Monthly Archives: February 2008

1st  London election news round-up (2) by Mark Pack
  Have you signed up to Brian’s Facebook Friday yet? (2) by Stephen Tall
  Take part in the Lib Dems’ online health policy Q&A this Tuesday (4) by The Voice
  Was Greg Mulholland right to call Ivan Lewis “an a*******”? Abso-bloody-lutely. (20) by The Voice
2nd  Something for the Weekend: Money, money, money (1) by Will Howells
3rd  Sunday’s dodgy money round-up: Labour (2) by Mark Pack
  Sunday’s dodgy money round-up: Conservative (update) (10) by Mark Pack
  Super Tuesday: straws in the wind (3) by Mark Pack
  Alan Johnson donation: exclusive quote from Labour document (2) by Mark Pack
  Serbian election: pro-EU candidate beats pro-Russian candidate (6) by Mark Pack
4th  Is Lembit right? (17) by Stephen Tall
  How balanced is the BBC’s Question Time? (9) by Stephen Tall
  When videos go viral (6) by Stephen Tall
  Belinda Eyre-Brook (5) by The Voice
5th  How much threat is British justice under? (3) by Mark Pack
  Brian Paddick’s autobiography (2) by Mark Pack
  New Nick Clegg YouTube video (4) by The Voice
  What should be done after the Derek Conway affair? (4) by David Heath MP
  Online health Q+A for party members this evening (2) by The Voice
  Liberal Voice’s “good read” (7) by Alex Foster
  Better late than never – Brown to agree to use of intercept evidence (0) by Stephen Tall
  Cherie’s step-mum to take on Lib Dems in Calderdale (2) by The Voice
  Blair’s picture in the attic (1) by The Voice
6th  PMQs: Nick tackles Gordon on Labour’s ‘surveillance state’ (4) by Stephen Tall
7th  Nick Clegg in the media: ID cards and crime (1) by Mark Pack
  James Purnell, fakery etc (2) by Mark Pack
  Electoral Commission’s verdict on Wendy Alexander (0) by Mark Pack
  Mitt’s out for the count (1) by The Voice
  Clegg stands by Mulholland (UPDATED) (7) by Alex Foster
  Fox news… from Bridget (0) by The Voice
  Brian Paddick calls for Lee Jasper to resign (4) by Mark Pack
  Lord Ashcroft, the Conservatives and money (0) by Mark Pack
  BBC Question Time: open thread (44) by Stephen Tall
8th  New poll: Is the Archbishop of Canterbury right? (38) by Stephen Tall
  Top of the Blogs: The Golden Dozen #50 (2) by Stephen Tall
  Nick Clegg unveils new mental health proposals (updated) (10) by Mark Pack
  Nick Clegg’s op-ed on cleaning up politics (6) by Mark Pack
  Party reform commission deadline today (5) by The Voice
  Million sigs vs Blair (3) by Alex Foster
9th  Climate change: 60% is not enough (2) by Steve Webb MP
  Trouble at Conservative Future? (8) by Mark Pack
  Clegg and Borrowman on politicians and money (0) by Mark Pack
  Something for the Weekend: I hear talk (0) by Will Howells
  What if we all voted? (1) by Alex Foster
  Clegg: “I’m an economic liberal” (94) by Tim Leunig
10th  Bugging and the rule of law: a first class scandal in the making (2) by Chris Huhne MP
  The power of Facebook demonstrated across 160 cities (0) by Mark Pack
  Catch Brian Paddick on the media for 24 minutes and 13 seconds (5) by Mark Pack
11th  DLT: Community Politics (4) by Dictionary of Liberal Thought
  Monday morning miscellany of stories (0) by Mark Pack
  Nick Clegg caught on camera – five times over (0) by Mark Pack
  Top of the Blogs: The Golden Dozen #51 (7) by Stephen Tall
12th  A Liberal Democrat politician is in The Sun today… (2) by Mark Pack
  I wonder if they’ll be asked about their approach to setting computer passwords? (2) by Mark Pack
  I feel a barchart coming on (6) by Mark Pack
  High praise for Stephen from Scotsman (6) by Stephen Tall
  Official: BBC Question Time’s pro-Tory bias (53) by Stephen Tall
13th  Paddy Ashdown: A strategy to save Afghanistan (1) by Mark Pack
  Are the Parliamentary Lib Dems split on the Lisbon Treaty referendum? (19) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: Filming the streets doesn’t catch criminals (8) by Rich Wilson
14th  Blunders at Boris’s crime launch (4) by Mark Pack
  The dilemma of the placebo (17) by Lynne Featherstone
  Opinion: Giving voice to the afraid (19) by Kerry Hutchinson
  Derek Conway: still getting an extra £13,000 a year (2) by Mark Pack
  BBC Question Time: open thread (31) by Stephen Tall
15th  Newsflash: Winnie wins for the Lib Dems in Leyton (7) by The Voice
  Climate change campaign update (10) by Steve Webb MP
  Lee Jasper: suspended from job as police investigate (updated) (6) by The Voice
16th  See the latest Brian Paddick leaflet here (3) by The Voice
  Liverpool conference (1) by Duncan Brack
  A collection of news links (2) by Mark Pack
17th  Can you give 5 minutes of your time to improve discussion within the Liberal Democrats? (6) by Jeremy Hargreaves
  Opinion: How liberal are liberals obliged to be? (50) by Marilyn Mason
  Northern Rock to be nationalised (27) by Mark Pack
  Top of the Blogs: The Golden Dozen #52 (4) by Stephen Tall
18th  A weekly catchup (1) by Alex Foster
  Opinion: non-domiciles and tax (17) by Vince Cable
  Kennedy up for election (3) by The Voice
  Where are they now? Sleaze round-up (8) by Mark Pack
  Round of Liberal Drinks (1) by Alex Foster
19th  Your chance to Get Involved: interview Ed Davey, the Lib Dems’ Shadow Foreign Secretary (8) by Millennium Elephant
  Nick Clegg: “Time to take on the supermarket Trolleygarchs” (14) by The Voice
  Can Ken and Boris keep up with Brian? (4) by The Voice
  A liberal conspiracy? (18) by Sunny Hundal
  Hope for 2008 (7) by Kate Heywood
  A polite round of applause for The Guardian (3) by Mark Pack
  Pakistan elections: good news from the North West Frontier? (1) by Mark Pack
20th  Blog awards: Campaign for Gender Balance announces short-list (13) by James Graham
  Boris on YouTube (2) by Ryan Cullen
  PMQs: Nick tackles Gordon on Northern Rock and energy prices (0) by Stephen Tall
  When is a police investigation not a police investigation? (7) by Mark Pack
21st  Overstretch (6) by Nick Harvey
  Paddick tops pink poll (13) by Alex Foster
  Clegg tackles ID cards on Channel 4 (3) by Will Howells
  Clegg: “I’d love to have one of those really efficient electric scooters” (0) by Stephen Tall
  Tories lose control of Southampton; Lib Dem defection in Middlesbrough (1) by Stephen Tall
  BBC Question Time: open thread (15) by Stephen Tall
22nd  Opinion: Britain’s Town Centres – Designed for Disorder (21) by Benjamin Mathis
  Is this why Lee Jasper was reported to the police? (1) by Mark Pack
  Are you on your way to the Forum? (8) by Stephen Tall
  Northern Rock: is Gordon or Dave faring worst? (3) by Stephen Tall
23rd  Send in your Golden Dozen nominations (1) by Stephen Tall
  Ming’s behind-the-scenes account of CK’s downfall (22) by Stephen Tall
24th  Something for the weekend: Hen Wlad fy Nhadau (1) by Will Howells
  Top of the Blogs: The Golden Dozen #53 (3) by Stephen Tall
25th  Weekly catchup 18th-24th Feb (5) by Alex Foster
  Win mugs, win money (0) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: The academy model should underpin the next stage of education reform (7) by Elizabeth Truss and Laura Kounine
  Nick Clegg on Europe (5) by The Voice
  More questions over the Financial Service Authority Chairman’s judgement (1) by Mark Pack
  Is Nick Clegg right to back the Speaker? (8) by Stephen Tall
  The mysterious case of Mr Clegg, a piece of string and a banana (3) by The Voice
26th  Top of the Blogs: The Dirty Dozen #2 (3) by Jonathan Calder
  Liverpool Drinks? (17) by Alex Foster
  Cold comfort for our pensioners as energy profits rocket (2) by Mark Pack
  Newsflash: Lib Dems walk out of House of Commons (updated) (46) by The Voice
  NEW POLL: were the Lib Dems right to stage Commons Euro referendum walk out? (28) by Stephen Tall
  Lib Dem MEP battles on to reveal MEP fraud report findings (9) by Stephen Tall
27th  Lib Dem Euro walk-out: Ed Davey writes… (0) by Stephen Tall
  Smithson’s view: Why I won’t bet on the Lib Dems any more (6) by Mike Smithson
  PMQs: Nick tackles Gordon on mental health (0) by Stephen Tall
28th  Opinion: Homes for All, starting now (7) by Andrew Stunell MP
  Landslide for Charles Kennedy in Scottish election (2) by Mark Pack
  And the Boris Johnson poll winner is… (2) by The Voice
  Sir Iain Blair says police should investigate Derek Conway (5) by Mark Pack
  Compare and contrast: Iain Dale on European referendum (13) by Mark Pack
  BBC Question Time: open thread (20) by Stephen Tall
29th  Liberals: criminally insane (7) by Alex Foster
  Why not write for Lib Dem Voice? (0) by Stephen Tall
  A look back at the polls: February (1) by Stephen Tall

Recent Comments

  • Mark ValladaresMark Valladares
    @ Nigel, Absolutely, enabling greater flexibility for employees (within reason) will instil greater loyalty to employers, aid in recruitment and retention, a...
  • Jonathan Calder
    We should certainly start talking about industrial democracy again and cooperatives too, but there remains an important role for trade unions in defending peopl...
  • David Warren
    @DavidSymonds is right, we need to be championing industrial democracy which was a key part of Liberal Party policy in the past. As for trade unions having s...
  • Paul R
    @Neil H - Yes, people do have officially issued government ID in many of those countries. It is not however mandatory for them to carry it in all such countries...
  • Jennie
    Oooo another member of the Jennie Club...