Monthly Archives: April 2008

1st  Opinion: Ditch PR in favour of weighted votes (60) by Laurence Boyce
  EXCLUSIVE: Labour’s new family and immigration policies revealed (4) by The Voice
  Dear Labour MP: will you be listening to what the Director of Public Prosecutions has to say? (0) by Mark Pack
  What’s the question to which Nick answered “No more than 30.” (13) by The Voice
  Nick Clegg supports the “Free Our bills” campaign (0) by Mark Pack
  Another Twitter first? (0) by Mark Pack
  Labour kicks out Rochdale councillor (5) by Mark Pack
2nd  Debating policy at federal conference: give us your views! (11) by Duncan Brack
  Two Labour members in trouble, three Labour councillors happy, one piece of election law looking controversial (12) by Mark Pack
  Double racism row hits the Conservatives (13) by Mark Pack
  Gay-friendliest party (14) by Alex Foster
  Interesting things about Brian Paddick (1) by Alex Foster
  Today’s PMQs (7) by Alex Foster
3rd  Vince not pleased with Queen rebuff (25) by Alex Foster
  Clegg interviewed (0) by Alex Foster
  Labour MPs “dismayed” at the effects of Labour tax policy (22) by Alix Mortimer
  Newsletter competition (3) by Alex Foster
  Paddick on dope (3) by Alex Foster
4th  I think it’s safe to say this will be one of the political quotes of the year (0) by Mark Pack
  How to fix an election, Conservative Party style (10) by Mark Pack
  How well are the Conservatives doing online? (3) by Mark Pack
  Olympics: Clegg urges boycott / Lib Dems to join Sunday protest (6) by Mark Pack
  What would you do if… (0) by Mark Pack
5th  The latest threat to personal data (3) by Alex Foster
  Yesterday’s Paddick news (2) by Alex Foster
  So, who are the 30? (14) by Alex Foster
6th  How to survive uninterested times (8) by Darrell Goodliffe
  Twitter is working for Paddick (0) by Alex Foster
  Unexpected Facebook consequences (9) by Alex Foster
  Something for the Weekend: Country House (0) by Will Howells
  An unusual choice of footage BBC News 24 (0) by Mark Pack
  Oh, dear God, no, not again (15) by Alex Foster
  Top of the Blogs: Golden Dozen #59 (0) by Alex Foster
7th  Weekly Catchup 31 March – 6th April (0) by Alex Foster
  Development agencies (4) by Susan Gaszczak
  NEW POLL: who would you give your second preference to in the London mayoral race? (63) by Stephen Tall
  Evan slams Cilla’s psychic phone line (14) by Stephen Tall
  Watch: Duwayne Brooks backs Brian Paddick (0) by Mark Pack
8th  Brian Paddick has a new website (4) by The Voice
  The unexpected benefits of an onlineFOCUS (6) by Chris Black
  Three Labour members jailed for vote-rigging (9) by Mark Pack
  A century ago today… (12) by Stephen Tall
  A belated welcome to Politics Home (4) by Stephen Tall
  Lib Dem voters: Thatcher is greatest post-war PM (3) by Stephen Tall
  On the streets: Brian Paddick’s election broadcast (3) by Mark Pack
  Losing the base (1) by Alex Foster
  Opinion: The real saboteurs (1) by Darrell Goodliffe
  Highlights from the Newsnight London Mayor debate (17) by Mark Pack
9th  Liberal Democrats cut crime: local elections broadcast (0) by Will Howells
  Soldiers amongst the low paid who lose out (14) by Alex Foster
  Boris Johnson: three people have the same idea (0) by Mark Pack
10th  Top Lib Dem media tarts: Dec 2007 – Feb 2008 (4) by Stephen Tall
  High Court rules against Government over Al Yamamah (3) by Mark Pack
  When is a boycott not a boycott? (6) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: Why I will be giving Livingstone my second choice – and why it grates (83) by Peter David
  The Gang of Four ride again… (5) by Mark Pack
11th  Slough electoral fraud update (UPDATED) (4) by Mark Pack
  Olympics: Clegg calls for Torch to skip Tibet (0) by Mark Pack
  Labour councillor in sacking row over Liberal Democrat nurse (9) by Mark Pack
  An unusual Conservative defection (0) by Mark Pack
  Wareham goes gold (3) by The Voice
12th  Brian Paddick’s Diary next week (1) by Alex Foster
  Clegg does the culture clinic (4) by The Voice
  Doctors back Lib Dem MP’s call for drink measures choice (19) by The Voice
  Labour and Tories: united in blocking corruption investigations (20) by Stephen Tall
13th  Comings, goings (10) by The Voice
  How not to report an opinion poll (2) by Mark Pack
  Why Gordon Brown is reminding me more and more of John Major (5) by Mark Pack
  Is the terror threat to Britain growing? (4) by Mark Pack
  Ed Balls bans journalists from his website (13) by Mark Pack
  Top of the Blogs: The Golden Dozen #60 (1) by Stephen Tall
14th  Weekly catchup 7th-13th April (0) by Alex Foster
  DLT: Henry David Thoreau 1817–62 (5) by Dictionary of Liberal Thought
  Opinion: A new way to look at MPs’ second homes (14) by Susan Gaszczak
  NEW POLL: should deaf couples be able to select deaf babies? (33) by Stephen Tall
  Is this the explanation for Labour’s plunging poll figures? (5) by Stephen Tall
  Conservatives say they’ve had £150,000 stolen (4) by Mark Pack
15th  Opinion: Why have the Greens fallen out love with of Brown Ken? (48) by Peter David
  Was Nick Clegg a student Tory? (46) by Stephen Tall
16th  Opinion: It is not enough to survive, you have to be worthy of survival (21) by Darrell Goodliffe
  What would you call yourself on the ballot paper? (8) by Mark Pack
  What should be done about the credit crunch? (3) by Mark Pack
  How to crack someone’s computer password (10) by Mark Pack
17th  Opinion: Put your party first… and second… (44) by Andy Mayer
  Today’s prize for journalistic irony… (0) by Mark Pack
  Are you someone? (0) by Alex Foster
  Brian Paddick becomes first UK candidate to use Ustream.TV (0) by Mark Pack
  First Labour resignation over 10p tax rate abolition (8) by Stephen Tall
  When is it right to lose your rag? (1) by Stephen Tall
  BBC Question Time: open thread (18) by Stephen Tall
  Labour MP Gwyneth Dunwoody dies (12) by The Voice
18th  Myth exposed: how many crimes in London are really carried out by foreigners? (1) by Mark Pack
  Exclusive survey for LDV readers – what should Nick Clegg do next…? (13) by Stephen Tall
  They’re not happy in Weston Labour Party… (12) by Mark Pack
  Smithson’s view: Will there be more rubbish from the BBC on May 1st? (3) by Mike Smithson
  Vince writes a letter to George (3) by The Voice
  Rapid u-turning is the new fashion in government (4) by Mark Pack
  Avoiding the “B-word” – or not… (17) by Alex Foster
  Five more junior ministers (2) by Alex Foster
19th  Ed Balls: one announcement, two reasons to apologise (1) by Mark Pack
  Forthcoming event: assessing Asquith’s legacy (5) by Stephen Tall
  How a Conservative employee spread defamatory comments about Ming Campbell (1) by Mark Pack
  Another sign of Labour doom and gloom (4) by Mark Pack
20th  It’s not been a good few days for… (UPDATED) (7) by Mark Pack
  UStream.TV: another first in the bag (1) by Mark Pack
  Vote for your “Night Mayor” (3) by Alex Foster
  One Economist article, two dodgy statistics, one striking omission (2) by Mark Pack
  Charles Clarke lays into Ed Balls (2) by Mark Pack
21st  New LDV competition: predict how the Lib Dems will do on 1st May (34) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: Shifting the unequal state (20) by Elizabeth Truss and Lucy Parsons
  The magical ever-growing recycling rate in Winchester (5) by Mark Pack
22nd  Bob Spink MP joins UKIP (26) by Mark Pack
  The bizarre Olympic budget (6) by Mark Pack
  Should “a dangerously incompetent anaesthetist” be a councillor? (25) by Mark Pack
  Paddick overtakes Livingstone on the internet (2) by Mark Pack
  Is Downing Street safe enough? (7) by Mark Pack
23rd  Weekly Catchup 14-20 April (0) by Alex Foster
  Paddick refutes story in The Times (5) by Mark Pack
  Golden Dozen #61 (0) by Alex Foster
  Paddick writes for Comment is Free (0) by Alex Foster
  Police investigating Conservative campaign in Swansea (5) by Mark Pack
  Police make more arrests in Slough (1) by Mark Pack
  Results of exclusive Lib Dem Voice / Politics Home poll (3) by Stephen Tall
  PMQs: Nick tackles Gordon on the 10p tax con (6) by Stephen Tall
  William Hague has a little trouble with geography (2) by Mark Pack
  Conservative candidate quits following forgery allegations (0) by Mark Pack
24th  Meet Clegg and Paddick next Tuesday (2) by Alex Foster
  Twitter News (3) by Alex Foster
  William Hague isn’t the only one in a bit of geographic bother (0) by Mark Pack
  Boris in trouble, Ken in trouble, new tactical voting guide (3) by Mark Pack
  Dial S for Scandal (16) by Mark Pack
  BBC Question Time – London mayor special: open thread (30) by Stephen Tall
25th  A parliamentary gem (8) by Alex Foster
  Conservative nomination papers in Swansea: police make arrest (4) by Mark Pack
26th  Something for the Weekend: Ticket to ride (1) by Will Howells
27th  One John Rentoul article, two questions (6) by Mark Pack
  Ming for Speaker? (18) by The Voice
  Shouldn’t today’s polls make Conservatives criticise Lord Ashcroft? (UPDATED) (7) by Mark Pack
  Conservative arrested over proxy vote fiddle allegations (8) by Mark Pack
28th  I’m not blogging about Grant Shapps… (6) by Mark Pack
  Should Robert Mugabe keep his honorary knighthood? (1) by Mark Pack
  BBC Election Night 2008… (26) by Alix Mortimer
  Clegg: Labour failing to tackle childcare inequalities (0) by Mark Pack
  Top of the Blogs: The Golden Dozen #62 (1) by Alex Foster
  An ironic footnote to John Rentoul’s article (4) by Mark Pack
29th  Weekly catchup 21st-27th March (0) by Alex Foster
  What’s it really like in prison? (0) by Alex Foster
  Conservative proxy vote scandal widens (5) by Mark Pack
  Two new vids for London (23) by Alex Foster
  Crewe and Nantwich by-election set for 22 May (24) by The Voice
30th  Paddick’s online strategy a success? (13) by Alex Foster
  Rochdale update: Labour councillor faces action over sacking threats (0) by Mark Pack
  Get local election results news by text message (0) by The Voice
  PMQs: Nick tackles Gordon on poverty (2) by Stephen Tall
  Top of the Blogs: The Dirty Dozen #4 (0) by Jonathan Calder
  Opinion: The real 10p tax issue – the right to live and work as we choose (2) by Neale Upstone
  A look back at the polls: April (2) by Stephen Tall
  Good luck to everyone fighting elections (0) by The Voice

Recent Comments

  • Mark ValladaresMark Valladares
    @ Nigel, Absolutely, enabling greater flexibility for employees (within reason) will instil greater loyalty to employers, aid in recruitment and retention, a...
  • Jonathan Calder
    We should certainly start talking about industrial democracy again and cooperatives too, but there remains an important role for trade unions in defending peopl...
  • David Warren
    @DavidSymonds is right, we need to be championing industrial democracy which was a key part of Liberal Party policy in the past. As for trade unions having s...
  • Paul R
    @Neil H - Yes, people do have officially issued government ID in many of those countries. It is not however mandatory for them to carry it in all such countries...
  • Jennie
    Oooo another member of the Jennie Club...