Monthly Archives: May 2007

1st  Thanks, activists. Thactivists.* (1) by The Voice
  “The Tory Party in Wiltshire descended into outright civil war yesterday” (0) by Mark Pack
  Rubbish collection: are the Tories saying different things to different people? (5) by Mark Pack
  Conservative candidate joins UKIP (0) by Mark Pack
2nd  Question: What connects Tony, Gordon, George W. and Dave? (0) by The Voice
  New Statesman blogs (1) by The Voice
  Good luck everyone (0) by Mark Pack
  Opinion Polls April 2007: Lib Dems On the Up – A Bit (2) by Alex Wilcock
3rd  Free SMS (text) results service (1) by the founding editor
  The polls close: share your stories from the front line (4) by the founding editor
  Hinckley and Bosworth: look out for Conservative losses (2) by The Voice
  Postal voting problems in Bristol? (0) by The Voice
  Hull: Liberal Democrat take control (UPDATED) (4) by The Voice
4th  Cheadle: Tories fail to make gains, may lose a seat (0) by The Voice
  Lib Dems hold West Lindsay (0) by The Voice
  Eastleigh: 2 Lib Dem gains from Conservatives (0) by The Voice
  Pendle: Liberal Democrats retain control, gains from Labour (0) by The Voice
  Labour wiped out in Chelmsford (0) by The Voice
  Will Conservatives be fourth in Liverpool? (0) by The Voice
  Southport: bad Tory news in another Lib Dem – Conservative constituency (1) by The Voice
  Liberal Democrats top the poll in John Prescott’s backyard (0) by The Voice
  Various election news (0) by The Voice
  Manchester remains a Conservative-free zone (0) by The Voice
  Filton and Bradley Stoke: Conservative PPC loses (1) by The Voice
  Not all good news (0) by The Voice
  Liverpool, Stockport and Eastbourne news (UPDATED) (0) by The Voice
  Gordon: Nora Radcliffe’s vote up, but Salmond wins (0) by The Voice
  Nick Barlow wins in Colchester (0) by The Voice
  Jim Tolson wins Dunfermline (1) by The Voice
  Election round-up: more councils, fewer councillors? (1) by The Voice
  Friday morning round-up (3) by The Voice
  Advance in Berwick (0) by The Voice
  One or two gains from the Tories in Solihull (0) by The Voice
  News gains from BNP and Tories (0) by The Voice
  Tories down in Sheffield (6) by The Voice
  Watford (0) by The Voice
  Swapsies (0) by The Voice
  More bloggers win (0) by The Voice
  Where we’ve lost (4) by The Voice
  Bad news for Labour (0) by The Voice
  In Tim Farronland (0) by The Voice
  Another group leader defeated (0) by The Voice
  And another! (0) by The Voice
  Congratulations to Chris Ward (2) by The Voice
  Key seats: what we won where (4) by The Voice
  Key seats: vote shares (8) by The Voice
  UPDATED: Saving the best for last? (13) by The Voice
  Opinion: will the election results spell the end for Menzies Campbell’s leadership? The answer is in your hands as much as his. (83) by the founding editor
5th  If only 21 councils did not exist…. (21) by Mark Pack
6th  Welsh Lib Dem council leaders oppose LD participation in assembly coalition (2) by the founding editor
  Lib Dems say it’s SNP or no-one for coalition partners (5) by the founding editor
  Media spin, 1966 vintage (4) by Mark Pack
  >> Lib Dems leave government in Scotland (16) by the founding editor
7th  Top of the Blogs: the Golden Dozen #11 (6) by Stephen Tall
9th  Pink poll backs Ming (7) by The Voice
10th  Selection process starts for 2009 European Parliamentary Elections (1) by The Voice
  Opinion: Two cheers for our foreign policy? (1) by Kerry Hutchinson
  Opinion: The state they’ve put us in – Lib Dems give Blair 4 out of 10 (1) by The Voice
  Parliamentary Party table motion to trigger General Election (16) by the founding editor
  Business as usual for Labour – burying bad news (2) by the founding editor
11th  Gordon Brown’s campaign goes wrong at the first step (5) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: Ming must go (50) by Laurence Boyce
  Opinion: Ming must stay (28) by Richard Huzzey
12th  Opinion: Ming keeps his head down and his mouth shut (8) by The Voice
  Lib Dems form a coalition with the SNP in Edinburgh after all (0) by the founding editor
  Southport: Conservative Parliamentary candidate quits (0) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: Why did the SNP outperform the Lib Dems? (27) by Geoffrey Payne
  Will Gordon say No2ID? (3) by Richard Huzzey
13th  Opinion: We’re all liberals now? (10) by Richard Huzzey
  Worth a read: The Liberal Democrats’ mark of Cain (3) by the founding editor
14th  Top of the Blogs: the Golden Dozen #12 (0) by Stephen Tall
  Clegg calls for Lib Dem “narrative” (33) by the founding editor
  Bessie Griffin joins the Liberal Democrats (0) by Mark Pack
  Selection news: Lib Dem PPC in Folkestone & Hythe resigns (8) by the founding editor
15th  Slight change in comments policy (0) by the founding editor
  Steve Webb MP says Lib Dems will stay ‘at the centre of the political field of battle’ (0) by the founding editor
16th  That Ming poll in the Times (2) by the founding editor
  Once again, Justin “complete idiot” Hinchcliffe locates mouth, inserts foot. (12) by the founding editor
17th  Phil Willis MP to stand down at next election (7) by the founding editor
18th  Curious goings on in Local government (3) by the founding editor
  Selection news: Matthew Green steps down as Ludlow PPC (3) by the founding editor
  Phil Willis: a career in pictures (5) by the founding editor
  Electoral Reform Society backs STV for Holyrood (1) by the founding editor
  Second time round, Lib Dems scuppered in bid to block third reading of Parliament FoI exemption bill (9) by the founding editor
  Welsh Lib Dems suspend coalition talks with Labour, investigate rainbow coalition of other parties instead (0) by the founding editor
20th  Opinion: So just how strongly did the Lib Dems oppose the Freedom of Information (Amendment) Bill? (20) by Hywel Morgan
  Selection news: Brentford & Isleworth and Feltham & Heston (0) by the founding editor
  Top of the Blogs: the Golden Dozen #13 (3) by Richard Huzzey
21st  Opinion: Don’t panic Mr Mainwaring! (20) by Ed Maxfield
  Opinion: Divisions between the rich and the poor (7) by Geoffrey Payne
22nd  Freedom of information: Ming launches online petition (8) by Mark Pack
  Can editors EDIT comments from users? (22) by the founding editor
  Has someone been hacking into Iain Dale’s blog? (8) by Mark Pack
23rd  Potential oddness (0) by the founding editor
  Öpik calls for creation of “department of the nations” (4) by the founding editor
  ACPO PR Director hired to replace Mark Littlewood as Head of Media (2) by the founding editor
24th  Police offer reward following hate campaign in Watford (0) by Mark Pack
  Lib Dems in Wales pull out of coalition talks, irritate Plaid (12) by the founding editor
  Conservative peer gives FoI bill a new lease of life (4) by Mark Pack
25th  Liberal Democrats win Dudden Hill by-election (12) by Mark Pack
26th  How good is YouGov? (3) by Mark Pack
  Welsh Lib Dem special conference votes to resurrect coalition talks with Tories and Plaid (6) by the founding editor
  Taking Liberties (0) by Alex Foster
27th  Opinion: It’s only a boat (3) by Laurence Boyce
  Opinion: Margaret Hodge should go (9) by Steve Cooke
  Top of the Blogs: the Golden Dozen #14 (0) by Stephen Tall
28th  Future of Lib Dem Voice (55) by the founding editor
29th  Tory’s Speaker spanking (0) by the founding editor
30th  Local income tax for Scotland? (9) by Mark Pack
31st  And on the third day, Lib Dem Voice rose from the dead… (22) by Stephen Tall
  Andy Coulson gets new job at CCO (1) by Mark Pack

Recent Comments

  • Steve Trevethan
    Might the foundation of the previous government’s deliberate neglect of our infrastructures, without which a humane and productive society cannot be developed...
  • Mark ValladaresMark Valladares
    @ Nigel, Absolutely, enabling greater flexibility for employees (within reason) will instil greater loyalty to employers, aid in recruitment and retention, a...
  • Jonathan Calder
    We should certainly start talking about industrial democracy again and cooperatives too, but there remains an important role for trade unions in defending peopl...
  • David Warren
    @DavidSymonds is right, we need to be championing industrial democracy which was a key part of Liberal Party policy in the past. As for trade unions having s...
  • Paul R
    @Neil H - Yes, people do have officially issued government ID in many of those countries. It is not however mandatory for them to carry it in all such countries...