Monthly Archives: May 2008

1st  Opinion: How to drive public value in the NHS (3) by Helen Rainbow
  Has Boris Johonson chosen polling day to bury bad news? (3) by Mark Pack
  LDV local election competition – the scores on the doors (1) by Stephen Tall
  Online buzz and the London Mayor election: final figures showing Paddick getting the most positive coverage (3) by Mark Pack
  BBC Question Time: open thread (37) by Stephen Tall
  Lib Dem highlights from tonight’s ICM/Newsnight poll (0) by Mark Pack
  Election highlights (34) by The Voice
2nd  Liverpool: here’s the party’s story (5) by The Voice
  Elections news, part 2 (3) by The Voice
  The BBC election results coverage (22) by Mark Pack
  So, how’s the party done? (10) by Mark Pack
  Friday election results news (16) by The Voice
  Meanwhile, in other news… (1) by Mark Pack
  Election results: our afternoon thread (12) by The Voice
  The LDV election verdict: a good night for the Lib Dems (22) by Stephen Tall
3rd  Election results: London and looking to the general election (21) by Mark Pack
  Brian Paddick’s verdict (34) by Mark Pack
4th  Top of the Blogs: The Golden Dozen #63 (5) by Ryan Cullen
  Edward Timpson (107) by Mark Pack
  The curious case of Iain Dale and the truncated news release (46) by Mark Pack
5th  Eat less meat! (24) by Alexis Rowell
6th  A striking political use of Facebook in Lebanon (0) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: A performance to be proud of, but not to settle for (45) by Neale Upstone
  Opinion: what the Lib Dems should be doing about child poverty (55) by Linda Jack
  Local elections: further post-results analysis (1) by Mark Pack
  Tributes to Richard Holme (5) by The Voice
  Nick Clegg’s Crewe & Nantwich video message (4) by The Voice
7th  Opinion: Apathy in the UK (28) by Martin Turner
  Congratulations to Camden (4) by Mark Pack
  Hillary’s lost – but will she concede? (12) by Stephen Tall
  PMQs: Nick tackles Gordon on the 10p tax-con (9) by Stephen Tall
8th  The view from Wales: Lib Dems resurgent (8) by Peter Black AM
  German announces resignation as Welsh Lib Dem leader (0) by Stephen Tall
  Henley by-election: HQ opens Friday (0) by The Voice
  Opinion: Breaking the cycle (0) by Darrell Goodliffe
  Tributes to Ray Michie (6) by The Voice
  Chris Huhne on the politics of public behaviour (0) by Stephen Tall
  BBC Question Time: open thread (24) by Stephen Tall
9th  NEW POLL: what will be the result of the next general election? (20) by Stephen Tall
  How close is Labour to going bankrupt? (4) by Mark Pack
  Hip hip hooray, it’s the return of my favourite Conservative election fairytale (3) by Mark Pack
  Today’s Conservative councillor in trouble story, and it’s odder than most (16) by Mark Pack
  Crewe neck-and-neck sweater?* (1) by Stephen Tall
10th  Hillary’s ‘What Ifs’ (2) by Stephen Tall
  Does Labour think it is losing the debate on ID cards? (UPDATED) (10) by Mark Pack
  A quick report on how it’s going in Crewe and Nantwich (24) by Hilary Stephenson
  Joan Ryan’s website (5) by Mark Pack
11th  How is Boris Johnson doing as London Mayor? (15) by Mark Pack
  Labour axe five councillors in female candidates row (3) by Mark Pack
  Why did Kirklees Council pay for this letter promoting a Labour candidate? (15) by Mark Pack
12th  Conservatives troubles in Crewe & Nantwich (5) by Mark Pack
  Clegg outlines Liberal Democrat approach to City tax loopholes (7) by Mark Pack
  Compose Dubya’s epitaph, and win a book! (18) by The Voice
  Do Lib Dems ask too much of our candidates? (25) by Stephen Tall
  The Derek Conway saga rides again (0) by Mark Pack
  Top of the Blogs: The Golden Dozen #64 (2) by Stephen Tall
13th  Labour election leaflet unveils anti-foreigner shift in ID cards policy (9) by Mark Pack
  “A New Deal for the City: Liberal Democrat Proposals” reviewed (15) by Tim Leunig
  Labour Party splits into two in Doncaster (10) by Mark Pack
  Conservative MP uses Parliamentary expenses to promote by-election candidate (6) by Mark Pack
  London Elects admits: we failed to add up all the votes (9) by Mark Pack
  And the winner is… (1) by Stephen Tall
  How you can back Lib Dem David Howarth’s campaign for Fixed Term Parliaments (1) by Stephen Tall
  Vince on Labour’s 10p tax-con U-turn (3) by Stephen Tall
  One statistic to remember about today’s 10p tax rate announcements (15) by Mark Pack
14th  Liberal Lords a-blogging (0) by Jake Holland
  An audience with Nick Clegg (90) by Laurence Boyce
  Whitehall gossip (10) by The Voice
  More London election errors: the results have the wrong number of wards (7) by Mark Pack
  Conservative councillor joins the Liberal Democrats (6) by Mark Pack
  The other significant American election news (4) by Mark Pack
15th  Conservative by-election campaign runs into a spot of legal bother (7) by Mark Pack
  Nottingham Lib Dems vote for a congestion charge (5) by Alex Foster
  Our growing local government strength in Wales (0) by Mark Pack
  David Howarth on fixed term Parliaments (0) by Mark Pack
  A new way to decide who to vote for (14) by Mark Pack
  More sad news (1) by Alex Foster
  BBC Question Time: open thread (8) by Stephen Tall
16th  Eleven Conservative Shadow Ministers benefited from secret donations, including Grant Shapps (18) by Mark Pack
  Northampton North: Conservative candidate quits, then he doesn’t (2) by Mark Pack
  The councillor from Spain: an update (0) by Mark Pack
  Senior Conservative tells porkies to the Financial Times (5) by Mark Pack
17th  Would it be better for Labour to win or lose in Crewe & Nantwich? (1) by Mark Pack
  Something for the Weekend: We didn’t start the fire (7) by Will Howells
  Money, money, money (UPDATED) (1) by Mark Pack
18th  Weekly catchup 5th-11th May (0) by Alex Foster
  Cherie Blair and Princess Margaret (6) by Mark Pack
  Conservative Euro-MPs slammed over expense claims (0) by Mark Pack
  US electoral fact of the day (4) by Mark Pack
19th  Weekly catchup 12th-18th May (0) by Alex Foster
  DLT: Distributism (13) by Dictionary of Liberal Thought
  First tea for two winners (3) by The Voice
  Lib Dems break silence on ‘Hung Parliament’ (114) by Stephen Tall
  Top of the Blogs: The Golden Dozen #65 (0) by Stephen Tall
  That Telegraph story: true or false (or somewhere inbetween)? (24) by Stephen Tall
20th  Gordon Brown leaves Treasury, stress levels drop (0) by Mark Pack
  Parliament is little more than a bizarre theme park (6) by Mark Pack
  Signs of a disintegrating government, no.12 (0) by Mark Pack
  Simon Hughes in Crewe and Nantwich (0) by Mark Pack
  Labour and Tories veto Lib Dem fixed-term elections bill (1) by Stephen Tall
  NEW POLL: Do you believe in term-limits? (25) by Stephen Tall
21st  The reaction to Nick Clegg’s speech on taxation (22) by Alix Mortimer
  The Independent View: Foreign intervention should be supported by liberals (46) by Daniel Furr
  PMQs: Nick tackles Gordon on Afghanistan (3) by Stephen Tall
  How Lib Dem MPs voted in the abortion debate (38) by Stephen Tall
  Conservatives face legal investigation over by-election campaign (8) by Mark Pack
22nd  Labour peer cleared of deliberate misconduct, but questions remain over inquiry (5) by Mark Pack
  Crewe and Nantwich by-election: open (speculation) thread (27) by Stephen Tall
  BBC Question Time: open thread (7) by Stephen Tall
  And Tim Parker makes it five (2) by Mark Pack
23rd  Crewe & Nantwich: what the result is looking like (14) by The Voice
  Crewe and Nantwich result (43) by Mark Pack
  What does Crewe mean for the Lib Dems? (32) by Stephen Tall
  Event alert: Survival and Revival, 1945–1979 (14th June) (2) by Duncan Brack
  BBC left hand, meet BBC right hand (1) by Mark Pack
24th  Diana Wallis slams MEP expenses reform (6) by Mark Pack
  BBC apologises for misleading political comments from Jeremy Clarkson (32) by Mark Pack
  What Would Tony Do? (20) by Stephen Tall
25th  Labour’s leadership problems (8) by Mark Pack
  Something for the Weekend: Town Called Malice (12) by Will Howells
26th  Lessons from May’s elections (44) by Lynne Featherstone
  Stephen Kearney’s Henley campaign HQ opens (0) by The Voice
27th  Why Liberal Democrats should change their tune on elected mayors (25) by Dorothy Thornhill
  Labour councillor and Parliamentary candidate switches to Liberal Democrats (6) by Mark Pack
28th  County Council Elections 2009: Let’s stop this electoral manipulation now! (28) by Martin Land
  There’s a whiff of insurrection in the air (1) by Mark Pack
  Norman Baker calls for independent parking regulator (14) by Mark Pack
  Conservatives split over selection of Henley by-election candidate (54) by Mark Pack
29th  Is the Labour Party about to go bust? (7) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: The great embryo debate (51) by Laurence Boyce
  Labour and Conservatives set to abandon green policies (5) by Mark Pack
  Top of the Blogs: The Golden Dozen #66 (0) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: Winning where? (25) by Kevin Stevenson
  BBC Question Time: open thread (12) by Stephen Tall
  How a leaked Gordon Brown email contradicts Tony McNulty (4) by Mark Pack
30th  Conservative Party continues European cover-up (1) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: A Toast To Protest (116) by Leo Watkins
  Sir Keith Park: Boris Johnson says one thing before election, does the opposite after (4) by Mark Pack
  A touch of farce enters the Conservative Henley selection (9) by Mark Pack
  Doncaster update: Labour expels Mayor (2) by Mark Pack
  John Howell selected by Conservatives for Henley by-election (9) by Mark Pack
31st  Boris Johnson’s record so far (updated) (5) by Mark Pack
  Growth of the surveillance state (3) by Mark Pack
  Labour u-turns on healthy meals at schools (4) by Mark Pack
  Delayed news from Derby: Labour and the fake quotes (3) by Mark Pack

Recent Comments

  • Mark ValladaresMark Valladares
    @ Nigel, Absolutely, enabling greater flexibility for employees (within reason) will instil greater loyalty to employers, aid in recruitment and retention, a...
  • Jonathan Calder
    We should certainly start talking about industrial democracy again and cooperatives too, but there remains an important role for trade unions in defending peopl...
  • David Warren
    @DavidSymonds is right, we need to be championing industrial democracy which was a key part of Liberal Party policy in the past. As for trade unions having s...
  • Paul R
    @Neil H - Yes, people do have officially issued government ID in many of those countries. It is not however mandatory for them to carry it in all such countries...
  • Jennie
    Oooo another member of the Jennie Club...