Monthly Archives: August 2008

1st  The PPC Files (5): How has becoming a PPC affected your career? (3) by Stephen Tall
  A look back at the polls: July (11) by Stephen Tall
  Ross Finnie: why I want to be Leader of the Scottish Liberal Democrats (6) by Ross Finnie
  Boris Johnson forgets another election promise (12) by Mark Pack
2nd  Nick Clegg in the news (0) by Mark Pack
  The PPC Files (6): the 3 best things about being a Lib Dem parliamentary candidate (2) by Stephen Tall
  A case of media bias? The Sun, MySpace and Facebook (19) by Mark Pack
  Tavish Scott: why I want to be Leader of the Scottish Liberal Democrats (4) by Tavish Scott MSP
3rd  Clegg: Brown should miss Olympic closing ceremony (9) by Mark Pack
4th  LDV members’ survey, August 2008 (1): the Lib Dems and by-elections (0) by Stephen Tall
  Blog of the Year Awards 2008 (55) by Will Howells
  Cumbria update: Lib Dems quit joint Tory administration (2) by Stephen Tall
  Does it matter where the Cabinet is held? (6) by Stephen Tall
5th  LDV members’ survey, August 2008 (2): what you think of Make it Happen’s tax-cutting agenda (17) by Stephen Tall
  42 million signatures on Pakistani petition against terrorism (1) by Mark Pack
  Conservative Watford candidate admits to 75 offences (83) by Mark Pack
  Sal Brinton on events in Watford (25) by Sal Brinton
  A little local trouble for Michael Gove (22) by Mark Pack
  Top of the Blogs: The Golden Dozen #76 (5) by Stephen Tall
6th  LDV members’ survey, August 2008 (3): what do you think of Nick Clegg’s leadership? (13) by Stephen Tall
  Leadership election news (7) by The Voice
  How much does it cost to change a light bulb? Cost efficiency, Boris Johnson style (10) by Mark Pack
  Guido, did you really think Vince wasn’t way ahead of you? (22) by Stephen Tall
  Paris Hilton responds to John McCain (11) by Mark Pack
  LDV doesn’t do statporn, but if we did… (4) by Stephen Tall
7th  LDV members’ survey, August 2008 (4): are the Lib Dems on the right or wrong track? (3) by Stephen Tall
  What next for social networking? (9) by Mark Pack
  Are light bulbs a particularly female subject? (6) by Mark Pack
  Axe the Tax: is the party softening its line on Local Income Tax? (80) by Stephen Tall
  Party elections: it’s that time again (5) by The Voice
  Everything you ever wanted to know about LDV’s Stephen Tall… (0) by The Voice
  Should candidates in internal party elections be able to contact members? (13) by Mark Pack
  Liberal Democrat Voice says, the party acts… (4) by The Voice
  Lessons in media management (4) by Mark Pack
  Vote for us someone by midnight tomorrow (2) by The Voice
8th  LDV members’ survey, August 2008 (5): how do you rate the performances of the current shadow cabinet? (21) by Stephen Tall
  Guns and knives: councillors speak out (3) by Mark Pack
  Cutting youth crime (4) by Mark Pack
  Lib Dems to back SNP on local income tax? (10) by Stephen Tall
  Norman Baker: time to ditch the oath of allegiance (70) by Stephen Tall
  Michael White on Nick Clegg’s leadership (22) by Stephen Tall
9th  Paul Walter’s shocking confession (8) by Paul Walter
  ‘Time for David Cameron to speak up’ (18) by Mark Pack
  Conservative councillor cautioned for theft (17) by Mark Pack
10th  Road deaths fall again (12) by Mark Pack
  Top of the Blogs: The Golden Dozen #77 (3) by Ryan Cullen
11th  Top of the Blogs: The Golden Ton (Nos. 81-100) (3) by Stephen Tall
  Jenny Willott: Labour’s back-to-work policies won’t work (6) by Jenny Willott
  Book review: What should you be getting up to on the internet? (1) by Mark Pack
  Michael Brown trial to go ahead (6) by The Voice
  Will Nick Raynsford follow his own logic? (4) by Mark Pack
12th  Top of the Blogs: The Golden Ton (Nos. 61-80) (30) by Stephen Tall
13th  Top of the Blogs: The Golden Ton (Nos. 41-60) (3) by Stephen Tall
  Whither the liberal Tories now? (28) by Alix Mortimer
  John Macdougall MP dies (5) by The Voice
  Conference: curtain up! (8) by Alix Mortimer
  Labour gets a financial breathing space (5) by Mark Pack
  Scottish leadership candidates make their cases (0) by Mark Pack
  What’s the party up to? Peter Riddell thinks he knows (4) by The Voice
14th  Top of the Blogs: The Golden Ton (Nos. 21-40) (3) by Stephen Tall
  Conference: win* a secondment to Lib Dem Voice! (10) by Alix Mortimer
  The future for Twitter ain’t looking so bright (13) by Mark Pack
  The report you’ve all been waiting for… (25) by Alix Mortimer
15th  Top of the Blogs: The Golden Ton (Nos. 11-20) (24) by Stephen Tall
  Councillors in the news (2) by Mark Pack
  Photograph mistakes you don’t want to make (0) by Mark Pack
  Michael Gove runs into a little interview trouble (2) by Mark Pack
16th  Top of the Blogs: The Golden Ton (The Top 10!) (10) by Stephen Tall
17th  Conservative Party chair in new expenses row (2) by The Voice
  Ed Davey: Georgia shows need for liberal foreign policy, not McCain-Cameron doctrine (40) by Ed Davey
  Conference policy motion: “Safe standing at football matches” (29) by Peter Jones
  Bournemouth Conference update (0) by Duncan Brack
18th  Opinion: Whose law is it anyway? (11) by Neale Upstone
  Zac Goldsmith investigated for breaking donation rules (40) by Mark Pack
19th  Opinion: Royal Prerogative must go (25) by Darrell Goodliffe
  Not quite “making it happen” (63) by David Allen
  Boris Johnson loses another Deputy Mayor (1) by Mark Pack
20th  Photoshopping, SNP-style (0) by Mark Pack
  Party finances in Scotland (2) by The Voice
  Guardian vs Daily Mail: who is the one who made the mistake? (17) by Mark Pack
  Party policy process takes to Facebook (3) by Mark Pack
21st  Clegg unveils plans for huge expansion in renewable energy, with energy independence by 2050 (40) by Mark Pack
  Who’s Who: starting gun fired (11) by Alex Foster
22nd  Widespread media coverage for energy policy (1) by Mark Pack
  Top of the Blogs: The Golden Dozen #78 (0) by Alex Foster
23rd  What does Obama’s choice of Biden tell us? (UPDATED) (27) by Mark Pack
  How visiting the Department of Justice’s website can make you a suspected terrorist (13) by Mark Pack
25th  Clegg defects (14) by Alex Foster
  Top of the Blogs: The Golden Dozen #79 (4) by Alex Foster
  Understanding campaigning diversity (24) by Mark Valladares
26th  NEW POLL: what’s the main point of the Lib Dem party conference? (12) by Stephen Tall
  LDV readers say: we’re luke-warm about Obama (4) by Stephen Tall
  +++ Tavish Scott wins Scottish Leadership contest (3) by Alex Foster
  Congrats to Peter Black (4) by Alex Foster
27th  Ros Scott for Party President campaign to go live 1st September (3) by The Voice
  Electoral Commission recommends electoral law shake-up (5) by Stephen Tall
  Sure, we all say we hate negative advertising – but does it work? (1) by Stephen Tall
  So what does that Cities Unlimited report actually say? Chs 1-5 (8) by Alix Mortimer
  Peter Black AM: Welsh Liberal Democrat leadership race to begin soon? (12) by Peter Black AM
  Angela Eagle’s record at predicting the economy (2) by Mark Pack
  At the next election the unique appeal of the Liberal Democrats will be… (32) by The Voice
28th  Conference policy motion: “Extention of the remit of the International Criminal Court” (0) by Brian Mathew
  How to help struggling home-owners keep their homes (8) by Mark Pack
  Total Politics list of top 50 Lib Dem blogs published (11) by Stephen Tall
  HM Treasury admits: we don’t know how much money we’re spending (1) by Mark Pack
  US Presidential election breakfast (7) by The Voice
29th  Glenrothes (8) by Andrew Reeves
  When borrowing isn’t borrowing: how the Electoral Commission and the media get party debt figures wrong (4) by Mark Pack
  Obama’s speech: what did you think? (2) by Stephen Tall
  Lib Dems in Newcastle in “brave, bold, commendable” intervention in housing market (37) by The Voice
  McCain picks Palin for VP – will this spike the Dems’ Denver guns? (12) by Stephen Tall
  Blog of the Year Awards: Nominations close on Sunday night (1) by Will Howells
  September LDV members’ survey now LIVE (2) by Stephen Tall
  Refreshingly frank or recklessly foolish? Darling paints picture of economic gloom (9) by Mark Pack
  “Homophobic, bigoted old farts”: top Tory’s verdict on colleagues (11) by Mark Pack
30th  Councillor convicted of harassment (2) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: The importance of a good Number 2 (13) by Stephen Tall
  Those Lib Dem donation figures in full (38) by Stephen Tall
31st  The finest set of political typos this year (2) by Mark Pack
  Sarah Palin: how the McCain campaign blundered on the internet (9) by Mark Pack
  Will Young comes out … for STV (10) by Stephen Tall
  Tavish Scott’s new team (0) by The Voice

Recent Comments

  • Mark ValladaresMark Valladares
    @ Nigel, Absolutely, enabling greater flexibility for employees (within reason) will instil greater loyalty to employers, aid in recruitment and retention, a...
  • Jonathan Calder
    We should certainly start talking about industrial democracy again and cooperatives too, but there remains an important role for trade unions in defending peopl...
  • David Warren
    @DavidSymonds is right, we need to be championing industrial democracy which was a key part of Liberal Party policy in the past. As for trade unions having s...
  • Paul R
    @Neil H - Yes, people do have officially issued government ID in many of those countries. It is not however mandatory for them to carry it in all such countries...
  • Jennie
    Oooo another member of the Jennie Club...