Mark Pack
  A clever piece of conceptual art or a bloody stupid idea? (3) by Mark Pack
  Top of the Blogs: The Golden Dozen #26 (0) by Richard Huzzey
20th  How many times can the Tories flip flop in the same policy document? (0) by Mark Pack
  Who was the person who faked the Norman Lamb Facebook profile? (Updated) (18) by Mark Pack
  Blog of the year: have you got your nominations in yet? (0) by Mark Pack
  Topping ourselves (4) by Alex Foster
21st  Which is the least likely company in the world to go GM-free in its own cafeteria? (4) by Mark Pack
  It’s all happening in the private members’ forum (8) by The Voice
  John Redwood’s figures are ten years out of date (2) by Mark Pack
  DNA double standards (2) by Alex Foster
  Conservatives bid to save non-existent hospital wards (12) by Mark Pack
22nd  And now, news from Pravda (3) by Mark Pack
  Conservative MP apologises for Cameron’s hospital blunder (5) by Mark Pack
  Norman Lamb and Facebook: descent into farce (5) by Mark Pack
  Serve a liberal helping (0) by The Voice
  Conservative chaos, part 97 (1) by Mark Pack
  Tim Garden: An Appreciation (1) by Lord Tom McNally
  Don’t Labour want to work with Ken Livingstone any more? (1) by Mark Pack
23rd  Do the Conservatives want to exempt MPs from Freedom of Information rules after all? (2) by Mark Pack
  Britain set to miss climate change targets (6) by Mark Pack
  How not to campaign on YouTube (17) by Mark Pack
  Party moves up another gear in general election preparations (3) by The Voice
24th  Pressure grows to withdraw US troops from Iraq (0) by Mark Pack
  How not to respond to a planning objection (5) by Mark Pack
  Labour MP sponsors motion praising herself (2) by Mark Pack
  European selections: candidates named, hustings listed, forum open (25) by Mark Pack
  Free Blog Advertising (1) by Ryan Cullen
  LibDemVoice Blog Meet (5) by Ryan Cullen
  OPINION: 3 Leaders back to back – and we lose. Badly. (44) by Martin Pantling
25th  Eight reasons for Gordon Brown to be worried (1) by Mark Pack
  Elected Lib Dem Bloggers: The List (17) by Richard Huzzey
26th  Top of the Blogs: The Golden (Baker’s) Dozen #27 (0) by Richard Huzzey
27th  Tory tax priorities: cuts for the richest, please (22) by Mark Pack
  Three cheers for Mrs Sarkozy (2) by Mark Pack
  What should be done about illegal immigrants in the UK? (15) by Mark Pack
  Lib Dem peer attacks Lord Offshore Ashcroft (4) by Stephen Tall
  Top Lib Dem blogger’s £27k donations to party (3) by Stephen Tall
  Hello Conservatives? (10) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: This is what the Welsh Liberal Democrats are for (11) by Peter Black AM
28th  What would you do if… (10) by Mark Pack
  Why is Michael Ashcroft considered an election winning expert? (3) by Mark Pack
  Lembit gets serious (and announces next Presidency bid) (9) by Stephen Tall
  Could Britain be carbon neutral by 2050? (19) by Mark Pack
  Dear Gordon, Dear Ming (3) by Stephen Tall
  Top of the Blogs: The Golden Ton (11) by Stephen Tall
29th  It’s 2008!, say LDV readers (2) by Stephen Tall
  New poll: should the Lib Dems back an EU treaty referendum? (34) by Stephen Tall
  Lib Dems’ Zero-carbon Britain proposals: the media view (2) by Stephen Tall
  A Zero Carbon Britain with the Liberal Democrats (9) by Chris Huhne MP
30th  ‘Being Norman Lamb’ in the Staggers (0) by Stephen Tall
  Boris hails a Lib Dem hero (10) by Stephen Tall
  Economist praises Clegg’s “impressive” immigration proposals (3) by Stephen Tall
  How much the Lib Dems spent fighting the Welsh Assembly elections (12) by Stephen Tall
31st  Zero-Carbon Writings (0) by Richard Huzzey
  Roberts Takes Up National Campaigns Role (2) by Richard Huzzey
  Good news for Lib Dems in Norfolk South: Charles Clarke has ‘no plans to quit’ (1) by Stephen Tall
  Lib Dem Blog of the Year awards (1) by Stephen Tall
  Hancock backs EU treaty referendum (15) by Stephen Tall

Recent Comments

  • Steve Trevethan
    Might the foundation of the previous government’s deliberate neglect of our infrastructures, without which a humane and productive society cannot be developed...
  • Mark ValladaresMark Valladares
    @ Nigel, Absolutely, enabling greater flexibility for employees (within reason) will instil greater loyalty to employers, aid in recruitment and retention, a...
  • Jonathan Calder
    We should certainly start talking about industrial democracy again and cooperatives too, but there remains an important role for trade unions in defending peopl...
  • David Warren
    @DavidSymonds is right, we need to be championing industrial democracy which was a key part of Liberal Party policy in the past. As for trade unions having s...
  • Paul R
    @Neil H - Yes, people do have officially issued government ID in many of those countries. It is not however mandatory for them to carry it in all such countries...