Monthly Archives: September 2008

1st  Conference policy motion: “Giving citizens a voice in parliament” (6) by David Boyle
  Why is the Labour Party using Parliamentary funds to gather canvass data? (10) by Mark Pack
  A look back at the polls: August (0) by Stephen Tall
  LDV Events at conference (2) by Alex Foster
  Top of the Blogs: The Golden Dozen #80 (5) by Stephen Tall
2nd  Have you voted yet in LDV’s members’ survey? (0) by Stephen Tall
  Congratulations to Nick Clegg (3) by The Voice
  Smithson’s view: How can the Lib Dems exploit the Tory “Thatcher tendency”? (27) by Mike Smithson
  How do you get people to trust councils? (2) by Mark Pack
  Ros Scott launches Lib Dem president campaign website (20) by Stephen Tall
3rd  Bournemouth conference – for those who aren’t going (0) by Duncan Brack
  Chris Bones writes… The Party Reform Commission – taking the Lib Dems forward (31) by Christopher Bones
  Opinion: If I were in the Labour party’s shoes… (3) by Stephen Tall
  Ed Davey on tax cuts (19) by The Voice
4th  LDV: your name here (2) by The Voice
  Have you got a question on The Bones Commission? (1) by Stephen Tall
  Events on Facebook (2) by Alex Foster
  Why blogging matters to Lib Dems more than most (12) by Stephen Tall
5th  Chris Huhne writes: Don’t underestimate the Lib Dems (26) by Chris Huhne MP
  Chris Huhne unveils new crime policy proposals (1) by The Voice
  Scotsman: Lib Dems to back SNP deal for Local income Tax (3) by Stephen Tall
  Lib Dems can conquer Wales! (3) by Bob Innes
  Democracy Dragons’ Den: What’s your one big idea to improve democracy in this country? (25) by Amy Rodger
  Conference policy motion: “Respect, Consent and Personal Data” (2) by Baroness Joan Walmsley
6th  It’s official: BBC says if a news story is amusing, it doesn’t have to be true (2) by Mark Pack
  Lembit: Lib Dem presidency is “the one job I’ve always wanted” (7) by The Voice
  LDV members’ survey: last chance to vote (36) by Stephen Tall
  Labour refunds illegal donation from charity (3) by Mark Pack
7th  What is it with YouGov and female voters? (8) by Mark Pack
  Lib Dems love their leaders (6) by Alex Foster
  The Observer on Michael Brown and that Lib Dem donation: economic with the actualite (25) by Stephen Tall
  Clegg: Lib Dems to pledge larger tax cuts (15) by Stephen Tall
  Portillo comes out for Local Income Tax (3) by Stephen Tall
  Andrew Rawnsley on Gordon Brown (0) by The Voice
  Tory councillors run a brothel at their house (15) by Mark Pack
8th  LDV members’ survey (1): Simon Hughes and the Lib Dem presidency (6) by Stephen Tall
  Nick Clegg on cutting taxes (15) by The Voice
  LDV conference events flyer (0) by Alex Foster
  Blog of the Year Awards 2008: The Shortlists (41) by Will Howells
  The Iain Dale meme… Signs You Are About to Defect to the Tories… (57) by The Voice
  Top of the Blogs: The Golden Dozen #81 (7) by Stephen Tall
  LDV readers say: party conference – it’s the policy, stupid (2) by Stephen Tall
9th  LDV members’ survey (2): who you would elect party president (0) by Stephen Tall
  Should a childless person be allowed to enter your local park? (16) by Mark Pack
  Times: Clegg backs ‘top-up’ payments for cancer drugs by NHS patients (38) by The Voice
  Do 83% of Lib Dem voters want lower immigration? (97) by Stephen Tall
  Diana Wallis MEP writes… Time for the Liberal Democrats to let the people in! (6) by Diana Wallis MEP
  The Elephant Interviews… at Conference! (0) by Millennium Elephant
  Chris Bones answers your Party Reform Commission questions (0) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: Why emulating Ramsay MacDonald may be Gordon Brown’s only hope (11) by Reuben Thompson
10th  LDV members’ survey (3): what you think will happen at the next general election (5) by Stephen Tall
  Story updates (3) by Mark Pack
  Newsflash: Kirsty Williams to announce Welsh leadership bid (14) by The Voice
  Conference policy motion: let the cameras into court (32) by Jonathan Marks
  Guardian asks, ‘Are the Tories progressives now?’ A nation replies, ‘Have you gone mad?’ (5) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: What does the Green Alliance want the Lib Dems to do? (12) by Geoffrey Payne
  Childless people may once more walk in the park (2) by Mark Pack
11th  LDV members’ survey (4): what you think of Nick Clegg’s leadership (2) by Stephen Tall
  Shameless plug alert: Blog awards ceremony (0) by Will Howells
  Opinion: God bless America (65) by Laurence Boyce
  Clegg: 80-90% of voters better off under Lib Dem tax plans (2) by Stephen Tall
  Danny Alexander writes… the Lib Dems’ tax-cutting agenda (29) by Danny Alexander MP
  Poll: Clegg seen as to the left of Lib Dems (29) by Stephen Tall
  Nick’s One Million Door Challenge (4) by Colin Ross
  Paul Holmes writes… ‘No’ to Make It Happen’s public spending cuts (73) by Paul Holmes
12th  LDV members’ survey (5): what you think of the Lib Dem shadow cabinet (9) by Stephen Tall
  Ever thought of standing for Parliament? (2) by Helen Duffett
  Conference twittering (2) by Alex Foster
  Labour whip quits after calling for leadership contest (0) by The Voice
  Those nomination papers in full (1) by Alex Foster
  Conference policy motion: Cutting crime by catching criminals (7) by Chris Huhne MP
13th  Don’t bitch about the party’s message – run your own (4) by The Voice
  Two ways to follow the Lib Dem conference (apart from on LDV, of course) (1) by Stephen Tall
  Nick Clegg on vision and tax (1) by The Voice
  Update from conference (4) by Alex Foster
  The first vote has happened (0) by Alex Foster
  Vox pop amongst delegates (0) by Alex Foster
  Conference update: Saturday evening (1) by Alix Mortimer
  Grice’s Indy Paean to Clegg (0) by Alex Foster
  Hashtag taxonomies revisited (1) by Alex Foster
14th  And the winners are… (3) by The Voice
  Who are the most influential Liberal Democrats? (7) by The Voice
  The unexpurgated blog awards (1) by Alex Foster
  NEW POLL: are the Lib Dems right to say UK entry into the Euro is not a priority? (6) by Stephen Tall
  LDV Media Moron Watch #1 (4) by Stephen Tall
  Iain Dale interview (0) by Alex Foster
  Conference update: David Laws MP (0) by Alix Mortimer
  Opinion: Expert-led policy discussion (0) by Alex Foster
  Conference update: Private Finance Initiatives (2) by Alix Mortimer
  Conference: Tavish Scott (4) by Alix Mortimer
  Conference: Is responsible retailing a contradiction in terms? (2) by Stephen Tall
  Labour and the Lib Dems (8) by Gavin Whenman
  Twitter: a hit at conference (2) by Alex Foster
  Newsflash: LIBDEMS NOT LIKE TORIES (3) by Alex Foster
  Conference: Cleggbites (0) by Alix Mortimer
  Hashtags – not just for Twitter! (0) by Alex Foster
  Top of the Blogs: The Golden Dozen #82 (0) by Stephen Tall
  Welcome to the latest member of our team (1) by Mark Pack
15th  Speech: Jenny Willott (1) by Will Howells
  Conference: cutting crime by catching criminals (5) by Alix Mortimer
  3 from LDV in top 50 Lib Dem list (3) by The Voice
  Nick Clegg to take paternity leave (2) by Mark Pack
  Ashcroft’s funding of the Conservative Party set to be investigated (0) by Mark Pack
  Who says we lack a narrative? (0) by Stephen Tall
  LDV Media Moron Watch # 2 (3) by Alix Mortimer
  More from the hall (1) by Will Howells is live! (0) by Alex Foster
  Conference: the Bones report (3) by Alix Mortimer
  Labour sacking / resignation summary (2) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: Vince Cable gets it right. Again. (4) by Alix Mortimer
  Conference: Make It Happen debate… the live-blog (143) by Stephen Tall
  ‘On five out of eight measures of the main characteristics of parties, the Lib Dems are now regarded more favourably than either Labour or the Conservatives’ (0) by Mark Pack
  Final conference videos of the day (1) by Will Howells
  Conf Vox Pop II (0) by Alex Foster
  Podcast: Environment Q&A (0) by Alex Foster
16th  Michael Crick on the Make It Happen debate (3) by The Voice
  Norman Lamb: Making the NHS more efficient and accountable (0) by Will Howells
  Conference: a response to the housing and mortgage crisis (4) by Alix Mortimer
  Glenda Jackson agrees to pay back Parliamentary expenses (2) by Mark Pack
  Conference: Erm, Vince, hold on a sec (8) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: Nick on Newsnight (2) by Alix Mortimer
  Lembit 4 President campaign goes live (12) by Stephen Tall
  That Adrian Sanders / Mark Littlewood contretemps (7) by The Voice
  More influential Lib Dems (1) by Alex Foster
  Conference: Democracy’s Dragon’s Den (0) by Joe Otten
  Conference: it’s the Conservatives, stupid (9) by Julian Harris
  Opinion: Eco-Towns – what about social justice? (3) by Patrick Murray
  Another Labour minister bites the dust (2) by Alex Foster
  Fourth Labour exit over Brown’s future – and it is a minister (0) by Mark Pack
  LDV Watch Media Moron #3 (5) by Alex Foster
  Conference: Chris Huhne MP (2) by Alix Mortimer
  Chris Huhne on video (0) by Will Howells
  Conference: fast-track Britain (6) by Alix Mortimer
  My head hurts: the David Cairns chaos (0) by Mark Pack
  An embarrassment of riches (2) by Alex Foster
  Podcast: Economy Q&A (1) by Alex Foster
17th  Getting along swimmingly (3) by Alex Foster
  Conference: Glee Club (8) by The Voice
  ‘Influential’ list continues (1) by Alex Foster
  Liveblog from Channel 4 (1) by Alex Foster
  Clegg speech (29) by Alex Foster
  Full text of speech now available (5) by Alex Foster
  Party conference broadcast: online now (4) by Will Howells
  The gays and the party (4) by Alex Foster
  Opinion: a good week for Nick, a good week for the Lib Dems (56) by Stephen Tall
18th  “Lib Dems defend phone poll plan” (18) by The Voice
  Cable calls for action on short-selling of bank stocks (8) by Mark Pack
  Final speeches from party conference (0) by Will Howells
  Opinion: Doctor Beeching was not to blame for everything! (6) by Gwyn Griffiths
  Conference: Liberal Vision and the Free Society (4) by Joe Otten
  ‘Influential’ list: the final countdown (2) by Mark Pack
  Some serious media coverage of Nick’s speech (4) by Stephen Tall
  FSA adopts Vince Cable’s policy (4) by Mark Pack
  BBC Question Time: open thread (41) by Stephen Tall
  Alan Duncan gets it wrong on Question Time (22) by Mark Pack
19th  Podcast roundup (0) by Alex Foster
  Opinion: Why the party shouldn’t be auto-phoning people (37) by Hywel Morgan
  “Another political victory for Vince Cable” – whilst Conservatives do a nimble u-turn (16) by Mark Pack
  Share and Enjoy: the new buttons appearing at the foot of our stories (6) by Mark Pack
  Nick Clegg and Lib Dems clean up in Newsnight’s Luntz focus group (45) by Stephen Tall
  Liberal Democrat policies top the poll with teachers (1) by Mark Pack
  Tomorrow’s YouGov: Liberal Democrats on 20% (37) by The Voice
  NEW: LDV members’ post-conference survey now live (0) by Stephen Tall
20th  Richard Kemp writes… We can’t go on like this (5) by Richard Kemp
  Complacent? Moi? (7) by Alix Mortimer
  If you’re wondering whether the Guardian has taken a turn against the Liberal Democrats… (17) by Mark Pack
  Keith Vaz faces inquiry over allegations of political interference in a court case (2) by Mark Pack
  Blogging in adversity (2) by Mark Pack
21st  Lib Dems to drop Tuition Fees pledge? (58) by Richard Huzzey
  Bridget Prentice faces investigation for misusing taxpayer funds (0) by Mark Pack
  Conservatives set to drop green taxes policy (11) by The Voice
  The pointlessness of uniform swing calculations (22) by Mark Pack
  Photos from conference (0) by Mark Pack
  Hashtag taxonomies: the last word in Tweeting? (0) by Helen Duffett
  In which I write something nice about a Conservative councillor (2) by Mark Pack
  Bank of England closes its doors (3) by Mark Pack
  Nick Clegg on Jon Stewart’s Daily Show (1) by Richard Huzzey
22nd  Conference catchup (3) by Alex Foster
  NEW POLL: who do you think would be the most effective next leader of the Labour party? (11) by Stephen Tall
  The brittleness of British politics (9) by Lynne Featherstone
  How Rochdale Labour Party have dumped Gordon Brown (5) by Mark Pack
  Profile on Patrick: BBC piece on Lib Dem PPC and councillor (2) by Richard Huzzey
  Top of the Blogs: The Golden Dozen #83 (0) by Stephen Tall
23rd  When Barack met Jed (0) by Richard Huzzey
  Gurkha justice court case: can you help find key evidence? (4) by Mark Pack
  LDV post-conference members’ survey (1): why you did – and didn’t – attend the Lib Dem conference (5) by Stephen Tall
  Website news you may have missed during conference (0) by Alex Foster
  Richard Benyon: did he break the rules on Parliamentary funds? (4) by Mark Pack
  Gordon Brown’s speech (19) by The Voice
  The Independent View: the Lib/Lab relationship past, present, future (13) by Alasdair Murray
  LDV readers say: Clegg and Huhne right to down-play UK Euro entry (0) by Stephen Tall
  Should the report of a Prime Minister’s speech be 42% journalist talking? (6) by Mark Pack
  But will the party still love him in the morning? (17) by Stephen Tall
24th  How to sign up to the Lib Dem Hospital Governors’ Network (0) by Jeremy Hargreaves
  Jim Dowd facing questions over use of Parliamentary funds (1) by Mark Pack
  LDV post-conference members’ survey (2): what you thought of the media coverage of the Lib Dem conference (0) by Stephen Tall
  Lib Dem MPs lead the way in social networking (0) by The Voice
  Richard Benyon: more website questions (3) by Mark Pack
  Lembit quits Lib Dem shadow cabinet to focus on three-way fight for presidency (61) by The Voice
  Opinion: Clegg half-way there on tax cuts (34) by Tom Papworth
  What does “completely cleared” mean? (1) by Mark Pack
  Guardian: Lib Dems face censure over ‘cold-calling’ campaign (23) by The Voice
25th  LDV post-conference members’ survey (3): who you will vote for in the Lib Dem presidential race (0) by Stephen Tall
  Jonathan Fryer’s Diary of a Euro-candidate (1) by Jonathan Fryer
  Why I read the Daily Mail (21) by Mark Pack
  Information Commissioner: Lib Dems must stop automated phone calls (28) by Stephen Tall
  Your chance to interview Tavish Scott (0) by Bernard Salmon
  Presidential election news (3) by The Voice
  Question Time: open thread (37) by Alix Mortimer
  The news looks very different on the BBC and CNN (2) by Mark Pack
26th  Liberal Democrats gain Hampstead Town from the Conservatives (9) by Mark Pack
  LDV post-conference members’ survey (4): what you thought of Make It Happen’s tax-cuts (11) by Stephen Tall
  Why the Leadership Academy shouldn’t just train the leaders (13) by Rob Blackie
  The internet, Conservative MP Richard Benyon and some cars (1) by Mark Pack
  Nick Clegg writes on ID cards (3) by The Voice
  A quartet of by-election victories in key Parliamentary seats (3) by Mark Pack
  Second James Purnell aide leaves in interesting circumstances (0) by Mark Pack
  Labour lose case over “abusive registration” of domain name (7) by Mark Pack
27th  What would your policy be on blog comments? (34) by Mark Pack
  LDV post-conference members’ survey (5): did the Lib Dem conference strengthen or weaken Nick Clegg’s leadership? (1) by Stephen Tall
  Designing better websites with the help of some rap (2) by Mark Pack
  Why the latest BPIX poll is bad news for all parties (6) by Mark Pack
28th  BPIX and the mysterious web registration (4) by Mark Pack
  Keith Vaz faces more allegations over inappropriate contacts (0) by Mark Pack
  Question marks over David Cameron’s donors (15) by Mark Pack
  Tory Chris Grayling misleads the public – Sunday Mirror (4) by Mark Pack
29th  Weekly catchup (3) by Alex Foster
  BPIX: a quick update (0) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: A million doors or a moral vacuum? (15) by Simon Titley
  The demutualised building societies are no more (13) by Mark Pack
  Inspiration for Liberal Democrat women (2) by Helen Duffett
  Compare and contrast: conflicting newspaper headlines (1) by Mark Pack
  Lord Ashcroft under fire over his tax status (3) by Mark Pack
  Top of the Blogs: The Golden Dozen #84 (2) by Stephen Tall
  Why Congress voted down the bail out plan (13) by Mark Pack
30th  Will the unthinkable happen on the internet? (13) by Mark Pack
  Vince Cable on the Liberal Democrat Fairer Future Economic Recovery Plan (30) by Vince Cable
  The race for the Lib Dem presidency (11) by Stephen Tall
  What the Conservative Chief Whip gets up to on the internet (0) by Mark Pack
  P.S. to LDV post-conference members’ survey (1) by Stephen Tall
  Gurkhas win court case as Joanna Lumley launches new petition (83) by Mark Pack

Recent Comments

  • Mark ValladaresMark Valladares
    @ Nigel, Absolutely, enabling greater flexibility for employees (within reason) will instil greater loyalty to employers, aid in recruitment and retention, a...
  • Jonathan Calder
    We should certainly start talking about industrial democracy again and cooperatives too, but there remains an important role for trade unions in defending peopl...
  • David Warren
    @DavidSymonds is right, we need to be championing industrial democracy which was a key part of Liberal Party policy in the past. As for trade unions having s...
  • Paul R
    @Neil H - Yes, people do have officially issued government ID in many of those countries. It is not however mandatory for them to carry it in all such countries...
  • Jennie
    Oooo another member of the Jennie Club...