Monthly Archives: March 2008

1st  Can you save your local Post Office? (22) by Mark Pack
  Send in your Golden Dozen nominations (0) by Stephen Tall
  How big does the pupil premium need to be? (33) by Tim Leunig
2nd  The day Ming told Charles his office was a “f****** shambles” (and other stories) (1) by Stephen Tall
  NEW POLL: Could a job-share leadership work? (17) by Stephen Tall
  A personal view: A Political Child (0) by Martin Veart
  Something for the Weekend: I feel the earth move (4) by Will Howells
3rd  Opinion: Happy birthday, 20 years on (8) by Chris Rennard
  Weekly Catchup 25th Feb – 2nd Mar (0) by Alex Foster
  LibDemVoice at Lib Dem Conference (9) by Alex Foster
  Voters back Clegg over Cameron on Europe by 2:1 (6) by Mark Pack
  iwantareferendum: are they censoring their own poll or have they made up the results? (6) by Mark Pack
  A new member looks forward to shaping a new agenda (5) by Darrell Goodliffe
  Top of the Blogs: The Golden Dozen #54 (18) by Stephen Tall
  Ken Clarke slams David Cameron (2) by Mark Pack
  The 72 Tory MPs who opposed Euro treaty referendum (and the 7 Lib Dems who supported it) (1) by Stephen Tall
4th  NHS waiting times have increased under Labour (2) by Mark Pack
  Future party policies – your chance to shape them (2) by Jeremy Hargreaves
  Your chance to shape Lib Dem policy on… Security (5) by Jeremy Hargreaves
  Confirmed: I Want A Referendum DID pull a fast one on poll results (7) by Mark Pack
  Top London Conservative backs Brian Paddick (5) by Mark Pack
  Lee Jasper quits (3) by Mark Pack
  The Elephant Interviews… Ed Davey (1) by Millennium Elephant
  Paul Zukowskyj selected for Welwyn Hatfield (0) by The Voice
5th  Kramer and Heath walk out of Lib Dem shadow cabinet meeting (UPDATED) (32) by Stephen Tall
  Podcast: interview with Colin Eldridge (0) by Alex Foster
  Liverpool drinks – the answer (1) by Alex Foster
  Opinion: We need to be serious in opposition as well as in government (1) by Martin Veart
  See the new Brian Paddick tabloid here (5) by The Voice
  Three Lib Dems quit front bench over Lisbon Treaty referendum (7) by Stephen Tall
  Newsflash: 13 rebels (24) by Alex Foster
  PMQs: Nick tackles Gordon on Europe (2) by Stephen Tall
  We name the 13 (39) by Alex Foster
6th  Opinion: What’s the point of the Party President? (7) by Andy Strange
  Bring a leaflet to Liverpool (1) by The Voice
  Clegg calls for US-style recall system for discredited MPs (29) by Mark Pack
  Cameron suffers biggest revolt of leadership (oh, and some thoughts on the Lib Dems, too) (7) by Stephen Tall
  Meanwhile, in other policy news… (6) by Mark Pack
  BBC Question Time: open thread (83) by Stephen Tall
  Ken Livingstone and the police: can you help? (2) by Mark Pack
7th  Lords reform one year on (0) by Baroness Ros Scott
  London by-elections: what does 2008 tell us so far? (7) by Mark Pack
  The Liverpool Arena does have a roof (1) by Alex Foster
  Nick Harvey introduces… Forces Focus (2) by Nick Harvey
  News from Nick (3) by Alex Foster
  Diary of a Conference Virgin (aged 29 1/4): Thursday (13) by Alix Mortimer
8th  Opinion: Better health = a more equal society (1) by Duncan Brack
  User Generated Content (0) by Alex Foster
  Liverpool Arena: first impressions (2) by Alex Foster
  Martin Kettle: why the Lib Dems matter (2) by Stephen Tall
  News from the daily sheets (1) by George Crozier
  Send in your Golden Dozen nominations (0) by Stephen Tall
  Warm reception for Vince (7) by Alex Foster
  Nick Clegg on a moped (1) by The Voice
  Legal Aid debate (2) by Joe Otten
  Saturday conference diary: Lynne Featherstone (0) by The Voice
  Diary of a Conference Virgin (aged 29 1/6*): Friday (5) by Alix Mortimer
  Programme alert: ‘A Marriage Made in Portsmouth’ – 9pm tonight (5) by Stephen Tall
  Alan Beith’s longevity (2) by Alex Foster
  The Red Book (0) by Alex Foster
  Sam Coates covers conference (1) by The Voice
  The sclerotic defence (5) by Mark Pack
9th  Campaign for Gender Balance Blog Awards (0) by Alex Foster
  Diary of a Conference Virgin (aged 29 1/6): Saturday (0) by Alix Mortimer
  Illegal abductions (0) by Mark Pack
  Leader’s Speech: Open Thread (21) by Alex Foster
  Diary of a Conference Virgin (aged 29 1/6): Saturday part deux (9) by Alix Mortimer
  Glee Club podcast (6) by Alex Foster
  Something for the Weekend: Long-haired lover from Liverpool (0) by Will Howells
  Round up of conference blogs (5) by Alex Foster
  CGB Blog awards – full coverage (6) by Alex Foster
10th  Opinion: The issue is not faith schools but freedom of conscience (190) by Joe Otten
  Weekly Catchup 3rd – 9th March (0) by Alex Foster
  DLT: Joseph Rowntree Reform Trust Limited (3) by Dictionary of Liberal Thought
  Open Thread: your views on Liverpool (27) by Alex Foster
  Opinion: The Budget – an opportunity for a new approach to fiscal policy (19) by Elizabeth Truss and Lucy Parsons
  Another podcast hotline punter (0) by Alex Foster
  Diary of a Conference Jade (aged a great deal): Saturday Night and Sunday Morning (3) by Alix Mortimer
11th  Top of the Blogs: The Golden Dozen #55 (5) by Stephen Tall
  Introducing local income tax in Scotland (11) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: Right to rebel (14) by Darrell Goodliffe
  Police make their first arrest in City Hall funding scandal (0) by Mark Pack
  Voters want double Euro referendum – Times poll (7) by Stephen Tall
12th  Sloan ranges to the Tories (UPDATED) (3) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: A movement for peace (12) by Darrell Goodliffe
  Feed your appetite for information (0) by Mark Pack
  London Lib Dem conference (0) by Denys Robinson
  What to make of the budget? (6) by The Voice
  Conservatives kick out one of their own MPs (UPDATED) (9) by Mark Pack
  Live blogging political polling call by ICM (3) by Mark Pack
13th  Get an extra link for your website (3) by Mark Pack
  The truth about Shirley Williams and Europe (0) by Mark Pack
  Hold the front page! Major Budget news found buried in small print (0) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: Why I would swear no oath (10) by Darrell Goodliffe
  Opinion: Tories changing? Not at all (19) by Christopher Leslie
  Nick Clegg: cut the number of MPs by 150 (30) by Mark Pack
  QT’s pro-Tory bias: the BBC replies to Lib Dem Voice (24) by Stephen Tall
  Enhanced Facebook presence for Lib Dems (5) by Alex Foster
  BBC Question Time: open thread (5) by Stephen Tall
14th  Your Chance to Get Involved in The Elephant Interviews… 100 Days of Mr Clogg! (8) by Millennium Elephant
  Your chance to question Nick Clegg (0) by Mark Pack
  Should those who set UK laws also be UK taxpayers? (UPDATED) (2) by Mark Pack
  Susan Kramer writes… “the fight on Heathrow expansion is far from over” (18) by Susan Kramer
15th  Our correspondent in Scotland: Minority Report (8) by Alex Cole-Hamilton
  Send in your Golden Dozen nominations (0) by Stephen Tall
  Another two Conservative flops in London by-elections (13) by Mark Pack
16th  The financial crisis: who is to blame? (6) by Mark Pack
  Criminals of the future? Police call for children’s DNA to be stored (113) by Alix Mortimer
  Something for the Weekend: On and on and on (0) by Will Howells
  Developer gave secret donation to Ken Livingstone (1) by Mark Pack
17th  Local elections 2008: a preview (18) by Harry Hayfield
  A brace of family tales (0) by Mark Pack
  Weekly Catchup 10th – 16th March (0) by Alex Foster
  Release the liberals! (12) by Alix Mortimer
  Vince Cable shines again (2) by Mark Pack
  Last call – members’ newsletter draw (0) by Alex Foster
  Top of the Blogs: The Golden Dozen #56 (1) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: The polls show there’s all to play for (17) by Martin Land
18th  Chuka Umunna: it’s not a question about Obama (8) by Mark Pack
  Your chance to shape Lib Dem policy on… Transport (1) by Jeremy Hargreaves
  Would you like to be President of the Liberal Democrats? (8) by The Voice
  The Great Tax Debate: Clegg v Cameron? (5) by Linda Jack
  Conservative councillor convicted of voting fraud, plus minor exclusive (67) by Mark Pack
  Livingstone launches campaign; police make third arrest (3) by Mark Pack
19th  Opinion: Not so happy birthday (4) by Darrell Goodliffe
  Obama’s speech on race (10) by Stephen Tall
  PMQs: Nick tackles Gordon on the Gurkhas and Iraq (2) by Stephen Tall
20th  Post Office closures – Labour majority slashed as 11 Tories go AWOL (9) by Stephen Tall
  Five years on… (1) by Stephen Tall
  Has Labour passed the point of no return? (6) by Stephen Tall
  Axe Parliament’s YouTube ban (5) by Mark Pack
21st  Liberal Democrats gain Vassall from Labour (9) by Mark Pack
  Conway not to face police probe – because proper records not kept (6) by Mark Pack
  How bad will the credit crunch get? (11) by Mark Pack
  David Cameron’s brush with the law (16) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: A Dutch take on Gurkha citizenship (3) by Bernard Aris
22nd Watch Paddick (7) by Richard Huzzey
  Will Labour allow a free vote on embryo bill? (39) by Stephen Tall
  Lynne the twitterer (21) by Alex Foster
  How online are British MPs? (6) by Mark Pack
  How ten years has changed them (3) by Alex Foster
23rd  Top of the Blogs: The Golden Dozen #57 (1) by Stephen Tall
24th  Weekly Catchup 17th-23rd March (0) by Alex Foster
  MPs for sale? (3) by Mark Pack
  Living up to the “wired” reputation (2) by Alex Foster
  Rochdale Lib Dems call for Euro-referendum (0) by Alex Foster
  How green are the Conservatives? (23) by Mark Pack
  Labour warms to electoral reform (13) by The Voice
  New poll: Human Fertilisation and Embryology Bill (37) by Mark Pack
25th  Brian Paddick’s autobiography is out (2) by Mark Pack
  How’s your campaign going? (4) by Alex Foster
  Nick Clegg launches Liberal Youth (21) by Alex Foster
  Dragging Parliament into the C.21st – how you can help… (1) by Stephen Tall
  Is Cornwall a region? (15) by The Voice
  Opinion: Pulpit politics (104) by Darrell Goodliffe
  What will convince Hillary to drop out? (5) by Stephen Tall
26th  Opinion: I wonder why Labour is warming to electoral reform? (27) by Harry Hayfield
  Conservative councillor in mandatory sterilisation uproar quits (29) by Mark Pack
  I’m a mad scientist apparently (6) by Mark Pack
  Paddick doubles lead in PinkNews poll (8) by Mark Pack
  Linda Jack on Nick’s first 100 days (3) by Linda Jack
  PMQs: Nick tackles Gordon on home repossessions (1) by Stephen Tall
27th  Martin Land on Nick’s first 100 days (5) by Martin Land
  Clegg calls for MPs’ expenses to be published (UPDATED) (9) by Mark Pack
  Now a Tory councillor wants euthansia for children in care (UPDATED) (18) by Mark Pack
  New top secret Green Party campaign technique exposed (0) by Mark Pack
  Mary Reid on Nick’s first 100 days (0) by Mary Reid
28th  Your chance to shape Lib Dem policy on… the UK’s response to Globalisation (13) by Jeremy Hargreaves
  Are we making the most of blogging? (25) by Lynne Featherstone
  Further to this week’s PMQs on housing repossessions… (2) by Alix Mortimer
  Paul Walter on Nick’s first 100 days (9) by Paul Walter
  A look back at the polls: March (5) by Stephen Tall
29th  What’s happened to the Conservative candidate for Lambeth & Southwark? (4) by The Voice
  Official: Vote Green, Get Brown (64) by Peter David
  Opinion: Divert resources away from fighting terrorism (16) by Iain Roberts
30th  Opinion: To boycott or not to boycott… (10) by Darrell Goodliffe
  Blogging and campaigning: the more things change… (7) by Andy Mayer
  Top of the Blogs: The Dirty Dozen #3 (9) by Jonathan Calder
31st  Weekly Catchup 24th-30th March (3) by Alex Foster
  Brian Paddick to hold Twitter interview (4) by The Voice
  Top of the Blogs: The Golden Dozen #58 (2) by Stephen Tall

Recent Comments

  • Mark ValladaresMark Valladares
    @ Nigel, Absolutely, enabling greater flexibility for employees (within reason) will instil greater loyalty to employers, aid in recruitment and retention, a...
  • Jonathan Calder
    We should certainly start talking about industrial democracy again and cooperatives too, but there remains an important role for trade unions in defending peopl...
  • David Warren
    @DavidSymonds is right, we need to be championing industrial democracy which was a key part of Liberal Party policy in the past. As for trade unions having s...
  • Paul R
    @Neil H - Yes, people do have officially issued government ID in many of those countries. It is not however mandatory for them to carry it in all such countries...
  • Jennie
    Oooo another member of the Jennie Club...