Monthly Archives: June 2007

1st  Opinion: My Tony years (7) by Jeremy Hargreaves
  GLA selection results (UPDATED) (168) by Mark Pack
  Gordon Brown: I’m a control freak (8) by Mark Pack
  Conservative MP fined for parking in disabled bay (13) by Mark Pack
  Exciting TV pictures of a stationary car! (3) by Mark Pack
2nd  Conservatives face splinter pro-grammar school candidates threat (5) by Mark Pack
3rd  82% of Tory council leaders unhappy with Cameron (0) by Mark Pack
  Brown tries to keep ID cards secret (1) by Mark Pack
  Top of the Blogs: The Golden Dozen #15 (3) by Richard Huzzey
  European Selection: South East Selection Committee convened (2) by Mark Valladares
4th  How not to send an email (5) by Mark Pack
  Australian Democrats on YouTube (8) by Mark Pack
  Labour councillor banned from football matches after racist abuse (7) by Will Howells
5th  Lib Dem Tax Scandal (4) by Richard Huzzey
  Patsy Calton award: nominations close 11th June (6) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: Cardinal error (69) by Laurence Boyce
6th  Lib Dems Consult on Higher Education (7) by Richard Huzzey
  Do you know if your child’s school is fingerprinting? (21) by Stephen Tall
7th  Conservative peer named and shamed over non-payment of tax (2) by Mark Pack
8th  Opinion: A stench that starts at the very top (2) by Stephen Tall
  Returning officer reports into Leyton and Wanstead PPC contest leaked (8) by Stephen Tall
  BAE, corruption and more silence from the Conservatives (1) by Mark Pack
  Lib Dem block vote in Labour Deputy electoral college (5) by Richard Huzzey
9th  American Presidential campaigns scramble to catch up with us (0) by Mark Pack
  Tories are the nasty party: verdict of ex-Welsh chairman (4) by Mark Pack
10th  Liberal Democrats step up FoI campaign (0) by Mark Pack
  Top of the Blogs: The Golden Dozen #16 (0) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: Selective selection (9) by The Voice
11th  Labour bans flip-flops (2) by Mark Pack
  The ConHome verdict on Tories’ BAE bribes silence (2) by Stephen Tall
  Better late than never? (1) by Stephen Tall
  Who will be the most authoritarian Home Secretary ever this year? (2) by Will Howells
12th  What will happen to the DTI? (5) by Stephen Tall
  Who do councillors represent? (10) by Stephen Tall
  Ming on Radio 4 (6) by Alex Foster
13th  End of the road for Tory’s FOI dilution bill? (2) by Stephen Tall
  Blair and the media: what do you think? (8) by The Voice
14th  Opinion: “Buy land, they’re not making it anymore” (11) by The Voice
  The Gordon Brown meme: open to all LDV readers (4) by Stephen Tall
15th  Just how often have Tony and Rupert met? (0) by Stephen Tall
  Scottish Parliament votes to axe Trident (2) by Stephen Tall
16th  The rocketing price of Labour’s ID card stealth tax (0) by Stephen Tall
  Should the Lib Dems support a total ban on smacking? (18) by Stephen Tall
  Pinstripe Radicalism (0) by Richard Huzzey
17th  Lib Dems reveal Brown’s new £4bn pension stealth tax (0) by Stephen Tall
  Tories to reverse free entry for museums (7) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: Will we have to be socialist to be green? (18) by The Voice
  Top of the Blogs: The Golden Dozen #17 (0) by Stephen Tall
18th  Cameron’s conundrum (0) by Stephen Tall
19th  Red Ken rejects white men for London Fire Authority (8) by Stephen Tall
  Lib Dem MP blames EU for undermining postal service (2) by Stephen Tall
  Ask the leader: Menzies Campbell takes questions at 5pm on News 24 (0) by the founding editor
20th  Lib Dems to join Brown cabinet? (12) by Stephen Tall
  Oldest MP dies (6) by Richard Huzzey
  Ed Davey slams Guardian smears (13) by Richard Huzzey
  Defection from the Conservatives (5) by Mark Pack
21st  Thinking of greening your house? (0) by Alex Foster
  Paddy turned down N. Ireland; MPs angry at ‘elderly Scots’ (30) by Richard Huzzey
  Brown’s failed poachings: the views of the Lib Dem blogs (6) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: Ming should rule out any coalition (16) by Richard Huzzey
22nd  Controversy over Labour’s Ealing phone canvassing (11) by The Voice
  Mandelson’s ‘homoerotic admiration’ for Tony Blair (6) by the founding editor
  EXPOSED! The secret workings of the Ministry of Justice (2) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: Taking Liberties (87) by Laurence Boyce
23rd  Campbell on Brown (2) by Mark Pack
24th  Opinion: It’s deja vu all over again (0) by Chris Keating
  Lib Dem peers tipped as next Attorney General (3) by Stephen Tall
  Top of the Blogs: The Golden Dozen #18 (1) by Stephen Tall
  Sky first with the news (0) by Mark Pack
  Harman beats Johnson to Labour Deputy spot (23) by Richard Huzzey
25th  Is an ’08 general election on the cards? (4) by Stephen Tall
  Cable reveals Brown’s legacy of debt (2) by Stephen Tall
26th  Ready for a double by-election day? (9) by Stephen Tall
  Why Lib Dems should support the Citizens’ Convention Bill (1) by James Graham
  “We must take risks,” says Ming (13) by Stephen Tall
  Tory MP defects to Labour (6) by Stephen Tall
27th  Second Tory MP to defect to Labour? (6) by The Voice
  Baroness Williams ‘to join’ government of all the talents (11) by the founding editor
  By-election machine hits the ground running (18) by the founding editor
28th  Party releases ‘holding statement’ from Shirley Williams (9) by the founding editor
  All change in Cabinet reshuffle (10) by Stephen Tall
  Ealing Southall is Lib Dem vs Labour – Press Association (29) by Mark Pack
29th  “Come and help in Ealing and Sedgefield” – message from Chris Rennard (3) by Mark Pack
30th  Brighton rocks: conference previewed (8) by Jeremy Hargreaves
  Ealing Southall: Tony Lit criticised by his own side (16) by Mark Pack

Recent Comments

  • Steve Trevethan
    Might the foundation of the previous government’s deliberate neglect of our infrastructures, without which a humane and productive society cannot be developed...
  • Mark ValladaresMark Valladares
    @ Nigel, Absolutely, enabling greater flexibility for employees (within reason) will instil greater loyalty to employers, aid in recruitment and retention, a...
  • Jonathan Calder
    We should certainly start talking about industrial democracy again and cooperatives too, but there remains an important role for trade unions in defending peopl...
  • David Warren
    @DavidSymonds is right, we need to be championing industrial democracy which was a key part of Liberal Party policy in the past. As for trade unions having s...
  • Paul R
    @Neil H - Yes, people do have officially issued government ID in many of those countries. It is not however mandatory for them to carry it in all such countries...