Monthly Archives: November 2008

1st  Clegg warns of ‘stress epidemic’ (1) by The Voice
  Rwandans set to vote in UK elections? (5) by Mark Pack
  News from the Congo (0) by Mark Pack
  Book industry learns from where the music industry got it wrong (2) by Mark Pack
  Something for the Weekend: Hail to the Chief (1) by Will Howells
  What you’ve been LibDigging this week (0) by Stephen Tall
  A look back at the polls: October (45) by Stephen Tall
2nd  US Presidential election: Facebook is the winner (0) by Mark Pack
  YouGov poll result trivia corner (1) by Mark Pack
  Conservative economic policy trivia corner (4) by Mark Pack
  Euro News (1) by Alex Foster
  LDVUSA: your chance to enter the Presidential election prediction competition (33) by Stephen Tall
  Starbucks becoming biggest purchasers of Fair Trade coffee‏ (4) by Helen Duffett
  Opinion: Forging ahead (15) by Darrell Goodliffe
  EXCLUSIVE: Roger Helmer and Zac Goldsmith emails reveal fault line over green policies (110) by Mark Pack
3rd  Weekly Catchup, 3 Nov (0) by Alex Foster
  Which websites will you be checking on Tuesday night? (9) by Richard Huzzey
  Mike German writes… my time as Welsh leader (0) by Mike German
  LDVUSA’s election night guide (12) by Alex Foster
  Official: Lib Dem voters more intelligent than Tory and Labour voters (Nationalist, BNP and UKIP voters least intelligent of all) (18) by Stephen Tall
  LDV still doesn’t do statporn, but if we did… (2) by Stephen Tall
  “UKIP rejects BNP electoral offer” (4) by Alex Foster
  Last chance to predict the US Presidential result (and win an LDV mug!) (0) by Stephen Tall
  Combating Conservative electoral dirty tricks (4) by Mark Pack
4th  An Endorsement (1) by Richard Huzzey
  More on mobile phones and polling (0) by Alex Foster
  Learning lessons from the US elections: four legal differences you need to know (8) by Mark Pack
  So, just what are they voting on today? (2) by Alex Foster
  Conservatives back themselves into an economic cul-de-sac (2) by Mark Pack
  California’s Proposition 8 (4) by Alex Foster
  Pupil ‘bonuses’ “totally unjust”, says Laws (10) by Stephen Tall
  Jenny Randerson AM launches Welsh Lib Dem leadership bid (1) by The Voice
  LDVUSA – join us here live from 11pm (19) by Stephen Tall
  Presidential trivia (3) by Alex Foster
  LDVUSA Election Nite 2008 live-blog (8) by Stephen Tall
5th  South Norfolk Conservative councillor convicted (5) by Mark Pack
  Congratulations President-elect Obama (15) by Stephen Tall
  Clegg welcomes Obama’s election (0) by The Voice
  Obama’s acceptance speech (7) by Stephen Tall
  Two surprises of US election night (25) by Mark Pack
  Nick Clegg on NHS top-up payments (2) by The Voice
  PMQs: Nick tackles Gordon on Obama’s tax cutting policy (15) by Alix Mortimer
  Possible good news from Minnesota (3) by Alex Foster
  LDVUSA: Presidential Prediction competition results (unofficial) (13) by Stephen Tall
  How many light bulbs does it take to change a President? (3) by The Voice
6th  Obama heads to the West Wing (6) by Richard Huzzey
  Foster: swearing on TV should be toned down (24) by Alix Mortimer
  Is the SNP a shoo-in for Glenrothes? (Or is Labour lowering expectations?) (9) by Stephen Tall
  Blears on blogging: bad timing and bad analysis? (9) by Stephen Tall
  Staying in the loop (5) by Mark Pack
  Democrats may still get to magic 60 (10) by Terry Gilbert
  1.5% bank rate cut; Vince vindicated, again (2) by Stephen Tall
  The central communications database (6) by Alix Mortimer
  Home Secretary to be cloned? (1) by Helen Duffett
  South Norfolk Tories receive poetic justice (2) by The Voice
  Our Man In Chicago: Paul Elgood reports back on that election night (0) by Paul Elgood
  BBC Question Time: open thread (14) by Stephen Tall
7th  Massive drop in Conservative support for George Osborne (1) by Mark Pack
  Glenrothes: thank you (11) by The Voice
  What does Glenrothes mean for the Lib Dems? (29) by Stephen Tall
  Find out more about Alan Beith and Sharon Bowles (4) by The Voice
  Telegraph: Obama’s victory speech co-written by Lib Dem (13) by Stephen Tall
8th  CommentIsLinked@LDV: Bridget Fox – ‘Barack Obama lit up my bonfire night’ (0) by Stephen Tall
  Lib Dem Presidential contest: result due 3pm today (0) by The Voice
  Lib Dem Presidential Contest: Result (28) by Helen Duffett
  LDV party president polls – not so very far off (4) by Stephen Tall
  Lib Dem Party President result – Chandila responds (22) by The Voice
  What next for Lembit? (20) by Stephen Tall
  Lembit to Ros: “I’m with you all the way” (36) by Richard Huzzey
  Labour wants to increase number of public services provided by faith-based groups (26) by Mark Pack
  The Other Party Elections (17) by Richard Huzzey
9th  Should you get a lottery ticket for voting? (11) by Mark Pack
  Labour accused of setting up anonymous Tory attack blog (4) by Mark Pack
  Never mind about Parliament, Hazel: what about actually giving real power to real people? (6) by Stephen Tall
  Should we have more directly-elected Mayors? (17) by Mark Pack
  Cameron and Osborne disagree over economic policy (2) by Mark Pack
10th  Warning: don’t believe the American Presidential election turnout myth (20) by Mark Pack
  Ros Scott’s Presidential acceptance speech – the movie (2) by Helen Duffett
  Michael Brown goes on trial (6) by Stephen Tall
  Clegg: Britain should talk to Iran (6) by The Voice
  Jonathan Fryer’s Diary of a Euro-candidate (0) by Jonathan Fryer
  DLT: Henry George Foundation (2) by Dictionary of Liberal Thought
  Nick Clegg vs Daniel Finkelstein on tax (21) by Mark Pack
  London Liberal Democrats Autumn Conference – still time to register (0) by Helen Duffett
  London Lib Dems: Talk to your neighbours! (0) by Helen Duffett
11th  Lester: Paul Dacre and Graham Dudman have got it wrong (2) by Mark Pack
  Lib Dem MP urges charity fines for mobile phone menace MPs (2) by Stephen Tall
  Beith: church disestablishment “not necessary” (58) by Stephen Tall
  LDVUSA: How Obama made it happen (0) by Steven Gauge
  Government opens up new risk to our personal data (1) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: Time to end the ‘war on terror’ and bring all our troops home (9) by Darrell Goodliffe
  Lynne Featherstone vs Hazel Blears (2) by Mark Pack
  What connects Norman Baker, Eartha Kitt, the assassination of JFK and a public meeting in Islington in 1981? (1) by Mark Pack
  CommentIsLinked@LDV: James Graham – ”Change’ in the valleys’ (0) by Stephen Tall
  Brian Paddick to enter I’m A Celebrity (26) by Stephen Tall
  Peter Mandelson invents the Post Office (1) by Helen Duffett
12th  CommentIsLinked@LDV: Jonathan Calder – ‘Tory MP: Ferry political prisoner’ (3) by Stephen Tall
  Nick Clegg on global cooperation and tax policy (14) by Mark Pack
  What nutter writes Tory tax policy? (11) by Alex Foster
  Electoral registration reform: public backs rest of the world over Labour by more than two to one (7) by Mark Pack
  FT: Tories to ditch Osborne in favour of Hague? (10) by Stephen Tall
  Doing the Database Rag (1) by Helen Duffett
  Lib Dem tax policy: the media’s starting to listen, so now will the public get to hear about it? (8) by Stephen Tall
  PMQs: Nick tackles Gordon on “big, permanent and fair” tax cuts (27) by Alix Mortimer
  Quote of the day (0) by Alex Foster
  Top of the Blogs: The Golden Dozen #89 (0) by Stephen Tall
13th  Baby P (485) by Mark Pack
  Den Dover expelled from the Conservatives (9) by The Voice
  That twenty billion… (18) by Alix Mortimer
  How how much does negative tabloid coverage of politicians matter? (8) by Mark Pack
  Post Office keeps contract to run card account (7) by Helen Duffett
  Baby P: CPS confirms information was withheld from the police by Haringey Council (6) by Mark Pack
  BBC Question Time: open thread (16) by Stephen Tall
  Hackney Council backtracks on library book ban (9) by Mark Pack
  E-voting: abandoned by the Dutch, delayed in the UK (0) by Mark Pack
14th  Sky: Credit to Lynne over Baby P case (1) by Stephen Tall
  How many people visit political websites? (1) by Mark Pack
  Campaigning for a Manchester congestion charge, YouTube style (6) by Mark Pack
  “Constantly ahead of the curve” – Clegg on the Lib Dems (37) by The Voice
  CommentIsLinked@LDV: Bridget Fox – ‘Labour is ditching its policies through panic not principle’ (1) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: The Horn of Africa and Radicalisation (2) by Fiyaz Mughal
  Post Office Card Account: Labour’s hypocrisy (4) by Helen Duffett
15th  Nick Clegg on tax avoidance by supermarkets (6) by Mark Pack
  Top of the Blogs: The Golden Dozen #90 (0) by Stephen Tall
16th  After Baby P: what can be done? (61) by Alix Mortimer
  The Gladstone Lecture: what Alan Beith said… (39) by Jon Hunt
  Opinion: Restating the case against capital punishment (22) by Darrell Goodliffe
17th  Weekly catchup, 17 November (0) by Alex Foster
  BNP to seek police authority posts (24) by Alix Mortimer
  Don’t moan about the media – make-up for it instead! (3) by Lynne Featherstone
  NEW POLL: is presumed consent the right way to boost organ donations? (18) by Stephen Tall
  A New Liberal Order (8) by Helen Duffett
  BBC: Clegg’s policies closest to Obama’s (2) by The Voice
  Top of the Blogs: The Golden Dozen #91 (4) by Stephen Tall
  LDV readers say: keep the BBC licence fee (16) by Stephen Tall
  Osborne set to announce fuel tax increases (16) by Mark Pack
18th  Danny Alexander writes… Help us win the battle of ideas! (3) by Danny Alexander MP
  Reasons to be optimistic about turnout (6) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: The Economy Game (17) by David Allen
  Pilot of ID Cards may cause pilot strike (6) by Richard Huzzey
19th  Clegg proposes ‘government bank’ (27) by Mark Pack
  PMQs: Nick tackles Gordon on bank lending and bonuses (2) by Alix Mortimer
  What should Gordon do – go now, or hold on? (12) by Stephen Tall
  Government department in ‘no lost memory sticks’ shocker (3) by Helen Duffett
  Who do you think’s the best political journalist in Britain? (4) by Stephen Tall
  NEW: November LDV members’ survey now live (0) by Stephen Tall
  Olbermann on California’s Proposition 8 (4) by Richard Huzzey
20th  “The Tories have chosen this moment to self-destruct” (13) by Mark Pack
  What do social workers think should happen following the death of Baby P? (3) by Mark Pack
  Robert Peston on the state of the economy (1) by Mark Pack
  Nick Clegg: finding information on the internet (4) by Mark Pack
  LDVUSA: Presidential Prediction competition results (OFFICIAL) (3) by Stephen Tall
  In Waltham Forest: ‘Lib Dem fury over sex slur leaflets’ (13) by The Voice
  Business welcome for Clegg’s ‘government bank’ proposal (1) by Stephen Tall
  Forums off for a bit (0) by Ryan Cullen
  BBC Question Time: open thread and live-blog (6) by Stephen Tall
21st  Spoilt ballot papers, US-style (6) by Mark Pack
  Vince Cable endorsed by business leaders (2) by Helen Duffett
  HM Treasury admits it doesn’t know how much money it’s spending: encore (8) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: Welcome to Nursery Britain (252) by Matt Michael
  CommentIsLinked@LDV: Bridget Fox – ‘It’s Brown, not Islington’s workers, who deserves a P45’ (1) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: Because BNP members have rights too (43) by Hywel Morgan
22nd  Met Police accused of breaking the law – but it’s probably good news (3) by Mark Pack
  Watford Conservatives to usher in new candidate? (0) by Helen Duffett
  The Independent View: The hole we are in and how to get out of it (10) by Lucy Parsons
  Opinion: The BNP membership list and the lessons for Lib Dems (32) by Simon Titley
23rd  Yet another Conservative MEP in expenses trouble (2) by The Voice
  Absent Conservative peers assist Labour in Lords votes (1) by Mark Pack
  Top of the Blogs: The Golden Dozen #92 (1) by Stephen Tall
24th  LibDemBlogs gets a Welsh version (0) by Mark Pack
  The VAT cut and higher-rate income tax increase: what will be the impact? (8) by Stephen Tall
  Finance and economics: what we have learned, and what still needs to be done – part 1 (9) by Tim Leunig
  Pre-Budget Report – the live(ish) blog (27) by Alix Mortimer
  Pre-budget report: Lib Dem reaction so far (2) by Stephen Tall
  LDV members’ survey (1): big yes to tax cuts in recession (0) by Stephen Tall
  NEW POLL: what do you make of the Pre-Budget Report? (8) by Stephen Tall
25th  Which country bans election candidates from updating homepages and blogs during an election campaign? (3) by Mark Pack
  Finance and economics: what we have learned, and what still needs to be done – part 2 (3) by Tim Leunig
  Is major change on the way for Ordnance Survey? (1) by Mark Pack
  LDV readers say: Narrow yes to presumed consent for organ donations (0) by Stephen Tall
  LDV’s Welsh Lib Dem leadership platform (0) by Stephen Tall
  Clegg on the economy, the perils of frankness, and Rich Tea biscuits… (0) by Alix Mortimer
  Kirsty Williams AM: why I want to lead the Welsh Liberal Democrats (0) by Kirsty Williams AM
  Symantec, the BBC and hype: an tale of how not to report online crime (2) by Mark Pack
  Neil Trafford passes away (44) by The Voice
  LDV members’ survey (2): what you think are the most important issues facing the UK (3) by Stephen Tall
  Labour tax policy in chaos following publication of plans to increase VAT (9) by Mark Pack
26th  Finance and economics: what we have learned, and what still needs to be done – part 3 (13) by Tim Leunig
  Tessa Jowell: five office redecorations in six years (1) by Mark Pack
  Lack of men in childcare denies young children role models – Clegg (7) by Mark Pack
  PMQs: Nick tackles Gordon on fairness in the tax system (1) by Alix Mortimer
  Lib Dig Pig #1 (0) by James Graham
  Political party borrowing: prepare for a round of misreporting (1) by Mark Pack
  Jenny Randerson AM: why I want to lead the Welsh Liberal Democrats (2) by Jenny Randerson
  Conservatives join Labour in blocking vote on Pre-Budget Report (2) by The Voice
  LDV members’ survey (3): the party presidential election (0) by Stephen Tall
  Joseph Rowntree Reform Trust publishes details of planned donations to the Liberal Democrats (0) by The Voice
27th  Top Conservatives fall out over waste collection policies (2) by The Voice
  Finance and economics: what we have learned, and what still needs to be done – part 4 (17) by Tim Leunig
  Support your local pub (if you’ve still got one) (9) by Don Foster MP
  Political party borrowing: here comes the misreporting (0) by Mark Pack
  Starbucks to use only Fairtrade coffee in Britain (9) by Helen Duffett
  “This economic crisis could drag on for a decade” – Vince Cable (4) by Mark Pack
  Damian Green arrested by police (21) by Mark Pack
  Question Time open thread (3) by Alex Foster
28th  The party’s policy process needs you! (5) by The Voice
  Chris Huhne “shocked and astonished” by Damian Green’s arrest (7) by Mark Pack
  Finance and economics: what we have learned, and what still needs to be done – part 5 (2) by Tim Leunig
  Anonymity and criminal justice (5) by Antony Hook
  Damian Green’s arrest: Nick Clegg’s reaction (16) by Mark Pack
  CommentIsLinked@LDV: Bridget Fox – ‘Damian Green case shows we are taking freedom of information for granted’ (0) by Stephen Tall
  Brown found guilty (22) by Alex Foster
  Catchup, 28th November (1) by Alex Foster
29th  Damian Green arrest: Gordon Brown “knew nothing” (3) by Helen Duffett
  LDV members’ survey (4): why are the Lib Dems not doing better in the opinion polls? (7) by Stephen Tall
  Conservatives at odds over Heathrow third runway (1) by Helen Duffett
  Finance and economics: what we have learned, and what still needs to be done – part 6 (11) by Tim Leunig
  David Howarth: ID cards are bad news for Cambridge (1) by Helen Duffett
  Nick Clegg on Damian Green’s arrest (3) by Mark Pack
  Lib Dem Riso Monkey’s Guide to Launching your e-Campaign (1) by Lib Dem Riso Monkey
30th  The most chaotic policy announcement of the week: David Cameron on pensions (7) by Mark Pack
  Number applying for crisis loans leaps by 40% (0) by Mark Pack
  LDV members’ survey (5): when you think the next general election will be (and what you think will happen) (0) by Stephen Tall
  The best start for children, the best deal for families (27) by Susan Kramer
  Shadow cabinet reshuffle leaked… by Nick Clegg (allegedly) (156) by Stephen Tall
  Top of the Blogs: The Golden Dozen #93 (0) by Stephen Tall

Recent Comments

  • Mark ValladaresMark Valladares
    @ Nigel, Absolutely, enabling greater flexibility for employees (within reason) will instil greater loyalty to employers, aid in recruitment and retention, a...
  • Jonathan Calder
    We should certainly start talking about industrial democracy again and cooperatives too, but there remains an important role for trade unions in defending peopl...
  • David Warren
    @DavidSymonds is right, we need to be championing industrial democracy which was a key part of Liberal Party policy in the past. As for trade unions having s...
  • Paul R
    @Neil H - Yes, people do have officially issued government ID in many of those countries. It is not however mandatory for them to carry it in all such countries...
  • Jennie
    Oooo another member of the Jennie Club...