Monthly Archives: October 2008

1st  A look back at the polls: September (19) by Stephen Tall
  Lembit to star in next ‘Celebrity Big Brother’? (44) by The Voice
  One planet living? (9) by Paul Burall
  Nick Clegg calls on Government to guarantee all bank deposits (9) by Mark Pack
  Vince: it looks like the UK’s in recession (6) by The Voice
  LDV still doesn’t do statporn, but if we did… (2) by Stephen Tall
  David Cameron’s speech (25) by The Voice
  David Cameron: he was for the environment before he was against it forgot about it (12) by Stephen Tall
  Eric Pickles apologises for John Prescott bulimia joke (5) by Mark Pack
2nd  How to solve the US’s economic problems: tax breaks for wooden arrows (7) by Mark Pack
  Gays should vote Tory? DELGA responds (17) by Alex Foster
  Are you using the Liberal Democrat extranet? (1) by Mark Pack
  I saw the news today, oh boy (3) by Alex Foster
  Sir Ian Blair (4) by Alex Foster
  Million more in fuel poverty in 2006 (1) by Alex Foster
  Video: Gurkha Justice (0) by The Voice
  Dee Doocey on Sir Ian Blair’s resignation (2) by Helen Duffett
  NEW POLL: is it time for elected police chiefs? (9) by Stephen Tall
  Question time: open thread (93) by Alix Mortimer
3rd  Cabinet reshuffle: like there’s no tomorrow? (6) by Helen Duffett
  Ruth Kelly will not stand at next General Election (5) by Helen Duffett
  Missed the US VP debate? Then here’s 4 easy steps to catch up (2) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: The Granny State (34) by Charlotte Gore
  No Tories on Facebook shocker (1) by The Voice
4th  Lib Dems react to Mandy news (4) by Alex Foster
  Opinion: time to stop taking money from Councils (4) by Alex Foster
  LDV readers say: Miliband would be most effective Labour leader (1) by Stephen Tall
  Huhne: Freedom of speech trumps EU extradition laws (18) by The Voice
  Your views count in LDV’s Golden Dozen (0) by Alex Foster
  Riso Monkey diary… A day in the life of a Lib Dem organiser (12) by Lib Dem Riso Monkey
  A Liberal Mind in Action: Essays in Honour of Richard Holme (0) by The Voice
5th  Clegg’s office (0) by Alex Foster
  The Presidential Platform (1): Chandila Fernando – the troubleshooter (94) by Chandila Fernando
  An ambitious aquatic analogy of British politics from 2008 onwards (5) by Stephen Gillan
  Top of the Blogs: The Golden Dozen #85 (2) by Stephen Tall
  New website: (46) by Ryan Cullen
6th  Weekly catchup 6 Oct (2) by Alex Foster
  The Presidential Platform (1): Ros Scott for President (8) by Baroness Ros Scott
  Ludford’s Law (well, Regulations) (4) by Will Howells
  Is 42 days dead? (12) by Stephen Tall
  Mandelson and Osborne: private should mean private (10) by Stephen Tall
  NEW: LDV members’ October survey now live (7) by Stephen Tall
7th  Boris Johnson on trial after Police Commissioner’s departure (0) by Helen Duffett
  Party like it’s 1987? (1) by Helen Duffett
  The Presidential Platform (1): why you should pick Öpik (17) by Lembit Öpik
  Lib Dem shadow cabinet reshuffle – what’s happened (14) by Stephen Tall
  Stephen Williams speaks out on Lib Dem tuition fees policy (19) by Stephen Tall
  The government’s corruption of the electoral process continues apace (11) by Stephen Tall
8th  LDV Media Moron Watch #4 (5) by Alix Mortimer
  LDV members’ survey (1): reshuffle reaction, and time to bring back Charles, Ming and Paddy! (53) by Stephen Tall
  Do you have a Liberal Democrats Account? (4) by Mark Pack
  Q. How many Liberal Democrats does it take to change a lightbulb? (4) by Alix Mortimer
  PMQs: Poverty and the economy (4) by Alex Foster
9th  LDV members’ survey (2): what you think of the other parties (2) by Stephen Tall
  Clegg in the Indy: Britain needs tax cuts – not just a bank bailout (23) by The Voice
  Exciting times for Welsh Lib Dems (4) by Alex Foster
  Lib Dems lead way on electronic sheep-tagging (3) by The Voice
  Party elections 2008 – who’s standing for what (8) by Stephen Tall
  Because even a stopped clock is right twice a day (1) by Stephen Tall
  BBC Question Time: open thread (10) by Stephen Tall
10th  LDV members’ survey (3): big post-conference boost for Clegg leadership (7) by Stephen Tall
  Clegg: we need global response to global crisis (2) by The Voice
  Who is Oedipus Snark? (5) by Stephen Tall
  Post-turtle – Palin to significance (2) by The Voice
  Is it time for the Tories to ditch George Osborne? (15) by Alix Mortimer
  The Presidential Platform (2): Ros Scott for President (34) by Baroness Ros Scott
11th  Extraordinary McCain video (11) by Alex Foster
  Race officially starts for Welsh Lib Dem leadership (19) by The Voice
  The Atheist Bus campaign (47) by Alex Foster
12th  Prime Minister nearly blind (3) by The Voice
  LDV members’ survey (4): how you will vote in the race for party president (7) by Stephen Tall
  Is there anything more the party can do to turn the polls around? (102) by Stephen Tall
  Top of the Blogs: The Golden Dozen #86 (0) by Stephen Tall
13th  Vince: from Dr Doom to Mr Hope (2) by The Voice
  DLT: Henry George 1839-97 (33) by Dictionary of Liberal Thought
  LDV members’ survey (5): what you think of the Lib Dem shadow cabinet (0) by Stephen Tall
  42 Days defeated in House of Lords (3) by Stephen Tall
  The financial crisis: what will be the impact on Labour? (2) by Stephen Tall
  Former Tory PPC for Watford receives suspended prison sentence for hate campaign (9) by The Voice
14th  Sal Brinton on the sentencing of her former Tory opponent (6) by Sal Brinton
  The Sustainable Communities Act – at last an opportunity for liberal local government! (1) by Seth Thevoz
  Clegg: time for Government to cut taxes now (14) by The Voice
  Welcome back to Gavin Webb (4) by The Voice
  Are the Tories playing the expectations game? (6) by Stephen Tall
15th  Ten people who predicted the financial meltdown (36) by Alix Mortimer
  What we missed… (1) by Alix Mortimer
  John Cleese on Sarah Palin (6) by Alex Foster
  PMQs: Cable tackles Harman on unemployment and interest rates (4) by Stephen Tall
  Alexander: “Government is swiftly ditching its toxic policies” (1) by The Voice
16th  Should a Lib Dem be the next Commons speaker? (17) by Stephen Tall
  Has Obama sealed the deal? (And is that a good thing?) (14) by Stephen Tall
  BBC Question Time: open thread (11) by Stephen Tall
  Boris Johnson says get elected to make your voice heard in City Hall (4) by Helen Duffett
17th  Lembit: time for Lib Dems to stop the conspiracy against me (81) by Stephen Tall
  Steve Webb’s cream cake triumph (0) by Alex Foster
  Nick Clegg, Joanna Lumley, Gurkhas (2) by Alex Foster
  Why don’t liberals talk about morality? (38) by James Graham
  The Barack and John Show (1) by Richard Huzzey
  NEW POLL: should we have a televised leaders’ debate in the UK? (7) by Stephen Tall
18th  LDV readers say: police chiefs should not be chosen by the public (0) by Stephen Tall
  Nick Clegg “sidelined”? Erm, not quite Sam (13) by Stephen Tall
  Don’t forget to send in your Golden Dozen nominations (7) by Stephen Tall
  ComRes financial crisis poll: public not so impressed by Gordon’s (think Dave would have handled it worse) (37) by Stephen Tall
19th  Is Libertarianism bankrupt after the banking crisis? (71) by Richard Huzzey
  That Colin Powell Endorsement (3) by Richard Huzzey
20th  Six months on, what shape is Boris Johnson’s mayoralty in? (6) by Mike Tuffrey
  Forecasters say “UK recession has begun” (1) by Helen Duffett
  The Independent View: New clauses on abortion – a once-in-a generation opportunity for MPs (7) by Ann Furedi
  Opinion: Smoking and Liberty (95) by Darrell Goodliffe
  The polls: what, and who, to believe? (26) by Stephen Tall
21st  Oleg Deripaska and Conservative hypocrisy (31) by Mark Pack
  Top of the Blogs: The Golden Dozen #87 (4) by Stephen Tall
  The Independent View: Keep your good name safe – lock the fraudsters out (7) by Phil Booth
  Opinion: A Truly Liberal Vision for the Liberal Democrats (148) by Mark Littlewood
  Would President Obama call Paddy Ashdown to serve? (4) by Richard Huzzey
  More trouble for George Osborne (3) by Mark Pack
  This is what happens when you forget that private means private, George (3) by Stephen Tall
  Michael Howard slates John Redwood over financial regulation (4) by Mark Pack
22nd  Wake up to President Obama/McCain with the Welsh Lib Dems (1) by The Voice
  Opinion: Fighting the Euro-elections on European Issues (20) by Jonathan Fryer
  One in four trainee teachers struggles with simple spelling (13) by Mark Pack
  The Independent View: Broke Britain, not Broken Britain – have banks and the Government swindled the next generation? (4) by Dale Bassett
  CommentIsLinked@LDV: James Graham – ‘Party like it’s 1909’ (0) by The Voice
  Twittering away (0) by Mark Pack
  Atheist bus campaign: quick update (17) by Alex Foster
  PMQs: Nick tackles Gordon on pensioner fuel poverty (0) by Stephen Tall
  YouGov poll: Vince would be the best Chancellor for Britain right now (55) by Stephen Tall
23rd  Liberator’s Party President questionnaire (20) by Simon Titley
  Danny Alexander writes… our plan to fix the economy (19) by Danny Alexander MP
  Big Ben on Youtube (0) by Alex Foster
  Huhne refers Osborne to Electoral Commission; Baker refers Osborne to Parliamentary Standards Commissioner (4) by Stephen Tall
  BBC Question Time: Open Thread (14) by Stephen Tall
24th  Chris Huhne on how Cameron is getting it wrong on the economy (2) by Mark Pack
  Nick Clegg calls for change in electricity pricing (3) by Mark Pack
  Mike Smithson on why Lib Dem poll ratings vary so much (6) by Stephen Tall
  Full-body scanning at airports (1) by Mark Pack
  Labour cuts the number of days Parliament will sit to lowest figure since 1979 (5) by Mark Pack
  Phil Woolas claims he didn’t say what he did say, except he also says he did say it (4) by Mark Pack
  The Elephant Interviews… at last in Sheffield! (2) by Millennium Elephant
  Nick Clegg attacks Policy Exchange for “offensive” and “underhand” briefing (88) by Mark Pack
  Tories gain control of Harrogate after Lib Dem defection (4) by The Voice
  Lib Dem MPs divide on embryology bill free vote (19) by Stephen Tall
25th  Labour-run council edits out opposition councillor from its magazine (6) by Mark Pack
  Riso Monkey diary… Listening to EARS (20) by Lib Dem Riso Monkey
  BBC decides news reports should be true after all (1) by Mark Pack
  The impact of mobile phones on opinion polling (2) by Mark Pack
  Give holocaust-deniers ridicule, not martyrdom – Huhne (11) by Richard Huzzey
  Opinion: First they came for the Icelanders (6) by Richard Huzzey
26th  Three Electoral Commission investigations that could cause trouble for the Conservatives (UPDATED) (3) by Mark Pack
  Spotlight turns back to Peter Mandelson (0) by Mark Pack
  Praise for Don Foster’s stance on computer games (4) by Mark Pack
  Top of the Blogs: The Golden Dozen #88 (1) by Stephen Tall
  Tebbit backs Lib Dem Euro policy (23) by Stephen Tall
27th  Former Conservative Party chairman calls for extra state funding of political parties (2) by Mark Pack
  Catchup, 27th October (0) by Alex Foster
  SNP plans to make local income tax, er.., a bit local (3) by Mark Pack
  “The erotics of Lib Dem economic debate is a topic insufficiently explored” (1) by Mark Pack
  Wouldn’t it be nice if this was the future of political advertising? (3) by Mark Pack
  ICM and the Liberal Democrats (4) by Mark Pack
  No to e-voting, yes to e-voting (2) by Mark Pack
  Lib Dems are best at Maths (1) by The Voice
  When a resignation is not quite what it seems (3) by The Voice
  A tiny example of what’s wrong with the way our legislation is written (5) by Mark Pack
28th  NEW POLL: time to scrap the BBC licence fee? (103) by Stephen Tall
  Glenrothes update (0) by Alex Foster
  Opinion: Why Lib Dems should go on the National Climate March (6th Dec) (1) by Daniel Jones
  Myths about party membership (6) by Mark Pack
  US political yard signs: raising the stakes (2) by Helen Duffett
  YouTube take action against youth violence in films on its site (0) by Mark Pack
  Global Peace and Unity Conference: Pakistan news agency report (26) by Helen Duffett
  House of Commons debates combining local and European elections in 2009 (0) by Mark Pack
  SNP by-election candidate says he doesn’t want to be an MP for more than five years (0) by Mark Pack
29th  So, that’s why the Royal Mail is struggling… (0) by Mark Pack
  Car manufacturer vs hedge funds (0) by Mark Pack
  “People don’t have campaign headquarters anymore. They have websites now.” (5) by Helen Duffett
  Comment formatting 101 (16) by Alex Foster
  How will Chandila, Lembit and Ros improve Lib Dem membership? (9) by Richard Huzzey
  How I’ll improve Lib Dem membership – Lembit Opik (6) by Lembit Öpik
  How I’ll improve Lib Dem membership – Ros Scott (2) by Baroness Ros Scott
  How I’ll improve Lib Dem membership – Chandila Fernando (8) by Chandila Fernando
  Peter Mandelson refuses four times to answer key question over Oleg Deripaska (0) by Mark Pack
  PMQs: Nick tackles Gordon on wasteful public spending (5) by Stephen Tall
  Nadine Dorries and Sarah Palin (2) by Alex Foster
  LDV readers give overwhelming yes to televised leaders’ debates (3) by Stephen Tall
30th  Liberal Democrat Council intervenes as Labour Council bans “controversial opinions” from library (6) by Mark Pack
  Westminster Conservatives switch to UKIP (0) by Mark Pack
  What should you do when you find something interesting on the internet? (5) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: Time for a New Start (82) by David Allen
  Hello Guardian journalists! (5) by Mark Pack
  Andrew Gilligan: sockpuppeting? (5) by Helen Duffett
  BBC Question Time: open thread (11) by Stephen Tall
  Twitter, hashtags, electoral fraud and the US Presidential election (0) by Mark Pack
31st  Brand & Ross: there’s nothing more to see here, folks (20) by Stephen Tall
  Attorney General to investigate CIA and MI5 (0) by Mark Pack
  Three ways bloggers regularly beat traditional journalists when it comes to reporting standards (2) by Mark Pack
  “A scandal of mammoth proportions” – Vince Cable on Barclays Bank (12) by The Voice
  E-voting FAIL? A scary thought. (2) by Helen Duffett
  KB Linker – our keyword list (0) by Alex Foster
  The curious case of Nadine Dorries’s website traffic (14) by Mark Pack

Recent Comments

  • Mark ValladaresMark Valladares
    @ Nigel, Absolutely, enabling greater flexibility for employees (within reason) will instil greater loyalty to employers, aid in recruitment and retention, a...
  • Jonathan Calder
    We should certainly start talking about industrial democracy again and cooperatives too, but there remains an important role for trade unions in defending peopl...
  • David Warren
    @DavidSymonds is right, we need to be championing industrial democracy which was a key part of Liberal Party policy in the past. As for trade unions having s...
  • Paul R
    @Neil H - Yes, people do have officially issued government ID in many of those countries. It is not however mandatory for them to carry it in all such countries...
  • Jennie
    Oooo another member of the Jennie Club...