Monthly Archives: June 2008

1st  Labour’s lessons from Oxford (11) by Mark Pack
  US house prices fall sharply again (0) by Mark Pack
  Alan Duncan contradicts Henley Conservative by-election campaign (15) by Mark Pack
  A look back at the polls: May (21) by Stephen Tall
  Conservative MEP probed over £500,000 payment to family firm (1) by Mark Pack
2nd  Opinion: The Charge of the Lib Dem Brigade (42) by Paul Reynolds
  Are you using the party’s extranet? (0) by Mark Pack
  Nick Clegg on Iraq, tax, PR, Piers Morgan and more… (6) by Mark Pack
  Labour and the trade unions: is divorce on the agenda? (3) by Mark Pack
  Henley by-election: new BBC report (15) by Mark Pack
3rd  Yet more trouble for Conservative Henley by-election campaign (52) by Mark Pack
  The Independent View: Time for Lib Dems to seize educational reform agenda (6) by Elizabeth Truss and Laura Kounine
  Consumer power meets search engine optimisation (0) by Mark Pack
  Top of the Blogs: The Golden Dozen #67 (0) by Stephen Tall
  Second (and last) Labour councillor on Buckinghamshire switches (0) by Mark Pack
  The Elephant Interviews: Bloggers 4 Henley (2) by Millennium Elephant
  NEW POLL: do you support road pricing? (143) by Stephen Tall
4th  “Immigration hasn’t caused crime wave” (1) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: The Politeness of Freedom (A short essay on Political Correctness) (33) by John Dixon
  And they’re off… (19) by Mark Pack
  LDV Campaign: stop the big, mad database (23) by The Voice
  Top of the Blogs: The Dirty Dozen #5 (0) by Jonathan Calder
  Boris Johnson runs up £465,000 bill to help settle in to new job (0) by Mark Pack
  PMQs: Nick tackles Gordon on Zimbabwe (9) by Stephen Tall
  Obama v. McCain: judge for yourselves (1) by Stephen Tall
5th  Liberalise or die! (29) by Simon Titley
  “Tory ‘sleazebuster’ channelled funds to own firm” (5) by Mark Pack
  Conservative leader to quit over expenses scandal (4) by Mark Pack
  Nick Clegg on education (23) by Alix Mortimer
  That Michael Brown donation. Again. (Yawn). (16) by Stephen Tall
  BBC Question Time: open thread (26) by Stephen Tall
6th  Gordon Brown and the case of mistaken identity (0) by Mark Pack
  Second Conservative MEP quits over expenses scandal (3) by The Voice
  Has Boris Johnson ditched a pre-election airport promise? (2) by Mark Pack
  Conservative expenses scandals spread (23) by The Voice
7th  Mark Oaten’s three-point test for ‘scandal’ resignations (19) by Stephen Tall
  Where do you stand on road pricing? (15) by Stephen Tall
  Polls closing early in Henley by-election? (0) by Mark Pack
  Conservatives and money: what the Sunday papers bring (0) by Mark Pack
8th  Nick Clegg: “Long live the pound” (11) by Tim Leunig
  Boris Johnson forgets his £465,000 bill for consultants (0) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: Votes at 16 (8) by Alex Folkes
  Top of the Blogs: The Golden Dozen #68 (8) by Stephen Tall
  Something for the Weekend: UK Visa Versa (1) by Will Howells
9th  “Ten Green Bloggers sitting in a Room” (74) by Steve Webb MP
  DLT: Institute of Economic Affairs (0) by Dictionary of Liberal Thought
  Seven Tories face sleaze probes (9) by Mark Pack
10th  Top Labour councillor joins Liberal Democrats in Ashfield (3) by The Voice
  Weekly Catchup (0) by Alex Foster
  Key communications staff to leave Lib Dems (0) by Stephen Tall
  GMB cuts funding for 35 Labour MPs (3) by Mark Pack
  Beating Labour and the Diversity Agenda (24) by Reuben Thompson
  Child poverty up – again (9) by Mark Pack
  Top Lib Dem media tarts: March – May 2008 (1) by Stephen Tall
  Localism: it’s all Balls to Labour (1) by Stephen Tall
11th  Chris Huhne writes… 42 days is not the answer to terrorism (17) by Chris Huhne MP
  +++ Government win 42 days (7) by Alex Foster
  PMQs: Nick tackles Gordon on 42 days (0) by Stephen Tall
  Henley Howell’s developer links (9) by Alex Foster
  42 days: what do Conservatives really think? (18) by Stephen Tall
  Forget about the DUP: the 42 days vote is Labour’s ‘pork barrel’ shame (36) by Stephen Tall
12th  Preview: Building Liberal Communities (0) by Alex Foster
  David Cameron versus the Conservative Party, again (10) by Mark Pack
  Abortion and terrorism (1) by Mark Pack
  The Spectator’s verdict on Conservative sleaze (0) by Mark Pack
  David Davis quits as MP to force 42 days by-election (61) by The Voice
  The David Davis resignation: what it means (113) by Stephen Tall
  What’s going on in the Conservative Party? (7) by Mark Pack
  NEW POLL: should the Lib Dems stand in Haltemprice & Howden? (30) by Stephen Tall
  Lib Dem candidate in Haltemprice & Howden speaks out (28) by The Voice
  Simon Hughes: why the Lib Dems will not stand against David Davis (47) by The Voice
  Question Time: open thread (12) by Alix Mortimer
13th  What the papers say about David Davis (7) by Mark Pack
  What do party members in Haltemprice & Howden think? (7) by The Voice
  Down and dirty with the tabloid press (32) by Alix Mortimer
  Congrats to Iain Dale! (8) by Alex Foster
  What does the Irish “No” vote mean for Europe? (66) by Ed Davey
14th  Arise, Sir Alan! (7) by Stephen Tall
  Something for the Weekend: The Sun Goes Down (1) by Will Howells
  Four pieces of mostly unconnected news (13) by Mark Pack
15th  Opinion: Why we should stand against David Davis (58) by Darrell Goodliffe
  Davis: I quit to stop Tory U-turn on 42 days (6) by Stephen Tall
  The most unlikely by-election candidate suggestion so far (6) by Mark Pack
  More trouble for Caroline Spelman as story changes (1) by Mark Pack
  Nick Clegg on 42 days and David Davis (1) by Mark Pack
  Building Liberal Communities (1) by Alex Foster
16th  Why the EU is losing the argument (52) by Stephen Tall
  Building Liberal Communities 2 (1) by Alex Foster
  Nick Clegg on education (7) by Mark Pack
  Mugabe’s achilles heel is his wallet (4) by Mark Pack
  Opinion: Blue Skies Thinking (17) by John Pugh
  Bournemouth Conference – preliminary agenda published (1) by Duncan Brack
  Henley by-election campaign ups pressure over developer links (7) by Mark Pack
17th  David Davis: Why I think Clegg called it right (just about) (34) by Stephen Tall
  Building Liberal Communities 3 (1) by Alex Foster
  Caroline Spelman has puzzled me (2) by Mark Pack
  Sensitive files stolen from Hazel Blears’s office (6) by Mark Pack
  Revealed: Lib Dem voters’ views on the EU (33) by Stephen Tall
  Only 40% of Labour grassroots are sure they want Gordon Brown to fight the next general election (3) by Mark Pack
18th  Top of the Blogs: The Golden Dozen #69 (0) by Stephen Tall
  Opinion: Magna culpa (135) by Laurence Boyce
  Shock, horror, surprise: I bet you weren’t expecting this (10) by Mark Pack
  PMQs: Nick tackles Gordon on fuel poverty (1) by Stephen Tall
19th  Clegg: green firms should get rebates (7) by Alix Mortimer
  Who’s behind YouGov’s Lib Dem presidency poll? (25) by Stephen Tall
  David Cameron runs into cycling trouble yet again (11) by Mark Pack
  More trouble for the Tories in Henley (10) by Mark Pack
  Boris Johnson blunders over Olympics costs (0) by Mark Pack
  BBC Question Time: open thread (8) by Stephen Tall
20th  Cameron threatens to sue over Henley leaflet (yeah, right) (10) by Stephen Tall
  Grant Shapps plays a by-election blinder (1) by Mark Pack
  A quick political quiz for you (48) by Mark Pack
  Should Boris Johnson’s Forensic Audit Panel be auditing itself? (0) by Mark Pack
21st  Opinion: The next steps for the EU (4) by Thomas Hemsley
  Total Politics website launches… (1) by Mark Pack
  MEP arrested by police (7) by Mark Pack
22nd  Labour heads for financial meltdown (0) by Mark Pack
  A new film from Henley (0) by Mark Pack
  MDC pulls out of Zimbabwe elections (1) by Mark Pack
  Today’s Conservative troubles round-up (UPDATED) (13) by Mark Pack
  Top of the Blogs: The Golden Dozen #70 (0) by Stephen Tall
  Something for the Weekend: Here is the news (6) by Will Howells
23rd  Clegg’s foreign affairs vision (20) by Alex Foster
  What do you do with a problem like Gordon? (6) by Stephen Tall
  NEW POLL: will Gordon Brown last for another year? (8) by Stephen Tall
  Lib Dem Voice readers: 61% say Clegg was right over David Davis (1) by Stephen Tall
24th  Smithson’s view: So what’s the betting on Henley? (32) by Mike Smithson
  Sir Cyril Smith on his 80th! (1) by David Hennigan
  Philip Lardner suspended by Conservatives (3) by Mark Pack
  Conservative troubles in Henley: today’s round-up (17) by Mark Pack
  Is James Purnell the man to take on the Tories for Labour? (8) by Stephen Tall
25th  Three Labour Parliamentarians and their money problems: update (2) by Mark Pack
  Mugabe stripped of knighthood (0) by Stephen Tall
  PMQs: Nick tackles Gordon on the Gurkhas (1) by Stephen Tall
  Telegraph: Tory MPs ‘still overwhelmingly Thatcherite’ (25) by Stephen Tall
26th  Osborne revealed (8) by Stephen Tall
  Indy: the arms lobbyist and the Lib Dem peer (14) by Stephen Tall
  Henley by-election: open (speculation) thread (63) by Stephen Tall
  Lynne welcomes new Equalities Bill (6) by Stephen Tall
  BBC Question Time: open thread (4) by Stephen Tall
27th  Chris Rennard on the Henley result (83) by The Voice
  What does Henley mean for the Lib Dems? (41) by Stephen Tall
  Arms lobbyist loses Lib Dem peer Parliamentary pass (0) by Stephen Tall
  Not had your fill of Henley analysis yet? (45) by Stephen Tall
  Anthony Wells on ‘What happened to Labour’ (7) by Stephen Tall
  Chris Rennard writes about the Henley result… (110) by Chris Rennard
28th  Nick Clegg criticises Heniz for pulling advert (10) by Mark Pack
  Scottish Labour leader quits (10) by Mark Pack
  What would you do in Glasgow East? (95) by Alex Foster
29th  Nick Clegg on ‘The Big Idea’ (26) by The Voice
  Something for the Weekend: Shame, Shame, Shame (2) by Will Howells
30th  Bumper catchup (5) by Alex Foster
  But Mr Gladstone, are you local enough? (18) by Gwyn Griffiths
  Opinion: Social mobility – we can make a difference (10) by Martin Narey
  Top of the Blogs: The Golden Dozen #71 (7) by Stephen Tall
  Prison overcrowding (10) by Alex Foster

Recent Comments

  • Mark ValladaresMark Valladares
    @ Nigel, Absolutely, enabling greater flexibility for employees (within reason) will instil greater loyalty to employers, aid in recruitment and retention, a...
  • Jonathan Calder
    We should certainly start talking about industrial democracy again and cooperatives too, but there remains an important role for trade unions in defending peopl...
  • David Warren
    @DavidSymonds is right, we need to be championing industrial democracy which was a key part of Liberal Party policy in the past. As for trade unions having s...
  • Paul R
    @Neil H - Yes, people do have officially issued government ID in many of those countries. It is not however mandatory for them to carry it in all such countries...
  • Jennie
    Oooo another member of the Jennie Club...